Table of Contents

Sec. 8-355. Definitions.

Sec. 8-356. State financial assistance to community housing development corporation, municipal developer or nonprofit corporation for emergency shelters or rooming houses for homeless persons or mobile manufactured homes for use as transitional housing.

Sec. 8-357. State financial assistance to community housing development corporation, municipal developer or nonprofit corporation for transitional housing and support services.

Sec. 8-358. Rental payments. Regulations.

Sec. 8-359. Bond issue.

Sec. 8-359a. (Formerly Sec. 17b-800). Programs for homeless individuals. Standards for shelters.

Sec. 8-359b. (Formerly Sec. 17b-800a). Shelters and services for homeless children and families. Relief from income garnishment orders. Duties of Department of Education.

Sec. 8-359c. (Formerly Sec. 17b-803). Program of housing for persons suffering from AIDS. Regulations. Bond issue.

Sec. 8-359d. (Formerly Sec. 17b-806). Homefinders program.

Sec. 8-359e. Information on trauma-informed care and related services for homeless children and youths.

Sec. 8-359f. Pilot program for temporary housing for persons experiencing homelessness and respite housing for veterans.

Sec. 8-359g. Grant program for nonprofit organizations that house or provide services for homeless individuals to fund capital improvements to facilities. Report.

Sec. 8-360. Nondisclosure of location of housing for domestic violence victims.

Secs. 8-361 and 8-362. Pilot program for acquisition and rehabilitation of abandoned property into single room occupancy housing for homeless persons. Abatement of real property taxes.

Secs. 8-363 and 8-364. Reserved

Sec. 8-355. Definitions. As used in sections 8-355 to 8-359, inclusive:

(1) “Commissioner” means the Commissioner of Housing.

(2) “Community housing development corporation” means a corporation which has qualified for assistance under section 8-217.

(3) “Homeless person” means any person who does not have overnight shelter or sufficient income or resources to secure such shelter.

(4) “Nonprofit corporation” shall be construed as defined in section 8-39.

(5) “Utility allowance” means the average monthly amount a person or family spends for heat and other utilities, excluding telephone, which is not supplied or paid for by the owner of the dwelling unit rented by the person or family.

(P.A. 85-485, S. 1; P.A. 87-309, S. 1; P.A. 95-250, S. 1; P.A. 96-211, S. 1, 5, 6; P.A. 13-234, S. 2.)

History: P.A. 87-309 made a technical change in the reference contained in Subdiv. (4); P.A. 95-250 and P.A. 96-211 replaced Commissioner and Department of Housing with Commissioner and Department of Economic and Community Development; pursuant to P.A. 13-234, reference to Commissioner of Economic and Community Development was changed editorially by the Revisors to reference to Commissioner of Housing in Subdiv. (1), effective June 19, 2013.

Sec. 8-356. State financial assistance to community housing development corporation, municipal developer or nonprofit corporation for emergency shelters or rooming houses for homeless persons or mobile manufactured homes for use as transitional housing. The state, acting by and in the discretion of the Commissioner of Housing, may enter into a contract with a community housing development corporation, a municipal developer or a nonprofit corporation providing emergency shelter services for homeless persons for state financial assistance in the form of a state grant-in-aid, loan, deferred loan, loan guarantee or interest subsidy for the cost of acquisition, construction, rehabilitation or renovation of emergency shelters or rooming houses for homeless persons or for the cost of acquisition of mobile manufactured homes for use as transitional housing. In the case of a deferred loan, the contract shall require that payments on interest are due immediately but that payments on principal may be made at a later time.

(P.A. 85-485, S. 2; P.A. 87-309, S. 2; 87-436, S. 20, 23; P.A. 92-166, S. 23, 31; P.A. 93-309, S. 27, 29; 93-435, S. 80, 95; P.A. 95-250, S. 1; P.A. 96-211, S. 1, 5, 6; P.A. 06-93, S. 19; P.A. 13-234, S. 2.)

History: P.A. 87-309 made technical changes and provided for assistance for emergency shelters and mobile manufactured homes to be used as transitional housing; P.A. 87-436 added provisions authorizing state to enter into contracts with municipal developers; P.A. 92-166 amended the section to make deferred loans a form of financial assistance available under the section and further provided that payments on interest are due immediately but that payments on principal may be made at a later time; P.A. 93-309 designated the existing section as Subsec. (a) and added new Subsec. (b) prohibiting the commissioner of housing, on and after July 1, 1994, or the effective date of regulations adopted under Sec. 8-437, from accepting applications for housing developments that qualify for financial assistance under Sec. 8-433, effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 93-435 amended Subsec. (b) by deleting reference to “July 1, 1994,” re the deadline for the receipt by the commissioner of housing of certain applications for state financial assistance, and made technical changes, effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 95-250 and P.A. 96-211 replaced Commissioner and Department of Housing with Commissioner and Department of Economic and Community Development; P.A. 06-93 deleted former Subsec. (b) re regulations and application to program repealed by the same act and made a conforming change; pursuant to P.A. 13-234, reference to Commissioner of Economic and Community Development was changed editorially by the Revisors to reference to Commissioner of Housing, effective June 19, 2013.

Sec. 8-357. State financial assistance to community housing development corporation, municipal developer or nonprofit corporation for transitional housing and support services. (a) The state, acting by and in the discretion of the Commissioner of Housing, may enter into a contract with a community housing development corporation, a municipal developer or a nonprofit corporation for state financial assistance in the form of a state grant-in-aid, loan, deferred loan, loan guarantee or interest subsidy for the cost of acquisition, construction, rehabilitation or renovation of multifamily dwellings for persons and families whose adjusted monthly income does not exceed fifty per cent of the median household income, as determined by the commissioner, for the area in which they reside and who have received emergency shelter services or shelter services for victims of domestic violence and are in need of transitional housing and support services for a period of six to twenty-four months. Such housing and services shall be designed to enable such persons to maintain their current jobs, improve their employment skills, retrain for different occupations or continue their education. Such services may include, without limitation, information and referral; counseling and support groups; aid in finding vocational training, education or employment; health, nutrition, fitness and recreation programs; child care; transportation; legal aid; and financial counseling. In the case of a deferred loan, the contract shall require that payments on interest are due immediately but that payments on principal may be made at a later time.

(b) The commissioner may consider, without limitation, the following criteria in determining which project shall be eligible for assistance under this section: (1) Whether the project has been approved by local planning and zoning commissions, (2) the amount of resources which have been committed to the project by the private sector and the municipality in which the project would be located, (3) the extent to which resources of existing social services agencies are planned to be utilized, (4) the extent to which both privacy and community living are planned for residents of the project, (5) whether the project is capable of operating without ongoing state subsidies, and (6) the proximity of the project to schools, potential employers, stores and transportation, medical, child care and recreational facilities.

(P.A. 85-485, S. 3; P.A. 87-309, S. 3; 87-436, S. 21, 23; P.A. 92-166, S. 24, 31; P.A. 93-309, S. 28, 29; 93-435, S. 81, 95; P.A. 95-250, S. 1; P.A. 96-211, S. 1, 5, 6; P.A. 06-93, S. 20; P.A. 13-214, S. 5; 13-234, S. 2.)

History: P.A. 87-309 made technical changes to Subsec. (a); P.A. 87-436 added provision in Subsec. (a) authorizing state to enter into contracts with municipal developers; P.A. 92-166 amended Subsec. (a) to make deferred loans a form of financial assistance available under the section and to provide that payments on interest are due immediately but that payments on principal may be made at a later time; P.A. 93-309 added new Subsec. (c) prohibiting the commissioner of housing, on and after July 1, 1994, or the effective date of regulations adopted under Sec. 8-437, from accepting applications for housing developments that qualify for financial assistance under Sec. 8-433, effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 93-435 amended Subsec. (c) by deleting reference to “July 1, 1994,” re the deadline for the receipt by the commissioner of housing of certain applications for state financial assistance, and made technical changes, effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 95-250 and P.A. 96-211 replaced Commissioner and Department of Housing with Commissioner and Department of Economic and Community Development; P.A. 06-93 made a technical change in Subsec. (b) and deleted former Subsec. (c) re regulations and application to program repealed by the same act; P.A. 13-214 amended Subsec. (a) to substitute “victims of domestic violence” for “battered women”; pursuant to P.A. 13-234, reference to Commissioner of Economic and Community Development was changed editorially by the Revisors to reference to Commissioner of Housing in Subsec. (a), effective June 19, 2013.

Sec. 8-358. Rental payments. Regulations. (a) The maximum amount which a person or family residing in a dwelling unit in a project receiving financial assistance under sections 8-355 to 8-359, inclusive, shall pay as its contribution to the total rent for the dwelling unit shall be thirty per cent of the adjusted monthly income, as defined by the commissioner pursuant to subsection (b) of this section, of the household in which the person resides or of the family, less the amount of such household's or family's utility allowance.

(b) The commissioner shall adopt regulations in accordance with chapter 54 (1) defining adjusted monthly income, (2) establishing criteria for determining the utility allowance of a person or family, (3) establishing criteria for determining which projects shall be eligible for financial assistance under sections 8-356 and 8-357 and (4) establishing procedures for the operation of the programs under said sections.

(P.A. 85-485, S. 4; P.A. 93-262, S. 1, 87; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-3, S. 97; P.A. 04-76, S. 58.)

History: P.A. 93-262 authorized substitution of commissioner and department of social services for commissioner and department of income maintenance, effective July 1, 1993; (Revisor's note: In 1997 references to sections “17b-115 to 17b-138, inclusive” and “17b-689 to 17b-693, inclusive,” were changed editorially by the Revisors to sections “17b-116 to 17b-138, inclusive” and “17b-689, 17b-689b” respectively, to reflect the repeal of the relevant sections by the June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-2); June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-3, in repealing Secs. 17b-19, 17b-62 to 17b-65, inclusive, 17b-116, 17b-116a, 17b-116b, 17b-117, 17b-120, 17b-121, 17b-123, 17b-134, 17b-135, 17b-220, 17b-259 and 17b-287, authorized deletion of internal references to said sections in this section, effective March 1, 2004; P.A. 04-76 amended Subsec. (a) by deleting provisions re rental payments made to recipients of general assistance and the amount of any such payments.

Sec. 8-359. Bond issue. (a) For the purposes described in subsection (b) of this section, the State Bond Commission shall have the power from time to time to authorize the issuance of bonds of the state in one or more series and in principal amounts not exceeding in the aggregate three million five hundred thousand dollars.

(b) The proceeds of the sale of said bonds, to the extent of the amount stated in subsection (a) of this section, shall be used by the Commissioner of Housing for the purposes of sections 8-355 to 8-359, inclusive.

(c) All provisions of section 3-20, or the exercise of any right or power granted thereby which are not inconsistent with the provisions of sections 8-355 to 8-359, inclusive, are hereby adopted and shall apply to all bonds authorized by the State Bond Commission pursuant to said sections, and temporary notes in anticipation of the money to be derived from the sale of any such bonds so authorized may be issued in accordance with said section 3-20 and from time to time renewed. Such bonds shall mature at such time or times not exceeding twenty years from their respective dates as may be provided in or pursuant to the resolution or resolutions of the State Bond Commission authorizing such bonds. None of said bonds shall be authorized except upon a finding by the State Bond Commission that there has been filed with it a request for such authorization, which is signed by or on behalf of the Commissioner of Housing and states such terms and conditions as said commission, in its discretion, may require. Said bonds issued pursuant to sections 8-355 to 8-359, inclusive, shall be general obligations of the state and the full faith and credit of the state of Connecticut are pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds as the same become due, and accordingly and as part of the contract of the state with the holders of said bonds, appropriation of all amounts necessary for punctual payment of such principal and interest is hereby made, and the Treasurer shall pay such principal and interest as the same become due.

(d) Each contract for state financial assistance entered into pursuant to section 8-356 or 8-357 shall provide that if the community housing development corporation, municipal developer or nonprofit corporation conveys the property for which financial assistance is provided under sections 8-355 to 8-359, inclusive, or stops using such property for the benefit of low income persons, the corporation or municipal developer shall immediately repay the loan or grant to the state. The state shall have a lien on such property for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the provisions of this subsection, which lien may be subordinated to a subsequent loan relating to such property at the discretion of the commissioner. Such lien may be removed by the commissioner, subject to such terms and conditions as the commissioner may determine, not less than ten years after the date of such contract for financial assistance upon a determination by the commissioner that the need for housing for the homeless in the locality no longer exists or upon a determination by the commissioner that the removal of such lien is in the best interest of the state.

(e) Subject to the approval of the Governor, any administrative or other cost or expense incurred by the state in connection with the carrying out of the provisions of sections 8-355 to 8-359, inclusive, including the hiring of necessary employees and the entering upon necessary contracts, shall be paid from the proceeds of the bonds issued pursuant to this section.

(P.A. 85-485, S. 5; 85-613, S. 139, 154; P.A. 86-396, S. 14, 25; P.A. 87-309, S. 4; 87-405, S. 10, 26; 87-436, S. 22, 23; P.A. 88-294, S. 1, 2; P.A. 95-250, S. 1; P.A. 96-211, S. 1, 5, 6; P.A. 07-217, S. 38; P.A. 13-234, S. 2.)

History: P.A. 85-613 added Subsec. (e) re payment of expenses incurred by state in connection with carrying out provisions of Secs. 8-355 to 8-359, inclusive, from proceeds of bonds; P.A. 86-396 increased bond authorization from $500,000 to $1,500,000; P.A. 87-309 amended Subsec. (d) to authorize the subordination of the state's lien to a first mortgage; P.A. 87-405 increased the bond authorization to $3,500,000; P.A. 87-436 added references to municipal developers in Subsec. (d); P.A. 88-294 added provisions in Subsec. (d) re subordination and removal of state lien; P.A. 95-250 and P.A. 96-211 replaced Commissioner and Department of Housing with Commissioner and Department of Economic and Community Development; P.A. 07-217 made technical changes in Subsecs. (a) and (b), effective July 12, 2007; pursuant to P.A. 13-234, references to Commissioner of Economic and Community Development were changed editorially by the Revisors to references to Commissioner of Housing in Subsecs. (b) and (c), effective June 19, 2013.

Sec. 8-359a. (Formerly Sec. 17b-800). Programs for homeless individuals. Standards for shelters. (a) The Commissioner of Housing may, upon application of any public or private organization or agency, make grants, within available appropriations, to develop and maintain programs for homeless individuals including programs for emergency shelter services, transitional housing services, on-site social services for available permanent housing and for the prevention of homelessness.

(b) Each shelter receiving a grant pursuant to this section (1) shall provide decent, safe and sanitary shelter for residents of the shelter, including, but not limited to, through the provision, on and after July 1, 2023, of free menstrual products, as defined in section 18-69e, in each restroom of such shelter that is accessible to its residents and in a manner that does not stigmatize any resident seeking such products, pursuant to guidelines established by the Commissioner of Public Health under section 19a-131l; (2) shall not suspend or expel a resident without good cause; (3) shall, in the case of a resident who is listed on the registry of sexual offenders maintained pursuant to chapter 969, provide verification of such person's residence at the shelter to a law enforcement officer upon the request of such officer; and (4) shall provide a grievance procedure by which residents can obtain review of grievances, including grievances concerning suspension or expulsion from the shelter. No shelter serving homeless families may admit a person who is listed on the registry of sexual offenders maintained pursuant to chapter 969. The Commissioner of Housing shall adopt regulations, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54, establishing (A) minimum standards for shelter grievance procedures and rules concerning the suspension and expulsion of shelter residents, and (B) standards for the review and approval of the operating policies of shelters receiving a grant under this section. Shelter operating policies shall establish a procedure for the release of information concerning a resident who is listed on the registry of sexual offenders maintained pursuant to chapter 969 to a law enforcement officer in accordance with this subsection. To carry out the provisions of subdivision (1) of this subsection, each shelter may (i) accept donations of menstrual products and grants from any source for the purpose of purchasing such products, and (ii) partner with a nonprofit or community-based organization.

(P.A. 83-532, S. 1, 3; P.A. 91-14; 91-20; P.A. 92-52, S. 2; P.A. 93-262, S. 1, 87; Sept. Sp. Sess. P.A. 09-7, S. 118; P.A. 13-234, S. 47; P.A. 22-118, S. 86.)

History: Sec. 17-31v transferred to Sec. 17-590 in 1991; P.A. 91-14 provided grants may be made for transitional housing services and on-site social services for available permanent housing; P.A. 91-20 added Subsec. (b) establishing standards for shelters receiving grants under this section; P.A. 92-52 amended Subsec. (a) to include programs for the prevention of homelessness; P.A. 93-262 authorized substitution of commissioner and department of social services for commissioner and department of human resources, effective July 1, 1993; Sec. 17-590 transferred to Sec. 17b-800 in 1995; Sept. Sp. Sess. P.A. 09-7 amended Subsec. (b) to add new Subdiv. (3) re verification of a registered sexual offender's residence at the shelter to a law enforcement officer, redesignate existing Subdiv. (3) as Subdiv. (4), prohibit a shelter serving homeless families admitting a registered sexual offender and require shelter operating policies to establish a procedure for the release of information re a resident who is a registered sexual offender to a law enforcement officer, effective October 5, 2009; P.A. 13-234 substituted references to Commissioner of Housing for references to Commissioner of Social Services, effective July 1, 2013; Sec. 17b-800 transferred to Sec. 8-359a in 2015; P.A. 22-118 amended Subsec. (b)(1) by adding provision re free menstrual products in each restroom accessible to residents and added provisions in Subsec. (b)(4)(B) permitting the acceptance of donations of such products and partnering with a nonprofit or community-based organization, effective July 1, 2022.

Annotation to former section 17-31v:

Cited. 214 C. 256.

Annotation to former section 17b-800:

Cited. 233 C. 557.

Sec. 8-359b. (Formerly Sec. 17b-800a). Shelters and services for homeless children and families. Relief from income garnishment orders. Duties of Department of Education. (a) The Department of Housing, in consultation with appropriate state agencies and within available appropriations, shall (1) allocate existing funding and resources to ensure the availability of homeless shelters that accept intact families or that assist families to find adequate alternative arrangements that allow the family to remain together; and (2) review program eligibility requirements and other policies to ensure that unaccompanied homeless children have access, to the fullest extent practicable, to critical services that such children might otherwise have been prevented from receiving due to age or guardianship requirements.

(b) The Department of Social Services, in consultation with appropriate state agencies and within available appropriations, shall work, in accordance with state and federal law, to seek relief from income garnishment orders through the appropriate judicial authority if it is deemed appropriate to be in the best interests of children and families.

(c) The Department of Education, in consultation with appropriate departments, shall seek full utilization of the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act to protect children falling into homelessness from school failure and dropping out of school and to improve access to higher education.

(P.A. 10-133, S. 4; P.A. 13-234, S. 48.)

History: P.A. 10-133 effective June 8, 2010; P.A. 13-234 amended Subsec. (a) by substituting reference to Department of Housing for reference to Department of Social Services and deleting former Subdiv. (3) re relief from income garnishment orders, added new Subsec. (b) re relief from income garnishment orders and redesignated existing Subsec. (b) as Subsec. (c), effective July 1, 2013; Sec. 17b-800a transferred to Sec. 8-359b in 2015.

See Sec. 4-165c re immunity of the state and its officials, employees and agents.

Sec. 8-359c. (Formerly Sec. 17b-803). Program of housing for persons suffering from AIDS. Regulations. Bond issue. (a) The state, acting by and in the discretion of the Commissioner of Housing, may enter into a contract with a nonprofit corporation, as defined in section 8-39, to provide financial assistance in the form of a state grant-in-aid to such corporation for the purpose of providing housing for homeless persons suffering from acquired immune deficiency syndrome or AIDS-related complex. Such financial assistance may be applied toward the cost of: (1) Planning for the development of such housing; (2) acquiring property to be used for such housing; and (3) repairing, rehabilitating or constructing such housing.

(b) The Commissioner of Housing, in consultation with the Commissioner of Public Health, shall adopt regulations in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54 to carry out the purposes of this section.

(c) For the purposes described in subdivisions (1), (2) and (3) of subsection (a) of this section, the State Bond Commission shall have the power, from time to time, to authorize the issuance of bonds of the state in one or more series and in principal amounts not exceeding in the aggregate seven million five hundred eleven thousand two hundred eighty dollars.

(d) The proceeds of the sale of said bonds, to the extent of the amount stated in subsection (c) of this section shall be used by the Commissioner of Housing for the purposes of subdivisions (1), (2) and (3) of subsection (a) of this section.

(e) All provisions of section 3-20, or the exercise of any right or power granted thereby which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this section, are hereby adopted and shall apply to all bonds authorized by the State Bond Commission pursuant to said sections, and temporary notes in anticipation of the money to be derived from the sale of any such bonds so authorized may be issued in accordance with said section 3-20 and from time to time renewed. Such bonds shall mature at such time or times not exceeding twenty years from their respective dates as may be provided in or pursuant to the resolution or resolutions of the State Bond Commission authorizing such bonds. None of said bonds shall be authorized except upon a finding by the State Bond Commission that there has been filed with it a request for such authorization, which is signed by or on behalf of the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management and states such terms and conditions as said commission, in its discretion, may require. Said bonds shall be general obligations of the state and the full faith and credit of the state of Connecticut are pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds, as the same become due, and accordingly and as part of the contract of the state with the holders of said bonds, appropriation of all amounts necessary for punctual payment of such principal and interest is hereby made, and the Treasurer shall pay such principal and interest as the same become due.

(P.A. 87-553, S. 1, 2, 4; P.A. 88-343, S. 25, 26, 32; P.A. 89-331, S. 18, 30; P.A. 90-230, S. 23, 101; 90-297, S. 9, 10, 24; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 91-4, S. 15, 25; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 92-7, S. 12, 36; P.A. 93-262, S. 1, 87; 93-381, S. 9, 39; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 93-1, S. 25, 45; P.A. 95-257, S. 12, 21, 58; 95-272, S. 9, 29; June 5 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-1, S. 13, 20; P.A. 10-44, S. 34; P.A. 13-234, S. 2.)

History: P.A. 88-343 made the program permanent, broadened the powers of the commissioner and increased the bond authorization from $600,000 to $1,600,000; P.A. 89-331 increased the bond authorization to $3,350,000; P.A. 90-230 corrected an internal reference in Subsec. (d); P.A. 90-297 amended Subsec. (c) to increase the bond authorization to $3,850,000 and amended Subsec. (e) to require that requests for authorization be signed by the secretary of the office of policy and management rather than by the commissioner of human resources; Sec. 17-31kk transferred to Sec. 17-600 in 1991; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 91-4 increased the bond authorization from $3,850,000 to $6,350,000; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 92-7 amended Subsec. (c) to increase the bond authorization to $7,100,000; P.A. 93-262 authorized substitution of commissioner and department of social services for commissioner and department of human resources, effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 93-381 replaced commissioner of health services with commissioner of public health and addiction services, effective July 1, 1993; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 93-1 amended Subsec. (c) to increase bond authorization from $7,100,000 to $9,100,000, effective July 1, 1994; Sec. 17-600 transferred to Sec. 17b-803 in 1995; P.A. 95-257 replaced Commissioner and Department of Public Health and Addiction Services with Commissioner and Department of Public Health, effective July 1, 1995; P.A. 95-272 amended Subsecs. (c) and (d) to add reference to Subsec. (a)(1), effective July 1, 1995; June 5 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-1 amended Subsec. (c) to decrease bond authorization from $9,100,000 to $8,100,000, effective July 31, 1997; P.A. 10-44 amended Subsec. (c) to decrease aggregate authorization from $8,100,000 to $7,511,280, effective July 1, 2010; pursuant to P.A. 13-234, references to Commissioner of Social Services were changed editorially by the Revisors to references to Commissioner of Housing, effective June 19, 2013; Sec. 17b-803 transferred to Sec. 8-359c in 2015.

Sec. 8-359d. (Formerly Sec. 17b-806). Homefinders program. (a) The Commissioner of Housing, in consultation with the Commissioner of Social Services, shall establish and administer a homefinders program, which includes participation by housing authorities, to assist families including recipients of temporary family assistance who are homeless or in imminent danger of eviction or foreclosure. The commissioner shall administer the program within available appropriations.

(b) The Commissioner of Housing may adopt regulations in accordance with chapter 54 to carry out the purposes of this section.

(P.A. 90-257, S. 5, 17; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 91-8, S. 53, 63; P.A. 93-262, S. 1, 87; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-2, S. 85, 165; P.A. 13-234, S. 49.)

History: June Sp. Sess. P.A. 91-8 amended Subsec. (a) to require that program be administered within available appropriations; P.A. 93-262 authorized substitution of commissioner and department of social services for commissioner and department of human resources, effective July 1, 1993; Sec. 17-621 transferred to Sec. 17b-806 in 1995; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-2 replaced a reference to aid to families with dependent children with temporary family assistance, effective July 1, 1997; P.A. 13-234 amended Subsec. (a) by substituting reference to Commissioner of Housing for reference to Commissioner of Social Services and adding “in consultation with the Commissioner of Social Services”, and amended Subsec. (b) by substituting reference to Commissioner of Housing for reference to Commissioner of Social Services, effective July 1, 2013; Sec. 17b-806 transferred to Sec. 8-359d in 2015.

Sec. 8-359e. Information on trauma-informed care and related services for homeless children and youths. Not later than January 1, 2016, the Department of Housing, in collaboration with the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services and the State Department of Education, shall make available information on trauma-informed care and related services for homeless children and youths to homeless shelter providers in the state that receive financial assistance from the Department of Housing. Such homeless shelter providers shall, to the extent feasible, (1) refer homeless children or youth to such services as necessary, and (2) make efforts to ensure that such homeless children or youths have access to such services.

(P.A. 15-242, S. 69.)

Sec. 8-359f. Pilot program for temporary housing for persons experiencing homelessness and respite housing for veterans. (a) The Commissioner of Housing shall, within available appropriations, establish a pilot program to provide temporary housing for (1) persons experiencing homelessness, or (2) veterans who need respite care. Such program shall be implemented in not fewer than three municipalities, each with a population of not less than seventy-five thousand, and shall provide not fewer than twenty housing units for eligible persons who need respite care because they are recovering from injury or illness. The commissioner shall establish eligibility criteria for persons eligible to participate in the pilot program. The commissioner may contract with one or more nonprofit organizations to administer the program. Not later than January 1, 2025, the commissioner shall submit a report on the pilot program, in accordance with the provisions of section 11-4a, to the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to housing. The pilot program shall terminate on January 1, 2025.

(P.A. 23-207, S. 43.)

Sec. 8-359g. Grant program for nonprofit organizations that house or provide services for homeless individuals to fund capital improvements to facilities. Report. (a) For each fiscal year in which funding is available, the Department of Housing shall administer a program to provide grants to nonprofit organizations that own and operate facilities that are used to house or provide services to homeless individuals, including, but not limited to, shelters, day shelters, homeless hubs and other facilities, to make capital improvements. Such capital improvements may include, but need not be limited to, renovations, rehabilitations, architectural and engineering costs and any other related costs, but shall not include acquisitions, demolitions, purchases of land or buildings or capital improvements to permanent supportive housing.

(b) Not later than October 1, 2024, the department shall develop eligibility criteria to be used in selecting among applicants for such grants, develop application forms and deadlines and post in a conspicuous location on the department's Internet web site a description of the grant program that includes, but is not limited to, such criteria, forms and deadlines.

(c) Not later than January 1, 2026, and annually thereafter, the department shall submit a report, in accordance with the provisions of section 11-4a, to the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to housing and finance, revenue and bonding. Such report shall include information for the preceding calendar year on the number of applications for grants that were received, the number of grants that were awarded and a list of the nonprofit organizations that received grants and the amount of such grants.

(P.A. 24-151, S. 56.)

History: P.A. 24-151 effective July 1, 2024.

Sec. 8-360. Nondisclosure of location of housing for domestic violence victims. Nothing in sections 1-200, 1-205, 1-206, 1-210 to 1-213, inclusive, 1-225 to 1-232, inclusive, 1-240 and 19a-342 shall be construed to require a public agency, as defined in section 1-200, to disclose any information indicating the location of a shelter or transitional housing for victims of domestic violence.

(P.A. 89-38, S. 1, 2.)

History: (Revisor's note: In 1997 references to “sections 1-15, 1-18a, 1-19 to 1-19b, inclusive, and 1-21 to 1-21k, inclusive,” were changed editorially by the Revisors to the corresponding section numbers in Ch. 3 and Sec. 19a-342, reflecting the transfer of those sections).

Secs. 8-361 and 8-362. Pilot program for acquisition and rehabilitation of abandoned property into single room occupancy housing for homeless persons. Abatement of real property taxes. Sections 8-361 and 8-362 are repealed, effective October 1, 2006.

(P.A. 93-401, S. 1, 2; P.A. 95-250, S. 1; P.A. 96-211, S. 1, 5, 6; 96-256, S. 179, 209; P.A. 06-93, S. 22.)

Secs. 8-363 and 8-364. Reserved for future use.