Former Interns

Florence Ojide (2024) Pursuing law school
University of Connecticut
My time as an intern at the Connecticut General Assembly has been transformative. Before this internship, I had little understanding of legislation, how sessions worked, or even the basics of the legislative processes. Initially, I struggled to see how my skills and passion for social media could be applied in this environment. However, being placed in the House Democratic Office was a turning point. I worked closely with legislators to plan and promote events that aligned with the positive messages they aimed to convey to their constituents. By utilizing platforms like TikTok and Instagram, I was able to merge my passion for social media with the goals of the internship, promoting it in a positive and engaging way. Alongside these experiences, I gained invaluable connections that will support my growth in public advocacy and strengthen my passion for law. The internship also offered educational opportunities, such as tracking bills I was interested in, networking with Connecticut agencies, and having my bill poster project featured at the Old State House. This journey has also allowed me to build lasting friendships with fellow students across the state who share my passions, making the experience even more rewarding.

Arthur Newberg, (2023) Selectman, Town of Derby, Connecticut
University of Connecticut
I can't understate how useful the legislative research aspect of the program has been in my work as an Alderman. Last week, all the Alders received a memo about a blighted rental property with major building concerns (i.e. 2x4 studs being used to support the whole building), but the tenant was refusing to leave so the owner could remediate the issue. The Chief of Staff expressed how she was at a loss on how to get the property fixed without the landlord having to go through a lengthy eviction process. Corporation Counsel was given the memo but hadn't investigated it at the time, so using my own CGA Intern skills, I was able to pinpoint where in the CGS some answers could be and was able to identify a specific section that could prove useful and drafted an email explaining it to the Chief of Staff, which was well received!

Danielle Landes, Student President, CCSU Political Science Club
Central Connecticut State University
My experience was a little different from other interns. Starting on the first day I had the opportunity to sit in on a one-on-one meeting between my legislator and a member of the public advocating for other people. I watched as my legislator broke down the problems that were being described and showed the advocate the difficulties involved in the solutions while still listening and caring about what the advocate said. This would continue throughout my internship experience, the legislator I worked for in the Spring of 2024 and their team worked tirelessly to make sure that they were hearing as many voices from the public as possible while also working within the boundaries of the state budget. Through this experience I have learned how to help the public interact with the legislature in a way that is respectful and considerate to everyone involved. By giving tours to high school students, I was able to listen to their needs and put them in contact with people who could help them. My time at the CGA drove me to become the President of the Political Science Club at CCSU, where I’m working to help first time voters get registered and become engaged in the political landscape that they are a part of.

Kyle Thaxton, Executive Secretary, Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection
Southern Connecticut State University
The Connecticut General Assembly Legislative Internship Program played a key role in expanding my understanding of what public service career opportunities existed in state government. Prior to the program, I had no sense of direction of what I wanted to do after finishing up my degree. However, the constituent services and committee work I performed, the leadership qualities I developed in the program's annual Mock Session, and the unique networking, mentoring, and programming opportunities I experienced all led me to join the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection as Executive Secretary to Commissioner Bryan Cafferelli. Now, I am serving the state of Connecticut in a full-time capacity, transferring all that I learned from my internship experience to help support, empower, and protect Connecticut's consumers and markets. I am enthusiastic to see where my career leads me in the coming years, and I have the CGA Legislative Internship Program to thank for all the opportunities, lessons, and privileges it bestowed upon me to lead me here. #CGA2024Alum

Shawn Gokey, Legislative Aide, House Republican Offices
Southern Connecticut State University
I was an intern in the legislative internship program in the spring of 2023. I currently work full-time in the Connecticut General Assembly as a Legislative Aide to several representatives while also attending Quinnipiac law school at night. The internship program helped prepare me for the role that I am in by allowing me to experience different legislative work such as citation drafting, policy research, and constituent services, all of which are main components of my daily tasks while at work. The biggest takeaway I received from the internship was the networking opportunities that were available just by being a part of the program; that, along with hard work, is what I believe allowed me to be contacted for employment shortly after the internship ended. Ultimately, the internship program is a massive part of who I am and how I got here, which is why it is something that I will continue to give back to in any way I can. (July, 2024)

Elliott Abbotts, 2015 Legislative Session
University of Bridgeport
Currently works as a Workforce Development Program Liaison for the City and County of Denver, Colorado and is considering returning to Connecticut in the future to be involved in Connecticut state politics.
“The CGA Internship program provided me with direct insight into the legislative process, and strengthened my passion for public service,” (Abbotts, 2024)
Ethan M Ives, 2013 Legislative Session
University of Connecticut, Class of 2014
The Connecticut General Assembly Internship program was one that was incredibly valuable to me. Whether you plan pursuing a career in politics or not this internship is one that helps prepare you for the “real world”. You are forced to learn how to network and interact with professionals on a daily bases, really preparing you for any career you plan on choosing.
Joshua Quintana, 2013 Legislative Session
Manchester Community College, Class of 2013
Being an Intern for the Connecticut General assembly was one of the single greatest things that I have experienced in my life. Not only did I learn how my State Legislature functions, but thanks to the program I met people who not only share my interest in State governance and policy, but have also helped me grow both personally and professionally. I am far better off for having been a part of the Legislative Internship Program and I could not recommend it higher to anyone who has an interest in seeing the nuts and bolts of State Government from the inside.
Ussawin Robin Bumpen, 2012 Legislative Session
Central Connecticut State University, Class of 2013
My experience was simply amazing. The internship program was more than stapling paper and stuffing envelopes. As an intern through the Legislative Internship Program I was immersed in many aspects of the legislative network. I was blessed to have been involved with in-district events, legislative research, and committee tasks. What I appreciate most was building lasting relationships with my fellow interns, office staff, legislators, and other members of both municipal and congressional offices. The internship program certainly is a great stepping stone for anyone interested in public service.
Julia Tao, 2011 Legislative Session
University of Connecticut, Class of 2012
I really enjoyed my internship at the Connecticut General Assembly. I worked with Representative Patricia Billie Miller and responded directly to her constituents. I enjoyed knowing that someone was benefiting from my work. I was also able to make new friends with similar interests whom I would never have met otherwise without this program.
Shayne Koplowitz, 2011 Legislative Session
Central Connecticut State University, Class of 2011
The Connecticut General Assembly Internship really helped me appreciate the complexity of policy creation within the State of Connecticut. It helped me to learn a lot about the type of worker I am, and focus my attentions on the type of career I wish to pursue.