Domestic Violence Offender Program Standards Advisory Council

Sec. 19 of PA 15-211: Established a Domestic Violence Offender Program Standards Advisory Council. The Council shall promulgate, review and, as needed, update and amend the domestic violence offender program standards that were presented to the Criminal Justice Policy Advisory Committee on September 25, 2014.


Domestic Violence Offender Program Standards Advisory Council
  • c/o Judiciary Committee
  • Legislative Office Building, Room 2500
  • Hartford, CT 06106

  •   DVACcomment
  • The Domestic Violence Offender Program Standards Advisory Council is soliciting comments regarding the current CT Domestic Violence Offender Program Standards. The comment period will begin on Oct. 1, 2015 and extend through Oct. 31, 2015. The purpose of the comment period is for the Advisory Council to gather important information and opinions from the public regarding the standards as well as the implementation within the criminal justice system. All comments are for use by the Advisory Council within the existing statutory charge. All comments received will be in the public domain so confidentiality cannot be extended to submissions.
  Membership List
