Sec. 17b-2. Programs administered by the Department of Social Services.
Sec. 17b-3. Commissioner of Social Services: Powers and duties.
Sec. 17b-4b. Nursing home quality of care. Medicare online reporting tool.
Sec. 17b-5. Implementation plan.
Sec. 17b-6. Department of Social Services: Regional administrators. Agency goals.
Sec. 17b-7. (Formerly Sec. 17-3i). General assistance training programs.
Sec. 17b-7a. State-wide fraud early detection system. Regulations. Quarterly reports.
Sec. 17b-9. (Formerly Sec. 17-2l). Annual report to the General Assembly.
Sec. 17b-10a. Department of Social Services policies and procedures. Implementation.
Sec. 17b-10b. Department of Social Services policies and procedures. Implementation.
Sec. 17b-11a. Adult family living classification in rated housing.
Sec. 17b-12. (Formerly Sec. 17-11b). Acceptance of bequests or gifts for services.
Sec. 17b-13. (Formerly Sec. 17-12). Federal aid for emergency relief purposes.
Sec. 17b-14. (Formerly Sec. 17-12j). Notification of federal sanctions and fines. Report.
Sec. 17b-20. (Formerly Sec. 17-574). Grants for pilot projects or demonstrations.
Sec. 17b-21. (Formerly Sec. 17-583). Civil legal services programs for indigent persons. Funding.
Sec. 17b-22. (Formerly Sec. 17-106). Agreements with other states.
Sec. 17b-24. (Formerly Sec. 17-573). Contracts for comprehensive health care.
Sec. 17b-25. (Formerly Sec. 17-576). Purchase or lease and management of property.
Sec. 17b-25a. Toll-free vendor fraud telephone line.
Sec. 17b-25b. Program for persons suffering from Huntington's disease.
Sec. 17b-27a. John S. Martinez Fatherhood Initiative. Objectives. Reports. Funding. Grant program.
Sec. 17b-28a. Waiver Application Development Council. Medicaid waiver unit.
Sec. 17b-28b. Competitive bidding for Medicaid managed care plans.
Sec. 17b-28f. Care management subcontractors. Report on costs and profit.
Sec. 17b-28g. Notice of amendment to Medicaid state plan.
Sec. 17b-28j. Amendment to Medicaid state plan re community violence prevention services.
Sec. 17b-30. Biometric identifier system.
Sec. 17b-31. Parent's Fair Share Program.
Sec. 17b-32. Pilot nurse practitioner training program.
Sec. 17b-33. Transferred
Secs. 17b-35 to 17b-54. Reserved
Sec. 17b-55. Regulations re welfare reform.
Sec. 17b-55a. Service by state marshals.
Sec. 17b-55b. Two-generation poverty reduction account.
Sec. 17b-56. (Formerly Sec. 17-21a). Compact.
Sec. 17b-57. (Formerly Sec. 17-21b). Administrator.
Sec. 17b-58. (Formerly Sec. 17-21c). Administrator to coordinate activities.
Sec. 17b-59. (Formerly Sec. 17-21d). Notice to other states of repeal of part.
Sec. 17b-59c. (Formerly Sec. 4-60l). Approval of agency policies, programs and plans.
Sec. 17b-59d. State-wide Health Information Exchange. Established.
Sec. 17b-1. Department of Social Services. Successor department to Departments of Income Maintenance and Human Resources. (a) There is established a Department of Social Services. The department head shall be the Commissioner of Social Services, who shall be appointed by the Governor in accordance with the provisions of sections 4-5 to 4-8, inclusive, with the powers and duties therein prescribed.
(b) The Department of Social Services shall constitute a successor department to the Department of Income Maintenance and the Department of Human Resources in accordance with the provisions of sections 4-38d and 4-39.
(c) Wherever the words “Commissioner of Income Maintenance” or “Commissioner of Human Resources” are used in the general statutes, the words “Commissioner of Social Services” shall be substituted in lieu thereof. Wherever the words “Department of Income Maintenance” or “Department of Human Resources” are used in the general statutes, “Department of Social Services” shall be substituted in lieu thereof.
(d) Any order or regulation of the Department of Income Maintenance or the Department of Human Resources which is in force on July 1, 1993, shall continue in force and effect as an order or regulation of the Department of Social Services until amended, repealed or superseded pursuant to law. Where any order or regulation of said departments conflict, the Commissioner of Social Services may implement policies and procedures consistent with the provisions of public act 93-262* while in the process of adopting the policy or procedure in regulation form, provided notice of intention to adopt the regulations is posted on the eRegulations System within twenty days of implementation. The policy or procedure shall be valid until the time final regulations are effective.
(P.A. 93-262, S. 1, 87; P.A. 11-44, S. 146; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2, S. 283; P.A. 18-169, S. 9.)
*Note: Public act 93-262 is entitled “An Act Concerning the Establishment of the Department of Social Services”. (See Reference Table captioned “Public Acts of 1993” in Volume 16 which lists the sections amended, created or repealed by the act.)
History: P.A. 93-262 effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 11-44 amended Subsecs. (b) and (c) by deleting “Department on Aging” and “Commissioner on Aging” and making technical changes and amended Subsec. (d) by making provisions subject to Sec. 17a-317, effective July 1, 2013; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2 amended Subsecs. (b) and (c) to add references to Department and Commissioner on Aging, amended Subsec. (d) to delete reference to Sec. 17a-301a and add provision re order or regulation of Department on Aging, added Subsec. (e) re functions, powers, duties and personnel of Department on Aging, added Subsec. (f) re transfer of funds between Department on Aging and Department of Social Services, and made technical changes, effective October 31, 2017; P.A. 18-169 deleted references to Department and Commissioner on Aging, amended Subsec. (d) to delete provision re order or regulation of Department on Aging as order or regulation of Department of Social Services and replace “printed in the Connecticut Law Journal” with “posted on the eRegulations System”, and made a conforming change, and deleted former Subsecs. (e) and (f) re functions, powers, duties and personnel of Department on Aging and transfer of funds between Department on Aging and Department of Social Services, effective June 14, 2018.
Cited. 39 CA 216.
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Sec. 17b-2. Programs administered by the Department of Social Services. The Department of Social Services is designated as the state agency for the administration of (1) the Connecticut energy assistance program pursuant to the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981; (2) the state plan for vocational rehabilitation services for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1994; (3) the refugee assistance program pursuant to the Refugee Act of 1980; (4) the legalization impact assistance grant program pursuant to the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986; (5) the temporary assistance for needy families program pursuant to the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996; (6) the Medicaid program pursuant to Title XIX of the Social Security Act; (7) the supplemental nutrition assistance program pursuant to the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008; (8) the state supplement to the Supplemental Security Income Program pursuant to the Social Security Act; (9) the state child support enforcement plan pursuant to Title IV-D of the Social Security Act; (10) the state social services plan for the implementation of the social services block grants and community services block grants pursuant to the Social Security Act; and (11) services for persons with autism spectrum disorder in accordance with section 17a-215c.
(P.A. 93-262, S. 2, 87; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-2, S. 19, 165; P.A. 09-9, S. 6; P.A. 13-125, S. 5; 13-234, S. 12; P.A. 14-39, S. 21; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 16-3, S. 52; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2, S. 284; P.A. 18-169, S. 10; P.A. 23-204, S. 278.)
History: P.A. 93-262 effective July 1, 1993; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-2 deleted a reference to the JOBS program, replaced a reference to the aid to families with dependent children program pursuant to Title IV-A of Social Security Act with temporary assistance for needy families program pursuant to the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 and made technical and conforming changes, effective July 1, 1997; P.A. 09-9 replaced “food stamp” with “supplemental nutrition assistance” and replaced “Food Stamp Act of 1977” with “Food and Nutrition Act of 2008”, effective May 4, 2009; P.A. 13-125 deleted former Subdiv. (3) re programs for the elderly pursuant to the Older Americans Act, redesignated existing Subdivs. (4) to (12) as Subdivs. (3) to (11) and deleted provision re designation of department as public housing agency for administering Section 8 certificate and housing voucher programs, effective July 1, 2013; P.A. 13-234 deleted provision re designation of department as public housing agency for administering Section 8 certificate and housing voucher programs, effective July 1, 2013; P.A. 14-39 deleted former Subdiv. (1) re child care development block grant and redesignated existing Subdivs. (2) to (11) as Subdivs. (1) to (10), effective July 1, 2014; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 16-3 added Subdiv. (11) re services for persons with autism spectrum disorder, effective July 1, 2016; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2 designated existing provisions re Department of Social Services designated as state agency for administration of certain programs as Subsec. (a) and amended same to add Subdiv. (12) re nutritional programs and Subdiv. (13) re fall prevention program, added Subsec. (b) re State Unit on Aging, and made a technical change, effective October 31, 2017; P.A. 18-169 delete Subsec. (a) designator and amended provisions to delete former Subdivs. (12) and (13) re nutritional programs and fall prevention program, respectively, and deleted former Subsec. (b) re designation of Department of Social Services as State Unit on Aging, effective June 14, 2018; P.A. 23-204 deleted reference to section 17a-215 in Subdiv. (11), effective July 1, 2023.
Cited. 233 C. 557.
Cited. 44 CA 143.
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Sec. 17b-3. Commissioner of Social Services: Powers and duties. (a) The Commissioner of Social Services shall administer all law under the jurisdiction of the Department of Social Services. The commissioner shall have the power and duty to do the following: (1) Administer, coordinate and direct the operation of the department; (2) adopt and enforce such regulations, in accordance with chapter 54, as are necessary to implement the purposes of the department as established by statute; (3) establish rules for the internal operation and administration of the department; (4) establish and develop programs and administer services to achieve the purposes of the department as established by statute; (5) enter into a contract, including, but not limited to, up to five contracts with other states, for facilities, services and programs to implement the purposes of the department as established by statute; (6) process applications and requests for services promptly; (7) with the approval of the Comptroller and in accordance with such procedures as may be specified by the Comptroller, make payments to providers of services for individuals who are eligible for benefits from the department as appropriate; (8) make no duplicate awards for items of assistance once granted, except for replacement of lost or stolen checks on which payment has been stopped; (9) promote economic self-sufficiency where appropriate in the department's programs, policies, practices and staff interactions with recipients; (10) act as advocate for the need of more comprehensive and coordinated programs for persons served by the department; (11) plan services and programs for persons served by the department; (12) coordinate outreach activities by public and private agencies assisting persons served by the department; (13) consult and cooperate with area and private planning agencies; (14) advise and inform municipal officials and officials of social service agencies about social service programs and collect and disseminate information pertaining thereto, including information about federal, state, municipal and private assistance programs and services; (15) encourage and facilitate effective communication and coordination among federal, state, municipal and private agencies; (16) inquire into the utilization of state and federal government resources which offer solutions to problems of the delivery of social services; (17) conduct, encourage and maintain research and studies relating to social services development; (18) prepare, review and encourage model comprehensive social service programs; (19) maintain an inventory of data and information and act as a clearing house and referral agency for information on state and federal programs and services; and (20) conduct, encourage and maintain research and studies and advise municipal officials and officials of social service agencies about forms of intergovernmental cooperation and coordination between public and private agencies designed to advance social service programs. The commissioner may require notice of the submission of all applications by municipalities, any agency thereof, and social service agencies, for federal and state financial assistance to carry out social services. The commissioner shall establish state-wide and regional advisory councils.
(b) The Commissioner of Social Services is authorized to do all things necessary to apply for, qualify for and accept any federal funds made available or allotted under any federal act for social service development, or any other projects, programs or activities which may be established by federal law, for any of the purposes or activities related thereto, and said commissioner shall administer any such funds allotted to the department in accordance with federal law. The commissioner may enter into contracts with the federal government concerning the use and repayment of such funds under any such federal act, the prosecution of the work under any such contract and the establishment of and disbursement from a separate account in which federal and state funds estimated to be required for plan preparation or other eligible activities under such federal act shall be kept. Said account shall not be a part of the General Fund of the state or any subdivision of the state.
(c) The powers and duties enumerated in this section shall be in addition to and shall not limit any other powers or duties of the commissioner contained in any other law.
(P.A. 93-262, S. 3, 87; P.A. 05-141, S. 1; P.A. 06-196, S. 130; P.A. 22-137, S. 1.)
History: P.A. 93-262 effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 05-141 added Subsec. (a)(7) re commissioner's authority to make payments to service providers and redesignating existing Subdivs. (7) to (19), inclusive, as Subdivs. (8) to (20), inclusive, effective June 24, 2005; P.A. 06-196 made a technical change in Subsec. (a)(2) and (7), effective June 7, 2006; P.A. 22-137 amended Subsec. (a)(5) by authorizing up to 5 contracts with other states, effective May 27, 2022.
See Sec. 19a-45a re memorandum of understanding between Commissioners of Social Services and Public Health to improve delivery of public health services for low-income populations.
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Sec. 17b-4. Department of Social Services: Duties and services provided. Reports by nursing homes; regulations. (a) The Department of Social Services shall plan, develop, administer, operate, evaluate and provide funding for services for individuals and families served by the department who are in need of personal or economic development. In cooperation with other social service agencies and organizations, including community-based agencies, the department shall work to develop and fund prevention, intervention and treatment services for individuals and families. The department shall: (1) Provide appropriate services to individuals and families as needed through direct social work services rendered by the department and contracted services from community-based organizations funded by the department; (2) collect, interpret and publish statistics relating to individuals and families serviced by the department; (3) monitor, evaluate and review any program or service which is developed, operated or funded by the department; (4) supervise the establishment of pilot programs funded by the department in local communities which assist and support individuals and families in personal and economic development; (5) improve the quality of services provided, operated and funded by the department and increase the competency of its staff relative to the provision of effective social services by establishing and supporting ongoing staff development and training; and (6) encourage citizen participation in the development of social service priorities and programs.
(b) The Department of Social Services, in conjunction with the Department of Public Health and the Department of Aging and Disability Services, may adopt regulations in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54 to establish requirements with respect to the submission of reports concerning financial solvency and quality of care by nursing homes for the purpose of determining the financial viability of such homes, identifying homes that appear to be experiencing financial distress and examining the underlying reasons for such distress. Such reports shall be submitted to the Nursing Home Financial Advisory Committee established under section 17b-339.
(P.A. 93-262, S. 4, 87; P.A. 98-239, S. 24, 35; P.A. 03-278, S. 61; P.A. 13-125, S. 3; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2, S. 306; P.A. 18-169, S. 30; P.A. 19-157, S. 57.)
History: P.A. 93-262 effective July 1, 1993 (Revisor's note: In 1997 a reference in Subsec. (b) to “Transportation Department” was changed editorially by the Revisors to “Department of Transportation” for consistency with customary statutory usage); P.A. 98-239 added Subsec. (c) to allow Department of Social Services, in conjunction with the Department of Public Health, to adopt regulations to establish requirements re submission of reports concerning financial solvency and quality of care by nursing homes and to require that such reports be submitted to the Nursing Home Financial Advisory Committee, effective July 1, 1998; P.A. 03-278 made technical changes in Subsec. (b), effective July 9, 2003; P.A. 13-125 deleted former Subsec. (b) re study of conditions and needs of elderly persons and re social services delivery system for elderly persons and the aged, and redesignated existing Subsec. (c) as Subsec. (b) and amended same to add “and the Department on Aging”, effective July 1, 2013; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2 amended Subsec. (b) by deleting reference to Department on Aging re adoption of regulations, effective October 31, 2017; P.A. 18-169 amended Subsec. (b) by adding “and the Department of Rehabilitation Services”, effective June 14, 2018; P.A. 19-157 amended Subsec. (b) by replacing “Department of Rehabilitation Services” with “Department of Aging and Disability Services”.
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Sec. 17b-4a. Department of Social Services: Public information and access to programs. Plan for comprehensive state service approach. Client-friendly application process. (a) The Department of Social Services, in consultation with the Labor Department and the Departments of Education, Public Health and Children and Families, shall seek, within available appropriations, to promote efficiency, reduce costs and administrative error rates and simplify the application process for families eligible for benefits by streamlining and integrating public information and access to programs.
(b) For the purpose of subsection (a) of this section, the Department of Social Services shall develop, within available appropriations, a plan for a comprehensive state service approach that may include (1) the development and promotion of a single, simplified, on-line application and enrollment process for programs administered by the Department of Social Services that serve children or families; (2) the use of the Internet to develop and increase public access to on-line screening tools, benefit calculators and on-line applications that facilitate prompt access to programs administered by the Department of Social Services and benefit information; and (3) the promotion of access to direct assistance with application and enrollment processes through community-based organizations. Not later than January 31, 2011, the department shall submit the plan to the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to human services and to the select committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to children. The department may consult with and accept donations from philanthropic organizations to accomplish the purposes of this section.
(c) The Department of Social Services shall develop, in accordance with the provisions of federal law, a client-friendly application process which shall not require applications to be resubmitted if a family applied for services and, not more than thirty days after the date the application was submitted, the family experienced a change in circumstances or the program closed to intake applications and then reopened.
(P.A. 10-133, S. 2.)
History: P.A. 10-133 effective June 8, 2010.
See Sec. 4-165c re immunity of the state and its officials, employees and agents.
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Sec. 17b-4b. Nursing home quality of care. Medicare online reporting tool. The Commissioner of Social Services shall post in a prominent location on the Department of Social Services' Internet web site a link to the Medicare online reporting tool that allows the public to compare nursing homes by quality of care.
(P.A. 24-39, S. 4.)
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Sec. 17b-5. Implementation plan. Section 17b-5 is repealed, effective July 1, 1995.
(S.A. 92-20, S. 2; P.A. 93-262, S. 6, 87; P.A. 94-181, S. 6, 7; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 94-3, S. 2, 28; P.A. 95-257, S. 57, 58.)
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Sec. 17b-6. Department of Social Services: Regional administrators. Agency goals. (a) There shall be a regional administrator who shall be in unclassified service for each of the regions established pursuant to subsection (b) of this section, to oversee and coordinate programs and services within the region.
(b) The Commissioners of Social Services and Public Health, and the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, on behalf of other state agencies, shall ensure that the following intra-agency and interagency goals are addressed and met: (1) The establishment by the Office of Policy and Management pursuant to section 16a-4a of not more than six uniform regional service delivery areas to be developed in consideration of (A) geographical size; (B) general population distribution; (C) agency target population and caseload; (D) location of department facilities; (E) the accessibility of transportation for clients to service delivery offices and for workers to clients and (F) any federal requirements; (2) the coordination by the Office of Policy and Management pursuant to section 16a-4a of the regional service delivery areas of other state agencies which provide services closely linked with health and human services programs with the regional service delivery areas developed pursuant to subdivision (1) of this subsection; (3) the decentralization of the service delivery operations of each agency to provide as much autonomy as possible to each regional office enabling the office to respond effectively to the particular service needs of the region; (4) coordinated control and direction for programs to ensure consistency and uniformity among the regions in the development and provision of services; (5) the development of a strategic planning unit in the office of each commissioner to centralize policy development and planning within the agency and promote interagency coordination of health and human services planning and policy development; (6) development of a common intake process for entry into the health and human services system for information and referral, screening, eligibility determinations and service delivery; (7) the creation of a single application form for client intake and eligibility determinations with a common client identifier; (8) development of a commonly-linked computerized management information system with the capacity to track clients and determine eligibility across programs; (9) the coordination of current advisory boards and councils to provide input and expertise from consumers, advocates and other interested parties to the commissioners; and (10) the encouragement of collaborations that will foster the development and maintain the client-focused structure of the health and human services system, as well as involve partnerships between clients and their service providers.
(c) Notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes, any agency participating in the commonly-linked computerized management information system developed pursuant to subdivision (8) of subsection (b) of this section shall provide the name, address, date of birth and Social Security account numbers of the agency's clients to any agency using said system. Such information shall only be utilized by agencies participating in the system for accomplishing the goals set forth in subdivisions (6) and (8) of subsection (b) of this section. The information supplied by the agencies under this subsection shall not be subject to disclosure under sections 1-200 and 1-210 to 1-212, inclusive.
(S.A. 92-20, S. 3 (a), (d); P.A. 93-262, S. 7, 87; P.A. 95-257, S. 12, 21, 58; 95-293, S. 1, 2; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-11, S. 1, 65.)
History: P.A. 93-262 added a health care financing unit to the list of department of social services units, specified the divisions within each unit, deleting prior provisions naming divisions, provided that the office of policy and management shall establish the six uniform regional service delivery areas and required that there be a regional administrator for each area, effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 95-257 replaced Commissioner and Department of Public Health and Addiction Services with Commissioner and Department of Public Health, effective July 1, 1995; P.A. 95-293 deleted provisions establishing units within the department and added requirement that regional administrators be in unclassified service, effective July 1, 1995 (Revisor's note: A reference in Subsec. (b) to proposed “Commissioner of Developmental and Rehabilitative Services” was deleted editorially by the Revisors pursuant to Sec. 1 of May Sp. Sess. P.A. 94-3); June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-11 amended Subsec. (b) to extend duty of addressing goals to Secretary of Office of Policy and Management, on behalf of other state agencies, and added Subsec. (c) re shared information access among agencies participating in linked computerized information system, effective July 1, 1997.
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Sec. 17b-7. (Formerly Sec. 17-3i). General assistance training programs. Section 17b-7 is repealed, effective October 1, 2004.
(P.A. 85-564, S. 3, 12; P.A. 93-262, S. 1, 87; P.A. 04-76, S. 59.)
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Sec. 17b-7a. State-wide fraud early detection system. Regulations. Quarterly reports. The Commissioner of Social Services shall develop a state-wide fraud early detection system. The purpose of such system shall be to identify, investigate and determine if an application for assistance under (1) programs administered by the department, including, but not limited to, (A) the temporary family assistance program, (B) the supplemental nutrition assistance program, (C) the child care subsidy program, or (D) the Medicaid program pursuant to Title XIX of the Social Security Act, and (2) the child care subsidy program administered by the Office of Early Childhood, pursuant to section 17b-749, is fraudulent prior to granting assistance. The Commissioner of Social Services shall consult with the Commissioner of Early Childhood regarding the development of such state-wide fraud early detection system for such child care subsidy program. The Commissioner of Social Services shall adopt regulations, in accordance with chapter 54, for the purpose of developing and implementing said system. The Commissioner of Social Services shall submit quarterly reports concerning savings realized through the implementation of the state-wide fraud early detection system to the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to human services and appropriations and the budgets of state agencies.
(P.A. 95-194, S. 25, 33; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-2, S. 20, 165; P.A. 05-280, S. 3; P.A. 09-9, S. 7; P.A. 14-39, S. 66.)
History: P.A. 95-194, S. 25 effective July 1, 1995; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-2 replaced a reference to aid to families with dependent children with temporary family assistance, effective July 1, 1997; P.A. 05-280 expanded fraud early detection system to “programs administered by the department, including, but not limited to” the programs listed in section, added child care subsidy program as new Subdiv. (3), redesignating existing Subdiv. (3) as Subdiv. (4), and added provision requiring commissioner to report quarterly on savings realized through implementation of fraud early detection system, effective July 1, 2005; P.A. 09-9 replaced “food stamp” with “supplemental nutrition assistance”, effective May 4, 2009; P.A. 14-39 designated existing provision re programs administered by department as Subdiv. (1), redesignated existing Subdivs. (1) to (4) as Subparas. (A) to (D), added Subdiv. (2) re child care subsidy program, added provision re Commissioner of Social Services to consult with Commissioner of Early Childhood re development of state-wide fraud early detection system for child care subsidy program and made conforming changes, effective July 1, 2014.
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Sec. 17b-8. (Formerly Sec. 17-2k). Commissioner's submission of application for waiver from federal law or waiver renewal and proposed amendment to the Medicaid state plan. Legislative review. Public hearing. Procedural requirements. (a) The Commissioner of Social Services shall submit an application for a federal waiver or renewal of such waiver of any assistance program requirements, except such application pertaining to routine operational issues, and any proposed amendment to the Medicaid state plan to make a change in program requirements that would have required a waiver were it not for the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, P.L. 111-148, and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, P.L. 111-152 to the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to human services and appropriations and the budgets of state agencies, and, for the waiver application required under section 17b-312, the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to insurance, prior to the submission of such application or proposed amendment to the federal government. Not later than thirty days after the date of their receipt of such application or proposed amendment, the joint standing committees shall: (1) Hold a public hearing on the waiver application, or (2) in the case of a proposed amendment to the Medicaid state plan, notify the Commissioner of Social Services whether or not said joint standing committees intend to hold a public hearing. Any notice to the commissioner indicating that the joint standing committees intend to hold a public hearing on a proposed amendment to the Medicaid state plan shall state the date on which the joint standing committees intend to hold such public hearing, which shall not be later than sixty days after the joint standing committees' receipt of the proposed amendment. At the conclusion of a public hearing held in accordance with the provisions of this section, the joint standing committees shall advise the commissioner of their approval, denial or modifications, if any, of the commissioner's waiver application or proposed amendment. If the joint standing committees advise the commissioner of their denial of the commissioner's waiver application or proposed amendment, the commissioner shall not submit the application for a federal waiver or proposed amendment to the federal government. If such committees do not concur, the committee chairpersons shall appoint a committee of conference which shall be composed of three members from each joint standing committee. At least one member appointed from each joint standing committee shall be a member of the minority party. The report of the committee of conference shall be made to each joint standing committee, which shall vote to accept or reject the report. The report of the committee of conference may not be amended. If a joint standing committee rejects the report of the committee of conference, that joint standing committee shall notify the commissioner of the rejection and the commissioner's waiver application or proposed amendment shall be deemed approved. If the joint standing committees accept the report, the committee having cognizance of matters relating to appropriations and the budgets of state agencies shall advise the commissioner of their approval, denial or modifications, if any, of the commissioner's waiver application or proposed amendment. If the joint standing committees do not so advise the commissioner during the thirty-day period, the waiver application or proposed amendment shall be deemed approved. Any application for a federal waiver, waiver renewal or proposed amendment submitted to the federal government by the commissioner, pursuant to this section, shall be in accordance with the approval or modifications, if any, of the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to human services and appropriations and the budgets of state agencies, and, for the waiver application required under section 17b-312, the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to insurance.
(b) The Commissioner of Social Services shall annually, not later than December fifteenth, notify the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to appropriations and the budgets of state agencies and the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to human services of potential Medicaid waivers and amendments to the Medicaid state plan that may result in a cost savings for the state. The commissioner shall notify the committees of the possibility of any Medicaid waiver application or proposed amendment to the Medicaid state plan that the commissioner is considering in developing a budget for the next fiscal year before the commissioner submits such budget for legislative approval.
(c) Thirty days prior to submission of an application for a waiver from federal law, renewal of such waiver or proposed amendment to the joint standing committees of the General Assembly under subsection (a) of this section, the Commissioner of Social Services shall publish a notice that the commissioner intends to seek such a waiver or waiver renewal, or submit a proposed amendment to the federal government in the Connecticut Law Journal and on the Department of Social Services' Internet web site, along with a summary of the provisions of the waiver application or the proposed amendment and the manner in which individuals may submit comments. The commissioner shall allow thirty days for written comments on the waiver application or proposed amendment prior to submission of the application for a waiver, waiver renewal or proposed amendment to the General Assembly under subsection (a) of this section and shall include all written comments with the waiver, waiver renewal application or proposed amendment in the submission to the General Assembly.
(d) The commissioner shall include with any waiver application or proposed amendment submitted to the federal government pursuant to this section: (1) Any written comments received pursuant to subsection (c) of this section; and (2) any additional written comments submitted to the joint standing committees at such proceedings. The joint standing committees shall transmit any such materials to the commissioner for inclusion with any such waiver application or proposed amendment.
(P.A. 85-505, S. 1, 21; P.A. 93-221, S. 2; 93-262, S. 1, 87; 93-435, S. 59, 95; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 00-2, S. 13, 53; P.A. 07-83, S. 1; P.A. 09-8, S. 1; P.A. 11-44, S. 144; P.A. 15-154, S. 1; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2, S. 159; P.A. 21-148, S. 2; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 21-2, S. 18.)
History: P.A. 93-221 amended Subsec. (a) by reducing the amount of time the appropriations and human services committees have to advise the commissioner from 30 to 15 days and made such advice voluntary, and deleting provisions re decisions by conference committee and added Subsec. (c) requiring the commissioner of income maintenance to publish notice of the waiver along with a summary of its provisions and to seek public written comments prior to its submission to the general assembly; P.A. 93-262 and 93-435 authorized substitution of commissioner and department of social services for commissioner and department of income maintenance, effective July 1, 1993; Sec. 17-2k transferred to Sec. 17b-8 in 1995; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 00-2 amended Subsec. (a) to increase the amount of time the appropriations and human services committees have to advise the commissioner from 15 to 30 days, effective July 1, 2000; P.A. 07-83 amended Subsec. (a) by making technical changes, requiring joint standing committees having cognizance of matters re human services and appropriations to hold public hearing on commissioner's waiver application, substituting “shall” for “may” re committees' responsibility to advise commissioner of their approval, denial or modifications, if any, of the waiver application, establishing committee procedures re advising commissioner, including establishment of committee of conference when joint standing committees do not act in concurrence, and requiring that commissioner's waiver application be submitted in accordance with approval or modifications, if any, of committees, amended Subsec. (b) by making a technical change, and added Subsec. (d) re items required to be included with waiver application, effective July 1, 2007; P.A. 09-8 made a technical change in Subsec. (a); P.A. 11-44 added provisions re commissioner's submission of proposed amendment to Medicaid state plan and public hearings on the proposed amendment, and made conforming and technical changes, effective July 1, 2011; P.A. 15-154 amended Subsec. (a) to add provisions re waiver renewal applications and amended Subsec. (c) to add provisions re waiver renewal applications, add provision re 30-day notice period, replace “fifteen days” with “thirty days” re comment period and add provision re notice publication on department's Internet web site, effective July 1, 2015; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2 amended Subsec. (b) to replace provision re commissioner to notify appropriations and human services committees of possibility of applying for federal waiver or submitting proposed amendment to federal government with provisions re commissioner to annually notify appropriations and human services committees of potential Medicaid waivers and amendments to Medicaid state plan that may result in cost savings and of possibility of waiver application or proposed amendment commissioner is considering, effective October 31, 2017; P.A. 21-148 amended Subsec. (d) by eliminating requirement that commissioner submit transcript of joint committee proceedings pursuant to section, effective July 1, 2021; P.A. June Sp. Sess. 21-2 amended Subsec. (a) to add provisions re waiver application for covered Connecticut program required under Sec. 17b-312, effective June 23, 2021.
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Sec. 17b-8a. Medicaid Coverage for the Lowest Income Populations program: Eligibility and service plan. Legislative review. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 17b-8, the Commissioner of Social Services shall submit an eligibility and service plan for the Medicaid Coverage for the Lowest Income Populations program, established pursuant to Section 1902(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIII) of the Social Security Act, to the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to human services and appropriations and the budgets of state agencies prior to the submission of such plan to the federal government. Not later than fifteen days after the date of their receipt of such plan, the joint standing committees shall: (1) Hold a public hearing, or (2) notify the Commissioner of Social Services if such joint standing committees do not intend to hold a public hearing. The joint standing committees shall advise the commissioner of their approval or denial of such plan not later than fifteen days after receipt of such plan. If the joint standing committees do not agree or fail to take action within fifteen days, the proposal shall be deemed approved.
(P.A. 13-234, S. 102.)
History: P.A. 13-234 effective July 1, 2013.
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Sec. 17b-9. (Formerly Sec. 17-2l). Annual report to the General Assembly. The Commissioner of Social Services shall submit an annual report to the General Assembly no later than January first. The report shall: (1) Outline the department's goals and objectives; and (2) include information indicating the department's degree of compliance with all legislative mandates imposed during the previous year, a timetable for implementation and compliance with those legislative mandates which were partially implemented or not implemented in the previous year and information on the status of legislative mandates until the year succeeding that in which they are fully implemented.
(P.A. 85-564, S. 8, 12; P.A. 86-403, S. 35, 132; P.A. 93-262, S. 1, 87; P.A. 03-268, S. 1.)
History: P.A. 86-403 made technical changes; P.A. 93-262 authorized substitution of commissioner and department of social services for commissioner and department of income maintenance, effective July 1, 1993; Sec. 17-2l transferred to Sec. 17b-9 in 1995; P.A. 03-268 deleted former Subdiv. (3) re report on cost allowances, financial penalty disallowances, sanctions and fines paid during previous fiscal year and deleted former Subdiv. (4) re report on all recoveries occurring during fiscal year.
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Sec. 17b-10. (Formerly Sec. 17-3f). Department of Social Services policy manuals. Posting online. Policies adopted as regulations. (a) The Department of Social Services shall prepare and routinely update state medical services and public assistance manuals. The pages of such manuals shall be consecutively numbered and indexed, containing all departmental policy regulations and substantive procedure, written in clear and concise language. Said manuals shall be published online by the department and linked to the eRegulations System. All policy manuals of the department, as they exist on May 23, 1984, including the supporting bulletins but not including statements concerning only the internal management of the department and not affecting private rights or procedures available to the public, shall be construed to have been adopted as regulations in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54. After May 23, 1984, any policy issued by the department, except a policy necessary to conform to a requirement of a federal or joint federal and state program administered by the department, including, but not limited to, the state supplement program to the Supplemental Security Income Program, shall be adopted as a regulation in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54.
(b) The department shall adopt as a regulation in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54, any new policy necessary to conform to a requirement of an approved federal waiver application initiated in accordance with section 17b-8 and any new policy necessary to conform to a requirement of a federal or joint state and federal program administered by the department, including, but not limited to, the state supplement program to the Supplemental Security Income Program, but the department may operate under such policy while it is in the process of adopting the policy as a regulation, provided the department posts such policy on the eRegulations System prior to adopting the policy. Such policy shall be valid until the time final regulations are effective.
(c) On and after July 1, 2004, the department shall submit proposed regulations that are required by subsection (b) of this section to the standing legislative regulation review committee, as provided in subsection (b) of section 4-170, not later than one hundred eighty days after posting of the notice of its intent to adopt regulations on the eRegulations System. The department shall include with the proposed regulation a statement identifying (1) the date on which the proposed regulation became effective as a policy as provided in subsection (b) of this section, and (2) any provisions of the proposed regulation that are no longer in effect on the date of the submittal of the proposed regulation, together with a list of all policies that the department has operated under, as provided in subsection (b) of this section, that superseded any provision of the proposed regulation.
(d) In lieu of submitting proposed regulations by the date specified in subsection (c) of this section, the department may electronically submit to the legislative regulation review committee a notice not later than thirty-five days before such date that the department will not be able to submit the proposed regulations on or before such date and shall include in such notice (1) the reasons why the department will not submit the proposed regulations by such date, and (2) the date by which the department will submit the proposed regulations. The legislative regulation review committee may require the department to appear before the committee at a time prescribed by the committee to further explain such reasons and to respond to any questions by the committee about the policy. The legislative regulation review committee may request the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to human services to review the department's policy, the department's reasons for not submitting the proposed regulations by the date specified in subsection (c) of this section and the date by which the department will submit the proposed regulations. Said joint standing committee may review the policy, such reasons and such date, may schedule a hearing thereon and may make a recommendation to the legislative regulation review committee.
(e) If amendments to an existing regulation are necessary solely to conform the regulation to amendments to the general statutes, and if the amendments to the regulation do not entail any discretion by the department, the department may elect to comply with the requirements of subsection (a) of section 4-168 or may proceed without prior notice or hearing, provided the department has posted such amendments on the eRegulations System. Any such amendments to a regulation shall be submitted in the form and manner prescribed in subsection (b) of section 4-170, to the Attorney General, as provided in section 4-169, and to the committee, as provided in section 4-170, for approval and upon approval shall be submitted to the office of the Secretary of the State for posting on the eRegulations System in accordance with section 4-172.
(P.A. 75-420, S. 4, 6; 75-610, S. 1, 2; P.A. 77-614, S. 587, 608, 610; P.A. 78-303, S. 85, 136; P.A. 84-150, S. 1, 2; P.A. 85-564, S. 1, 12; P.A. 86-415, S. 1, 10; P.A. 88-156, S. 9; P.A. 93-262, S. 1, 87; P.A. 04-76, S. 7; 04-166, S. 1; 04-257, S. 112; P.A. 12-92, S. 9; P.A. 13-247, S. 34; 13-274, S. 9; P.A. 14-187, S. 21.)
History: P.A. 75-420 allowed substitution of commissioner and department of social services for welfare commissioner and department in P.A. 75-610 which created section; P.A. 77-614 and P.A. 78-303 replaced social services commissioner and department with commissioner and department of income maintenance, effective January 1, 1979; P.A. 84-150 deleted obsolete provision setting deadline for development of policy manual and changed the requirement concerning the adoption of policy manuals in regulation form; P.A. 85-564 made the existing section Subsec. (a) and added Subsecs. (b) and (c) re replacement of general assistance policy manual and state social services policy manual; P.A. 86-415 allowed the department to operate under new policy while manual is in the process of being adopted in regulation form; P.A. 88-156 replaced language re social services policy manual with references to medical services and public assistance manuals in Subsecs. (a), (b) and (c); P.A. 93-262 authorized substitution of commissioner and department of social services for commissioner and department of income maintenance, effective July 1, 1993; Sec. 17-3f transferred to Sec. 17b-10 in 1995; P.A. 04-76 amended Subsec. (a) by deleting reference to “general assistance policy manuals”, deleted former Subsec. (b) re rewriting the general assistance policy manual and redesignated existing Subsec. (c) as new Subsec. (b); P.A. 04-166 divided existing Subsec. (a) into Subsecs. (a) and (b), amended Subsec. (a) to remove reference to the updating of general assistance policy manuals, add requirement that manuals be written in clear and concise language and require distribution of manuals to regional and subregional offices rather than district, subdistrict and field offices, added provision in new Subsec. (b) re adoption of regulation for any new policy necessary to conform to a requirement of an approved federal waiver application, deleted former Subsecs. (b) and (c) and added new Subsec. (c) re submittal of proposed regulations to the standing legislative regulation review committee on and after July 1, 2004, Subsec. (d) re notice in lieu of submission of proposed regulation and Subsec. (e) re amendments to existing regulations to comply with amendments to the general statutes; P.A. 04-257 made a technical change in Subsec. (d); P.A. 12-92 amended Subsec. (a) to require manuals to be posted on department's web site, amended Subsec. (b) to require department to post policies on its web site and submit them to the Secretary and to make a technical change, and amended Subsec. (e) to require amendments to be posted on department's web site and submitted to the Secretary for posting online, effective July 1, 2013; P.A. 13-247 amended Subsec. (a) to replace provision re posting of manuals online with provision re posting of manuals on eRegulations System on or before October 1, 2014, and to delete former Subdivs. (1) to (4) re distribution of manuals, amended Subsec. (b) to replace provisions re posting policy online, submitting to Secretary of the State and printing in the Connecticut Law Journal with provision re posting on eRegulations System, amended Subsec. (c) to replace reference to publication of notice with reference to posting on eRegulations System, amended Subsec. (d) to add “electronically” re submission to committee and amended Subsec. (e) to replace references to posting amendments online with references to posting on eRegulations System, effective October 1, 2014, and applicable to regulations noticed on and after that date; P.A. 13-274 made identical changes as P.A. 13-247, effective October 1, 2014, and applicable to regulations noticed on and after that date; P.A. 14-187 amended Subsec. (a) to require manuals to be linked to, instead of posted on, eRegulations System, delete deadline of October 1, 2014, re posting on system and delete requirement that updates after October 1, 2014, be posted on system.
See Sec. 4-173b re eRegulations System.
Annotations to former section 17-3f:
Cited. 214 C. 601.
Cited. 6 CA 47; 21 CA 678.
Cited. 40 CS 394; 43 CS 175.
Annotation to present section:
Medicaid law in effect at time of Medicaid application governs calculation of available assets even if different law was in effect at time trust was created or became irrevocable; widow's proceeds from trust created in 1968 were subject to spousal asset calculation under Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988, disqualifying second husband from Medicaid eligibility. 312 C. 196.
Cited. 43 CA 39.
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Sec. 17b-10a. Department of Social Services policies and procedures. Implementation. The Commissioner of Social Services, pursuant to section 17b-10, may implement policies and procedures necessary to administer section 17b-197, subsection (d) of section 17b-266, section 17b-280a and subsection (a) of section 17b-295, while in the process of adopting such policies and procedures as regulation, provided the commissioner prints notice of intent to adopt regulations on the department's Internet web site and the eRegulations System not later than twenty days after the date of implementation. Policies and procedures implemented pursuant to this section shall be valid until the time final regulations are adopted.
(P.A. 10-3, S. 13; P.A. 11-44, S. 141; P.A. 13-234, S. 86; P.A. 15-165, S. 2.)
History: P.A. 10-3 effective April 14, 2010 (Revisor's note: In codifying P.A. 10-3, S. 13, a reference to “section 10 of this act” was deemed by the Revisors to be a reference to “section 12 of this act” and therefore cited as “section 17b-280a”); P.A. 11-44 deleted reference to Sec. 17b-192(b), effective July 1, 2011; P.A. 13-234 deleted reference to Sec. 17b-311(c), effective January 1, 2014; P.A. 15-165 replaced “in the Connecticut Law Journal” with “on the department's Internet web site and the eRegulations System”, effective July 1, 2015.
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Sec. 17b-10b. Department of Social Services policies and procedures. Implementation. The Commissioner of Social Services, pursuant to section 17b-10, may implement policies and procedures necessary to administer the provisions of sections 17b-321, 17b-340a and 17b-340b, while in the process of adopting such policies and procedures in regulation form, provided the commissioner prints notice of intent to adopt regulations in the Connecticut Law Journal not later than twenty days after the date of implementation. Such policies and procedures shall remain valid for three years following the date of publication in the Connecticut Law Journal unless otherwise provided for by the General Assembly. Notwithstanding the time frames established in subsection (c) of section 17b-10, the commissioner shall submit such policies and procedures in proposed regulation form to the legislative regulation review committee not later than three years following the date of publication of its intent to adopt regulations as provided for in this subsection. In the event that the commissioner is unable to submit proposed regulations prior to the expiration of the three-year time period as provided for in this subsection, the commissioner shall submit written notice, not later than thirty-five days prior to the date of expiration of such time period, to the legislative regulation review committee and the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to human services and appropriations and the budgets of state agencies indicating that the department will not be able to submit the proposed regulations on or before such date and shall include in such notice (1) the reasons why the department will not submit the proposed regulations by such date, and (2) the date by which the department will submit the proposed regulations. The legislative regulation review committee may require the department to appear before the committee at a time prescribed by the committee to further explain such reasons and to respond to any questions by the committee about the policy. The legislative regulation review committee may request the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to human services to review the department's policy, the department's reasons for not submitting the proposed regulations by the date specified in this section and the date by which the department will submit the proposed regulations. Said joint standing committee may review the policy, such reasons and such date, may schedule a hearing thereon and may make a recommendation to the legislative regulation review committee.
(P.A. 11-6, S. 154; 11-44, S. 160; P.A. 24-151, S. 108.)
History: P.A. 11-6 effective July 1, 2011; P.A. 11-44 replaced reference to “this act” with reference to Secs. 3-114r, 17b-321, 17b-340a and 17b-340b and replaced provision re policies and procedures being valid until final regulations are adopted with provisions re policies and procedures remaining valid for 3 years following date of publication and re submissions to and review by legislative committees, effective July 1, 2011; P.A. 24-151 deleted reference to Sec. 3-114r, effective June 6, 2024.
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Sec. 17b-10c. Uniform Policy Manual revision to regulation format. Committee review. Posting on eRegulations System. The Department of Social Services shall make technical and structural changes to the Uniform Policy Manual to conform to the numbering system, organization, form and style of the regulations of Connecticut state agencies. Notwithstanding the provisions of chapter 54, the department may make such changes without complying with the provisions of said chapter concerning regulation-making proceedings. The department shall submit such changes to the standing legislative regulations review committee for review in accordance with this section. Any review of such changes by said committee shall be limited to confirming that such changes are technical and structural in nature in accordance with this section. If the committee does not act in response to the department's submission not later than forty-five days after such submission, such changes shall be deemed approved. Upon approval, the department shall transmit a certified electronic copy of such changes to the Secretary of the State for the Secretary to post on the eRegulations System. At the time that the Secretary posts such changes on the eRegulations System, the corresponding sections of the Uniform Policy Manual shall be deemed superseded.
(P.A. 13-247, S. 36; 13-274, S. 11.)
History: P.A. 13-247 and P.A. 13-274 effective July 1, 2013.
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Sec. 17b-11. (Formerly Sec. 17-11). Acceptance of federal funds. Disregard of certain federal increases for recipients of state supplement program. Increase in income disregarded for unrelated recipients who share living arrangements. (a) The Commissioner of Social Services is authorized and empowered to accept any and all allotments of federal funds, federal funds to match private contributions and commodities, and to manage and dispose of the same in whatever manner is required by federal law, and to take advantage of any amendments and supplements to the federal Social Security Act and of any other federal act relating to public welfare, and to conform to such federal requirements as are conditions precedent to the receipt of federal matching grants and are not prohibited by the general statutes.
(b) The Commissioner of Social Services shall determine that portion of social security increases approved by the federal government or other unearned income which shall be disregarded by the Department of Social Services in the payment of benefits to recipients of, and in the determination of eligibility of applicants for the state supplement program to the Supplemental Security Income Program. The Commissioner of Social Services, upon application, shall increase the amount disregarded for unrelated recipients in the state supplement program to the Supplemental Security Income Program who share living arrangements. The Commissioner of Social Services shall adopt regulations in accordance with the provisions of sections 4-166 to 4-176, inclusive, to establish specific dollar amounts to be disregarded. Such dollar amounts shall be no less than the amount of income from the Supplemental Security Income Program disregarded by the Department of Social Services pursuant to the provisions of this section in effect on June 30, 1976.
(1949 Rev., S. 2628; 1949, 1953, S. 1459d; 1967, P.A. 490; P.A. 75-420, S. 4, 6; 75-522, S. 1, 2; P.A. 76-200, S. 1, 2; P.A. 77-614, S. 608, 610; P.A. 84-337; P.A. 88-317, S. 69, 107; P.A. 93-262, S. 1, 87; 93-418, S. 3, 41; P.A. 03-268, S. 2.)
History: 1967 act added authorization to conform to federal requirements as conditions precedent to receipt of grants; P.A. 75-420 replaced welfare commissioner and department with commissioner and department of social services; P.A. 75-522 added Subsec. (b) re disregard of social security increases; P.A. 76-200 rephrased Subsec. (b) to allow commissioner discretion as to how much of increase is to be disregarded within certain limits as set forth, previously increases were disregarded altogether; P.A. 77-614 replaced commissioner and department of social services with commissioner and department of income maintenance, effective January 1, 1979; P.A. 84-337 amended Subsec. (b) by providing, upon application, an increase in the amount disregarded for unrelated recipients who share living arrangements; P.A. 88-317 amended reference to Secs. 4-166 to 4-176 in Subsec. (b) to include new sections added to Ch. 54, effective July 1, 1989, and applicable to all agency proceedings commencing on or after that date; P.A. 93-262 authorized substitution of commissioner and department of social services for commissioner and department of income maintenance, effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 93-418 allowed the commissioner to accept federal funds to match private contributions and required commissioner to submit annual report to appropriations committee re amount and use of such funds, effective July 1, 1993; Sec. 17-11 transferred to Sec. 17b-11 in 1995; P.A. 03-268 amended Subsec. (a) by deleting requirement that commissioner submit annual report to appropriations committee re amount, purpose and use of federal funds accepted to match private contributions.
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Sec. 17b-11a. Adult family living classification in rated housing. The Commissioner of Social Services, within available appropriations, shall include an adult family living classification in the rated housing category under the state supplement to the federal Supplemental Security Income Program. The commissioner shall also adopt regulations, in accordance with chapter 54, defining “adult family living” for the purpose of creating such classification.
(June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-2, S. 126, 165.)
History: June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-2 effective July 1, 1997.
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Sec. 17b-12. (Formerly Sec. 17-11b). Acceptance of bequests or gifts for services. The Commissioner of Early Childhood may accept and receive, on behalf of the Office of Early Childhood, any bequest or gift of personal property for services for a person who is, or members of whose immediate family are, receiving assistance or services from the office or for services for a former recipient of assistance from the Department of Social Services or a potential recipient of assistance from the office. Any federal funds generated by virtue of any such bequest or gift may be used for the extension of services to such person or family members.
(1972, P.A. 274, S. 1; P.A. 75-420, S. 4, 6; P.A. 77-614, S. 608, 610; P.A. 93-262, S. 1, 87; Sept. Sp. Sess. P.A. 09-5, S. 23; P.A. 10-111, S. 25; P.A. 14-39, S. 23; P.A. 15-227, S. 14.)
History: P.A. 75-420 replaced welfare commissioner and department with commissioner and department of social services; P.A. 77-614 replaced social services commissioner and department with commissioner and department of income maintenance, effective January 1, 1979; P.A. 93-262 authorized substitution of commissioner and department of social services for commissioner and department of income maintenance, effective July 1, 1993; Sec. 17-11b transferred to Sec. 17b-12 in 1995; Sept. Sp. Sess. P.A. 09-5 added provision allowing commissioner to receive funds on behalf of Children's Trust Fund or Parent Trust Fund and provision permitting department to use such funds for programs or services described in Sec. 17b-751, effective October 5, 2009; P.A. 10-111 deleted provision re Parent Trust Fund, effective May 26, 2010; P.A. 14-39 replaced references to Commissioner and Department of Social Services with references to Commissioner and Office of Early Childhood, added provision re former recipient of assistance from Department of Social Services and made a technical change, effective July 1, 2014; P.A. 15-227 deleted “or on behalf of the Children's Trust Fund, established pursuant to section 17b-751” and “or for programs or services described in section 17b-751”, effective July 1, 2015.
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Sec. 17b-13. (Formerly Sec. 17-12). Federal aid for emergency relief purposes. Section 17b-13 is repealed, effective June 3, 2011.
(1949 Rev., S. 2629; March, 1958, P.A. 22, S. 1; February, 1965, P.A. 574, S. 24; P.A. 75-420, S. 4, 6; P.A. 77-614, S. 608, 610; P.A. 93-262, S. 1, 87; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-3, S. 97; P.A. 04-76, S. 45; P.A. 11-29, S. 1.)
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Sec. 17b-14. (Formerly Sec. 17-12j). Notification of federal sanctions and fines. Report. The Commissioner of Social Services shall report in writing within five days to the president pro tempore of the Senate, the speaker of the House of Representatives, the majority leaders of the Senate and House of Representatives and the minority leaders of the Senate and House of Representatives, whenever the federal government notifies the commissioner that sanctions or fines or both are likely to be imposed, or have been imposed, against any program under the jurisdiction of the commissioner. Any such report shall include, but not be limited to, a description of the circumstances which resulted in such sanction or fine or both and shall set forth the course of action the commissioner proposes to mitigate or to eliminate the circumstances which resulted in such sanction or fine or both.
(P.A. 83-354, S. 2, 4; P.A. 84-59, S. 2; P.A. 93-262, S. 1, 87.)
History: P.A. 84-59 substituted “within five days” for “forthwith”, changed provisions re report to committees to report to legislative leaders, and added provisions re report of fines and requirement that report include description of circumstances and course of action of commissioner; P.A. 93-262 authorized substitution of commissioner and department of social services for commissioner and department of income maintenance, effective July 1, 1993; Sec. 17-12j transferred to Sec. 17b-14 in 1995.
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Sec. 17b-15. (Formerly Sec. 17-12p). Implementation of the Family Support Act of 1988. Day care provisions of the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1990. Section 17b-15 is repealed, effective October 1, 2003.
(P.A. 89-280, S. 1, 9; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 91-8, S. 3, 63; P.A. 93-262, S. 1, 87; P.A. 03-28, S. 4.)
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Sec. 17b-16. (Formerly Sec. 17-12t). Information and assistance to be provided re federal earned income credit. Promotion of greater utilization of federal earned income credit. The Labor Department, in cooperation with the Department of Social Services, shall provide information and assistance in obtaining, within available appropriations, the federal earned income credit established pursuant to 26 USC 32, to each applicant for or recipient of assistance from the department. The Labor Department, in cooperation with the Department of Revenue Services, shall promote the earned income credit program to recipients of benefits pursuant to section 17b-112. The Department of Social Services, in consultation with the Child Poverty and Prevention Council established in section 4-67x, shall, within available appropriations, promote greater utilization of the federal earned income credit to municipalities, public and private employers, community-based organizations and other entities that have frequent contact with low-income families and shall enhance financial literacy and self-sufficiency programs. School and business partnership funds, private funds and other available funds may be used for purposes of this section.
(P.A. 90-92, S. 1; P.A. 93-262, S. 1, 87; P.A. 95-194, S. 5, 33; P.A. 99-203, S. 2, 3; P.A. 05-244, S. 2; P.A. 06-179, S. 4.)
History: P.A. 93-262 authorized substitution of commissioner and department of social services for commissioner and department of income maintenance, effective July 1, 1993; Sec. 17-12t transferred to Sec. 17b-16 in 1995; P.A. 95-194 added a provision requiring the Department of Social Services, in cooperation with the Department of Revenue Services, to promote the earned income credit program to recipients of time-limited benefits received pursuant to Sec. 17b-112, effective June 29, 1995; P.A. 99-203 required the Labor Department in cooperation with the Department of Social Services to provide information and assistance in obtaining the federal earned income credit, and required the Labor Department instead of the Department of Social Services in cooperation with the Department of Revenue Services to promote the earned income credit program to recipients of benefits pursuant to Sec. 17b-112, effective July 1, 1999, and applicable to income years commencing on or after January 1, 1999; P.A. 05-244 required Department of Social Services to promote greater utilization of federal earned income credit; P.A. 06-179 substituted “Child Poverty and Prevention Council established in section 4-67x” for “Child Poverty Council”.
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Sec. 17b-16a. Disclosure of current address of applicants or recipients of benefits under programs administered by the department. The Department of Social Services shall disclose the current address of an applicant or recipient of benefits under any program administered by the department, unless prohibited by federal law, upon the request of a federal, state or local law enforcement officer if the following conditions are met:
(1) Such officer provides said department with the name of the recipient;
(2) (A) Such officer notifies said department that the recipient is fleeing to avoid prosecution, or custody or confinement after conviction, under the laws of the place from which the individual flees, for a crime, or an attempt to commit a crime, which is a felony or high misdemeanor under the laws of the place from which the individual flees, or violating a condition of probation or parole imposed under federal or state law as a result of the commission of such a felony or high misdemeanor, or (B) the recipient has information necessary for such officer to conduct official duties in relation to a crime committed or an attempt to commit a crime which is a felony or high misdemeanor in the state in which the crime is committed or attempted; and
(3) The location or apprehension of the recipient is within official duties of such officer.
(June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-2, S. 125, 165; P.A. 98-239, S. 31, 35.)
History: June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-2 effective July 1, 1997; P.A. 98-239 extended requirement to disclose current address of recipients to applicants for “benefits under any program administered by the department, unless prohibited by federal law,” deleting reference to Temporary Assistance For Needy Families and food stamp program, amended Subdiv. (2)(A) to clarify that the officer notifies the department that the individual is violating a condition of probation or parole “as a result of the commission of such a felony or high misdemeanor” and amended Subdiv. (2)(B) to clarify that the officer notifies the department that the individual has information necessary for such officer to conduct official duties “in relation to a crime committed or an attempt to commit a crime which is a felony or high misdemeanor in the state in which the crime is committed or attempted”, effective June 8, 1998.
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Sec. 17b-16b. Ineligibility for benefits under programs administered by department due to outstanding felony arrest warrants. To the extent permitted by federal law, any person for whom there is an outstanding arrest warrant for any offense that is classified as a felony under state or federal law may be determined ineligible for benefits under any program administered by the Department of Social Services, after due notice and hearing in accordance with hearing procedures adopted by the Commissioner of Social Services.
(P.A. 98-239, S. 13, 35.)
History: P.A. 98-239 effective June 8, 1998.
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Sec. 17b-16c. Treatment of tax refunds made under Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 to applicants or recipients of benefits under programs operated by the department. Section 17b-16c is repealed, effective January 15, 2009.
(P.A. 08-68, S. 2; P.A. 09-1, S. 35.)
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Secs. 17b-17 and 17b-18. (Formerly Secs. 17-12aa and 17-12kk). Assistance dependency report. Reports to the appropriations committee. Sections 17b-17 and 17b-18 are repealed, effective October 1, 2003.
(P.A. 89-296, S. 4, 9; P.A. 90-182, S. 2, 3; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 92-16, S. 73, 89; P.A. 93-221, S. 4; 93-262, S. 1, 87; 93-435, S. 59, 95; P.A. 95-194, S. 4, 33; 95-306, S. 6, 7; 95-351, S. 2, 30; P.A. 03-28, S. 4; 03-268, S. 13.)
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Sec. 17b-19. (Formerly Sec. 17-291). Annual general assistance report. Records and reports by selectmen. Penalty. Section 17b-19 is repealed, effective March 1, 2004.
(1949 Rev., S. 2602; 1953, S. 1433d; P.A. 75-420, S. 4, 6; P.A. 77-614, S. 608, 610; P.A. 85-564, S. 4, 12; P.A. 89-239, S. 4; P.A. 91-45; P.A. 93-262, S. 1, 87; P.A. 94-192, S. 1; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-3, S. 97.)
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Sec. 17b-20. (Formerly Sec. 17-574). Grants for pilot projects or demonstrations. The Commissioner of Social Services may provide grants to public or private agencies for pilot projects or demonstrations, or both, where the commissioner believes such projects or demonstrations may be of value to the Department of Social Services, under criteria established by regulations of said commissioner.
(1971, P.A. 374, S. 2; P.A. 75-420, S. 4, 6; P.A. 77-614, S. 521, 610; P.A. 86-279, S. 1; P.A. 91-401, S. 17, 20; P.A. 93-262, S. 1, 87.)
History: P.A. 75-420 replaced welfare commissioner and department with commissioner and department of social services; P.A. 77-614 replaced commissioner and department of social services with commissioner and department of human resources, effective January 1, 1979; Sec. 17-3e transferred to Sec. 17-31e in 1979; P.A. 86-279 required commissioner to adopt regulations to insure audits of grants, to conduct inquiry into status and fiscal stability of unaudited grant programs and to order audits and seek court enforcement in cases of noncompliance and divided section into Subsecs.; Sec. 17-31e transferred to Sec. 17-574 in 1991; P.A. 91-401 repealed former Subsec. (a) re regulations to ensure grants by department are audited as required under Sec. 7-396a, effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 93-262 authorized substitution of commissioner and department of social services for commissioner and department of human resources, effective July 1, 1993; Sec. 17-574 transferred to Sec. 17b-20 in 1995.
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Sec. 17b-21. (Formerly Sec. 17-583). Civil legal services programs for indigent persons. Funding. The Commissioner of Social Services shall, upon application of any private, nonprofit organization or agency which provides legal services, make grants, within available appropriations, to such organizations or agencies for the purpose of providing civil legal services to indigent persons in the areas of housing and domestic relations.
(P.A. 82-468, S. 1, 3; P.A. 93-262, S. 1, 87.)
History: Sec. 17-31o transferred to Sec. 17-583 in 1991; P.A. 93-262 authorized substitution of commissioner and department of social services for commissioner and department of human resources, effective July 1, 1993; Sec. 17-583 transferred to Sec. 17b-21 in 1995.
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Sec. 17b-22. (Formerly Sec. 17-106). Agreements with other states. The commissioner is authorized to enter into reciprocal agreements with other states relative to provision of social services and aid to residents and nonresidents.
(1949 Rev., S. 2914.)
History: Sec. 17-106 transferred to Sec. 17b-22 in 1995.
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Sec. 17b-23. (Formerly Sec. 17-572). Commissioner may contract with Commissioner of Children and Families re delivery of services to children. Section 17b-23 is repealed, effective July 1, 2014.
(1971, P.A. 374, S. 1; P.A. 74-251, S. 1; P.A. 77-614, S. 520, 521, 587, 608, 610; P.A. 78-303, S. 85, 136; P.A. 88-156, S. 1; P.A. 93-91, S. 1, 2; 93-262, S. 1, 87; P.A. 14-39, S. 88.)
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Sec. 17b-24. (Formerly Sec. 17-573). Contracts for comprehensive health care. The Commissioner of Social Services may enter into contracts with an organized group which provides comprehensive health care on a prepayment or per capita basis.
(1971, P.A. 421; P.A. 75-420, S. 4, 6; P.A. 77-614, S. 521, 610; P.A. 93-262, S. 1, 87.)
History: P.A. 75-420 replaced welfare commissioner with commissioner of social services; P.A. 77-614 replaced commissioner of social services with commissioner of human resources, effective January 1, 1979; Sec. 17-3d transferred to Sec. 17-31d in 1979; Sec. 17-31d transferred to Sec. 17-573 in 1991; P.A. 93-262 authorized substitution of commissioner and department of social services for commissioner and department of human resources, effective July 1, 1993; Sec. 17-573 transferred to Sec. 17b-24 in 1995.
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Sec. 17b-25. (Formerly Sec. 17-576). Purchase or lease and management of property. The Commissioner of Social Services may obtain real and personal property with the approval of the Attorney General, by purchase or lease. The expense of obtaining and maintaining such property shall be paid out of appropriations for the Department of Social Services. Said commissioner may, subject to the provisions of chapter 67, appoint such supervisory and other personnel as may be necessary for the management of such property.
(1971, P.A. 814, S. 2; P.A. 75-420, S. 4, 6; P.A. 77-614, S. 521, 610; P.A. 88-156, S. 2; P.A. 93-262, S. 1, 87.)
History: P.A. 75-420 replaced welfare commissioner and department with commissioner and department of social services; P.A. 77-614 replaced social services commissioner and department with commissioner and department of human resources, effective January 1, 1979; Sec. 17-2h transferred to Sec. 17-31g in 1979; P.A. 88-156 deleted reference to Sec. 17-2g, repealed by the same act; Sec. 17-31g transferred to Sec. 17-576 in 1991; P.A. 93-262 authorized substitution of commissioner and department of social services for commissioner and department of human resources, effective July 1, 1993; Sec. 17-576 transferred to Sec. 17b-25 in 1995.
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Sec. 17b-25a. Toll-free vendor fraud telephone line. (a) The Commissioner of Social Services shall provide toll-free telephone access for a person to report vendor fraud in any program operated by the Department of Social Services.
(b) The commissioner shall include a reference to its toll-free vendor fraud telephone line established pursuant to subsection (a) of this section in any advertisement of its programs or services.
(c) The commissioner shall establish a public relations campaign, within available appropriations, to announce the creation of the toll-free telephone line established pursuant to subsection (a) of this section.
(P.A. 96-169, S. 15.)
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Sec. 17b-25b. Program for persons suffering from Huntington's disease. The Department of Social Services shall establish and administer a program of services for persons suffering from Huntington's disease. A clinic for such persons shall be geographically located so as to conveniently serve the population of the state. The clinic shall (1) provide genetic testing for persons who are at risk of acquiring Huntington's disease, (2) offer counseling to such persons who have tested positive for Huntington's disease and their families, and (3) offer medical care to such persons who are in the early phases of the disease. The clinic shall provide consulting services and continuing education for any health care provider providing services to persons suffering from Huntington's disease.
(P.A. 97-264.)
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Sec. 17b-26. (Formerly Sec. 17-577). Department designated as state agency responsible for implementation of social services block grants and community services block grants. Development of outreach program. Report. (a) The Department of Social Services shall act as the single state agency to coordinate, plan and publish annually the state social services plan for the implementation of social services block grants and community services block grants as required by federal law and regulation. Said department shall furnish copies of said plan to the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to appropriations and the budgets of state agencies and human services, at least sixty days prior to publication, for their review and recommendations, and shall consult with and furnish to said committees any additional information on such plan which they may request.
(b) The Department of Social Services shall provide for the development of all mandated outreach programs in accordance with any mandate of the federal government as required by federal law and regulation for the implementation of social services block grants and community services block grants.
(c) The Department of Social Services shall, on or before December fifteenth, annually, report to the Governor and said joint standing committees with regard to the activity of the department in the implementation of social services block grants and community services block grants, including but not limited to, fiscal data on expenditures of state and federal funds thereunder, and any recommendations for needed program legislation to insure the receipt of all federal funds available to the state from such grants.
(d) Any organization receiving block grants pursuant to this section shall be subject to the provisions of section 17b-99.
(P.A. 75-420, S. 1–4, 6; P.A. 77-555; 77-614, S. 521, 610; P.A. 78-265, S. 1, 3; P.A. 82-314, S. 37, 63; P.A. 87-216, S. 1; P.A. 93-262, S. 1, 87; P.A. 96-169, S. 16.)
History: P.A. 77-555 required annual publication of plan, added provisions re consultation with human services and appropriations committees, clarified Subsec. (c) and made its provisions generally applicable; P.A. 77-614 replaced department of social services with department of human resources, effective January 1, 1979; P.A. 78-265 added Subsec. (d); Sec. 17-2i transferred to Sec. 17-31h in 1979; P.A. 82-314 changed official names of human services and appropriations committees; P.A. 87-216 changed “Title XX of the Social Security Act” to “social services block grants and community services block grants” and deleted Subsec. (d) re designation of matching sum; Sec. 17-31h transferred to Sec. 17-577 in 1991; P.A. 93-262 authorized substitution of commissioner and department of social services for commissioner and department of human resources, effective July 1, 1993; Sec. 17-577 transferred to Sec. 17b-26 in 1995; P.A. 96-169 added Subsec. (d) making organizations receiving block grants subject to the provisions of Sec. 17b-99.
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Sec. 17b-27. Voluntary parentage establishment program. Protocols. Regulations. Voluntary acknowledgment of parentage system established by Department of Public Health. (a) Each hospital or other institution where births occur, and each entity that is approved by the Commissioner of Social Services to participate in the voluntary parentage establishment program, shall, with the assistance of the commissioner, develop a protocol for a voluntary parentage establishment program as provided in regulations adopted pursuant to subsection (b) of this section, which shall be consistent with the provisions of sections 46b-476 to 46b-487, inclusive, and shall encourage the positive involvement of both parents in the life of the child. Each such protocol shall assure that the participants are informed, are competent to understand and agree to an affirmation or acknowledgment of parentage, and that any such affirmation or acknowledgment is voluntary and free from coercion. Each such protocol shall also provide for the training of all staff members involved in the voluntary parentage establishment process so that such staff members will understand their obligations to implement the voluntary parentage establishment program in such a way that the participants are informed, are competent to understand and agree to an affirmation or acknowledgment of parentage, and that any such affirmation or acknowledgment is voluntary and free from coercion. No entity may participate in the program until its protocol has been approved by the commissioner. The commissioner shall make all protocols and proposed protocols available for public inspection. No entity or location at which all or a substantial portion of occupants are present involuntarily, including, but not limited to, a prison or a mental hospital, but excluding any site having a research and demonstration project established under subsection (d) of section 1 of public act 99-193*, may be approved for participation in the voluntary parentage establishment program; nor may the commissioner approve any further site for participation in the program if it maintains a coercive environment or if the failure to acknowledge parentage may result in the loss of benefits or services controlled by the entity, which are unrelated to parentage.
(b) The Commissioner of Social Services shall adopt regulations in accordance with chapter 54 to implement the provisions of subsection (a) of this section. Such regulations shall specify the requirements for participation in the voluntary parentage establishment program and shall include, but not be limited to, provisions (1) to assure that affirmations of parentage are voluntary and free from coercion, and (2) to establish the contents of notices which shall be provided to the parents before affirmation or acknowledgment. The notice to the parent who gave birth shall include, but not be limited to, notice that the affirmation or acknowledgment of parentage may result in rights of custody and visitation, as well as a duty of support, in the person named as a parent. The notice to the acknowledged parent shall include, but not be limited to, notice that: (A) The acknowledged parent has the right to: (i) Establish parentage voluntarily or through court action, or to contest parentage; (ii) appointment of counsel; (iii) in cases where the acknowledged parent is an alleged genetic parent, a genetic test to determine parentage prior to signing an acknowledgment or in conjunction with a court action; and (iv) a trial by the Superior Court or a family support magistrate, and (B) acknowledgment of parentage shall make the acknowledged parent liable for the financial support of the child until the child's eighteenth birthday and may result in rights of custody and visitation being conferred on the acknowledged parent. In no event shall the failure of the parent who gave birth to sign an affirmation or acknowledgment of parentage in the hospital or with any other entity agreeing to participate in the voluntary parentage establishment program be considered failure to cooperate with the establishment of support for the purposes of eligibility for temporary assistance for needy families.
(c) The Department of Public Health shall establish a voluntary acknowledgment of parentage system consistent with the provisions of sections 46b-476 to 46b-487, inclusive.
(May Sp. Sess. P.A. 94-5, S. 3, 30; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-2, S. 21, 165; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-7, S. 7, 38; P.A. 03-258, S. 1; P.A. 12-15, S. 93.)
*Note: Section 1 of public act 99-193 is special in nature and therefore has not been codified but remains in full force and effect according to its terms.
History: May Sp. Sess. P.A. 94-5 effective July 1, 1994; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-2 amended Subsec. (b) to replace a reference to “noncooperation” with “failure to cooperate” and a reference to “aid to families with dependent children” with “the temporary family assistance program”, effective July 1, 1997; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-7 amended Subsec. (b) by replacing a reference to “trial by jury” with “a trial by the Superior Court or a family support magistrate” and by replacing “aid to families with dependent children” with “temporary assistance for needy families” and added Subsec. (c) re establishment of acknowledgment of paternity system by Department of Public Health, effective July 1, 1997 (Revisor's note: The reference in Subsec. (b) to “temporary assistance for needy families” added by this act repealed by implication the conflicting reference to “temporary family assistance program” added earlier by June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-2, and was codified accordingly by the Revisors); P.A. 03-258 amended Subsec. (a) by expanding voluntary paternity establishment program to an entity approved by the Commissioner of Social Services, adding provisions re participating entities, with the assistance of the commissioner, developing a protocol for voluntary paternity establishment, re protocol to encourage positive involvement of both parents and provide for staff training, and re protocols to be approved by commissioner and available for public inspection, adding provisions excluding entities where “substantial portion of occupants are present involuntarily” from participating in program and making technical changes, and amended Subsec. (b) to require commissioner to adopt regulations that specify requirements for participation in the voluntary paternity establishment program, to restructure Subdiv. (2) by adding Subpara. (A) and (B) designators, to provide in Subpara. (A) that notice to putative father include that he may “establish his paternity voluntarily or through court action” and prior to signing an acknowledgment, to provide in Subpara. (B) that rights of custody and visitation may result from an acknowledgment of paternity, to add provision re mother's failure to sign affirmation of paternity with an entity participating in the voluntary paternity program not considered failure to cooperate for purposes of establishing eligibility for temporary assistance for needy families, and to make technical changes; P.A. 21-15 amended Subsecs. (a) and (c) by replacing references to “paternity” with “parentage” and by replacing references to “subsection (a) of section 46b-172” with “sections 46b-476 to 46b-487, inclusive,”, amended Subsec. (b) by replacing references to “paternity” with “parentage”, by replacing “mother” with “parent who gave birth”, by replacing “putative father” with “acknowledged parent”, by replacing “affirmation of paternity” with “affirmation or acknowledgment of parentage” and by making conforming and technical changes, effective January 1, 2022.
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Sec. 17b-27a. John S. Martinez Fatherhood Initiative. Objectives. Reports. Funding. Grant program. Section 17b-27a is repealed, effective May 27, 2022.
(P.A. 03-258, S. 6; P.A. 09-175, S. 1; P.A. 22-138, S. 3.)
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Sec. 17b-27b. Connecticut Fatherhood Initiative. Definitions. Office established in Department of Social Services. (a) As used in this section and section 17b-27c, (1) “Connecticut Fatherhood Initiative”, or “CFI”, means an initiative that (A) promotes the positive involvement and interaction of fathers with their children with an emphasis on children from low-income families, and (B) identifies services that effectively encourage and enhance responsible and skillful parenting and increase the ability of fathers to meet the financial and emotional needs of their children; and (2) “CFI objectives” means efforts to: (A) Promote public education concerning the financial and emotional responsibilities of fatherhood, (B) assist men in preparation for the legal, financial and emotional responsibilities of fatherhood, (C) promote the establishment of paternity at childbirth, (D) encourage fathers, regardless of marital status, to foster their emotional connection to and financial support of their children, (E) establish support mechanisms for fathers in their relationship with their children, regardless of their marital and financial status, and (F) integrate state and local services available for families.
(b) There is established within the Department of Social Services the Office of the Connecticut Fatherhood Initiative. The office shall be overseen by the Commissioner of Social Services and shall perform administrative duties on behalf of the CFI in accordance with a strategic plan developed and implemented as part of the initiative with the approval of the council established pursuant to section 17b-27c.
(P.A. 22-138, S. 1.)
History: P.A. 22-138 effective May 27, 2022.
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Sec. 17b-27c. Connecticut Fatherhood Initiative. Council. Establishment. Duties. Membership. Funding. Grants. Reporting. (a) There is established a CFI Council to approve the work of the CFI, including, but not limited to, implementation of CFI objectives through a strategic plan developed by the CFI. The council shall actively participate in efforts that further CFI objectives, including, but not limited to: (1) Fostering collaboration between state agencies that provide services for fathers and families; (2) (A) coordinating comprehensive services, (B) ensuring the continuity of services, (C) heightening the impact of services, and (D) avoiding duplication of services; and (3) supporting fathers of children eligible or formerly eligible for services under the temporary assistance for needy families block grant.
(b) The membership of the council shall consist of:
(1) The Commissioner of Social Services, or the commissioner's designee;
(2) The Commissioner of Children and Families, or the commissioner's designee;
(3) The Commissioner of Correction, or the commissioner's designee;
(4) The Commissioner of Early Childhood, or the commissioner's designee;
(5) The Commissioner of Education, or the commissioner's designee;
(6) The Commissioner of Developmental Services, or the commissioner's designee;
(7) The Commissioner of Housing, or the commissioner's designee;
(8) The Labor Commissioner, or the commissioner's designee;
(9) The Commissioner of Mental Health and Addiction Services, or the commissioner's designee;
(10) The Commissioner of Public Health, or the commissioner's designee;
(11) The Commissioner of Veterans Affairs, or the commissioner's designee;
(12) The chairperson of the Board of Pardons and Parole, or the chairperson's designee;
(13) The director of the Support Enforcement Services Division and the executive director of the Court Support Services Division of the Judicial Branch, or their designees;
(14) The Chief Family Support Magistrate, or the Chief Family Support Magistrate's designee;
(15) The chancellor of the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities, or the chancellor's designee;
(16) The director of the Office of Child Support Services within the Department of Social Services, or the director's designee; and
(17) Eleven members appointed by the Commissioner of Social Services, including:
(A) One with expertise in the area of legal assistance to low-income populations;
(B) One representative of the Governor's Workforce Council;
(C) One representative of a regional workforce development board;
(D) One member with expertise in family relations;
(E) One or more representatives of a local fatherhood program;
(F) One member with expertise in male mental and physical health;
(G) One member representing the interests of custodial parents;
(H) One member representing the interests of noncustodial parents;
(I) One member representing the interests of children;
(J) One member with expertise in the area of domestic violence; and
(K) One member with expertise in child development.
(c) The Commissioner of Social Services shall serve as a chairperson of the council and shall designate a cochairperson from among the membership of the council. The commissioner shall convene the council not later than June 26, 2022, and the council shall meet at least quarterly thereafter. The commissioner shall fill any vacancy of seats under subdivision (17) of subsection (b) of this section.
(d) The Commissioner of Social Services may designate a working group from among the members of the council to carry out specific duties required under this section and section 17b-27b. The commissioner shall seek the advice and participation of any person, organization or state or federal agency the commissioner deems necessary to carry out the provisions of this section and section 17b-27b.
(e) The Commissioner of Social Services, in consultation with the council and within available resources, shall apply for any available federal and private funds for programs that promote CFI objectives in accordance with this section and section 17b-27b. The commissioner shall award grants from any such available funds to entities that provide (1) employment and training opportunities for low-income fathers to increase the earning capacity of such fathers; (2) classes in parenting and financial literacy; and (3) other support services and programs that promote responsible parenting, economic stability and communication and interaction between fathers and their children.
(f) Applicants for grants provided pursuant to subsection (e) of this section shall apply to the Commissioner of Social Services at such time and in such manner as prescribed by the commissioner. The commissioner shall, in consultation with the council, establish criteria for eligibility for grants and for the awarding of grants. At a minimum, the commissioner shall require grantees to (1) implement accountability measures and results-based outcomes as a condition of being awarded a grant; (2) leverage funds through existing resources and collaboration with community-based and nonprofit organizations; and (3) consult with experts in domestic violence to ensure that, when appropriate, the programs and services provided to fathers and families pursuant to this section and section 17b-27b address issues concerning domestic violence.
(g) Not later than December 1, 2022, and annually thereafter, the commissioner, in consultation with the council, shall report, in accordance with section 11-4a, to the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to appropriations and the budgets of state agencies, human services and children on the grant program's effectiveness in achieving CFI objectives.
(P.A. 22-138, S. 2; P.A. 24-22, S. 37.)
History: P.A. 22-138 effective May 27, 2022; P.A. 24-22 amended Subsec. (b)(15) by replacing “president of the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities” with “chancellor of the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities”, effective July 1, 2024.
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Sec. 17b-28. Council on Medical Assistance Program Oversight. Duties. Appointments. Standing subcommittee. Reports. (a) There is established a Council on Medical Assistance Program Oversight which shall advise the Commissioner of Social Services on the planning and implementation of the health care delivery system for the HUSKY Health program. The council shall monitor planning and implementation of matters related to Medicaid care management initiatives including, but not limited to, (1) eligibility standards, (2) benefits, (3) access, (4) quality assurance, (5) outcome measures, and (6) the issuance of any request for proposal by the Department of Social Services for utilization of an administrative services organization in connection with such initiatives.
(b) On or before June 30, 2011, the council shall be composed of the chairpersons and ranking members of the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to human services, public health and appropriations and the budgets of state agencies, or their designees; two members of the General Assembly, one to be appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate and one to be appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives; the director of the Commission on Aging, or a designee; the director of the Commission on Children, or a designee; a representative of each organization that has been selected by the state to provide managed care and a representative of a primary care case management provider, to be appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate; two representatives of the insurance industry, to be appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives; two advocates for persons receiving Medicaid, one to be appointed by the majority leader of the Senate and one to be appointed by the minority leader of the Senate; one advocate for persons with substance use disorders, to be appointed by the majority leader of the House of Representatives; one advocate for persons with psychiatric disabilities, to be appointed by the minority leader of the House of Representatives; two advocates for the Department of Children and Families foster families, one to be appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate and one to be appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives; two members of the public who are currently recipients of Medicaid, one to be appointed by the majority leader of the House of Representatives and one to be appointed by the minority leader of the House of Representatives; two representatives of the Department of Social Services, to be appointed by the Commissioner of Social Services; two representatives of the Department of Public Health, to be appointed by the Commissioner of Public Health; two representatives of the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, to be appointed by the Commissioner of Mental Health and Addiction Services; two representatives of the Department of Children and Families, to be appointed by the Commissioner of Children and Families; two representatives of the Office of Policy and Management, to be appointed by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management; and one representative of the office of the State Comptroller, to be appointed by the State Comptroller.
(c) On and after October 31, 2017, the council shall be composed of the following members:
(1) The chairpersons and ranking members of the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to aging, human services, public health and appropriations and the budgets of state agencies, or their designees;
(2) Five appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives, one of whom shall be a member of the General Assembly, one of whom shall be a community provider of adult Medicaid health services, one of whom shall be a recipient of Medicaid benefits for the aged, blind and disabled or an advocate for such a recipient, one of whom shall be a representative of the state's federally qualified health clinics and one of whom shall be a member of the Connecticut Hospital Association;
(3) Five appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate, one of whom shall be a member of the General Assembly, one of whom shall be a representative of the home health care industry, one of whom shall be a primary care medical home provider, one of whom shall be an advocate for Department of Children and Families foster families and one of whom shall be a representative of the business community with experience in cost efficiency management;
(4) Three appointed by the majority leader of the House of Representatives, one of whom shall be an advocate for persons with substance abuse disabilities, one of whom shall be a Medicaid dental provider and one of whom shall be a representative of the for-profit nursing home industry;
(5) Three appointed by the majority leader of the Senate, one of whom shall be a representative of school-based health centers, one of whom shall be a recipient of benefits under the HUSKY Health program and one of whom shall be a physician who serves Medicaid clients;
(6) Three appointed by the minority leader of the House of Representatives, one of whom shall be an advocate for persons with disabilities, one of whom shall be a dually eligible Medicaid-Medicare beneficiary or an advocate for such a beneficiary and one of whom shall be a representative of the not-for-profit nursing home industry;
(7) Three appointed by the minority leader of the Senate, one of whom shall be a low-income adult recipient of Medicaid benefits or an advocate for such a recipient, one of whom shall be a representative of hospitals and one of whom shall be a representative of the business community with experience in cost efficiency management;
(8) The executive director of the Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity and Opportunity, or the executive director's designee;
(9) A member of the Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity and Opportunity, designated by the executive director of said commission;
(10) A representative of the Long-Term Care Advisory Council;
(11) The Commissioners of Social Services, Children and Families, Public Health, Developmental Services, Aging and Disability Services and Mental Health and Addiction Services, or their designees, who shall be ex-officio nonvoting members;
(12) The Comptroller, or the Comptroller's designee, who shall be an ex-officio nonvoting member;
(13) The Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, or the secretary's designee, who shall be an ex-officio nonvoting member; and
(14) One representative of an administrative services organization which contracts with the Department of Social Services in the administration of the Medicaid program, who shall be a nonvoting member.
(d) The council shall choose a chairperson from among its members. The Joint Committee on Legislative Management shall provide administrative support to such chairperson.
(e) The council shall monitor and make recommendations concerning: (1) An enrollment process that ensures access for the HUSKY Health program and effective outreach and client education for said program; (2) available services comparable to those already in the Medicaid state plan, including those guaranteed under the federal Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment Services Program under 42 USC 1396d; (3) the sufficiency of accessible adult and child primary care providers, specialty providers and hospitals in Medicaid provider networks; (4) the sufficiency of provider rates to maintain the Medicaid network of providers and service access; (5) funding and agency personnel resources to guarantee timely access to services and effective management of the Medicaid program; (6) participation in care management programs including, but not limited to, medical home and health home models by existing community Medicaid providers; (7) the linguistic and cultural competency of providers and other program facilitators and data on the provision of Medicaid linguistic translation services; (8) program quality, including outcome measures and continuous quality improvement initiatives that may include provider quality performance incentives and performance targets for administrative services organizations; (9) timely, accessible and effective client grievance procedures; (10) coordination of the Medicaid care management programs with state and federal health care reforms; (11) eligibility levels for inclusion in the programs; (12) enrollee cost-sharing provisions; (13) a benefit package for the HUSKY Health program; (14) coordination of coverage continuity among Medicaid programs and integration of care, including, but not limited to, behavioral health, dental and pharmacy care provided through programs administered by the Department of Social Services; and (15) the need for program quality studies within the areas identified in this section and the department's application for available grant funds for such studies. The chairperson of the council shall ensure that sufficient members of the council participate in the review of any contract entered into by the Department of Social Services and an administrative services organization.
(f) The Commissioner of Social Services may, in consultation with an educational institution, apply for any available funding, including federal funding, to support Medicaid care management programs.
(g) The Commissioner of Social Services shall provide monthly reports to the council on the matters described in subsection (e) of this section, including, but not limited to, policy changes and proposed regulations that affect Medicaid health services. The commissioner shall also provide the council with quarterly financial reports for each covered Medicaid population which reports shall include a breakdown of sums expended for each covered population.
(h) The council shall biannually report on its activities and progress to the General Assembly.
(i) There is established, within the Council on Medical Assistance Program Oversight, a standing subcommittee to study and make recommendations to the council on children and adults who have complex health care needs. The subcommittee shall consist of council members appointed by the chairpersons of the council and other individuals who shall serve for terms prescribed by the cochairpersons to advise the council on specific needs of children and adults with complex health care needs. For the purposes of completing the reports required pursuant to subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this subsection, such individuals shall include, but need not be limited to: (1) The Child Advocate, or the Child Advocate's designee; (2) a family or child advocate; (3) the executive director of the Council on Developmental Disabilities, or the executive director's designee; (4) the executive director of the Connecticut Association of Public School Superintendents, or the executive director's designee; (5) an expert in the diagnosis, evaluation, education and treatment of children and young adults with developmental disabilities; and (6) the Healthcare Advocate, or the Healthcare Advocate's designee. The subcommittee shall submit the following reports, in accordance with section 11-4a to the council, the Governor and the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to children, human services and public health regarding the efficacy of support systems for children and young adults, not older than twenty-one years of age, with developmental disabilities and with or without co-occurring mental health conditions:
(A) Not later than July 1, 2017, recommendations including, but not limited to: (i) Metrics for evaluating the quality of state-funded services to such children and young adults that can be utilized by state agencies that fund such services; (ii) statutory changes needed to promote effective service delivery for such children and young adults and their families; and (iii) any other changes needed to address gaps in services identified by the subcommittee or council with respect to such children, young adults and their families; and
(B) Not later than January 1, 2018, an assessment of: (i) Early intervention services available to such children and young adults in this state; (ii) the system of community-based services for such children and young adults; (iii) the treatment provided by congregate care settings that are operated privately or by the state and provide residential supports and services to such children and young adults and how the quality of care is measured; and (iv) how the state Department of Education, local boards of education, the Department of Children and Families, the Department of Developmental Services and other appropriate agencies can work collaboratively to improve educational, developmental, medical and behavioral health outcomes for such children and young adults and reduce the number at risk of entering institutional care. As used in this subsection, “developmental disability” means a severe, chronic disability of an individual, as defined in 42 USC 15002, as amended from time to time.
(May Sp. Sess. P.A. 94-5, S. 26, 30; P.A. 95-257, S. 56, 58; Oct. 29 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-1, S. 18, 23; P.A. 99-167; 99-230, S. 5, 10; P.A. 06-188, S. 46; P.A. 07-148, S. 16; 07-217, S. 72; Sept. Sp. Sess. P.A. 09-5, S. 58; P.A. 10-179, S. 46; P.A. 11-44, S. 167; P.A. 13-125, S. 6; 13-234, S. 92; P.A. 14-206, S. 1; P.A. 15-69, S. 16; P.A. 16-142, S. 1; 16-193, S. 5; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 16-3, S. 152; P.A. 17-33, S. 1; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2, S. 317; P.A. 18-48, S. 3; 18-169, S. 40; P.A. 19-117, S. 123; 19-157, S. 58; P.A. 23-22, S. 8.)
History: May Sp. Sess. P.A. 94-5 effective June 16, 1994; P.A. 95-257 amended Subsec. (a) by requiring the council to advise the Waiver Application Development Council on certain matters, increased membership by adding two members of the General Assembly, one advocate for persons with substance abuse disabilities and one for psychiatric disabilities, requiring the council to choose a chair and requiring the public health committee staff to provide administrative support, added Subsec. (b)(10) to (12) and replaced reference to Department of Public Health and Addiction Services with Department of Public Health and reference to Department of Mental Health with Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, effective July 1, 1995; Oct. 29 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-1 amended Subsec. (a) by increasing membership by adding two advocates for foster families, two representatives of the Department of Children and Families, two representatives of the Office of Policy and Management and one representative of the Comptroller, added Subsec. (b)(13) re coordination with coverage under the HUSKY Plan and made technical changes, effective October 30, 1997; P.A. 99-167 added new Subsec. (b)(14) re program quality studies, relettered the remaining subdivision and made technical changes; P.A. 99-230 amended Subsec. (b) to make a technical change, effective July 1, 1999; P.A. 06-188 amended Subsec. (a) to expand council by adding the chairpersons and ranking members of the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to appropriations and the budgets of state agencies, and added new Subsec. (b)(15) re managed care portion of the state-administered general assistance program and redesignate existing Subdiv. (15) as Subdiv. (16), effective July 1, 2006; P.A. 07-148 amended Subsec. (a) by replacing “substance abuse disabilities” with “substance use disorders”; P.A. 07-217 made a technical change in Subsec. (b), effective July 12, 2007; Sept. Sp. Sess. P.A. 09-5 amended Subsec. (a) by replacing provision re two members who are community providers of health care with provision re members who are representatives of state-selected managed care organization and primary care case management provider, amended Subsec. (b) by adding Subdiv. (17) re recommendations concerning primary care case management pilot program, added new Subsec. (d) allowing commissioner to apply for funding for Medicaid managed care programs and redesignated existing Subsecs. (d) and (e) as Subsecs. (e) and (f), effective October 5, 2009; P.A. 10-179 amended Subsecs. (a) and (b) and existing Subsecs. (d) and (e) by replacing references to managed care with references to care management, amended Subsec. (a) by renaming council as “Council on Medicaid Care Management Oversight” and deleting provisions requiring council to advise Waiver Application Development Council and appointing members of Health Care Access Board to be ex-officio council members, amended Subsec. (b)(13) by adding reference to HUSKY Plan, Part A and other health care programs administered by department, amended Subsec. (b)(15) by replacing reference to managed care portion of state-administered general assistance program with references to HUSKY Plan, Medicaid care management programs and Charter Oak Health Plan, deleted former Subsec. (c) re federal waiver and implementation and redesignated existing Subsecs. (d) to (f) as Subsecs. (c) to (e), effective May 7, 2010; P.A. 11-44 divided existing Subsec. (a) into Subsecs. (a), (b) and (d), amended Subsec. (a) by changing council name to “Council on Medical Assistance Program Oversight”, replacing provision requiring council to advise on Medicaid care management with provision requiring council to advise on health care delivery system for specified programs, adding provision requiring council to monitor matters related to Medicaid care management initiatives, designating existing provisions re matters to be monitored as Subdivs. (1) to (4), adding Subdiv. (5) re outcome measures and Subdiv. (6) re issuance of request for proposal and making technical changes, amended Subsec. (b) by specifying that existing membership appointments are in effect on or before June 30, 2011, added new Subsec. (c) re membership appointments in effect on and after July 1, 2011, amended Subsec. (d) by deleting provision re first meeting and making technical changes, redesignated existing Subsec. (b) as Subsec. (e) and amended same by adding requirement that council monitor items specified in Subdivs. (1) to (15), replacing “guaranteed access to enrollees” with provision re enrollment process in Subdiv. (1), adding specific types of providers in Subdiv. (3), replacing “capitated rates provider payments, financing and staff resources” with provision re provider rates in Subdiv. (4), adding new Subdiv. (5) re funding and agency personnel management, redesignating existing Subdivs. (5) and (6) as Subdivs. (6) and (7), adding “medical home and health home models” in Subdiv. (6), replacing provision re quality assurance with provision re data on linguistic translation services in Subdiv. (7), adding new Subdiv. (8) re program quality, redesignating existing Subdivs. (8) to (14) as Subdivs. (9) to (15), adding reference to health care programs in Subdiv. (13), replacing reference to the HUSKY Plan and other health care program with reference to continuity among Medicaid programs and integration of care in Subdiv. (14), deleting former Subdivs. (15) to (17), adding provision re participation in review of contract with administrative services organization and making technical changes, redesignated existing Subsecs. (c) and (d) as Subsecs. (f) and (g), amended Subsec. (g) by replacing provision re plans and implementation of the Medicaid care management program with provision re matters described in Subsec. (e), adding requirement that commissioner provide quarterly financial reports and making technical changes, redesignated existing Subsec. (e) as Subsec. (h) and amended same by replacing requirement that council report quarterly with requirement that council report biannually, effective July 1, 2011; P.A. 13-125 amended Subsec. (c)(1) and (11) to add chairpersons and ranking members of joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to aging and Commissioner on Aging to council membership, effective July 1, 2013; P.A. 13-234 amended Subsec. (a) to delete reference to Charter Oak Health Plan, effective January 1, 2014; P.A. 14-206 amended Subsec. (c) to add provisions re appointment of members representing the Connecticut Hospital Association, the business community and the nursing home industry, and a physician who serves Medicaid clients, added new Subsecs. (h) and (i) establishing a standing subcommittee on Medicaid cost savings and redesignated existing Subsec. (h) as Subsec. (j), effective June 13, 2014; P.A. 15-69 amended Subsec. (a) to replace references to HUSKY Plan, Parts A and B and the Medicaid program with reference to HUSKY Health program and amended Subsec. (c)(5) to change “HUSKY program” to “HUSKY Health program,” effective June 19, 2015; P.A. 16-142 added Subsec. (k) re establishing standing subcommittee on children and adults who have complex health care needs, effective July 1, 2016; P.A. 16-193 amended Subsec. (e) by substituting “the HUSKY Health program” for “each Department of Social Services administered health care program” and making a conforming change in Subdiv. (1) and by substituting “the HUSKY Health program” for “each of the health care programs set forth in subsection (a) of this section” in Subdiv. (13); May Sp. Sess. P.A. 16-3 amended Subsec. (c) by replacing reference to executive director of Commission on Aging or designee with reference to executive director of Commission on Women, Children and Seniors or designee in Subdiv. (8) and by replacing reference to executive director of Commission on Children or designee with reference to member of Commission on Women, Children and Seniors designated by executive director in Subdiv. (9), effective July 1, 2016; P.A. 17-33 deleted existing Subsecs. (h) and (i) re standing committee established to study best practices re Medicaid cost savings and redesignated existing Subsecs. (j) and (k) as Subsecs. (h) and (i); June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2 amended Subsec. (c) by replacing “July 1, 2011” with “October 31, 2017”, and deleting reference to Commissioner on Aging in Subdiv. (11), effective October 31, 2017; P.A. 18-48 amended Subsec. (c)(8) by making a technical change, effective May 29, 2018; P.A. 18-169 amended Subsec. (c)(11) by adding “, Rehabilitation Services”, effective June 14, 2018; P.A. 19-117 amended Subsec. (c)(9) by replacing “Commission on Women, Children and Seniors” with “Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity and Opportunity”, effective July 1, 2019 (Revisor's note: Pursuant to P.A. 19-117, “Commission on Women, Children and Seniors” was changed editorially by the Revisors to “Commissioner on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity and Opportunity” in Subsec. (c)(8)); P.A. 19-157 amended Subsec. (c)(11) by replacing “Commissioner of Rehabilitation Services” with “Commissioner of Aging and Disability Services”; P.A. 23-22 amended Subsec. (c)(9) by making a technical change.
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Sec. 17b-28a. Waiver Application Development Council. Medicaid waiver unit. Section 17b-28a is repealed, effective July 1, 2013.
(P.A. 95-257, S. 7, 58; P.A. 96-268, S. 30, 34; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-2, S. 114, 165; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-8, S. 29, 88; P.A. 07-73, S. 2(b); P.A. 13-139, S. 21; 13-299, S. 95.)
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Sec. 17b-28b. Competitive bidding for Medicaid managed care plans. On and after January 1, 1997, the Department of Social Services may award, on the basis of a competitive bidding procedure, contracts for Medicaid managed care health plans.
(P.A. 96-268, S. 29, 34.)
History: P.A. 96-268 effective July 1, 1996.
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Sec. 17b-28c. Application for a federal waiver for pilot program based on principles of national Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE). Section 17b-28c is repealed, effective July 1, 2023.
(June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-2, S. 113, 165; P.A. 98-198, S. 2, 4; P.A. 23-30, S. 3; 23-204, S. 446.)
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Sec. 17b-28d. Amendment to state Medicaid plan to increase federal matching funds for Medicaid services provided to children requiring special education. Notice to boards of education re changes to policies or procedures. (a) The Commissioner of Social Services, in consultation with the Commissioner of Education, shall submit to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services an amendment to the state Medicaid plan concerning school-based child health services provided to Medicaid enrolled children requiring special education pursuant to an individualized education program. Such amendment to the Medicaid plan shall maintain and enhance, to the extent permitted, federal financial participation associated with such costs through a service-specific rate method.
(b) The Commissioner of Social Services shall provide written notification to each local or regional board of education in the state of any change in policy or billing procedure not later than thirty days after the effective date of such change.
(P.A. 98-239, S. 8, 35; P.A. 03-19, S. 37; P.A. 11-44, S. 105; P.A. 12-173, S. 10.)
History: P.A. 98-239 effective July 1, 1998; P.A. 03-19 made technical changes, including replacing “Health Care Financing Administration” with “Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services”, effective May 12, 2003; P.A. 11-44 designated existing provisions as Subsec. (a) and amended same to replace reference to Social Security Act requirement with “school-based child health”, delete provisions re amendment proposals and establishment of fixed fee and add provision re federal financial participation, and added Subsec. (b) re notification to boards of education, effective June 13, 2011; P.A. 12-173 amended Subsec. (a) by replacing “individualized education plan” with “individualized education program”, effective June 15, 2012.
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Sec. 17b-28e. Amendment to Medicaid state plan re hospice, podiatry and independent behavioral health clinician services. (a) The Commissioner of Social Services shall amend the Medicaid state plan to include, on and after January 1, 2009, hospice services as optional services covered under the Medicaid program. Said state plan amendment shall supersede any regulations of Connecticut state agencies concerning such optional services. Hospice services covered under the Medicaid program for individuals who are residents in long-term care facilities shall be paid at a rate that is ninety-five per cent of the facility's per diem rate.
(b) Not later than October 1, 2011, the Commissioner of Social Services shall amend the Medicaid state plan to include podiatry as an optional service under the Medicaid program.
(c) Not later than October 1, 2014, the Commissioner of Social Services shall amend the Medicaid state plan to include services provided by the following licensed behavioral health clinicians in independent practice to Medicaid recipients who are twenty-one years of age or older: (1) Psychologists licensed under chapter 383, (2) clinical social workers licensed under subsection (c) or (e) of section 20-195n, (3) alcohol and drug counselors licensed under section 20-74s, (4) professional counselors licensed under sections 20-195cc and 20-195dd, and (5) marital and family therapists licensed under section 20-195c. The commissioner shall include such services as optional services covered under the Medicaid program and provide direct Medicaid reimbursements to such licensed behavioral health clinicians who are enrolled as Medicaid providers and who treat such Medicaid recipients in independent practice settings. The commissioner may implement policies and procedures necessary to implement this subsection in advance of regulations, provided the commissioner prints notice of intent to adopt the regulations in accordance with section 17b-10 not later than twenty days after the date of implementation of such policies and procedures. Such policies and procedures shall be valid until the time final regulations are adopted.
(d) (1) Not later than October 1, 2022, the Commissioner of Social Services shall provide Medicaid payments to an enrolled independent licensed behavioral health clinician in private practice for covered services performed by an associate licensed behavioral health clinician working within such associate clinician's scope of practice under the supervision of such independent clinician, provided such independent clinician is (A) authorized under state law to supervise such associate clinician, and (B) complies with any supervision and documentation requirements required by law. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to alter any requirement concerning such services, including, but not limited to, scope of practice, supervision and documentation requirements.
(2) For purposes of this subsection, (A) “independent licensed behavioral health clinician” means a psychologist licensed under chapter 383, marital and family therapist licensed under chapter 383a, clinical social worker licensed under chapter 383b or professional counselor licensed under chapter 383c, (B) “associate licensed behavioral health clinician” means a marital and family therapy associate licensed under chapter 383a, master social worker licensed under chapter 383b or professional counselor associate licensed under chapter 383c, and (C) “private practice” means a practice setting that does not require a facility or institutional license and includes both solo and group practices of independent licensed behavioral health clinicians.
(e) Not later than October 1, 2022, the Commissioner of Social Services shall amend the Medicaid state plan to add services provided by a naturopath licensed pursuant to chapter 373 as a covered service.
(May 9 Sp. Sess. P.A. 02-7, S. 104; P.A. 04-257, S. 31; P.A. 07-185, S. 1; P.A. 08-158, S. 1; Sept. Sp. Sess. P.A. 09-5, S. 56; P.A. 10-179, S. 74; P.A. 11-44, S. 85, 169; Dec. Sp. Sess. P.A. 12-1, S. 9; P.A. 13-234, S. 80; P.A. 14-217, S. 220; P.A. 22-81, S. 25; 22-118, S. 247.)
History: May 9 Sp. Sess. P.A. 02-7 effective August 15, 2002; P.A. 04-257 made a technical change, effective June 14, 2004; P.A. 07-185 designated existing provisions as Subsec. (a) and added Subsec. (b) re amendment to Medicaid state plan to include foreign language interpreter services provided to a beneficiary with limited English proficiency as a covered service under Medicaid program, effective July 1, 2007; P.A. 08-158 amended Subsec. (a) to delete provision requiring commissioner to implement provisions of May 9 Sp. Sess. P.A. 02-1 re optional services and add requirement that commissioner amend Medicaid state plan to include hospice services as optional services on and after January 1, 2009, effective January 1, 2009; Sept. Sp. Sess. P.A. 09-5 amended Subsec. (b) by requiring the commissioner to amend Medicaid state plan and develop and implement medical billing codes by February 1, 2011, and added Subsec. (c) requiring managed care organizations providing interpreter services to report to department and requiring department to submit a copy of each report to Medicaid Managed Care Council, effective October 5, 2009; P.A. 10-179 amended Subsec. (c) by replacing reference to managed care organization with reference to care management organization and replacing reference to Medicaid Managed Care Council with reference to Council on Medicaid Care Management Oversight, effective July 1, 2010; P.A. 11-44 amended Subsec. (b) by changing dates from February 1, 2011, to July 1, 2013, and deleting provision re billing codes for HUSKY Plan and Medicaid programs, amended Subsec. (c) by deleting provision re department contracting with care management organization, adding date of July 1, 2013, adding provision requiring report in accordance with Sec. 11-4a, replacing provision requiring report to department with provision requiring report to Council on Medical Assistance Program Oversight, deleting “Council on Medicaid Care Management Oversight” and making conforming changes, and added Subsec. (d) re podiatry services, effective July 1, 2011; Dec. Sp. Sess. P.A. 12-1 amended Subsec. (a) to add provision re rate for hospice services from January 1, 2013, to June 30, 2013, and added Subsec. (e) re chiropractic services, effective December 21, 2012; P.A. 13-234 amended Subsec. (a) to delete “From January 1, 2013, to June 30, 2013, inclusive”, deleted former Subsecs. (b), (c) and (e) re Medicaid state plan amendments and related requirements for foreign language interpreter services and chiropractic coverage and redesignated existing Subsec. (d) as Subsec. (b), effective July 1, 2013; P.A. 14-217 added Subsec. (c) re services provided by licensed behavioral health clinicians in independent practice, effective July 1, 2014; P.A. 22-81 added Subsec. (d) re Medicaid payments to independent licensed behavioral health clinicians for services of associate licensed behavioral health clinician, effective July 1, 2022; P.A. 22-118 added Subsec. (d) codified by the Revisors as Subsec. (e), re naturopaths, effective May 7, 2022.
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Sec. 17b-28f. Care management subcontractors. Report on costs and profit. On and after July 1, 2002, each care management subcontractor paying claims for mental health or dental care paid by a Medicaid care management plan shall submit a report on a quarterly basis to the Commissioner of Social Services on the proportion and amount of its monthly payment received from the plan which has been (1) paid directly to providers of health services, and (2) used by the subcontractor for its own administrative costs and profit.
(P.A. 02-3, S. 6; P.A. 10-179, S. 75.)
History: P.A. 02-3 effective April 1, 2002; P.A. 10-179 replaced references to managed care with references to care management, effective July 1, 2010.
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Sec. 17b-28g. Notice of amendment to Medicaid state plan. The Commissioner of Social Services shall submit notice of any proposed amendment to the Medicaid state plan to the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters related to human services and appropriations prior to submission of such amendment to the federal government.
(Sept. Sp. Sess. P.A. 09-5, S. 50.)
History: Sept. Sp. Sess. P.A. 09-5 effective October 5, 2009.
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Sec. 17b-28h. Amendment to Medicaid state plan re pilot program to provide managed care to persons served by Oak Hill. The Commissioner of Social Services may, to the extent permitted by federal law, amend the Medicaid state plan to establish a pilot program that serves not more than five hundred persons served by Oak Hill - The Connecticut Institute for the Blind, Inc. who are eligible for Medicare and who voluntarily agree to participate in the program. Such program shall be designed to demonstrate the feasibility and cost effectiveness of delivering comprehensive health insurance coverage in a managed care setting to such persons. The commissioner may include medical assistance services in the program not covered on October 5, 2009, in the state medical assistance program or other modifications to the state medical assistance program to encourage voluntary participation in the pilot program.
(Sept. Sp. Sess. P.A. 09-5, S. 76.)
History: Sept. Sp. Sess. P.A. 09-5 effective October 5, 2009.
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Sec. 17b-28i. Income disregard for veterans' Aid and Attendance pension benefits. Amendment to Medicaid state plan. (a) To the extent permissible by federal law, the Commissioner of Social Services shall disregard federal Aid and Attendance pension benefits granted to a veteran or the surviving spouse of such veteran when determining income eligibility for the state's Medicare savings, medical assistance and energy assistance programs administered under section 17b-2. As used in this subsection, “veteran” has the same meaning as provided in section 27-103.
(b) The Commissioner of Social Services may seek approval of an amendment to the state Medicaid plan or a waiver from federal law, if necessary, to exempt such benefits from income eligibility criteria.
(P.A. 12-208, S. 1; P.A. 18-47, S. 19; P.A. 21-79, S. 26.)
History: P.A. 12-208 effective July 1, 2012; P.A. 18-47 amended Subsec. (a) to add definition of “veteran”; P.A. 21-79 amended Subsec. (a) to redefine “veteran”.
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Sec. 17b-28j. Amendment to Medicaid state plan re community violence prevention services. (a) As used in this section:
(1) “Community violence” means intentional acts of interpersonal violence committed in public areas by individuals who are not family members or intimate partners of the victim;
(2) “Community violence prevention services” means evidence-based, trauma-informed, supportive and nonpsychotherapeutic services provided by a certified violence prevention professional, within or outside of a clinical setting, for the purpose of promoting improved health outcomes and positive behavioral change, preventing injury recidivism and reducing the likelihood that individuals who are victims of community violence will commit or promote violence themselves. “Community violence prevention services” may include the provision of peer support and counseling, mentorship, conflict mediation, crisis intervention, targeted case management, referrals to certified or licensed health care professionals or social services providers, patient education or screening services to victims of community violence;
(3) “Interpersonal violence” means the intentional use of physical force or power against other persons by an individual or small group of individuals;
(4) “Prevention professional” has the same meaning as described by the National Uniform Claim Committee (NUCC), or its successor, under NUCC Code Number 405300000X; and
(5) “Certified violence prevention professional” means a prevention professional who meets all of the conditions specified in subsection (c) of this section.
(b) (1) On or before July 1, 2022, the Commissioner of Social Services, shall amend the Medicaid state plan to make community violence prevention services available, to the extent permitted by federal law, to any Medicaid beneficiary who has: (A) Received medical treatment for an injury sustained as a result of an act of community violence, and (B) been referred by a certified or licensed health care provider or social services provider to receive community violence prevention services from a certified violence prevention professional, after such provider determines such beneficiary to be at elevated risk of a violent injury or retaliation resulting from another act of community violence.
(2) The Commissioner of Social Services shall seek any federal approvals necessary to implement this section, including, but not limited to, any state plan amendments or federal waivers by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. This subsection shall be implemented only to the extent that federal financial participation is available, and any necessary federal approvals have been obtained.
(3) The provisions of this subsection shall be implemented only to the extent permitted by federal law.
(c) Any prevention professional seeking certification as a certified violence prevention professional shall complete an accredited training and certification program for certified violence prevention professionals, approved in accordance with subsection (d) of this section and maintain such certification.
(d) On or before January 1, 2022, the Department of Public Health shall approve at least one accredited training and certification program for certified violence prevention professionals. Such program shall include:
(1) At least thirty-five hours of initial training, collectively addressing all of the following:
(A) The profound effects of trauma and violence and the basics of trauma-informed care;
(B) Community violence prevention strategies, including, but not limited to, conflict mediation and retaliation prevention related to community violence;
(C) Case management and advocacy practices; and
(D) Patient privacy and the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, P.L. 104-191, as amended from time to time, (HIPAA); and
(2) At least six hours of continuing education every two years.
(e) Any entity that employs or contracts with a certified violence prevention professional to provide community violence prevention services shall:
(1) Maintain documentation that the certified violence prevention professional has met all of the conditions described in subsection (c) of this section; and
(2) Ensure that the certified violence prevention professional is providing community violence prevention services in compliance with any applicable standards of care, rules, regulations and governing law of the state or federal government.
(f) No person, unless certified as a violence prevention professional pursuant to this section, may use the title “certified violence prevention professional” or make use of any title, words, letters, abbreviations or insignia indicating or implying that he or she is a certified violence prevention professional.
(g) Nothing in this section shall alter the scope of practice for any health care professional.
(P.A. 21-36, S. 1.)
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Sec. 17b-28k. Amendment to Medicaid state plan re services to address health impacts of high childhood blood lead levels. To the extent permissible under federal law and within available appropriations, the Commissioner of Social Services shall seek federal authority to amend the Medicaid state plan to add services the commissioner determines are necessary and appropriate to address the health impacts of high childhood blood lead levels in children eligible for Medicaid. Such newly added services may include, but need not be limited to, (1) case management, (2) lead remediation, (3) follow-up screening, (4) referral to other available services, and (5) such other services covered under Medicaid the commissioner determines are necessary. In making the determination as to which services to add to the Medicaid program under this section, the commissioner shall coordinate such services with services already covered under the Medicaid program.
(P.A. 22-49, S. 4; 22-118, S. 152.)
History: P.A. 22-49 and 22-118 effective January 1, 2023.
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Sec. 17b-28l. Community health worker reimbursement under Medicaid. Program development. Required reporting. (a) For purposes of this section, “certified community health worker” has the same meaning as provided in section 20-195ttt. The Commissioner of Social Services shall design and implement a program to provide Medicaid reimbursement to certified community health workers for services provided to HUSKY Health program members, including, but not limited to: (1) Coordination of medical, oral and behavioral health care services and social supports; (2) connection to and navigation of health systems and services; (3) prenatal, birth, lactation and postpartum supports; and (4) health promotion, coaching and self-management education.
(b) The Commissioner of Social Services and the commissioner's designees shall consult with certified community health workers, Medicaid beneficiaries and advocates, including, but not limited to, advocates for persons with physical, mental and developmental disabilities, and others throughout the design and implementation of the certified community health worker reimbursement program in a manner that (1) is inclusive of community-based and clinic-based certified community health workers; (2) is representative of medical assistance program member demographics; and (3) helps shape the reimbursement program's design and implementation. The commissioner, in consultation with community health workers, Medicaid beneficiaries and such advocates, shall explore options for the reimbursement program's design that ensures access to such community health workers, encourages workforce growth to support such access and averts the risk of creating financial incentives for other providers to limit access to such community health workers.
(c) Not later than January 1, 2024, and annually thereafter until the reimbursement program is fully implemented, the Commissioner of Social Services shall submit a report, in accordance with the provisions of section 11-4a, to the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to human services and the Council on Medical Assistance Program Oversight. The initial report shall be submitted not less than six months prior to the implementation of the reimbursement program. The reports shall contain an update on the certified community health worker reimbursement program design, including, but not limited to (1) an analysis regarding the program elements designed to ensure access to such services, promote workforce growth and avert the risk of creating financial incentives for other providers to limit access to such community health workers, and (2) an evaluation of any impact of the program on health outcomes and health equity.
(P.A. 23-186, S. 4.)
History: P.A. 23-186 effective June 28, 2023.
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Sec. 17b-29. Council to monitor implementation of temporary family assistance program and the employment services program. Appointments. Reports. (a) There is established a council to monitor the implementation of the temporary family assistance program and the employment services program. The council shall be composed of the chairmen and ranking members of the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to human services, or their designees, the chairmen and ranking members of the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to labor, or their designees, one child care provider and one expert on child support enforcement, to be appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate; one representative of advocacy groups, to be appointed by the majority leader of the Senate; two education and training specialists, one experienced in job training and one experienced in basic adult education, one to be appointed by the minority leader of the Senate and one to be appointed by the minority leader of the House of Representatives; one member of the public who is a current recipient of benefits under the temporary family assistance program, to be appointed by speaker of the House of Representatives; and two members, one experienced in higher education programs and one experienced in teenage pregnancy issues, to be appointed by the majority leader of the House of Representatives. The council shall elect a chairperson from among its members. The council shall convene its first meeting not later than September 1, 1997.
(b) Beginning September 1, 1997, at meetings scheduled by the council, the Commissioner of Social Services and the Labor Commissioner shall update the council on the implementation of the temporary family assistance program and the employment services program. The council shall submit recommendations to the department regarding, but not limited to, the availability of quality child care and the provision of seamless child care services, procedures for informing parents and teenagers about family planning and pregnancy prevention, client education regarding their rights and responsibilities, the effectiveness of child support enforcement, the effect of reduced exemptions, time limits and increased sanctions, the coordination with Medicaid and health care reform measures and the fiscal impact of these program changes.
(c) On January 1, 1998, and quarterly thereafter, the council shall submit a report to the General Assembly on the implementation of the temporary family assistance program and the employment services program.
(May Sp. Sess. P.A. 94-5, S. 23, 30; P.A. 95-194, S. 6, 33; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-2, S. 22, 165; P.A. 03-268, S. 3; P.A. 10-179, S. 65.)
History: May Sp. Sess. P.A. 94-5 effective June 16, 1994; P.A. 95-194 amended Subsec. (a) by requiring the council to monitor the federal waiver for the AFDC program in Sec. 17b-112, effective June 29, 1995; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-2 amended Subsec. (a) by requiring the council to monitor the TFA program and the employment services program instead of the federal waiver for the aid to families with dependent children program and the operation of the job opportunities and basic skills program, by adding the chairman and ranking members, or their designees, of the Labor Department to the council, replacing a member of the public who is a current recipient of benefits under the aid to families with dependent children program with a member of the public who is a current recipient of benefits under the TFA program, extended the convening date of the council from July 1, 1994, to September 1, 1997, amended Subsec. (b) by requiring the Labor Commissioner, in addition to the Commissioner of Social Services to update the council monthly, beginning on September 1, 1997, on the implementation of the TFA program and the employment services program, eliminated obsolete recommendation requirements, amended Subsec. (c) by changing the date the council shall submit quarterly reports to the General Assembly on the implementation of the TFA program and the employment services program from October 1, 1994, to January 1, 1998, effective July 1, 1997; P.A. 03-268 amended Subsec. (b) by replacing “and monthly thereafter” with “at meetings scheduled by the council” re updates to council on implementation of temporary family assistance program and employment services program; P.A. 10-179 amended Subsec. (b) by deleting reference to managed care, effective July 1, 2010.
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Sec. 17b-30. Biometric identifier system. (a) For purposes of this section, “biometric identifier system” means a system which allows for the recognition of an individual through retinal scanning, finger-imaging, hand geometry or facial recognition. The Commissioner of Social Services and the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles shall examine available biometric identifier systems and to the greatest extent possible, select a system which is compatible with the systems of surrounding states. The Commissioner of Social Services may enter into a memorandum of understanding with the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles for the Department of Motor Vehicles to provide the hardware, software, equipment maintenance, technical training and other resources deemed necessary by the commissioner to establish said system.
(b) Said system shall be utilized for office use only in programs to be determined at the discretion of the Commissioner of Social Services.
(c) A recipient of a program utilizing said system pursuant to subsection (b) of this section shall participate in said system or be subject to disqualification from such program. The commissioner shall have the authority to exempt a recipient from participation in said system.
(d) Biometric identifier information obtained pursuant to subsection (c) of this section shall be the proprietary information of the Department of Social Services and shall not be released or made available to any agency or organization and shall not be used for any purpose other than identification or fraud prevention in this or any other state, except that such information may be made available to the office of the Chief State's Attorney if necessary for the prosecution of fraud discovered pursuant to the biometric identifier system established in subsection (a) of this section or in accordance with section 17b-90. Any person who violates any provision of this subsection shall be guilty of a class D felony and shall be liable for the cost of prosecution.
(P.A. 95-194, S. 28, 33; 95-351, S. 27, 30; P.A. 96-176, S. 4; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-2, S. 23, 165; P.A. 03-268, S. 4; P.A. 04-76, S. 8; P.A. 10-179, S. 80; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 10-1, S. 66; P.A. 13-258, S. 67.)
History: P.A. 95-194, S. 28 effective July 1, 1995; P.A. 95-351 amended Subsec. (b) by providing that the biometric identifier system shall be utilized for office use only, effective July 1, 1995; P.A. 96-176 inserted new Subsec. (b) authorizing one-year contract extension and requiring commissioner thereafter to issue request for proposals for maintenance or improvement of biometric identifier system, relettered former Subsecs. (b) to (e), inclusive, as Subsecs. (c) to (f), inclusive, respectively, and added Subsec. (g) re annual report by Commissioner of Social Services; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-2 amended Subsec. (c) to replace a reference to aid to families with dependent children with temporary family assistance, effective July 1, 1997; P.A. 03-268 amended Subsec. (g) to provide that final report on implementation of biometric identifier system shall be issued not later than January 1, 2004; P.A. 04-76 deleted Subsec. (c)(1) re “general assistance” and redesignated former Subsecs. (c)(2) and (c)(3) as new Subsecs. (c)(1) and (c)(2); P.A. 10-179 deleted former Subsec. (b) re commissioner's authority to extend contracts, redesignated existing Subsecs. (c) and (d) as Subsecs. (b) and (c), amended redesignated Subsec. (b) by replacing former Subdivs. (1) and (2) with reference to “programs”, deleted former Subsec. (e) re dates for implementation of system, redesignated existing Subsec. (f) as Subsec. (d) and deleted former Subsec. (g) re submission of annual report, effective May 7, 2010; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 10-1 made a technical change in Subsec. (d), effective June 22, 2010; P.A. 13-258 amended Subsec. (d) to change penalty from fine of up to $5,000 or 5 years' imprisonment to a class D felony and make a conforming change.
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Sec. 17b-31. Parent's Fair Share Program. (a) The Commissioner of Social Services shall seek a waiver from federal law to participate in the federal Parent's Fair Share Program, Section 482(d)(3) of the Social Security Act. Such program shall assist noncustodial parents in becoming current in delinquent child support payments.
(b) The Commissioner of Social Services may accept private foundation grants and may use such grants to carry out the purposes of this section.
(P.A. 95-266, S. 1.)
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Sec. 17b-32. Pilot nurse practitioner training program. (a) The Department of Social Services shall, within available appropriations and in consultation with the Department of Public Health, establish a pilot training program for nurse practitioners seeking to specialize in family practice to receive one year of formal training at a community-based health center located in an area designated by the federal Health Resources and Services Administration as a health professional shortage area, a medically underserved area or an area with medically underserved populations.
(b) The Commissioner of Social Services, in consultation with the Commissioner of Public Health, shall establish eligibility requirements for participation in the program.
(c) The pilot program shall commence on or before October 1, 2008, and shall terminate not later than October 1, 2010.
(d) The Commissioner of Social Services shall report, in accordance with section 11-4a, to the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to human services and public health not later than January 1, 2011, concerning any increase in access to care at community-based health centers as a result of such pilot program.
(P.A. 07-219, S. 1; 07-252, S. 78.)
History: P.A. 07-252 made a technical change in Subsec. (d).
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Sec. 17b-33. Transferred to Chapter 319d, Sec. 17a-303a.
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Sec. 17b-34. Commissioner of Social Services to obtain federal funds for health information technology. Disbursement of funds. Medicaid electronic health record incentive program. (a) The Commissioner of Social Services, in consultation with the Commissioner of Public Health, shall take such action as necessary to meet the qualification criteria established pursuant to Section 4201 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, P.L. 111-5, to obtain (1) matching funds for the Department of Social Services' administrative planning activities related to health information technology; and (2) incentive payments for hospitals and eligible professionals who are meaningful electronic health record users as described in said act. The Commissioner of Social Services shall disburse any federal incentive funds for hospitals and eligible professionals that the commissioner receives pursuant to this section to each hospital and eligible professional.
(b) The Commissioner of Social Services shall, in accordance with Section 4201 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, P.L. 111-5, develop and implement a Medicaid health information technology plan and shall establish a Medicaid electronic health record incentive program to provide incentives for hospitals and other health care providers which adopt and meaningfully use electronic health records to improve patient health and the quality and efficiency of health care service delivery.
(c) A hospital or other health care provider that receives an adverse decision by the Commissioner of Social Services under the Medicaid electronic health record incentive program concerning the hospital's or provider's: (1) Eligibility for incentive payments; (2) incentive payment amounts; (3) demonstration of adopting, implementing or upgrading an electronic health record; or (4) fulfillment of meaningful use criteria may request review of the commissioner's decision, in accordance with 42 CFR 495.370. Upon receipt of such request, the commissioner shall conduct an initial review and notify the provider of the determination based on such review. The provider may request an administrative hearing, in accordance with chapter 54, to contest the department's determination.
(d) For purposes of this section, “hospital” has the same meaning as provided in section 19a-490, and “other health care provider” means any person, corporation, limited liability company, organization, partnership, firm, association, facility or institution that is licensed or certified by the state to provide health care services and contracts with the Department of Social Services to provide such services to recipients of benefits under the Medicaid program.
(June Sp. Sess. P.A. 10-1, S. 21; P.A. 11-25, S. 4; 11-137, S. 1; P.A. 14-122, S. 114.)
History: June Sp. Sess. P.A. 10-1 effective June 22, 2010; P.A. 11-25 made a technical change; P.A. 11-137 designated existing provisions as Subsec. (a), added Subsec. (b) re establishment of Medicaid electronic health record incentive program and development of Medicaid health information technology plan, added Subsec. (c) re review of adverse decision and added Subsec. (d) defining “hospital” and “other health care provider”, effective July 8, 2011; P.A. 14-122 made technical changes in Subsec. (d).
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Secs. 17b-35 to 17b-54. Reserved for future use.
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Sec. 17b-55. Regulations re welfare reform. Section 17b-55 is repealed, effective October 1, 2003.
(P.A. 95-194, S. 31, 33; P.A. 03-28, S. 4.)
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Sec. 17b-55a. Service by state marshals. Commencing October 1, 2009, and monthly thereafter, the Commissioner of Social Services shall forward to state marshals for service not more than one hundred fifty subpoenas, summons, warrants or court orders relating to proceedings initiated by said commissioner that have had no action taken upon them within the past sixty days for the purpose of resolving any backlog. Any such subpoena, summons, warrant or court order remaining with a state marshal for sixty days after the marshal's receipt shall be returned to the commissioner within two business days.
(June Sp. Sess. P.A. 09-3, S. 93; Sept. Sp. Sess. P.A. 09-5, S. 46.)
History: June Sp. Sess. P.A. 09-3 effective September 9, 2009; Sept. Sp. Sess. P.A. 09-5 deleted former Subsec. (a) and amended remaining provisions to change 30 days to 60 days, add provision requiring marshal to return any document in marshal's possession for 60 days to Commissioner of Social Services within 2 business days and make a conforming change, effective October 5, 2009.
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Sec. 17b-55b. Two-generation poverty reduction account. There is established a “two-generation poverty reduction account” which shall be a separate, nonlapsing account within the General Fund. The account may receive transfers of lapsing funds from General Fund operations or poverty reduction accounts within the Department of Social Services. The account may also receive moneys from public and philanthropic sources or from the federal government for such purposes. All moneys deposited in the account shall be used by said department or persons acting under a contract with the department to fund services in support of two-generation poverty reduction programs.
(May Sp. Sess. P.A. 16-3, S. 123.)
History: May Sp. Sess. P.A. 16-3 effective July 1, 2016.
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Sec. 17b-56. (Formerly Sec. 17-21a). Compact. The Interstate Compact on Welfare Services is hereby enacted into law and entered into by this state with any other jurisdiction or jurisdictions legally joining therein in the form substantially as follows:
The policy of the states party to this compact is to make welfare services available on a reciprocal basis under this compact and to eliminate barriers caused by restrictive residence or settlement requirements of the several states. However, it is recognized that law and policy relating generally to the provision of welfare services by a particular state should not be determined by interstate compact and will remain a matter for determination by that party state and its subdivisions. This compact shall be open for joinder by any state of the United States and the District of Columbia.
As used in this compact, the phrase “welfare service” shall mean and include: (1) Old age assistance; (2) aid to the blind; (3) temporary family assistance; (4) aid to the permanently and totally disabled; (5) general assistance or home relief, by whatever name known, for persons not eligible under other assistance categories; (6) child welfare services; (7) care of unwed mothers; (8) welfare medical services for those in need; provided that no party state shall be obligated to provide a welfare service which is not made available generally by its laws.
(a) No person who has removed himself from one party state to another party state shall be ineligible for a welfare service in such other party state because of failure to meet that state's residence or settlement requirements for eligibility. The cost of providing a welfare service to any person made eligible therefor by reason of this compact shall be charged within the state in accordance with the laws of such state.
(b) The appropriate official, department or agency of the state where application for a welfare service is made pursuant to this compact shall be entitled to request and receive any pertinent information available from any other party state with respect to such applicant.
(a) The duly constituted administrative authorities of any two or more party states may enter into supplementary agreements for the provision of any service or facility in the field of social welfare which may be in addition to those denominated as welfare services in this compact whenever the states concerned shall find that such agreements will improve social welfare, its services or facilities. No such supplementary agreement shall be construed so as to relieve any party state of any obligation which it otherwise would have under other provisions of this compact; nor shall it authorize or require any party state to assume any obligation not otherwise authorized by law.
(b) Nothing in this compact shall be construed to invalidate any reciprocal agreement between a party state and a nonparty state relating to the reciprocal provision of welfare services nor to invalidate any statutory authority for such agreements.
Each party state shall appoint a compact administrator who shall act as general coordinator of activities under the compact in his state, and whose duty it shall be to cooperate with the compact administrators of other party states. The compact administrators of the respective party states shall have power to promulgate reasonable regulations to carry out the terms and provisions of this compact.
(a) This compact shall enter into full force and effect as to any state when enacted by it into law and such state shall thereafter be a party thereto with any and all states legally joining therein.
(b) A state party to this compact may withdraw therefrom by enacting a statute repealing the same. Such withdrawal shall take effect six months after notice thereof has been communicated officially and in writing to the governors and compact administrators of all other party states. However, the withdrawal of any state shall not affect the rights of any person who is receiving a welfare service pursuant to the provisions of this compact.
(c) Withdrawal from any supplementary agreement made pursuant to Article IV shall be in accordance with the terms of such agreement.
This compact shall be liberally construed so as to effectuate the purposes thereof. The provisions of this compact shall be severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence or provision of this compact is declared to be contrary to the constitution of any party state or of the United States or the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person or circumstance is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this compact and the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person or circumstance shall not be affected thereby. If this compact shall be held contrary to the constitution of any state party thereto, the compact shall remain in full force and effect as to the remaining states and in full force and effect as to the state affected as to all severable matters.
(1961, P.A. 372, S. 1; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-2, S. 24, 165.)
History: Sec. 17-21a transferred to Sec. 17b-56 in 1995; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-2 amended Article II to replace a reference to aid to families with dependent children with temporary family assistance, effective July 1, 1997.
Annotation to former section 17-21a:
Cited. 149 C. 223.
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Sec. 17b-57. (Formerly Sec. 17-21b). Administrator. The Governor shall appoint an administrator of the Interstate Compact on Welfare Services in accordance with Article V thereof, and such administrator shall serve subject to the pleasure of the Governor.
(1961, P.A. 372, S. 2.)
History: Sec. 17-21b transferred to Sec. 17b-57 in 1995.
Annotation to former section 17-21b:
Cited. 149 C. 223.
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Sec. 17b-58. (Formerly Sec. 17-21c). Administrator to coordinate activities. Nothing in this part or in the compact enacted thereby shall be construed to transfer operation of or responsibility for performance of any function or service from or to any officer, agency or subdivision of or within this state, but the administrator of the compact shall serve as general coordinator of activities under the compact in this state and shall have all other powers conferred upon him by Article V of the compact to the end that this state may discharge effectively its obligations thereunder.
(1961, P.A. 372, S. 3.)
History: Sec. 17-21c transferred to Sec. 17b-58 in 1995.
Annotation to former section 17-21c:
Cited. 149 C. 223.
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Sec. 17b-59. (Formerly Sec. 17-21d). Notice to other states of repeal of part. In the event that this part is repealed at a subsequent date, the Governor is directed thereupon promptly to communicate withdrawal notices to all other party states in accordance with the provisions of Article VI of the compact.
(1961, P.A. 372, S. 4.)
History: Sec. 17-21d transferred to Sec. 17b-59 in 1995.
Annotation to former section 17-21d:
Cited. 149 C. 223.
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Sec. 17b-59a. (Formerly Sec. 4-60i). Development of uniform information and technology standards. Health information technology plan. Electronic data standards. State-wide Health Information Exchange. Report. (a) As used in this section:
(1) “Electronic health information system” means an information processing system, involving both computer hardware and software that deals with the storage, retrieval, sharing and use of health care information, data and knowledge for communication and decision making, and includes: (A) An electronic health record that provides access in real time to a patient's complete medical record; (B) a personal health record through which an individual, and anyone authorized by such individual, can maintain and manage such individual's health information; (C) computerized order entry technology that permits a health care provider to order diagnostic and treatment services, including prescription drugs electronically; (D) electronic alerts and reminders to health care providers to improve compliance with best practices, promote regular screenings and other preventive practices, and facilitate diagnoses and treatments; (E) error notification procedures that generate a warning if an order is entered that is likely to lead to a significant adverse outcome for a patient; and (F) tools to allow for the collection, analysis and reporting of data on adverse events, near misses, the quality and efficiency of care, patient satisfaction and other healthcare-related performance measures.
(2) “Interoperability” means the ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged and includes: (A) The capacity to physically connect to a network for the purpose of exchanging data with other users; and (B) the capacity of a connected user to access, transmit, receive and exchange usable information with other users.
(3) “Standard electronic format” means a format using open electronic standards that: (A) Enable health information technology to be used for the collection of clinically specific data; (B) promote the interoperability of health care information across health care settings, including reporting to local, state and federal agencies; and (C) facilitate clinical decision support.
(b) The Commissioner of Social Services, in consultation with the Commissioner of Health Strategy, shall (1) develop, throughout the Departments of Developmental Services, Public Health, Correction, Children and Families, Veterans Affairs and Mental Health and Addiction Services, uniform management information, uniform statistical information, uniform terminology for similar facilities, and uniform electronic health information technology standards, (2) plan for increased participation of the private sector in the delivery of human services, and (3) provide direction and coordination to federally funded programs in the human services agencies and recommend uniform system improvements and reallocation of physical resources and designation of a single responsibility across human services agencies lines to facilitate shared services and eliminate duplication.
(c) The Commissioner of Health Strategy shall, in consultation with the Commissioner of Social Services and the State Health Information Technology Advisory Council, established pursuant to section 17b-59f, implement and periodically revise the state-wide health information technology plan established pursuant to this section and shall establish electronic data standards to facilitate the development of integrated electronic health information systems for use by health care providers and institutions that receive state funding. Such electronic data standards shall: (1) Include provisions relating to security, privacy, data content, structures and format, vocabulary and transmission protocols; (2) limit the use and dissemination of an individual's Social Security number and require the encryption of any Social Security number provided by an individual; (3) require privacy standards no less stringent than the “Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information” established under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, P.L. 104-191, as amended from time to time, and contained in 45 CFR 160, 164; (4) require that individually identifiable health information be secure and that access to such information be traceable by an electronic audit trail; (5) be compatible with any national data standards in order to allow for interstate interoperability; (6) permit the collection of health information in a standard electronic format; and (7) be compatible with the requirements for an electronic health information system.
(d) The Commissioner of Health Strategy shall, within existing resources and in consultation with the State Health Information Technology Advisory Council: (1) Oversee the development and implementation of the State-wide Health Information Exchange in conformance with section 17b-59d; (2) coordinate the state's health information technology and health information exchange efforts to ensure consistent and collaborative cross-agency planning and implementation; and (3) serve as the state liaison to, and work collaboratively with, the State-wide Health Information Exchange established pursuant to section 17b-59d to ensure consistency between the state-wide health information technology plan and the State-wide Health Information Exchange and to support the state's health information technology and exchange goals.
(e) The state-wide health information technology plan, implemented and periodically revised pursuant to subsection (c) of this section, shall enhance interoperability to support optimal health outcomes and include, but not be limited to (1) general standards and protocols for health information exchange, and (2) national data standards to support secure data exchange data standards to facilitate the development of a state-wide, integrated electronic health information system for use by health care providers and institutions that are licensed by the state. Such electronic data standards shall (A) include provisions relating to security, privacy, data content, structures and format, vocabulary and transmission protocols, (B) be compatible with any national data standards in order to allow for interstate interoperability, (C) permit the collection of health information in a standard electronic format, and (D) be compatible with the requirements for an electronic health information system.
(f) Not later than February 1, 2017, and annually thereafter, the Commissioner of Health Strategy, in consultation with the State Health Information Technology Advisory Council, shall report in accordance with the provisions of section 11-4a to the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to human services and public health concerning: (1) The development and implementation of the state-wide health information technology plan and data standards, established and implemented by the Commissioner of Health Strategy pursuant to this section; (2) the establishment of the State-wide Health Information Exchange; and (3) recommendations for policy, regulatory and legislative changes and other initiatives to promote the state's health information technology and exchange goals.
(P.A. 73-155, S. 3, 10; P.A. 75-638, S. 17, 23; P.A. 76-434, S. 8, 12; P.A. 77-511, S. 3; 77-614, S. 323, 521, 526, 587, 609, 610; P.A. 78-303, S. 119, 136; P.A. 86-279, S. 2; P.A. 93-91, S. 1, 2; 93-262, S. 29, 87; 93-381, S. 9, 39; P.A. 95-257, S. 11, 12, 21, 58; P.A. 07-73, S. 2(a); P.A. 14-217, S. 173; P.A. 15-146, S. 23; P.A. 16-77, S. 5; 16-167, S. 23; P.A. 18-91, S. 7; P.A. 21-148, S. 3; P.A. 22-78, S. 2; P.A. 24-81, S. 179.)
History: P.A. 75-638 changed office of mental retardation to department of mental retardation; P.A. 76-434 gave council power to recommend system improvements, reallocation of physical resources and single responsibility for human services agencies; P.A. 77-511 and P.A. 77-614 repealed section but P.A. 78-303 deleted provision calling for section's repeal and changes called for in P.A. 77-614 were enacted, i.e. department of health became department of health services, department of social services became department of human resources, commissioner of human resources replaced council and references to vocational rehabilitation division of the state department of education and to department of community affairs were deleted, effective January 1, 1979; P.A. 86-279 deleted requirement that commissioner of human resources coordinate planning functions and resource utilization programs of certain agencies; P.A. 93-91 substituted commissioner and department of children and families for commissioner and department of children and youth services, effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 93-262 replaced commissioner of human resources with commissioner of social services and removed reference to department on aging, effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 93-381 replaced commissioner of health services with commissioner of public health and addiction services, effective July 1, 1993; (Revisor's note: In 1995 the Revisors substituted editorially the numeric indicators (1), (2) and (3) for the alphabetic indicators (a), (b) and (c) for consistency with statutory usage); P.A. 95-257 replaced Department of Public Health and Addiction Services with Department of Public Health and replaced Department of Mental Health with Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, effective July 1, 1995; pursuant to P.A. 07-73 “Department of Mental Retardation” was changed editorially by the Revisors to “Department of Developmental Services”, effective October 1, 2007; P.A. 14-217 designated existing provisions as Subsec. (a), amended redesignated Subsec. (a)(1) by adding “uniform electronic health information technology standards” and added Subsec. (b) re health information technology plan and electronic data standards, effective July 1, 2014; P.A. 15-146 added new Subsec. (a) re definitions, redesignated existing Subsec. (a) re requirements of Commissioner of Social Services as new Subsec. (b) and amended same by adding reference to Department of Veterans' Affairs, redesignated existing Subsec. (b) as Subsec. (c) and amended same by replacing reference to Departments of Public Health and Mental Health and Addiction Services with reference to Health Information Technology Advisory Council, added Subsec. (d) re requirements of Commissioner of Social Services, added Subsec. (e) re state-wide health information technology plan, added Subsec. (f) re annual report and made conforming changes, effective July 1, 2015; Sec. 4-60i transferred to Sec. 17b-59a in 2016; P.A. 16-77 amended Subsec. (b) by adding “in consultation with the Health Information Technology Officer,”, amended Subsec. (c) by replacing reference to Commissioner of Social Services with reference to Health Information Technology Officer and adding provision re consultation with Commissioner of Social Services, amended Subsec. (d) by replacing “Commissioner of Social Services” with “Health Information Technology Officer”, and amended Subsec. (f) by replacing “February 1, 2016” with “February 1, 2017” and replacing “Commissioner of Social Services” with “Health Information Technology Officer”, effective June 2, 2016; P.A. 16-167 amended Subsec. (b)(1) by replacing “Veterans' Affairs” with “Veterans Affairs”, effective July 1, 2016; P.A. 18-91 amended Subsec. (b) by replacing “Health Information Technology Officer” with reference to executive director of Office of Health Strategy and adding reference to facilitating shared services, amended Subsec. (c) by replacing reference to Health Information Technology Officer with “executive director of the Office of Health Strategy” and making a technical change, and amended Subsecs. (d) and (f) by replacing “Health Information Technology Officer” with “executive director of the Office of Health Strategy”, effective May 14, 2018; P.A. 21-148 amended Subsec. (b)(1) to delete requirement commissioner develop uniform regulations for the licensing of human services facilities, effective July 1, 2021; P.A. 22-78 made a technical change in Subsec. (b), effective May 24, 2022; P.A. 24-81 amended Subsecs. (b) to (d) and (f) by replacing references to executive director of the Office of Health Strategy with references to Commissioner of Health Strategy and making a technical change in Subsec. (b), effective May 30, 2024.
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Sec. 17b-59b. (Formerly Sec. 4-60j). Commissioner to consider advice of advisory boards and councils. In fulfilling his or her responsibilities under sections 17b-59a and 17b-59c and complying with the requirements of said sections, the Commissioner of Social Services shall take into consideration such advice as may be provided to the commissioner by advisory boards and councils in the human services areas.
(P.A. 73-155, S. 4, 10; P.A. 77-511, S. 3; 77-614, S. 523, 609, 610; P.A. 78-303, S. 4, 119, 136; P.A. 14-217, S. 174; P.A. 15-146, S. 26.)
History: P.A. 77-511 and P.A. 77-614 repealed section but P.A. 78-303 deleted provision calling for repeal and other changes called for by P.A. 77-614 and P.A. 78-303 were enacted; P.A. 77-614 changed council to commissioner, effective January 1, 1979 and P.A. 78-303 changed sections referred to from 4-60g to 4-60n, inclusive, to 4-60i and 4-60l; P.A. 14-217 added provision re compliance with Sec. 19a-25d and made technical changes, effective July 1, 2014; P.A. 15-146 made technical changes; Sec. 4-60j transferred to Sec. 17b-59b in 2016.
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Sec. 17b-59c. (Formerly Sec. 4-60l). Approval of agency policies, programs and plans. (a) Matters of policy related to subsection (b) of section 17b-59a involving more than one of the agencies designated in said subsection shall be presented to the Commissioner of Social Services for his or her approval prior to implementation.
(b) Matters of program development related to subsection (b) of section 17b-59a involving more than one of the agencies designated in said subsection shall be presented to the commissioner for his or her approval prior to implementation.
(c) Any plan of any agency designated in subsection (b) of section 17b-59a for the future use or development of property or other resources for the purposes of said subsection shall be submitted to the commissioner for his or her approval prior to implementation.
(P.A. 73-155, S. 6, 10; P.A. 77-511, S. 3; 77-614, S. 524, 609, 610; P.A. 78-303, S. 119, 136; P.A. 14-217, S. 175; P.A. 18-91, S. 8.)
History: P.A. 77-511 and P.A. 77-614 repealed section but P.A. 78-303 deleted provision calling for repeal and other changes called for in P.A. 77-614 were enacted, i.e. references to commissioner replaced “council”; P.A. 14-217 added Subsec. (d) re approval of health information technology plan, added Subsec. (e) re submission of state-wide health information technology plan to committees and made technical changes, effective July 1, 2014; Sec. 4-60l transferred to Sec. 17b-59c in 2016; P.A. 18-91 amended Subsecs. (a) to (c), inclusive, by adding reference to Sec. 17b-59a(b) and making technical changes, and deleted Subsecs. (d) and (e) re revision and submission of health information technology plan, respectively, effective May 14, 2018.
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Sec. 17b-59d. State-wide Health Information Exchange. Established. (a) There shall be established a State-wide Health Information Exchange to empower consumers to make effective health care decisions, promote patient-centered care, improve the quality, safety and value of health care, reduce waste and duplication of services, support clinical decision-making, keep confidential health information secure and make progress toward the state's public health goals.
(b) It shall be the goal of the State-wide Health Information Exchange to: (1) Allow real-time, secure access to patient health information and complete medical records across all health care provider settings; (2) provide patients with secure electronic access to their health information in accordance with 45 CFR 171; (3) allow voluntary participation by patients to access their health information at no cost; (4) support care coordination through real-time alerts and timely access to clinical information; (5) reduce costs associated with preventable readmissions, duplicative testing and medical errors; (6) promote the highest level of interoperability; (7) meet all state and federal privacy and security requirements; (8) support public health reporting, quality improvement, academic research and health care delivery and payment reform through data aggregation and analytics; (9) support population health analytics; (10) be standards-based; and (11) provide for broad local governance that (A) includes stakeholders, including, but not limited to, representatives of the Department of Social Services, hospitals, physicians, behavioral health care providers, long-term care providers, health insurers, employers, patients and academic or medical research institutions, and (B) is committed to the successful development and implementation of the State-wide Health Information Exchange.
(c) All contracts or agreements entered into by or on behalf of the state relating to health information technology or the exchange of health information shall be consistent with the goals articulated in subsection (b) of this section and shall utilize contractors, vendors and other partners with a demonstrated commitment to such goals.
(d) (1) The Commissioner of Health Strategy, in consultation with the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management and the State Health Information Technology Advisory Council, established pursuant to section 17b-59f, shall, upon the approval by the State Bond Commission of bond funds authorized by the General Assembly for the purposes of establishing a State-wide Health Information Exchange, develop and issue a request for proposals for the development, management and operation of the State-wide Health Information Exchange. Such request shall promote the reuse of any and all enterprise health information technology assets, such as the existing Provider Directory, Enterprise Master Person Index, Direct Secure Messaging Health Information Service provider infrastructure, analytic capabilities and tools that exist in the state or are in the process of being deployed. Any enterprise health information exchange technology assets purchased after June 2, 2016, and prior to the implementation of the State-wide Health Information Exchange shall be capable of interoperability with a State-wide Health Information Exchange.
(2) Such request for proposals may require an eligible organization responding to the request to: (A) Have not less than three years of experience operating either a state-wide health information exchange in any state or a regional exchange serving a population of not less than one million that (i) enables the exchange of patient health information among health care providers, patients and other authorized users without regard to location, source of payment or technology, (ii) includes, with proper consent, behavioral health and substance abuse treatment information, (iii) supports transitions of care and care coordination through real-time health care provider alerts and access to clinical information, (iv) allows health information to follow each patient, (v) allows patients to access and manage their health data, and (vi) has demonstrated success in reducing costs associated with preventable readmissions, duplicative testing or medical errors; (B) be committed to, and demonstrate, a high level of transparency in its governance, decision-making and operations; (C) be capable of providing consulting to ensure effective governance; (D) be regulated or administratively overseen by a state government agency; and (E) have sufficient staff and appropriate expertise and experience to carry out the administrative, operational and financial responsibilities of the State-wide Health Information Exchange.
(e) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (d) of this section, if, on or before January 1, 2016, the Commissioner of Social Services, in consultation with the State Health Information Technology Advisory Council, established pursuant to section 17b-59f, submits a plan to the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management for the establishment of a State-wide Health Information Exchange consistent with subsections (a), (b) and (c) of this section, and such plan is approved by the secretary, the commissioner may implement such plan and enter into any contracts or agreements to implement such plan.
(f) The Commissioner of Health Strategy shall have administrative authority over the State-wide Health Information Exchange. The commissioner shall be responsible for designating, and posting on its Internet web site, the list of systems, technologies, entities and programs that shall constitute the State-wide Health Information Exchange. Systems, technologies, entities, and programs that have not been so designated shall not be considered part of said exchange.
(g) The Commissioner of Health Strategy shall adopt regulations in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54 that set forth requirements necessary to implement the provisions of this section. The commissioner may implement policies and procedures necessary to administer the provisions of this section while in the process of adopting such policies and procedures in regulation form, provided the commissioner holds a public hearing at least thirty days prior to implementing such policies and procedures and publishes notice of intention to adopt the regulations on the Office of Health Strategy's Internet web site and the eRegulations System not later than twenty days after implementing such policies and procedures. Policies and procedures implemented pursuant to this subsection shall be valid until the time such regulations are effective.
(P.A. 15-146, S. 21; P.A. 16-77, S. 6; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2, S. 125; P.A. 18-91, S. 9, 10; P.A. 22-58, S. 37; P.A. 24-19, S. 21; 24-81, S. 180.)
History: P.A. 15-146 effective June 30, 2015; P.A. 16-77 amended Subsec. (d)(1) by replacing reference to Commissioner of Social Services with reference to Health Information Technology Officer and adding provision re purchase of enterprise health information exchange technology assets, and amended Subsec. (f) by replacing “Department of Social Services” with “Health Information Technology Officer”, effective June 2, 2016; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2 amended Subsec. (f) by adding provisions re Health Information Technology Officer to designate and post on Internet web site list of systems, technologies, entities and programs that constitute the State-wide Health Information Exchange, effective October 31, 2017; P.A. 18-91 amended Subsecs. (d)(1) and (f) by replacing references to Health Information Technology Officer with references to executive director of the Office of Health Strategy, effective May 14, 2018; P.A. 22-58 added Subsec. (g) re executive director of Office of Health Strategy's authority to adopt regulations and policies and procedures, effective May 23, 2022; P.A. 24-19 amended Subsec. (b)(2) to add reference to 45 CFR 171, effective July 1, 2024; P.A. 24-81 amended Subsecs. (d), (f) and (g) by replacing references to executive director of the Office of Health Strategy with references to Commissioner of Health Strategy, effective May 30, 2024.
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Sec. 17b-59e. Electronic health record systems. Connection to State-wide Health Information Exchange. When sharing of information is not required. No provider liability when data breach, ransomware or hacking is experienced by the exchange. Deadline for connection to and participation in the exchange. (a) For purposes of this section:
(1) “Health care provider” means any individual, corporation, facility or institution licensed by the state to provide health care services; and
(2) “Electronic health record system” means a computer-based information system that is used to create, collect, store, manipulate, share, exchange or make available electronic health records for the purposes of the delivery of patient care.
(b) Not later than one year after commencement of the operation of the State-wide Health Information Exchange, each hospital licensed under chapter 368v and clinical laboratory licensed under section 19a-565 shall maintain an electronic health record system capable of connecting to and participating in the State-wide Health Information Exchange and shall apply to begin the process of connecting to, and participating in, the State-wide Health Information Exchange.
(c) Not later than two years after commencement of the operation of the State-wide Health Information Exchange, (1) each health care provider with an electronic health record system capable of connecting to, and participating in, the State-wide Health Information Exchange shall apply to begin the process of connecting to, and participating in, the State-wide Health Information Exchange, and (2) each health care provider without an electronic health record system capable of connecting to, and participating in, the State-wide Health Information Exchange shall be capable of sending and receiving secure messages that comply with the Direct Project specifications published by the federal Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. A health care provider shall not be required to connect with the State-wide Health Information Exchange if the provider (A) possesses no patient medical records, or (B) is an individual licensed by the state that exclusively practices as an employee of a covered entity, as defined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, P.L. 104-191, as amended from time to time, and such covered entity is legally responsible for decisions regarding the safeguarding, release or exchange of health information and medical records, in which case such covered entity is responsible for compliance with the provisions of this section.
(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require a health care provider to share patient information with the State-wide Health Information Exchange if (1) sharing such information is prohibited by state or federal privacy and security laws, or (2) affirmative consent from the patient is legally required and such consent has not been obtained.
(e) No health care provider shall be liable for any private or public claim related directly to a data breach, ransomware or hacking experienced by the State-wide Health Information Exchange, provided a health care provider shall be liable for any failure to comply with applicable state and federal data privacy and security laws and regulations in sharing information with and connecting to the exchange. Any health care provider that would violate any other law by sharing information with or connecting to the exchange shall not be required to share such information with or connect to the exchange.
(f) The Commissioner of Health Strategy shall adopt regulations in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54 that set forth requirements necessary to implement the provisions of this section. The commissioner may implement policies and procedures necessary to administer the provisions of this section while in the process of adopting such policies and procedures in regulation form, provided commissioner holds a public hearing at least thirty days prior to implementing such policies and procedures and publishes notice of intention to adopt the regulations on the Office of Health Strategy's Internet web site and the eRegulations System not later than twenty days after implementing such policies and procedures. Policies and procedures implemented pursuant to this subsection shall be valid until the time such regulations are effective.
(g) Not later than eighteen months after the date of implementation of policies and procedures pursuant to subsection (f) of this section, each health care provider shall be connected to and actively participating in the State-wide Health Information Exchange. As used in this subsection, (1) “connection” includes, but is not limited to, onboarding with the exchange, and (2) “participation” means the active sharing of medical records with the exchange in accordance with applicable law including, but not limited to, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, P.L. 104-191, as amended from time to time, and 42 CFR 2.
(P.A. 15-146, S. 22; June. Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2, S. 126; P.A. 22-58, S. 38; P.A. 24-19, S. 22; 24-81, S. 181.)
History: P.A. 15-146 effective June 30, 2015; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2 amended Subsec. (c) by designating existing provisions re applying to connect to and participate in State-wide Health Information Exchange as Subdiv. (1), and adding Subdiv. (2) re health care provider without electronic health record system capable of participating in the State-wide Health Information Exchange, effective October 31, 2017; P.A. 22-58 added Subsec. (d) re executive director of Office of Health Strategy's authority to adopt regulations and policies and procedures, effective May 23, 2022; P.A. 24-19 amended Subsec. (c) to prohibit provider from being required to connect with State-wide Health Information Exchange if provider possesses no medical records or exclusively practices as employee of covered entity and covered entity is responsible for health information and medical records, added new Subsec. (d) re not requiring provider to share patient information with exchange if prohibited under privacy and security laws or affirmative consent is required from patient but has not been obtained, added Subsec. (e) re prohibiting provider from being liable for claim related directly to data breach, ransomware or hacking of exchange, redesignated existing Subsec. (d) as Subsec. (f) and added Subsec. (g) re deadline for connecting to and actively participating in exchange, effective July 1, 2024; P.A. 24-81 amended Subsec. (d) by replacing references to executive director of the Office of Health Strategy with references to Commissioner of Health Strategy, effective May 30, 2024.
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Sec. 17b-59f. State Health Information Technology Advisory Council. Establishment of All-Payer Claims Database Advisory Group. (a) There shall be a State Health Information Technology Advisory Council to advise the Commissioner of Health Strategy and the health information technology officer, designated in accordance with section 19a-754a, in developing priorities and policy recommendations for advancing the state's health information technology and health information exchange efforts and goals and to advise the commissioner and officer in the development and implementation of the state-wide health information technology plan and standards and the State-wide Health Information Exchange, established pursuant to section 17b-59d. The advisory council shall also advise the commissioner and officer regarding the development of appropriate governance, oversight and accountability measures to ensure success in achieving the state's health information technology and exchange goals.
(b) The council shall consist of the following members:
(1) One member appointed by the Commissioner of Health Strategy, who shall be an expert in state health care reform initiatives;
(2) The health information technology officer, designated in accordance with section 19a-754a, or the health information technology officer's designee;
(3) The Commissioners of Social Services, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Children and Families, Correction, Public Health and Developmental Services, or the commissioners' designees;
(4) The Chief Information Officer of the state, or the Chief Information Officer's designee;
(5) The chief executive officer of the Connecticut Health Insurance Exchange, or the chief executive officer's designee;
(6) The chief information officer of The University of Connecticut Health Center, or the chief information officer's designee;
(7) The Healthcare Advocate, or the Healthcare Advocate's designee;
(8) The Comptroller, or the Comptroller's designee;
(9) The Attorney General, or the Attorney General's designee;
(10) Five members appointed by the Governor, one each who shall be (A) a representative of a health system that includes more than one hospital, (B) a representative of the health insurance industry, (C) an expert in health information technology, (D) a health care consumer or consumer advocate, and (E) a current or former employee or trustee of a plan established pursuant to subdivision (5) of subsection (c) of 29 USC 186;
(11) Three members appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate, one each who shall be (A) a representative of a federally qualified health center, (B) a provider of behavioral health services, and (C) a physician licensed under chapter 370;
(12) Three members appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives, one each who shall be (A) a technology expert who represents a hospital system, as defined in section 19a-486i, (B) a provider of home health care services, and (C) a health care consumer or a health care consumer advocate;
(13) One member appointed by the majority leader of the Senate, who shall be a representative of an independent community hospital;
(14) One member appointed by the majority leader of the House of Representatives, who shall be a physician who provides services in a multispecialty group and who is not employed by a hospital;
(15) One member appointed by the minority leader of the Senate, who shall be a primary care physician who provides services in a small independent practice;
(16) One member appointed by the minority leader of the House of Representatives, who shall be an expert in health care analytics and quality analysis;
(17) The president pro tempore of the Senate, or the president's designee;
(18) The speaker of the House of Representatives, or the speaker's designee;
(19) The minority leader of the Senate, or the minority leader's designee; and
(20) The minority leader of the House of Representatives, or the minority leader's designee.
(c) Any member appointed or designated under subdivisions (11) to (20), inclusive, of subsection (b) of this section may be a member of the General Assembly.
(d) (1) The health information technology officer, designated in accordance with section 19a-754a, shall serve as a chairperson of the council. The council shall elect a second chairperson from among its members, who shall not be a state official. The chairpersons of the council may establish subcommittees and working groups and may appoint individuals other than members of the council to serve as members of the subcommittees or working groups. The terms of the members shall be coterminous with the terms of the appointing authority for each member and subject to the provisions of section 4-1a. If any vacancy occurs on the council, the appointing authority having the power to make the appointment under the provisions of this section shall appoint a person in accordance with the provisions of this section. A majority of the members of the council shall constitute a quorum. Members of the council shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for all reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
(2) The chairpersons of the council may appoint up to four additional members to the council, who shall serve at the pleasure of the chairpersons.
(e) (1) The council shall establish a working group to be known as the All-Payer Claims Database Advisory Group. Said group shall include, but need not be limited to, (A) the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, the Comptroller, the Commissioners of Public Health, Social Services and Mental Health and Addiction Services, the Insurance Commissioner, the Healthcare Advocate and the Chief Information Officer, or their designees; (B) a representative of the Connecticut State Medical Society; and (C) representatives of health insurance companies, health insurance purchasers, hospitals, consumer advocates and health care providers. The health information technology officer may appoint additional members to said group.
(2) The All-Payer Claims Database Advisory Group shall develop a plan to implement a state-wide multipayer data initiative to enhance the state's use of health care data from multiple sources to increase efficiency, enhance outcomes and improve the understanding of health care expenditures in the public and private sectors.
(f) Prior to submitting any application, proposal, planning document or other request seeking federal grants, matching funds or other federal support for health information technology or health information exchange, the Commissioner of Health Strategy or the Commissioner of Social Services shall present such application, proposal, document or other request to the council for review and comment.
(P.A. 15-146, S. 25; 15-242, S. 59; P.A. 16-77, S. 7; P.A. 17-188, S. 7; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2, S. 127; P.A. 18-91, S. 11; P.A. 24-19, S. 24; 24-81, S. 182.)
History: P.A. 15-146 effective July 1, 2015; P.A. 15-242 amended Subsec. (b)(7) by adding “a current or former” and making a technical change, effective July 1, 2015; P.A. 16-77 amended Subsec. (a) by replacing references to Commissioner of Social Services with references to Health Information Technology Officer, amended Subsec. (b) by adding new Subdiv. (1) re Health Information Technology Officer and redesignating existing Subdivs. (1) to (17) as Subdivs. (2) to (18), amending redesignated Subdiv. (9) by replacing “two members” with “three members” and adding Subpara. (C) re representative of Connecticut State Medical Society, amending redesignated Subdiv. (10) by replacing “two members” with “three members”, replacing reference to representative of outpatient surgical facility with reference to technology expert who represents hospital system in Subpara. (A) and adding Subpara. (C) re health care consumer or health care consumer advocate, amended Subsec. (c) by making conforming changes, amended Subsec. (d) by deleting provisions re date for appointments to council and first meeting, replacing reference to Commissioner of Social Services with reference to Health Information Technology Officer and deleting provision re number of times council shall meet prior to January 1, 2016, and amended Subsec. (e) by adding reference to Health Information Technology Officer, effective June 2, 2016; P.A. 17-188 amended Subsec. (d) by making a technical change; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2 amended Subsec. (b) by adding new Subdiv. (8) re Comptroller and redesignating existing Subdivs. (8) to (18) as Subdivs. (9) to (19), amended Subsec. (d) by designating existing provisions re Health Information Technology Officer as Subdiv. (1) and amending same by adding provision re chairpersons establishing subcommittees and working groups and adding Subdiv. (2) re chairpersons appointing additional members to council, added new Subsec. (e) re All-Payer Claims Database Advisory Group and redesignated existing Subsec. (e) as Subsec. (f), and made conforming changes, effective October 31, 2017; P.A. 18-91 amended Subsec. (a) by adding references to executive director of the Office of Health Strategy, and replacing “19a-755” with “19a-754a”, amended Subsec. (b) by replacing Health Information Technology Officer with member appointed by executive director of the Office of Health Strategy in Subdiv. (1), adding new Subdiv. (2) re health information technology officer, redesignating existing Subdivs. (2) to (4), as Subdivs. (3) to (5), deleting former Subdiv. (5) re director of state innovation model, making a technical change in Subdivs. (6) and (9), and replacing “representative of the Connecticut State Medical Society” with “physician licensed under chapter 370” in Subdiv. (10), amended Subsec. (d)(1) by replacing “Health Information Technology Officer, appointed in accordance with section 19a-755” with “health information technology officer, designated in accordance with section 19a-754a”, amended Subsec. (e)(1) by making a technical change, and amended Subsec. (f) by replacing “Health Information Technology Officer” with “executive director of the Office of Health Strategy”, effective May 14, 2018; P.A. 24-19 amended Subsec. (b) by adding new Subdiv. (9) to add Attorney General to council and redesignated existing Subdivs. (9) to (19) as Subdivs. (10) to (20), effective July 1, 2024 (Revisor's note: A reference to Subdivs. (10) to (19) in Subsec. (c) was changed editorially by the Revisors to Subdivs. (11) to (20) for consistency with changes made by P.A. 24-19); P.A. 24-81 amended Subsecs. (a), (b)(1) and (f) by replacing references to executive director of the Office of Health Strategy with references to Commissioner of Health Strategy, effective May 30, 2024.
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Sec. 17b-59g. Program to expedite development of State-wide Health Information Exchange. Entity to implement the program. Board of directors. (a) The state, acting by and through the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, in collaboration with the Commissioner of Health Strategy, shall establish a program to expedite the development of the State-wide Health Information Exchange, established under section 17b-59d, to assist the state, health care providers, insurance carriers, physicians and all stakeholders in empowering consumers to make effective health care decisions, promote patient-centered care, improve the quality, safety and value of health care, reduce waste and duplication of services, support clinical decision-making, keep confidential health information secure and make progress toward the state's public health goals. The purposes of the program shall be to (1) assist the State-wide Health Information Exchange in establishing and maintaining itself as a neutral and trusted entity that serves the public good for the benefit of all Connecticut residents, including, but not limited to, Connecticut health care consumers and Connecticut health care providers and carriers, (2) perform, on behalf of the state, the role of intermediary between public and private stakeholders and customers of the State-wide Health Information Exchange, and (3) fulfill the responsibilities of the Office of Health Strategy, as described in section 19a-754a.
(b) The Commissioner of Health Strategy, in consultation with the health information technology officer, designated in accordance with section 19a-754, shall design, and the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, in collaboration with said commissioner, may establish or incorporate an entity to implement the program established under subsection (a) of this section. Such entity shall, without limitation, be owned and governed, in whole or in part, by a party or parties other than the state and may be organized as a nonprofit entity.
(c) Any entity established or incorporated pursuant to subsection (b) of this section shall have its powers vested in and exercised by a board of directors. The board of directors shall be comprised of the following members who shall each serve for a term of two years:
(1) One member who shall have expertise as an advocate for consumers of health care, appointed by the Governor;
(2) One member who shall have expertise as a clinical medical doctor, appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate;
(3) One member who shall have expertise in the area of hospital administration, appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives;
(4) One member who shall have expertise in the area of corporate law or finance, appointed by the minority leader of the Senate;
(5) One member who shall have expertise in group health insurance coverage, appointed by the minority leader of the House of Representatives;
(6) The Chief Information Officer and the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, or their designees, who shall serve as ex-officio, voting members of the board;
(7) The health information technology officer, designated in accordance with section 19a-754a, who shall serve as chairperson of the board; and
(8) The Commissioner of Social Services, or the commissioner's designee, who shall serve as an ex-officio, voting member of the board.
(d) Any vacancy shall be filled by the appointing authority for the balance of the unexpired term. If an appointing authority fails to make an initial appointment on or before sixty days after the establishment of such entity, or to fill a vacancy in an appointment on or before sixty days after the date of such vacancy, the Governor shall make such appointment or fill such vacancy.
(e) Any entity established or incorporated under subsection (b) of this section may (1) employ a staff and fix their duties, qualifications and compensation; (2) solicit, receive and accept aid or contributions, including money, property, labor and other things of value from any source; (3) receive, and manage on behalf of the state, funding from the federal government, other public sources or private sources to cover costs associated with the planning, implementation and administration of the State-wide Health Information Exchange; (4) collect and remit fees set by the Health Information Technology Officer charged to persons or entities for access to or interaction with said exchange; (5) retain outside consultants and technical experts; (6) maintain an office in the state at such place or places as such entity may designate; (7) procure insurance against loss in connection with such entity's property and other assets in such amounts and from such insurers as such entity deems desirable; (8) sue and be sued and plead and be impleaded; (9) borrow money for the purpose of obtaining working capital; and (10) subject to the powers, purposes and restrictions of sections 17b-59a, 17b-59d, and 17b-59f, do all acts and things necessary and convenient to carry out the purposes of this section and section 19a-754a.
(June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2, S. 128; P.A. 18-91, S. 12; P.A. 21-148, S. 9; P.A. 24-81, S. 183.)
History: June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2 effective October 31, 2017; P.A. 18-91 amended Subsec. (a) by replacing reference to Health Information Technology Officer with reference to executive director of Office of Health Strategy, amended Subsec. (b) by replacing provision re Health Information Technology Officer to design and Secretary of Office of Policy and Management in collaboration with officer may establish or incorporate entity to implement program with provision re executive director of Office of Health Strategy in consultation with health information technology officer to design and Secretary of Office of Policy and Management in collaboration with executive director may establish or incorporate entity to implement program, amended Subsec. (c) by deleting reference to Health Information Technology Officer and making conforming changes in Subdiv. (6), and deleting reference to Health Information Technology Officer's designee and making a technical change in Subdiv. (7), amended Subsec. (d) by deleting provision re initial appointments to be made by February 1, 2018, amended Subsec. (e) by adding reference to incorporated entity, replacing reference to Subsec. (c) with reference to Subsec. (b), deleting reference to Sec. 19a-755 in Subdiv. (10), and making technical changes, effective May 14, 2018; P.A. 21-148 amended Subsec. (c) by adding Subdiv. (8) re membership of commissioner or designee, effective July 7, 2021; P.A. 24-81 amended Subsecs. (a) and (b) by replacing references to executive director of the Office of Health Strategy with references to Commissioner of Health Strategy, effective May 30, 2024.
Note: Chapter 319p is reserved for future use.
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