Substitute for H.B. No. 5004
Session Year 2023


To (1) establish early voting beginning in 2023 for certain elections and beginning in 2024 for certain primaries, special elections and referenda, (2) establish the number of days and hours of, and implement procedures for the conduct of, such early voting, (3) provide for same-day election and same-day primary registrations during periods of early voting, (4) make conforming changes to deadlines for the performance of certain duties prior to an election or primary, and (5) require the Secretary of the State to undertake efforts to educate the public about early voting and train registrars of voters regarding the administration of early voting.

Introduced by:
Government Administration and Elections Committee

 New today  2-4 days old  5 days & older
   Text of Bill
 Public Act No. 23-5  [doc]
 File No. 756 [doc]
 APP Joint Favorable  [doc]
 File No. 350 [doc]
 GAE Joint Favorable Substitute  [doc]
 Committee Bill  [doc]
 Proposed Bill  [doc]
   Called Amendments
 Senate Schedule I LCO# 8954 (R) [doc]
 Senate Schedule H LCO# 8955 (R) [doc]
 Senate Schedule C LCO# 8957 (R) [doc]
 Senate Schedule F LCO# 8958 (R) [doc]
 Senate Schedule G LCO# 8959 (R) [doc]
 Senate Schedule D LCO# 8961 (R) [doc]
 Senate Schedule E LCO# 8962 (R) [doc]
 Senate Schedule B LCO# 8963 (R) [doc]
 Senate Schedule A LCO# 7878 (R) [doc]
 House Schedule G LCO# 7407 (R) [doc]
 House Schedule A LCO# 7397 (D) [doc]
 House Schedule C LCO# 7382 (R) [doc]
 House Schedule F LCO# 7393 (R) [doc]
 House Schedule D LCO# 7383 (R) [doc]
 House Schedule B LCO# 7364 (R) [doc]
 House Schedule E LCO# 7268 (R) [doc]
   Uncalled Amendments
 Senate LCO Amendment #8956 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #8019 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #7877 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #7967 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #7680 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #7684 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #7681 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #7651 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #7535 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #7536 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #7541 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #7875 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #7876 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #7880 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #7879 (R)  [doc]
 House LCO Amendment #7414 (R)  [doc]
 House LCO Amendment #7385 (R)  [doc]
 House LCO Amendment #7399 (R)  [doc]
 House LCO Amendment #7381 (R)  [doc]
 House LCO Amendment #7333 (R)  [doc]
 House LCO Amendment #7273 (R)  [doc]
 Senate Roll Call Vote 291
 Senate Roll Call Vote 290
 Senate Roll Call Vote 289
 Senate Roll Call Vote 288
 Senate Roll Call Vote 287
 Senate Roll Call Vote 286
 Senate Roll Call Vote 285
 Senate Roll Call Vote 284
 Senate Roll Call Vote 283
 Senate Roll Call Vote 282
 House Roll Call Vote 73 AS AMENDED
 House Roll Call Vote 72 HOUSE AMD G
 House Roll Call Vote 71 HOUSE AMD F
 House Roll Call Vote 70 HOUSE AMD E
 House Roll Call Vote 69 HOUSE AMD D
 House Roll Call Vote 68 HOUSE AMD C
 House Roll Call Vote 67 HOUSE AMD B
   Committee Actions
 APP Joint Fav. Rpt
 APP Vote Tally Sheet (Joint Favorable)
 GAE Joint Fav. Rpt
 GAE Vote Tally Sheet (Joint Favorable Substitute)
 GAE Vote Tally Sheet (Vote to Draft)
   Fiscal Notes
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 8954 (Cost)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 8961 (Cost)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 8959 (Cost)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 8958 (Potential Cost)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 8957 (Cost)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 8956 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 8955 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 8963 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 8962 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 8019 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7967 (Potential Cost)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7877 (Cost)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7880 (Cost)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7879 (Cost)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7878 (Reduces Cost In Bill)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7876 (Cost)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7875 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7684 (Potential Cost)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7681 (Potential Cost)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7680 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7651 (Minimal Cost)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7541 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7536 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7535 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7414 (Reduces Cost In Bill)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7407 (Reduces Cost In Bill)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7397 (Reduces Cost In Bill)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7385 (Potential Savings)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7382 (Potential Savings)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7399 (Reduces Cost In Bill)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7393 (Potential Cost)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7383 (Reduces Cost In Bill)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7381 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7364 (Potential Cost)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7333 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7273 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 7268 (Reduces Cost In Bill)
 Fiscal Note For File Copy 756
 Fiscal Note for HB-5004, As Amended by House "A" (LCO 7397)
 Fiscal Note For File Copy 350
   Bill Analyses
 Bill Analysis For File Copy 756
 Bill Analysis for HB-5004, as amended by
 Bill Analysis For File Copy 350
 Summary for Public Act No. 23-5

Co-sponsors for Amendment LCO:

Bill History

 Date Action Taken
 6/7/2023Signed by the Governor
 6/5/2023Transmitted by Secretary of the State to Governor
 6/5/2023Transmitted to the Secretary of State
 6/1/2023(LCO)Public Act 23-5
 5/30/2023In Concurrence
 5/30/2023Senate Passed as Amended by House Amendment Schedule A
 5/30/2023Senate Rejected Senate Amendment Schedule I 8954
 5/30/2023Senate Rejected Senate Amendment Schedule H 8955
 5/30/2023Senate Rejected Senate Amendment Schedule G 8959
 5/30/2023Senate Rejected Senate Amendment Schedule F 8958
 5/30/2023Senate Rejected Senate Amendment Schedule E 8962
 5/30/2023Senate Rejected Senate Amendment Schedule D 8961
 5/30/2023Senate Rejected Senate Amendment Schedule C 8957
 5/30/2023Senate Rejected Senate Amendment Schedule B 8963
 5/30/2023Senate Rejected Senate Amendment Schedule A 7878
 5/30/2023Senate Adopted House Amendment Schedule A
 5/8/2023(LCO)File Number 756
 5/8/2023Senate Calendar Number 461
 5/8/2023Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, Senate
 5/4/2023House Passed as Amended by House Amendment Schedule A
 5/4/2023House Rejected House Amendment Schedule G 7407
 5/4/2023House Rejected House Amendment Schedule F 7393
 5/4/2023House Rejected House Amendment Schedule E 7268
 5/4/2023House Rejected House Amendment Schedule D 7383
 5/4/2023House Rejected House Amendment Schedule C 7382
 5/4/2023House Rejected House Amendment Schedule B 7364
 5/4/2023House Adopted House Amendment Schedule A 7397
 5/2/2023Tabled for the Calendar, House
 5/2/2023No New File by Committee on Appropriations
 5/2/2023(LCO)Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
 5/2/2023(LCO)Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
 5/1/2023(APP)Joint Favorable
 4/25/2023Referred by House to Committee on Appropriations
 4/3/2023(LCO)File Number 350
 4/3/2023House Calendar Number 237
 4/3/2023Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, House
 4/3/2023(LCO)Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
 3/27/2023(LCO)Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 04/03/23 12:00 PM
 3/16/2023(LCO)Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
 3/15/2023(GAE)Joint Favorable Substitute
 2/17/2023Public Hearing 02/22
 2/16/2023Referred to Joint Committee on Government Administration and Elections
 2/15/2023Drafted by Committee
 2/6/2023(GAE)Vote to Draft
 1/4/2023Referred to Joint Committee on Government Administration and Elections

Co-sponsors of HB-5004

Rep. Matthew Ritter, 1st Dist.
Rep. Jason Rojas, 9th Dist.
Rep. Matt Blumenthal, 147th Dist.
Rep. Aundre Bumgardner, 41st Dist.
Rep. Joseph P. Gresko, 121st Dist.
Sen. Gary A. Winfield, 10th Dist.
Rep. Hubert D. Delany, 144th Dist.
Rep. Dorinda Borer, 115th Dist.
Rep. Christopher Rosario, 128th Dist.
Rep. Christine Conley, 40th Dist.
Rep. David Michel, 146th Dist.
Rep. Marcus Brown, 127th Dist.
Rep. Anthony L. Nolan, 39th Dist.
Rep. Amy Morrin Bello, 28th Dist.
Sen. Herron Gaston, 23rd Dist.
Rep. Cristin McCarthy Vahey, 133rd Dist.
Rep. Maryam Khan, 5th Dist.
Rep. Gary A. Turco, 27th Dist.
Rep. Corey P. Paris, 145th Dist.
Rep. Gregory Haddad, 54th Dist.
Sen. Ceci Maher, 26th Dist.
Rep. James Sanchez, 6th Dist.
Rep. Keith Denning, 42nd Dist.
Rep. Robyn A. Porter, 94th Dist.
Rep. Jane M. Garibay, 60th Dist.
Rep. Patricia A. Dillon, 92nd Dist.
Sen. Patricia Billie Miller, 27th Dist.
Rep. Antonio Felipe, 130th Dist.
Rep. Lucy Dathan, 142nd Dist.
Rep. Frank Smith, 118th Dist.
Rep. Larry B. Butler, 72nd Dist.
Rep. Joshua M. Hall, 7th Dist.
Rep. Farley Santos, 109th Dist.
Rep. Geraldo C. Reyes, 75th Dist.
Rep. Hilda E. Santiago, 84th Dist.
Rep. Bob Godfrey, 110th Dist.
Sen. Marilyn V. Moore, 22nd Dist.
Rep. Anabel D. Figueroa, 148th Dist.
Rep. Minnie Gonzalez, 3rd Dist.
Rep. Fred Gee, 126th Dist.
Rep. Raghib Allie-Brennan, 2nd Dist.
Rep. Mike Demicco, 21st Dist.
Rep. Sarah Keitt, 134th Dist.
Rep. Mary Fortier, 79th Dist.
Rep. Dominique Johnson, 143rd Dist.
Rep. Peter A. Tercyak, 26th Dist.

NOTE: Please direct all inquiries regarding the status of bills to the Office of the House Clerk and/or Senate Clerks' Office.