Raised H.B. No. 5232
Session Year 2024


To (1) establish a uniform capacity tax on solar panels, (2) extend community benefit agreement requirements to more renewable energy projects, (3) study community solar, (4) require expedited permitting for solar canopies, (5) require the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection to study solar canopies and develop a strategic plan, (6) revise programs of the Connecticut Green Bank, and (7) study how to promote municipal solar projects.

Introduced by:
Energy and Technology Committee

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Bill History

 Date Action Taken
 5/21/2024Signed by the Governor
 5/14/2024Transmitted by Secretary of the State to Governor
 5/14/2024Transmitted to the Secretary of State
 5/14/2024(LCO)Public Act 24-31
 5/7/2024In Concurrence
 5/7/2024Senate Passed as Amended by House Amendment Schedule A
 5/7/2024Senate Adopted House Amendment Schedule A
 5/7/2024Senate Rejected Senate Amendment Schedule B 5913
 5/7/2024Senate Rejected Senate Amendment Schedule A 5919
 5/7/2024Senate Adopted House Amendment Schedule A
 4/29/2024(LCO)File Number 620
 4/29/2024Senate Calendar Number 375
 4/29/2024Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, Senate
 4/25/2024House Passed as Amended by House Amendment Schedule A
 4/25/2024House Rejected House Amendment Schedule B 4613
 4/25/2024House Adopted House Amendment Schedule A 4600
 4/9/2024(LCO)File Number 360
 4/9/2024House Calendar Number 235
 4/9/2024Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, House
 4/9/2024(LCO)Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
 4/2/2024(LCO)Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 04/08/24 5:00 PM
 3/22/2024(LCO)Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
 3/21/2024(ET)Joint Favorable
 2/23/2024Public Hearing 02/27
 2/22/2024Referred to Joint Committee on Energy and Technology

Co-sponsors of HB-5232

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