Subject Matter Fact Sheets Town Funding Received from Nip Sales (January 2025)Education Cost Sharing (ECS) Quick Facts (October 2024)Alliance Districts Quick Facts (October 2024)Education Cost Sharing (ECS) Formula - Infographic (July 2024)State Employees Retirement System (February 2024)Teachers Retirement System (December 2023)History of Judicial Compensation (September 23)DCF's Board Care for Children - Short-Term and Residential account_FY 19 - FY 23DCF's Board Care for Children - Foster account_FY 19 - FY 23DCF's Board Care for Children - Adoption account_FY 19 - FY 23Municipal Revenue Sharing Account Fact Sheet (January 2023)Sales Tax Transfer Backgrounder (January 2023)Cannabis Infographic Revenues July 2021Judges' Retirement System (January 2020)OFA Hospital Summary Fiscal ComponentsOFA Fiscal Table Hospital Settlement
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