Recent Publications
Questions on the New Property Tax Exemption for Veterans With a P&T Disability Rating
2024-R-0124This report answers questions about the new property tax exemption for veterans who have a service-connected permanent and total (P&T) disability rating.
Absentee Voting Process and Voter Identification Requirements
2024-R-0112This report explains voter identification requirements involved in the absentee voting process.
State Laws on Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering
2024-R-0110This report summarizes Connecticut's laws on (1) asset forfeiture related to criminal activity and (2) money laundering.
Noise Restrictions for Motor Vehicles
2024-R-0106This report provides information on the maximum allowable decibel levels and other noise-related restrictions for motor vehicles under state law.
Service Animals and Registration
2024-R-0090This report explains which animals qualify as service animals under the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Connecticut laws protecting their use in public places.
Regulation of Cottage Food Businesses in the Northeast
2024-R-0087This report describes (1) Connecticut's cottage food licensing regulations; (2) the legislative history of Connecticut's annual gross sales cap and related requirements; and (3) New York's and other New England states' sales thresholds and related limitations.
Connecticut's Opioid Drug Abuse Laws
2024-R-0085This report describes Connecticut's opioid drug abuse laws.
Minors Voting in Municipal Elections
2024-R-0080This report describes states that authorize minors to vote in municipal elections, and how municipalities have implemented these provisions.
Power Outage Compensation
2024-R-0059This report describes Connecticut's requirements for electric distribution companies to compensate customers for expenses related to a power outage.
Beverage Container Redemption Fraud
2024-R-0055This report describes (1) Connecticut's law prohibiting interstate beverage container redemption fraud and (2) similar laws in other states.