Committee on Children
The Committee on Children shall have cognizance of all matters relating to children.
Committee on Children
- State Capitol Building, Room 011
- Hartford, CT 06106
- (860) 240-0370
- Submit Public Hearing Testimony
- Please be aware that all submitted testimony is public record. Depending upon the information you supply, this may reveal some or all of the following: Email address, physical address, phone number, name, age, and other personal information. All submissions are uploaded and linked on the Connecticut General Assembly website. All public hearing testimony, written and spoken, is public information. As such, it will be made available on the CGA website and indexed by Internet search engines.
Public Hearing Testimony and Other Written Submissions
Please be aware that all submitted testimony is public record. Depending upon the information you supply, this may reveal some or all of the following: Email address, physical address, phone number, name, age, and other personal information. All submissions are uploaded and linked on the Connecticut General Assembly website.
All public hearing testimony, written and spoken, is public information. As such, it will be made available on the CGA website and indexed by Internet search engines.
Related Information and Forums
Breifings and Updates
- Appropriations Committee and Committee on Children Joint Progress Report on Public Act 13-178 - July 24, 2014
- Commissioner Joette Katz - Department of Children and Families Legislative Briefing, February 20, 2014
- Commissioner Joette Katz - Department of Children and Families Legislative Briefing, January 24, 2013
- DCF Progress Report on Development of Children's Behavioral Plan - July 24, 2014
- Department of Children and Families - PA 13-178 Progress Report to CT State Legislature on a Statewide Children’s Mental Health Plan - July 24, 2014
- Department of Developmental Services - PA 13-78 Connecticut Birth to Three System Update - July 24, 2014
Mental Health Crisis Forum
Testimony - Children Committee Informational Hearing on Short Term Assessment and Respite (STAR) Home in Harwinton operated by Bridge Family Center
Informational Hearing on the State's Religious Exemption
- Connecticut Department of Public Health presentation
- Informational Hearing on the State's Religious Exemption; Agenda
- School Immunization Survey Brief 05.16.2019
- Testimony Heather Straunch
- Testimony Joan Nogueira
- Testimony Lynne Stanton
- The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia; Vaccine Education Center, Facts About Childhood Vaccines
- Testimony (10)
- Testimony (2)
- Testimony (3)
- Testimony (4)
- Testimony (5)
- Testimony (6)
- Testimony (7)
- Testimony (8)
- Testimony (9)
- Testimony A.L.
- Testimony Aimee Allaire
- Testimony Amanda Rodriguez
- Testimony Amie Bentley
- Testimony Amy Mrowka
- Testimony Amy
- Testimony Andrew O
- Testimony Ann Walsh
- Testimony Ariana Rawls Fine
- Testimony Ariel Vellani
- Testimony Barbara R
- Testimony Bonnie Roman
- Testimony Brittany Kilburn
- Testimony Brittney Edo
- Testimony Bryn Chandler
- Testimony Casey Russo
- Testimony Catherine Ambrose
- Testimony Chris Burns
- Testimony Christina Boisits-O'Keefe
- Testimony Christine Ulicki
- Testimony Corrie Fisher
- Testimony Cynthia K
- Testimony D Johnson
- Testimony Dan P
- Testimony Denise Lusitani
- Testimony Diana Waller
- Testimony Dorothy Vecchio
- Testimony Dottie DeLuca
- Testimony Dr. Jacqueline Flynn
- Testimony Dr. Jason Jenkins
- Testimony Dr. Jessica
- Testimony Dr. Matthew Paterna
- Testimony Dr. Michael Geis D.O
- Testimony EA
- Testimony Elissa Rader
- Testimony Elizabeth & Michael DiDomenic
- Testimony Elizabeth Williams
- Testimony Enrique Velilla
- Testimony Erin A
- Testimony Eva Jimenez
- Testimony Faith Rose
- Testimony Gina Consiglio
- Testimony Heather Hendricks
- Testimony Heather Strauch
- Testimony Ian Cadieu
- Testimony Janice Pena
- Testimony Jenn
- Testimony Jennifer and Aaron Benham
- Testimony Jennifer Hartley Saunders
- Testimony Jennifer Kraft
- Testimony Jennifer Shafer
- Testimony Jennifer Tress
- Testimony Jennifer
- Testimony Jessica Cadieu
- Testimony Jessica Stewart
- Testimony Jessica Y
- Testimony Joan Nogueira
- Testimony Joanne Consiglio
- Testimony Jocelyn H
- Testimony John W. Fonfara Letter
- Testimony Julie M
- Testimony Katy H
- Testimony Kim Brown
- Testimony Kristina Jankowski
- Testimony Lina Schlotter
- Testimony Lindsey Laszewski
- Testimony Lindy Urso
- Testimony Lisa williams
- Testimony Lorie C
- Testimony Lynne Stanton
- Testimony Marcie Reid
- Testimony Margaret Kozlark
- Testimony Mari C
- Testimony Maria Hong
- Testimony Megan Belval
- Testimony Melissa Tulisano
- Testimony Meredith Neilson
- Testimony Michael Moga
- Testimony Michael Wofsey
- Testimony Nadia S. Marroquin-Collado
- Testimony Nancy Dean
- Testimony Nicole Buono
- Testimony Nyla Tresser (2)
- Testimony Nyla Tresser
- Testimony oppose elimination of religious exemptions 2019
- Testimony Pazet Edelman
- Testimony Peter Haddad
- Testimony Priscilla Escobar
- Testimony Russell A. Morin
- Testimony Samantha Dill
- Testimony Sandra Gregory
- Testimony Sarah Winiarski (2)
- Testimony Sarah Winiarski
- Testimony Stacey Gorman
- Testimony Stephanie O'Brien
- Testimony Steven Enlingheuser
- Testimony Susan Madison
- Testimony Susan Toth
- Testimony Suzanne Chester
- Testimony Tammy Hopkins
- Testimony Tatiana Lukyanova (2)
- Testimony Tatiana Lukyanova
- Testimony Tatiane Roberts
- Testimony Theresa Deisher PhD
- Testimony Victoria Lawlor
- Testimony
December 19, 2018 CT Kids Report Card Leadership Committee Meeting
Informational Forum regarding investigations of Albert J. Solnit Children's Center
- Barrins Assoc 8-11-18 Consultation
- Barrins Assoc 8-28-18 Findings & Recommendations
- Barrins Assoc 9-20-18 Findings & Recommendations
- Barrins Assoc Rpt Nursing Consultation 9-19-18
- Beacon Health PRTF QM Outline 9-21-18
- DCF Solnit South Superintendent Response
- DPH Corrective Action Outline
- DPH Statement
- DPH-Children's Committee DCF Solnit South
- DSS Statement for the Committee on Children
- Federal PRTF Regulations
- OCA.SolnitS.Leg.Report.9.26.2018
- Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities Citations and Definitions
Informational Forum on Homeschooling and Communication
Informational Forum on Alternative Treatments for Opioid Addiction
February 23, 2017 Committee Meeting Handouts
February 14, 2017 Committee Meeting Handouts
January 26, 2017 Committee Meeting Handouts
Committee on Children & Public Health Committee Forum Re Lead Screening in Children
February 9, 2016 Committee Meeting Handouts
February 4, 2016 Committee Meeting Handouts
Committee on Children’s Progress Report Meeting on the Connecticut Juvenile Training School (CJTS) and Pueblo Unit Strategic Action Plan
Informational Forum on the July 31, 2014 Child Fatality Report
Appropriations Committee and Committee on Children - Report on PA 13-178 Implementation Plan
October 1, 2014
- Agenda
- Children's Behavioral Health Plan Executive Summary
- CT Children's Behavioral Health Plan October 2014
- Presentation - Charlene Russell-Tucker, Chief Operating Officer, CSDE
- Remarks - Hon. Bernadette Conway, Chief Administrative Judge, Juvenile Matters
- The National Academies Report Brief - October 2009
Public Act 13-178 Implementation
October 1, 2014
- Agenda
- Children's Behavioral Health Plan Executive Summary
- CT Children's Behavioral Health Plan October 2014
- Presentation - Charlene Russell-Tucker, Chief Operating Officer, CSDE
- Remarks - Hon. Bernadette Conway, Chief Administrative Judge, Juvenile Matters
- The National Academies Report Brief - October 2009
July 24, 2014
- Appropriations Committee and Committee on Children Joint Progress Report on Public Act 13-178
- DCF - PA 13-178 Progress Report on the Development of a Statewide Children's Behavioral Health Plan
- DCF - PA 13-178 Progress Report to CT State Legislature on a Statewide Children's Mental Health Plan
- Department of Developmental Services -PA 12-178 Connecticut Birth to Three System Update
Informational Forum on Child Fatality
July 31, 2014
Reach Out and Read
January 28, 2014
Committee on Children, Education Committee, Human Services Committee Joint Informational Forum RE Waterbury Truancy Clinic
May 3, 2013
Toxic Chemicals and Children's Health Public Forum, Fairfield University
February 28, 2013
- Amanda J. Wendt, Trumbull CT
- Amanda Zeitlin, Westport CT
- David R. Brown Sc.D., Westport CT
- Doug Sutherland, Trumbull CT
- Driving Innovation, Center for International Environmental Law
- Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals 2012, World Health Organization
- Genetically Modified Foods for Fairfield County Beat
- Mount Sinai, Icahn School of Medicine
- Peter McKnight, Sierra Club
- Rhonda Sherwood, Darien CT
- Tanya Murphy, Westport CT
- Tara Cook-Littman, Fairfield CT (Attachment Guide)
- Tara Cook-Littman, Fairfield CT (Attachment) (1)
- Tara Cook-Littman, Fairfield CT (Attachment) (2)
- Tara Cook-Littman, Fairfield CT (Attachment) (3)
- Tara Cook-Littman, Fairfield CT (Attachment) (4)
- Tara Cook-Littman, Fairfield CT (Attachment) (5)
- Tara Cook-Littman, Fairfield CT (Attachment) (6)
- Tara Cook-Littman, Fairfield CT
- UN, WHO Report, Environmental Health News
- Zena Richter, Darien CT (HB 6332)
- Zena Richter, Darien CT
Joint Informational Hearing on Mandated Reporters of Child Abuse
January 24, 2012
- Agenda
- Anna Doroghazi, CT Sexual Assult Crisis Services, Inc
- Center for Children's Advocacy
- Comments of Commissioner Joette Katz, Dept. of Children & Families
- Commissioner Katz, Mandated Reporter Training
- DRAFT UConn Child Abuse & Neglect Reporting Policy
- Elizabeth A Conklin, UConn Office of Diversity and Equity
- Emily Todd & Millie Cunningham Cntr. for Youth Leadership
- Judith Greiman Testimony, CT Conf. of Independent Colleges
- Michelle Cruz, Esq. Victim Advocate, Office of Victim Advocate
- Nicole Fournier Gelston, UConn
- Sarah Healy Eagan, Center for Children's Advocacy
Invitational Forum on Animal Cruelty
Informational Forum on Autism
Joint Informational Forum on Grandparents Rights to Visit Grandchildren
Human Services and Select Committee on Children Joint Forums on the Department of Children and Families
December 18, 2008
- Agenda
- Testimony - Aimee Dutkiewicz
- Testimony - Alesia Maltz, Ph.D
- Testimony - Alicia Woodsby, NAMI CT
- Testimony - Arlene Lucian
- Testimony - Barbara Sheldon
- Testimony - Cheri Bragg Keep the Promise Coalition
- Testimony - Christine Rapillo, Office of Chief Public Defender
- Testimony - D.C
- Testimony - Darcy Lowell, M.D
- Testimony - Deborah Ericksen
- Testimony - Deborah Stevenson
- Testimony - Donna Miller
- Testimony - Eileen Bronko
- Testimony - Elizabeth A. Tapester
- Testimony - Elizabeth Slezak
- Testimony - Janice Andersen
- Testimony - John Kelley, Children in Placement
- Testimony - Kimberly Castro
- Testimony - Laura DeAngelo
- Testimony - Linda Holden
- Testimony - Lisa Lessard
- Testimony - Mark Schaefer, DSS
- Testimony - Mary Lou Hill
- Testimony - Michael Mackniak Guardian Ad Litem Services
- Testimony - Michelle Scarlett
- Testimony - Molly Cole State Advisory Council DCF
- Testimony - Nancy Andrews
- Testimony - Noelle Talevi Citizens Comm on Human Rights of CT
- Testimony - Patricia Sabato
- Testimony - Paul Norton
- Testimony - Phyllis Parmelee
- Testimony - Richard Liburdi Riverview Hospital
- Testimony - Ruth White National Center for Housing and Child Welfare
- Testimony - Sheila Matthews Ablechild
- Testimony - Susan I. Hamilton, Commissioner, DCF
- Testimony - Tawana Bourne
- Testimony - Tenisha Baker
- Testimony - Terry Edelstein CCPA
- Testimony - Theresa Nicholson CRT
- Testimony - Thomas Burr, NAMI CT
- Testimony - Thomas Gilman
- Testimony - Tina Parter
December 5, 2008
- Agenda
- Testimony - Anne Louise Blanchard, Connecticut Legal Services
- Testimony - Irv Jennings, Family and Children's Aid, Inc
- Testimony - Jamey Bell, CT Voices for Children
- Testimony - Karen Foley-Schain, State of CT Children's Trust Fund
- Testimony - Liz Brown, Commission on Children
- Testimony - Martha Stone, Center for Children's Advocacy
- Testimony - Mary Ellen Hass, Child Welfare-Adoption for Family & Children's
November 13, 2008
October 20, 2008
- Agenda
- DCF Legislative Briefing Booklet
- DCF Progress Report
- DCF Table of Organization
- KID Committee Hearing Transcript
- Testimony - Jeanne Milstein, Child Advocate
- Testimony - Richard Blumenthal, Attorney General
- Testimony - Robert Genuario, Secretary, OPM
- Testimony - Susan Hamilton, DCF Commissioner