Bike Patrol

Bike Patrol

The Connecticut State Capitol Police Department Bike Patrol Squad was formed in 2003 thanks to the efforts of Chief William Morgan and Officer First Class Mark Baldwin.

Bike Patrol Squad members are selected by the Chief of Police, and receive specialized training during a week-long

International Police Mountain Bike Association class, including all-terrain riding, officer safety tactics and bicycle repair.

Because of their high visibility, members of the Bike Patrol Squad play a significant role in fostering and maintaining positive relationships between the police, the legislative community and the public.

The Bike Patrol Squad focuses on assisting the public, crime prevention, deterrent patrol checks and special event assistance. The Bike Patrol allows for greater visibility and faster response for service.

In addition to regular patrol functions around the Capitol Campus, the Bike Patrol Squad has also assisted other Police Departments through the regional mutual aid compact. In addition, members have ridden in multiple UCONN men’s and women’s basketball National Championship celebration parades, and in the Connecticut Day Parade at the Big E.

The department currently owns a combination of both Smith & Wesson and Specialized Hard Disc 29er police package mountain bikes. Each bike is equipped with LED light systems, and is designed to withstand the rigors of police patrol work. Officer Todd Tranter has received specialized training in bicycle maintenance and repair, and routinely services the fleet.

The Bike Patrol Office was completed in 2005, making it fully functional for repairs and storage of the bikes and equipment. As part of our community involvement we offer assistance and the amenities of our Bike patrol office to our staff members that cycle, should they encounter problems with their bicycles.

Bike Patrol Commander:

Lieutenant Jonathan Sylvester: 

Bike Patrol Supervisor:

Sergeant Timothy Boyle: 

Bike Patrol Squad Members
  • Lieutenant Gregory Wimble
  • Sergeant Timothy Boyle
  • Sergeant Erica O’Connor
  • Corporal Marcos Massa
  • Corporal Curtis Sinatro
  • Corporal Ryan Wilson
  • Officer First Class Gino Giansanti
  • Officer First Class Michael Bermudez
  • Officer First Class Philip Caseria
  • Officer Peter Devin
  • Officer First Class James Giansanti
  • Officer First Class Drew O’Connor
  • Officer First Class Todd Tranter
  • Security Tech Daniel Gilhuly
  • Security Tech Darrin Tranter
  • Security Tech Ron Ferrucci
  • Security Tech Eric Rocheleau
  • Security Tech Michael Fusco

© State Capitol Police | Connecticut

Connecticut General Assembly

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