Substitute for Raised H.B. No. 6880
Session Year 2023


To (1) require boards of education to post online curriculum materials and the nutrition value of school meals, (2) allow all minor parents to request enrollment in adult education, (3) allow public schools to serve whole milk, (4) study the implementation of a state-wide virtual school for children with medical conditions or who are unvaccinated, (5) study the fiscal impact of school voucher programs, (6) increase lunch time for students from twenty minutes to thirty minutes, (7) require the posting of a meeting agenda and any associated documents on the board of education's web site, and (8) require the Commissioner of Education to appoint a parent advisory group and a teacher advisory group.

Introduced by:
Education Committee

 New today  2-4 days old  5 days & older

Co-sponsors for Amendment LCO:

Bill History

 Date Action Taken
 6/27/2023Signed by the Governor
 6/22/2023Transmitted by Secretary of the State to Governor
 6/22/2023Transmitted to the Secretary of State
 6/21/2023(LCO)Public Act 23-159
 6/7/2023In Concurrence
 6/7/2023Senate Passed as Amended by House Amendment Schedule A
 6/7/2023Senate Adopted House Amendment Schedule A
 5/25/2023(LCO)File Number 825
 5/25/2023Senate Calendar Number 556
 5/25/2023Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, Senate
 5/23/2023House Passed as Amended by House Amendment Schedule A
 5/23/2023House Adopted House Amendment Schedule A 8376
 5/11/2023(LCO)File Number 757
 5/11/2023Tabled for the Calendar, House
 5/11/2023New File by Committee on Appropriations
 5/11/2023(LCO)Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
 5/5/2023(LCO)Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 05/10/23 5:00 PM
 5/2/2023(LCO)Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
 5/1/2023(APP)Joint Favorable Substitute
 4/25/2023Referred by House to Committee on Appropriations
 4/13/2023(LCO)File Number 590
 4/13/2023House Calendar Number 361
 4/13/2023Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, House
 4/13/2023(LCO)Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
 4/6/2023(LCO)Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 04/12/23 5:00 PM
 3/27/2023(LCO)Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
 3/24/2023(ED)Joint Favorable Substitute
 3/10/2023Public Hearing 03/15
 3/9/2023Referred to Joint Committee on Education

Co-sponsors of HB-6880

Rep. John E. Piscopo, 76th Dist.
Rep. Christopher Poulos, 81st Dist.
Rep. Antonio Felipe, 130th Dist.
Rep. Robert Sanchez, 25th Dist.
Rep. Christine Conley, 40th Dist.
Rep. Robin E. Comey, 102nd Dist.
Rep. Mary Welander, 114th Dist.
Rep. Hubert D. Delany, 144th Dist.
Rep. Tom Delnicki, 14th Dist.
Sen. Gary A. Winfield, 10th Dist.
Rep. Jeff Currey, 11th Dist.
Sen. Patricia Billie Miller, 27th Dist.

NOTE: Please direct all inquiries regarding the status of bills to the Office of the House Clerk and/or Senate Clerks' Office.