Housing Developments: Recent Legislation on Building, Renting, and Buying in Connecticut
This presentation will examine some of the factors affecting housing affordability and availability in Connecticut - specifically, zoning's impact on the state's housing supply, legal protections for renters, and financial assistance and incentives for purchasing homes. We will highlight recent developments in these topic areas and discuss potential legislation the General Assembly may consider in the upcoming session.
Jessica Schaeffer-Helmecki
Shaun McGann
George Miles
Electric Rates: A Closer Look at the Public Benefits Component
A July rate hike had everyone talking. We'll look at the Millstone power procurement, shut-off rate protections during the pandemic, and how those factors let to an uptick on the public benefits component for residential electric ratepayers.
Mary Fitzpatrick
Bills of Health: Legislation Addressing Health Care Access and Affordability
In the wake of the recent pandemic, rising demand and costs for health care have kept access to health care top of mind for many legislators. While several factors affect Connecticut residents' access to health care, this presentation looks at legislative efforts addressing three of them - provider shortages, private health insurance costs, and Medicaid provider reimbursement rates.
James Orlando
Janet Kaminski Leduc
Sarah Leser
Connecticut's Early Childhood Policy Challenges: Care Shortages and Funding Approaches
Connecticut's child care and early childhood education infrastructure affects not just the youngest residents and their caregivers, but also the state's broader economy. Join us for a tour through the challenges facing early childhood education and child care and recent legislation enacted to streamline state funding, expand services, and pilot new programs.
John Moran
On Guard(rails): An Overview of Connecticut's Fiscal Controls
The state's "fiscal guardrails" are designed to protect against economic downturns and fiscal emergencies by keeping the state budget in balance, building reserves, and paying down debt. While these policies have contributed to the state's favorable financial performance in recent years, they have also faced scrutiny from policymakers that would rather invest the savings in core programs. This presentation will provide a brief overview of these policies to help prepare new legislators for this debate in the upcoming session.
Rute Pinho
Issue Briefs
In tandem with the conference, OLR has prepared a series of Issue Briefs — concise two-page reports providing an overview of topics that may be of interest in the upcoming legislative session.