
  • Year:
  • Committee:
Report Number  Report Title
2025-R-0042Questions for Judicial Review Council Nominees 
2025-R-0035Questions for State Board of Education Nominees 
2025-R-0043Questions for the State Board of Education Student Nominees 
2025-R-0036Questions for State Elections Enforcement Commission Nominee 
2025-R-0040State Income Tax Incentives for Active Teachers 
2025-R-0039Questions for Nominees to the Connecticut Technical Education and Career System Board 
2025-R-0038Questions for the Nominee for Executive Director of the Connecticut Technical Education and Career System 
2025-R-0033Questions for Connecticut Port Authority Board of Directors Nominees 
2025-R-0008Factors Behind Connecticut's High Electric Rates 
2025-R-0022Low-Income Energy and Water Advisory Board 
2025-R-0005Before- and After-School Programming Offered by School Districts in Connecticut 
2025-R-0026Auditors of Public Accounts Audits Since 2023 
2025-R-0037Amendments to the Connecticut Constitution Since the 1955 Revision 
2025-R-0028Questions for Healthcare Advocate Nominee 
2025-R-0017Special Education Services Overview 
2025-R-0006Comparison of Massachusetts HERO Act and Connecticut State Law 
2025-R-0015Guide to Connecticut's Business Tax Credits 
2025-R-0027Executive and Legislative Nominations Committee Confirmations 
2025-R-0010Waiving Interest on Delinquent Property Taxes 
2025-R-0004Public & Special Acts Affecting Connecticut Native American Tribes, 1992-2024 
2025-R-0020Human Trafficking-Related Legislation (2020-2024) 
2025-R-0018Pesticide Application at Schools 
2025-R-0016Connecticut's Paid Sick Leave Law (as of 1/1/2025) 
2025-R-00072025 Major Issues  
2025-R-0003Electricity Demand and Incentives in New England