Recent Publications
Office of Health Strategy Benchmarking Process
2024-R-0131This report answers several questions about the Office of Health Strategy's (OHS) annual cost growth benchmarking process.
Legislation Related to Hartford Flooding
2024-R-0129This report summarizes legislation from 2023 and 2024 establishing programs to help North Hartford residents impacted by sewer system flooding.
Mandatory Property Tax Relief for Homeowners
2024-R-0126This report describes the property tax relief municipalities must provide to eligible homeowners (i.e., mandatory programs).
Payments to the Insurance Fund
2024-R-0125This report provides an overview of assessments and fees insurers and related entities pay into Connecticut's Insurance Fund, including who pays them, what they cover, and when they began being paid from the fund.
Program on Regulations, Therapeutics, and Law (PORTAL)
2024-R-0123This report answers several questions about the Harvard Program on Regulations, Therapeutics, and Law (PORTAL).
Recent Changes to Connecticut's Telehealth Law
2024-R-0122This report describes recent changes to Connecticut's requirements for the delivery and insurance coverage of telehealth services, as enacted in PA 24-110.
Legislation Passed From 2015-2024 Concerning Criminal Justice
2024-R-0120This report summarizes legislation passed in the past 10 years concerning criminal justice in the areas of (1) juvenile justice, (2) crimes and penalties, (3) sentencing, and (4) release from incarceration.
Legislation Passed From 2015-2024 on Law Enforcement Officers' Powers and Responsibilities
2024-R-0119This report identifies and briefly summarizes the laws enacted by the Connecticut General Assembly in the last 10 years that had general applicability to multiple law enforcement officer types and specifically regulated their powers and responsibilities when investigating and addressing violations of the law.
Local Option Property Tax Relief Programs for Homeowners
2024-R-0118This report describes the state's local option property tax relief programs for homeowners.
Universal Health Coverage for Children
2024-R-0117This report identifies (1) the five states with the lowest levels of uninsured children and how programs in these states compare with Connecticut's medical assistance programs and (2) whether any states offer universal health coverage for children, regardless of income, through Medicaid or other mechanisms, such as a public option.