Proposed H.B. No. 5438
Session Year 2025


To: (1) Establish the ConnectHealth Program, the ConnectHealth Trust account and the ConnectHealth Advisory Board; (2) require the Comptroller, in consultation with the ConnectHealth Advisory Board and the Office of Health Strategy, to establish the ConnectHealth Plan; (3) authorize the Comptroller to offer coverage to plan participants and beneficiaries in this state under a multiemployer plan, nonprofit employers and their employees and small employers and their employees; and (4) require the Commissioner of Social Services to seek to amend the federal waiver for the state-wide dental plan that provides for the administration of the dental services portion of the department's medical assistance to expand coverage to include additional individuals in this state.

Introduced by:
Rep. Anne M. Hughes, 135th Dist.
Rep. Brandon Chafee, 33rd Dist.
Rep. Nick Gauthier, 38th Dist.
Rep. Mike Demicco, 21st Dist.
Rep. Nicholas Menapace, 37th Dist.

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 Date Action Taken
 1/17/2025Referred to Joint Committee on Insurance and Real Estate

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