Substitute for Raised H.B. No. 5180
Session Year 2024


To (1) broaden access to the State Seal of Biliteracy, (2) increase the number of credits required for an adult education diploma, (3) authorize Goodwin University Magnet Schools to charge tuition to boards of education for enrolled students, (4) extend the dates for compliance with the magnet school enrollment standards in accordance with Sheff v. O'Neill stipulations, (5) change the Department of Education's responsibilities under the farm to school program from arranging interactions with farmers to providing technical assistance and support for interactions with farmers, and (6) amend definitions of terms and the department's responsibilities concerning transition programs.

Introduced by:
Education Committee

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Co-sponsors for Amendment LCO:

Bill History

 Date Action Taken
 3/25/2024(LCO)File Number 95
 3/25/2024House Calendar Number 91
 3/25/2024Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, House
 3/25/2024(LCO)Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
 3/18/2024(LCO)Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 03/25/24 12:00 PM
 3/7/2024(LCO)Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
 3/6/2024(ED)Joint Favorable Substitute
 2/17/2024Public Hearing 02/21
 2/16/2024Referred to Joint Committee on Education

Co-sponsors of HB-5180

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