Committee on Children: RBA Children's Report Card
All Connecticut children grow up in a stable living environment, safe, healthy, and prepared to lead successful lives.
Welcome to the CT Kids Report Card, a Results-Based Accountability tool developed and maintained by the legislature's Committee on Children in accordance with Public Act 11-109. The report card, presented utilizing Results Scorecard software from Results Leadership Group (RLG), currently contains trend data on indicators that have been selected to measure progress towards the achievement of The CT Kid’s Report Card Results Statement: “All Connecticut children grow up in a stable living environment, safe, healthy, and prepared to lead successful lives”.
Whenever possible, trend data is presented with a narrative, known as the “Story Behind the Curve”, which is intended to contextualize why the trend data looks the way it does. Forecast values are utilized to depict how the trend is expected to continue into the future if action is not taken. Many indicators also have been disaggregated to provide a deeper look at data trends for different demographics. These disaggregations can be viewed by selecting ‘Toggle Comparison’ between each indicator’s graph and above the Story Behind the Curve section. Once clicked, these disaggregations will be displayed in different colored lines that are associated with detailed disaggregation, which may include race, sex, age range, English Language Learner (ELL)/Disability Status, etc. Disaggregations can be viewed as either a line graph or a bar graph. This option can be found by clicking on the button to the right of ‘Toggle Comparison’ which will appear as either ‘Bar Chart’ or ‘Line Chart’.
The CT Kids Report Card is intended to be a policy tool that can help legislators, service providers, and the public track the state of the Connecticut’s children, and inform budget, management, and planning decisions. The strategies section under each indicator displays actions that have been suggested by CT Kid’s Report Card Stakeholders as potential ways to improve outcomes for Connecticut children.
We appreciate the ongoing support of our Leadership Committee, Working Group Members and our many partners at state agencies and in the community who make the presentation of these data possible. Data hosted in the CT Kid’s Report Card is state level data. Town or district level data can be found on a number of open data sites, including: the CT Open Data Portal, CT Data Collaborative and CT State Data Center (UConn).
We invite you to send us your feedback at, Email: CTKidsReportCard

The stable domain includes a number of indicators related to children growing up in a stable environment, and is reflective of dimensions of a stable family: adequate family income, affordable housing, parental engagement, and child resilience.

The safe domain includes a number of indicators related to a child’s safety that are reflective of behaviors, life circumstances, and environment. Addressing household and health needs as early as possible is critical to keeping children safe, in school, and out of the juvenile justice system.

The healthy domain includes a number of indicators related to child health that are reflective of prenatal care, medical care, nutrition, environmental factors and behavioral health.

The future success domain includes a number of indicators related to educational milestones, employment readiness and economic well-being.