Raised S.B. No. 152
Session Year 2024


To exclude those child care services providers that provide services to only school-age children from the requirement that they post a copy of the developmental milestones document; to include children under subsidized guardianship as part of the protective services category for the Care 4 Kids program; to replace state Care 4 Kids regulations with federal regulations and policies and procedures developed by the Commissioner of Early Childhood based on such federal regulations; and to require child care services providers to allow birth-to-three providers to deliver on-site services to certain children.

Introduced by:
Education Committee

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Co-sponsors for Amendment LCO:

Bill History

 Date Action Taken
 3/25/2024(LCO)File Number 94
 3/25/2024Senate Calendar Number 81
 3/25/2024Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, Senate
 3/25/2024(LCO)Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
 3/18/2024(LCO)Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 03/25/24 12:00 PM
 3/7/2024(LCO)Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
 3/6/2024(ED)Joint Favorable
 2/17/2024Public Hearing 02/21
 2/16/2024Referred to Joint Committee on Education

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