Sec. 12-170c. Transferred
Sec. 12-170e. State grants to renters qualified under section 12-170d.
Sec. 12-170f. Applications for grants. Assessors' duties.
Sec. 12-170g. Appeals from secretary or assessor.
Sec. 12-170h. Powers of Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management.
Secs. 12-170j to 12-170u. Reserved
Secs. 12-170x to 12-170z. Reserved
Sec. 12-170dd. Inclusion of taxes paid to a fire district in claim for tax reduction.
Secs. 12-170a and 12-170b. Real property tax credit for certain persons sixty-five and over. Application for real property tax credit; state reimbursement of municipalities. Sections 12-170a and 12-170b are repealed.
(P.A. 74-55, S. 1, 2, 14; P.A. 77-614, S. 139, 610; P.A. 78-274, S. 1, 4; P.A. 79-498, S. 2, 4; 79-514, S. 2, 4; 79-610, S. 3, 47; Oct. Sp. Sess. P.A. 79-7, S. 1, 2, 5; P.A. 80-391, S. 3, 4, 6; 80-463, S. 1, 6; 80-483, S. 51, 186; P.A. 81-1, S. 1, 3; 81-58, S. 3, 4; 81-60, S. 2; 81-88, S. 1, 2; 81-132, S. 1, 3; P.A. 82-322, S. 2, 3, 6; P.A. 83-409, S. 2; 83-485, S. 10, 13; P.A. 84-515, S. 1, 2, 7; P.A. 83-371, S. 7, 10; 85-561, S. 3, 7, 8; 85-612, S. 4, 6.)
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Sec. 12-170c. Transferred to Sec. 12-170cc.
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Sec. 12-170d. Partial state refund of rent and utility bills paid by certain renters age sixty-five or over or renters under age sixty-five with permanent total disability. Eligibility limitations. (a) Beginning with the calendar year 1973 and for each calendar year thereafter any renter of real property, or of a mobile manufactured home, as defined in section 12-63a, which such renter occupies as his or her home, who meets the qualifications set forth in this section, shall be entitled to receive in the following year in the form of direct payment from the state, a grant in refund of utility and rent bills actually paid by or for such renter on such real property or mobile manufactured home to the extent set forth in section 12-170e. Such grant by the state shall be made upon receipt by the state of a certificate of grant with a copy of the application therefor attached, as provided in section 12-170f. If the rental quarters are occupied by more than one person, it shall be assumed for the purposes of this section and sections 12-170e and 12-170f that each of such persons pays his or her proportionate share of the rental and utility expenses levied thereon and grants shall be calculated on that portion of utility and rent bills paid that are applicable to the person making application for grant under said sections. For purposes of this section and sections 12-170e and 12-170f, a married couple shall constitute one tenant, and a resident of cooperative housing shall be a renter. To qualify for such payment by the state, the renter shall meet qualification requirements in accordance with each of the following subdivisions: (1) (A) At the close of the calendar year for which a grant is claimed be sixty-five years of age or over, or his or her spouse who is residing with such renter shall be sixty-five years of age or over, at the close of such year, or be fifty years of age or over and the surviving spouse of a renter who at the time of his or her death had qualified and was entitled to tax relief under this chapter, provided such spouse was domiciled with such renter at the time of his or her death, or (B) at the close of the calendar year for which a grant is claimed be under age sixty-five and eligible in accordance with applicable federal regulations, to receive permanent total disability benefits under Social Security, or if such renter has not been engaged in employment covered by Social Security and accordingly has not qualified for Social Security benefits but has become qualified for permanent total disability benefits under any federal, state or local government retirement or disability plan, including the Railroad Retirement Act and any government-related teacher's retirement plan, determined by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management to contain requirements in respect to qualification for such permanent total disability benefits which are comparable to such requirements under Social Security; (2) shall reside within this state and shall have resided within this state for at least one year or such renter's spouse who is domiciled with such renter shall have resided within this state for at least one year and shall reside within this state at the time of filing the claim and shall have resided within this state for the period for which claim is made; (3) shall have taxable and nontaxable income, the total of which shall hereinafter be called “qualifying income”, during the calendar year preceding the filing of such renter's claim in an amount of not more than twenty thousand dollars, jointly with spouse, if married, and not more than sixteen thousand two hundred dollars if unmarried, provided such maximum amounts of qualifying income shall be subject to adjustment in accordance with subdivision (2) of subsection (a) of section 12-170e, and provided the amount of any Medicaid payments made on behalf of the renter or the spouse of the renter shall not constitute income; and (4) shall not have received financial aid or subsidy from federal, state, county or municipal funds, excluding Social Security receipts, emergency energy assistance under any state program, emergency energy assistance under any federal program, emergency energy assistance under any local program, payments received under the federal Supplemental Security Income Program, payments derived from previous employment, veterans and veterans disability benefits and subsidized housing accommodations, during the calendar year for which a grant is claimed, for payment, directly or indirectly, of rent, electricity, gas, water and fuel applicable to the rented residence. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision (4) of this subsection, a renter who receives cash assistance from the Department of Social Services in the calendar year prior to that in which such renter files an application for a grant may be entitled to receive such grant provided the amount of the cash assistance received shall be deducted from the amount of such grant and the difference between the amount of the cash assistance and the amount of the grant is equal to or greater than ten dollars. Funds attributable to such reductions shall be transferred annually from the appropriation to the Office of Policy and Management, for tax relief for elderly renters, to the Department of Social Services, to the appropriate accounts, following the issuance of such grants. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b) of section 12-170aa, the owner of a mobile manufactured home may elect to receive benefits under section 12-170e in lieu of benefits under said section 12-170aa.
(b) For purposes of determining qualifying income under subsection (a) of this section with respect to a married renter who submits an application for a grant in accordance with sections 12-170d to 12-170g, inclusive, the Social Security income of the spouse of such renter shall not be included in the qualifying income of such renter, for purposes of determining eligibility for benefits under said sections, if such spouse is a resident of a health care or nursing home facility in this state receiving payment related to such spouse under the Title XIX Medicaid program. An applicant who is legally separated pursuant to the provisions of section 46b-40, as of the thirty-first day of December preceding the date on which such person files an application for a grant in accordance with sections 12-170d to 12-170g, inclusive, may apply as an unmarried person and shall be regarded as such for purposes of determining qualifying income under subsection (a) of this section.
(P.A. 74-55, S. 8, 14; 74-237, S. 1, 2; P.A. 78-274, S. 2, 4; P.A. 79-498, S. 3, 4; 79-514, S. 3, 4; Oct. Sp. Sess. P.A. 79-7, S. 3–5; P.A. 80-463, S. 2, 6; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-3, S. 1; P.A. 84-515, S. 3, 7; P.A. 85-561, S. 5, 8; P.A. 86-409, S. 2, 4; June 11, Sp. Sess. P.A. 86-1, S. 3, 8; P.A. 87-267, S. 1; 87-586, S. 1, 10, 12; P.A. 88-321, S. 5, 10; P.A. 91-400, S. 2; P.A. 93-129, S. 1, 7; P.A. 95-307, S. 7, 14; P.A. 98-262, S. 16, 22; P.A. 99-134, S. 1, 2; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 01-6, S. 56, 85; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 01-9, S. 100, 131; P.A. 13-234, S. 38; P.A. 14-217, S. 49; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2, S. 563; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-4, S. 23; P.A. 24-132, S. 8.)
History: P.A. 74-237 added provisions re mobile homes; P.A. 78-274 excluded payments under federal supplemental security income program from consideration as financial aid or subsidy in Subdiv. (4); P.A. 79-498 changed eligibility age for surviving spouse from 60 to 50, deleted reference to Secs. 12-129b to 12-129d and required spouse to be domiciled with renter at time of death in Subdiv. (1), effective July 1, 1979, and applicable to grants payable on or after that date; P.A. 79-514 changed residency requirement in Subdiv. (2) from 5 years to 1 year; October, 1979, P.A. 79-7 excluded state, federal or local emergency energy assistance from consideration as financial aid or subsidy under Subdiv. (4), effective November 29, 1979, and, after December 31, 1979, applicable to grants payable on or after July 1, 1980; P.A. 80-463 included income other than adjusted gross income in “qualifying income” and increased maximum amounts of income re eligibility in Subdiv. (1), effective June 6, 1980, and applicable to renters re grants allowed in calendar year commencing January 1, 1981, and each calendar year thereafter; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-3 changed the term “mobile home” to “mobile manufactured home”; P.A. 84-515 increased the maximum amounts of qualifying income for renters to amounts reflecting the adjustments actually made in such amounts because of inflation for calendar years commencing January 1, 1982, and January 1, 1983, as required under Sec. 12-170e(a)(3), effective June 13, 1984, and applicable to the calendar year 1985 and each calendar year thereafter; P.A. 85-561 added the provision that applicants for benefits under the program for elderly renters must reside in the state at the time of filing claim for benefits and shall have resided in the state for the period for which claim is made, effective July 5, 1985, and applicable to grants for renters paid in the calendar year 1986 and each calendar year thereafter; P.A. 86-409 added provisions to include in the program, in addition to renters age 65 or over, renters under age 65 with permanent total disability, effective June 10, 1986, and applicable to payments to renters in calendar years commencing on or after January 1, 1987; June 11, Sp. Sess. P.A. 86-1 changed the “qualifying income” amounts so as to be in conformity with the correct amounts as stated in Sec. 12-170aa and substituted reference to Sec. 12-170aa for Sec. 12-170a, repealed January 1, 1986, in description of the election available to owners of mobile homes, effective July 8, 1986, pursuant to Art. 4, Sec. 15 of the Constitution of Conn. and Sec. 2-30 of the general statutes, and applicable to grants for renters in calendar years commencing on or after January 1, 1987, with respect to renters eligible for permanent total disability benefits; P.A. 87-267 amended Subdiv. (3) by adding provision on Medicaid payments; P.A. 87-586 amended the maximum qualifying income requirements in the program for renters by increasing the maximum allowable annual income for married renters from $15,000 to $16,000 and for unmarried renters from $12,500 to $13,300, subject to adjustment to reflect increases in social security income, effective July 6, 1987, and applicable to grants for renters in calendar years commencing on or after January 1, 1987, and further provided that the “provisions of said public act 86-1 (of the June 11, 1986, special session) having been codified in the general statutes, revised to January 1, 1987, are deemed adopted and made effective July 8, 1986, the effective date of said public act 86-1”; P.A. 88-321 increased the maximum amounts of qualifying income to $20,000, jointly with spouse, if married, and $16,200 if unmarried, effective May 10, 1988, and applicable to grants for renters in the calendar year 1988 and thereafter; P.A. 91-400 added Subsec. (b) concerning exclusion of social security income of Title XIX aid recipients from the calculation of the spouse's income, effective October 1, 1991, and applicable to assessment years of municipalities commencing on or after that date; P.A. 93-129 amended Subsec. (a) by clarifying the time by which renters must be 65 years of age to qualify for the grant and made technical changes, effective June 14, 1993; P.A. 95-307 amended Subsec. (a) to define “qualifying income” as taxable and nontaxable income, eliminating provisions re total adjusted gross income, effective July 6, 1995; P.A. 98-262 amended Subsec. (b) to allow a person who is legally separated to apply as an unmarried person for purposes of determining qualifying income, effective June 8, 1998; P.A. 99-134 amended Subsec. (a) to provide that, notwithstanding Subdiv. (4), a renter who receives cash assistance from the Department of Social Services in the previous calendar year may receive the grant if the amount of cash assistance is deducted from the amount of such grant and the difference is at least $10, and to provide for the transfer of funds attributable to such reductions, effective January 1, 2000; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 01-6 amended Subsec. (b) to delete references to Sec. 12-170g, that section having been repealed in Sec. 84 of the same act, effective July 1, 2001; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 01-9 repealed Sec. 84 of June Sp. Sess. P.A. 01-6 and restored requirement in Subsec. (b) that grant application be in accordance with Sec. 12-170g, effective July 1, 2001; P.A. 13-234 amended Subsec. (a) by substituting “Department of Housing” for “Office of Policy and Management” and added Subsec. (c) re eligibility limitations, effective July 1, 2013, and applicable to applications received on and after April 1, 2013; P.A. 14-217 amended Subsec. (a) to replace “husband and wife” with “married couple” re constituting one tenant, replace “Department of Housing” with “Office of Policy and Management” re annual transfer of funds and make technical changes and deleted former Subsec. (c) re eligibility of individuals who did and did not receive grants for calendar year 2011, effective June 13, 2014, and applicable to applications made on or after April 1, 2014; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2 amended Subsec. (a) by replacing “state” with “municipality in which such real property or mobile manufactured home is located” re direct payment of grant, deleted provision re funds attributable to reductions to be transferred annually from Office of Policy and Management to Department of Social Services following issuance of grants, and made technical and conforming changes, effective October 31, 2017; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-4 amended Subsec. (a) by replacing “municipality in which such real property or mobile manufactured home is located” with “state” re direct payment of grant, added provision re funds attributable to reductions to be transferred annually from Office of Policy and Management to Department of Social Services following issuance of grants, and made technical and conforming changes, effective November 21, 2017; P.A. 24-132 amended Subsec. (a) by deleting requirement that application be made within 1 year from close of calendar year for which grant is requested, effective July 1, 2024.
See Sec. 12-120b re uniform administrative procedure for appeals related to state-reimbursed property tax exemptions, credits and rebates.
Cited. 206 C. 711.
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Sec. 12-170e. State grants to renters qualified under section 12-170d. (a)(1) A renter qualifying under section 12-170d shall be entitled to a payment from the state equivalent to the lesser of the maximum amount in the following table or thirty-five per cent of the sum of all charges for rents, electricity, gas, water and fuel actually paid during the preceding calendar year less five per cent of the qualifying income received during the preceding calendar year.
Qualifying Income |
Grant |
Married |
Over |
Not Exceeding |
Maximum |
Minimum |
$ 0 |
$ 8,100 |
$ 900 |
$ 400 |
8,100 |
10,800 |
700 |
300 |
10,800 |
13,500 |
500 |
200 |
13,500 |
16,200 |
250 |
100 |
16,200 |
20,000 |
150 |
50 |
20,000 |
None |
None |
Qualifying Income |
Grant |
Unmarried |
Over |
Not Exceeding |
Maximum |
Minimum |
$ 0 |
$ 8,100 |
$ 700 |
$ 300 |
8,100 |
10,800 |
500 |
200 |
10,800 |
13,500 |
250 |
100 |
13,500 |
16,200 |
150 |
50 |
16,200 |
None |
None |
(2) The amounts of income at each level of qualifying income, as provided in the table in subdivision (1) of this subsection, shall be adjusted annually in a uniform manner to reflect the annual inflation adjustment in Social Security income. Each such adjustment of qualifying income shall be determined to the nearest one hundred dollars and shall be applicable in determining the amount of grant allowed under this subsection with respect to charges for rents, electricity, gas, water and fuel actually paid during the preceding calendar year. Each such adjustment of qualifying income shall be prepared by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management in relation to the annual inflation adjustment in Social Security, if any, becoming effective at any time during the twelve-month period immediately preceding the first day of October each year and shall be distributed to the assessors in each municipality not later than the thirty-first day of December next following.
(b) A person who qualifies at the close of any calendar year, who ceased to be a renter during such year, or a person who first became a qualified renter during the calendar year shall apportion his qualifying income on the basis of the number of months that he was a renter and the income so apportioned to the months during which he was a renter shall constitute his qualifying income for purposes of calculating the amount of grant under subdivision (a) of this section provided the maximum grant shall be a fraction of the amount shown in such table, the numerator of which shall be the number of months of the year that he was a renter and the denominator the numeral twelve.
(P.A. 74-55, S. 9, 14; P.A. 80-463, S. 3, 6; P.A. 81-1, S. 2, 3; 81-132, S. 2, 3; P.A. 84-515, S. 4, 7; P.A. 85-612, S. 3, 6; June 11, Sp. Sess. P.A. 86-1, S. 4, 8; P.A. 87-586, S. 2, 10, 12; P.A. 88-321, S. 6, 10; P.A. 13-234, S. 2; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2, S. 564; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-4, S. 24; P.A. 22-74, S. 3.)
History: P.A. 80-463 replaced table in Subsec. (a) with new table and added Subsec. (a)(2) and (3), effective June 6, 1980, and applicable to renters re grants allowed in calendar year commencing January 1, 1981, and each calendar year thereafter; P.A. 81-1 clarified amount of grant for a renter qualified and participating on June 5, 1981, effective January 14, 1981, and applicable to grants for renters allowed in calendar year commencing January 1, 1981, and each calendar year thereafter; P.A. 81-132 amended Subsec. (a)(3) to provide for annual adjustment of qualifying income levels to reflect the annual inflation adjustment in social security income in the twelve months preceding October first each year, effective May 19, 1981, and applicable to grants for renters in calendar year commencing January 1, 1982, and thereafter; P.A. 84-515 increased the maximum amount of grant for renters as indicated in the schedule of maximum grants in this section and increased the maximum levels of qualifying income to reflect the annual inflation adjustments effective for the calendar years commencing January 1, 1982, and January 1, 1983, as required under Subsec. (a)(a), effective June 13, 1984, and applicable to the calendar year 1985 and each calendar year thereafter; P.A. 85-612 amended the formula for determining amount of benefit under Subsec. (a) so that the method of computation in which a sum equal to the amount by which 20% of all charges for rents and utilities in preceding year exceeds 5% of qualifying income is changed by increasing 20% to 22% and the alternative method of allowing the maximum grant under the schedule, if less than the amount determined above, is changed by proportional increases in the maximum grant payable at each level of qualifying income in the schedule, and amended Subsec. (a)(2) by eliminating the provision that any renter qualified under the program prior to June 6, 1980, is entitled to a grant not less than such renter would receive, if qualified accordingly, under the provisions in effect on June 5, 1980, effective July 12, 1985, and applicable to payments to renters in calendar years commencing on or after January 1, 1986; June 11, Sp. Sess. P.A. 86-1 added Subsec. (a)(3) providing for a minimum benefit applicable to renters who received a grant in the calendar year commencing January 1, 1985, effective July 8, 1986, pursuant to Art. 4, Sec. 15 of the Constitution of Conn. and Sec. 2-30 of the general statutes, and applicable to grants for renters in the calendar year commencing January 1, 1986; P.A. 87-586 increased the formula for calculating grants to renters from 22% to 35% of the sum of charges for rents, electricity, gas, water and fuel paid by the renter in the calendar year preceding less 5% of the renter's qualifying income in such preceding year and the amounts of qualifying income allowed at each level of maximum grant in the schedule of maximum qualifying income and corresponding grants, and added a minimum amount of benefit for each level of maximum qualifying income in the schedule, effective July 6, 1987, and applicable to grants for renters in calendar years commencing on or after January 1, 1987, and further provided that the “provisions of said public act 86-1 (of the June 11, 1986, special session) having been codified in the general statutes, revised to January 1, 1987, are deemed adopted and made effective July 8, 1986, the effective date of said public act 86-1”; P.A. 88-321 revised the schedule of qualifying income and corresponding amounts of grant to reflect the increase in the maximum qualifying income to $20,000, jointly with spouse, if married, and $16,200 if unmarried, effective May 10, 1988, and applicable to grants for renters in the calendar year 1988 and thereafter; pursuant to P.A. 13-234, reference to Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management was changed editorially by the Revisors to reference to Commissioner of Housing in Subsec. (a)(2), effective June 19, 2013; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2 amended Subsec. (a)(1) by replacing “state” with “municipality”, effective October 31, 2017; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-4 amended Subsec. (a)(1) by replacing “municipality” with “state”, effective November 21, 2017; P.A. 22-74 amended Subsec. (a)(2) by substituting “Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management” for “Commissioner of Housing”, effective July 1, 2022.
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Sec. 12-170f. Applications for grants. Assessors' duties. (a) Any renter, believing himself or herself to be entitled to a grant under section 12-170d for any calendar year, shall apply for such grant to the assessor of the municipality in which the renter resides or to the duly authorized agent of such assessor or municipality on or after April first and not later than September thirtieth of each year with respect to such grant for the calendar year preceding each such year. Such application shall be made on a form prescribed and furnished by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management or electronically in a manner prescribed by the secretary. Municipalities that require notarization of a landlord verification of property rental on an application under this section (1) shall exempt a renter from the requirement if a landlord verification for the same property rental by the same renter has been previously notarized, and (2) shall not delay submission of the application of an otherwise qualified renter to the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management if the renter fails to meet the deadline for notarizing such landlord verification. A renter making such application shall present to such assessor or agent, in substantiation of the renter's application, a copy of the renter's federal income tax return, and if not required to file a federal income tax return, such other evidence of qualifying income, receipts for money received, or cancelled checks, or copies thereof, and any other evidence the assessor or such agent may require. When the assessor or agent is satisfied that the applying renter is entitled to a grant, such assessor or agent shall issue a certificate of grant in such form as the secretary may prescribe and supply showing the amount of the grant due.
(b) The assessor or agent shall forward the application to the secretary not later than the last day of the month following the month in which the renter has made application. Any municipality that neglects to transmit to the secretary the application as required by this section shall forfeit two hundred fifty dollars to the state, provided the secretary may waive such forfeiture in accordance with procedures and standards adopted by regulation in accordance with chapter 54. The certificate of grant shall be delivered to the renter and the assessor or agent shall keep the original copy of such certificate and application.
(c) After the secretary's review of each claim, pursuant to section 12-120b, and verification of the amount of the grant, the secretary shall make a determination of any per cent reduction to all claims that will be necessary to keep within available appropriations and, not later than November fifteenth of each year, prepare a list of certificates approved for payment, and shall thereafter supplement such list monthly. Such list and any supplements thereto shall be approved for payment by the secretary and shall be forwarded by the secretary to the Comptroller, along with a notice of any per cent reduction in claim amounts, and the Comptroller shall, not later than fifteen days following receipt of such list, draw an order on the Treasurer in favor of each person on such list and on supplements to such list in the amount of such person's claim, minus any per cent reduction noticed by the secretary pursuant to this subsection, and the Treasurer shall pay such amount to such person, not later than fifteen days following receipt of such order.
(d) If the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management determines a renter was overpaid for such grant, the amount of any subsequent grant paid to the renter under section 12-170d after such determination shall be reduced by the amount of overpayment until the overpayment has been recouped. Any claimant aggrieved by the results of the secretary's review or determination shall have the rights of appeal as set forth in section 12-120b. Applications filed under this section shall not be open for public inspection. Any person who, for the purpose of obtaining a grant under section 12-170d, wilfully fails to disclose all matters related thereto or with intent to defraud makes false statement shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars.
(e) Any municipality may provide, upon approval by its legislative body, that the duties and responsibilities of the assessor, as required under this section and section 12-170g, shall be transferred to (1) the officer in such municipality having responsibility for the administration of social services, or (2) the coordinator or agent for the elderly in such municipality.
(P.A. 74-55, S. 10, 14; P.A. 77-614, S. 139, 610; P.A. 79-610, S. 3, 47; P.A. 80-391, S. 5, 6; P.A. 82-322, S. 4, 6; P.A. 85-561, S. 6, 8; P.A. 87-586, S. 5, 12; P.A. 88-321, S. 7, 10; P.A. 90-73, S. 4, 5; P.A. 93-129, S. 2, 7; May 25 Sp. Sess. P.A. 94-1, S. 16, 130; P.A. 95-307, S. 8, 14; P.A. 98-262, S. 20, 22; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 01-6, S. 52, 85; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 01-9, S. 99, 131; P.A. 12-69, S. 1; 12-197, S. 28; P.A. 13-234, S. 39; P.A. 14-217, S. 50; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 16-3, S. 82; P.A. 17-222, S. 1; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2, S. 565; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-4, S. 25; P.A. 18-81, S. 34; P.A. 21-196, S. 10; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 21-2, S. 168; P.A. 22-74, S. 4; P.A. 24-132, S. 9.)
History: P.A. 77-614 substituted commissioner of revenue services for tax commissioner, effective January 1, 1979; P.A. 79-610 substituted secretary of the office of policy and management for commissioner of revenue services, effective July 1, 1980; P.A. 80-391 changed application period dates from between April fifteenth and December thirty-first to between May fifteenth and December thirty-first in 1980 and between May fifteenth and September fifteenth in following years, effective May 29, 1980, and applicable in any town to assessment year commencing October 1, 1980, and each assessment year thereafter; P.A. 82-322 added Subsec. (b) to enable a municipality to transfer duties of assessor related to applications for grants by renters to the municipal officer responsible for social service administration or the municipal agent for the elderly; P.A. 85-561 provided that in cases of illness or incapacitation, evidenced by a physician's certificate, an applicant for benefits under the program for elderly renters may apply to the secretary of the office of policy and management for an extension of the application period beyond September fifteenth, provided application for such extension is made prior to December fifteenth of the claim year, effective July 5, 1985, and applicable to grants for renters paid in the calendar year 1986 and each calendar year thereafter; P.A. 87-586 inserted the provision for forfeiture by any municipality which fails to transmit the claim and supporting applications as required by this section; P.A. 88-321 amended Subsec. (a) to extend the time in 1988 to file applications for grant related to increases in qualifying income under Sec. 12-170e and added Subsec. (c) to clarify the state payment procedure for purposes of such grants, effective May 10, 1988, and applicable to grants for renters in calendar year 1988 and thereafter; P.A. 90-73 amended Subsec. (a) by deleting the provision concerning application for grants in 1988 related to increases in that year, adding the provision allowing waiver of municipal forfeiture for failure to submit applications for grant as required and extending to 60 days the period after receipt of applications for approval of grants; P.A. 93-129 amended Subsec. (a) to change the time for assessors to forward applications from 30 days after receipt to the last day of the month after the month in which the application was made, effective June 14, 1993; May 25 Sp. Sess. P.A. 94-1 amended Subsec. (a) by making technical change, effective July 1, 1994; P.A. 95-307 amended Subsec. (a) to eliminate requirement that the assessor maintain a permanent record of information regarding the grant, changed the deadline for preparation by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management to prepare a list of certificates approved from August thirty-one to September thirtieth and extended the time to file the list with Comptroller from 60 to 90 days after receipt of the applications, effective July 6, 1995; P.A. 98-262 amended Subsec. (a) to allow Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management to grant extensions for good cause, and allowed requests for 1997 claim year until August 1, 1998, effective June 8, 1998; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 01-6 amended Subsec. (a) to add provision re extension in the case of extenuating circumstance due to illness or incapacitation, to provide for appeal of decisions in accordance with Sec. 12-120b, to provide a penalty for failure to disclose related matters or false statement, to make technical changes and to delete obsolete provisions, amended Subsec. (b) to delete reference to Sec. 12-170g and deleted former Subsec. (c) re period between July 1, 1988, and December 1, 1988, effective July 1, 2001; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 01-9 reinstated language in Subsec. (b) which had been deleted by June Sp. Sess. P.A. 01-6, effective July 1, 2001; P.A. 12-69 amended Subsec. (a) by changing “May fifteenth” to “April first” and changing “September fifteenth” to “October first” re grant application; P.A. 12-197 amended Subsec. (a) by adding provision re certification by an advanced practice registered nurse and making a technical change; P.A. 13-234 amended Subsec. (a) by substituting “Commissioner of Housing” for “Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management”, substituting “commissioner” for “secretary”, changing time for forwarding list to Comptroller from 90 to 120 days after receipt of applications and replacing references to Sec. 12-120b with references to Sec. 12-170ee, effective July 1, 2013; P.A. 14-217 amended Subsec. (a) to replace references to Commissioner of Housing with references to Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, replace references to Sec. 12-170ee with references to Sec. 12-120b, add provision re renter overpaid for grant, add reference to claimant aggrieved by secretary's determination and make technical changes, effective June 13, 2014, and applicable to applications made on or after April 1, 2014; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 16-3 amended Subsec. (a) by adding provisions re secretary to make determination of per cent reduction to all claims that will be necessary to keep within available appropriations and re notice of same, effective July 1, 2016; P.A. 17-222 deleted provision re issuance of certificate of grant in triplicate, replaced “September thirtieth” with “October fifteenth” re preparation of list of certificates approved for payment, deleted provision re list and supplements to be forwarded by secretary to Comptroller not later than 120 days after receipt, and made conforming changes, effective July 1, 2017; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2 amended Subsec. (a) by deleting reference to Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management re prescribing and furnishing form, replacing reference to secretary with reference to assessor or agent re person to whom renter applies for extension of application period, deleting provisions re assessor or agent to forward application to secretary, replacing “copies” with “the original copy” re certificate and application, deleting provisions re secretary's verification of amount of grant and determination of per cent reduction to claims, and list and supplement to be approved by secretary and forwarded to Comptroller along with notice or reduction in claim amounts and Comptroller to draw order on Treasurer, adding provision re municipality approval of payment not later than 120 days after certificates of grant issued by assessor or agent, and replacing “12-120b” with “12-170g”, and made technical and conforming changes, effective October 31, 2017; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-4 amended Subsec. (a) by adding reference to Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management re prescribing and furnishing form, replacing reference to assessor or agent with reference to secretary re person to whom renter applies for extension of application period, designated existing provisions re certificate of grant to be delivered to renter as new Subsec. (b) and amended same by adding provision re assessor or agent to forward application to secretary, designated existing provisions re list of certificates as Subsec. (c) and amended same by adding provision re secretary's verification of amount of grant and determination of per cent reduction to claims, deleting provision re municipality approval of payment not later than 120 days after certificates of grant are issued by assessor or agent, adding provision re list and supplement to be approved by secretary and forwarded to Comptroller along with notice or reduction in claim amounts and Comptroller to draw order on Treasurer, added Subsec. (d) re secretary to select grants of state financial assistance provided to municipality to withhold or reduce, designated existing provisions re determination renter was overpaid, applications open for public inspection and penalty for failure to disclose matters for purpose of obtaining grant as Subsec. (e) and amended same by replacing references to assessor or agent with references to secretary and replacing “12-170g” with “12-120b”, redesignated existing Subsec. (b) re transfer of duties and responsibilities of assessor as Subsec. (f), and made technical and conforming changes, effective November 21, 2017; P.A. 18-81 deleted Subsec. (d) re reductions in municipal financial assistance and redesignated existing Subsecs. (e) and (f) as Subsecs. (d) and (e), effective July 1, 2018; P.A. 21-196 amended Subsec. (a) by adding reference to physician assistant; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 21-2 amended Subsec. (a) by permitting the electronic filing of grant applications, adding Subdiv. (1) requiring exemption from landlord verification of property rental notarization requirement for renter who previously met such notarization requirement for the same property, adding Subdiv. (2) prohibiting a municipality from delaying submission of application of otherwise qualified renter if renter fails to meet deadline for notarization of such verification, and making technical and conforming changes; P.A. 22-74 amended Subsec. (a) by changing deadline for application for extension of application period from December 15 to November 15, effective July 1, 2022; P.A. 24-132 amended Subsec. (a) by changing application deadline from October 1 to September 30 and deleting provision re application for extension of application period and granting of extension, and amended Subsec. (c) by changing deadline for preparation of list of certificates approved for payment from October 15 to November 15, effective July 1, 2024.
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Sec. 12-170g. Appeals from secretary or assessor. Any person aggrieved by the action of the assessor or agent in fixing the amount of the grant under section 12-170f, or in disapproving the claim therefor may apply to the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management in writing or electronically in a manner prescribed by the secretary, within thirty business days from the date of notice given to such person by the assessor or agent, giving notice of such grievance. The secretary shall promptly consider such notice and may grant or deny the relief requested, provided such decision shall be made not later than thirty business days after the receipt of such notice. If the relief is denied, the applicant shall be notified forthwith, and the applicant may appeal the decision of the secretary in accordance with the provisions of section 12-120b.
(P.A. 74-55, S. 11, 14; P.A. 76-436, S. 479, 681; P.A. 77-614, S. 139, 610; P.A. 78-280, S. 1, 127; P.A. 79-610, S. 3, 47; P.A. 88-230, S. 1, 12; P.A. 90-98, S. 1, 2; P.A. 93-142, S. 4, 7, 8; P.A. 95-220, S. 4–6; 95-283, S. 19, 68; P.A. 96-171, S. 13, 16; 96-261, S. 3, 4; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 01-6, S. 84, 85; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 01-9, S. 101, 130, 131; P.A. 13-234, S. 40; P.A. 14-217, S. 51; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 21-2, S. 169.)
History: P.A. 76-436 substituted superior court for court of common pleas and included reference to judicial districts, effective July 1, 1978; P.A. 77-614 substituted commissioner of revenue services for tax commissioner, effective January 1, 1979; P.A. 78-280 deleted reference to counties; P.A. 79-610 substituted secretary of the office of policy and management for commissioner of revenue services, effective July 1, 1980; P.A. 95-283 changed location of appeal from the judicial district in which the applicant resides to the judicial district of Hartford-New Britain, effective October 1, 1996 (Revisor's note: P.A. 88-230, 90-98, 93-142 and 95-220 authorized substitution of “judicial district of Hartford” for “judicial district of Hartford-New Britain” in 1995 public and special acts, effective September 1, 1998); P.A. 96-171 would have increased the time period for the secretary to give notice of deficiencies in the certificate from 60 to 90 days with respect to notice to the assessor and from 60 to 120 days with respect to notice to the applicant, deleted the provision that limited the time within which the secretary could correct and fix the amount of the grant and notify the assessor and applicant thereof to the time period specified for giving notice of any deficiencies in the certificate, and maintained venue for appeals in the superior court for the judicial district in which the applicant resides, deleting provisions that would have established venue for such appeals in the superior court for the judicial district of Hartford-New Britain, effective May 31, 1996, but failed to take effect, the version of the section amended having been repealed by P.A. 96-261; P.A. 96-261 repealed changes made by P.A. 95-283, effective June 10, 1996; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 01-6, Sec. 84 repealed section, effective July 1, 2001; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 01-9 repealed said Sec. 84, also effective July 1, 2001, and amended provisions to remove authority of the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management to fix the amount of the grant, to require appeal to the secretary within 30 business days from the date of notice and the secretary's decision on the appeal not later than 30 business days after receipt of notice and to provide for appeal of secretary's decision in accordance with Sec. 12-120b, effective July 1, 2001; P.A. 13-234 substituted “Commissioner of Housing” for “Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management” and “commissioner” for “secretary”, and replaced reference to Sec. 12-120b with reference to Sec. 12-170ee, effective July 1, 2013; P.A. 14-217 replaced references to Commissioner of Housing with references to Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management and replaced reference to Sec. 12-170ee with reference to Sec. 12-120b, effective June 13, 2014, and applicable to applications made on or after April 1, 2014; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 21-2 added provision permitting electronic applications.
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Sec. 12-170h. Powers of Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management. The Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management shall have power to enforce the provisions of this chapter and sections 12-129b to 12-129d, inclusive, and may make all necessary regulations for that purpose and for carrying out, enforcing and preventing violations of all or any of the provisions of said chapter and sections.
(P.A. 74-55, S. 12, 14; P.A. 77-614, S. 139, 610; P.A. 79-610, S. 3, 47; P.A. 80-483, S. 52, 186; P.A. 81-472, S. 14, 159.)
History: P.A. 77-614 substituted commissioner of revenue services for tax commissioner, effective January 1, 1979; P.A. 79-610 substituted secretary of the office of policy and management for commissioner of revenue services in enforcement provision, effective July 1, 1980, but retained commissioner as authority for extending application period; P.A. 80-483 made technical changes; P.A. 81-472 deleted the reference to time extensions for applications filed in 1974.
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Sec. 12-170i. Tax credit or reimbursement for homeowner eligible under this chapter except that the property was part of an unsettled estate when claim was due. (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter any person: (1) Who becomes the owner of any real property by reason of bequest or devise of such real property upon the death of a taxpayer who was eligible for tax relief pursuant to sections 12-129b to 12-129d, inclusive, or this chapter at the time of his death; (2) who occupies such property as his home; (3) who occupied such property as his home at the time of the death of such taxpayer; and (4) who would have been eligible for tax relief under this chapter if such person had been the owner of such property for any year for which a tax was imposed after the death of such taxpayer if the estate of the decedent had been settled as of the date of the determination of eligibility for such tax relief, shall be eligible for tax relief pursuant to subsection (b) of this section.
(b) Any person eligible for tax relief pursuant to this section shall: (1) If the tax has been paid for any year for which the tax was imposed after the death of the preceding taxpayer, be reimbursed by any municipality collecting any such tax in an amount equal to the difference between the amount of tax which would have been paid by such person if such person had been the owner of such property as of the date of the determination of eligibility for tax relief pursuant to this chapter and the amount actually paid; or (2) if such tax has not been paid for any such year, pay a tax equal to the amount which would have been imposed if such person had been the owner of such property as of the date of the determination of eligibility for tax relief pursuant to this chapter.
(c) The determination of eligibility of any person for tax reimbursements or credits pursuant to this section shall be made in accordance with the procedures set forth in this chapter, except any person may apply for such relief at any time within one year of the final settlement of the estate of the deceased taxpayer or one year of July 1, 1985, whichever is later.
(d) The state shall reimburse each municipality by the last day of each calendar year in which tax reimbursements were paid or tax credits were granted pursuant to this section to the extent of the total revenue loss represented by such reimbursements or credits.
(P.A. 84-515, S. 5, 7.)
History: P.A. 84-515 effective June 13, 1984, and applicable to any case in which the death of the taxpayer occurs during the assessment year beginning October 1, 1982, and thereafter.
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Secs. 12-170j to 12-170u. Reserved for future use.
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Sec. 12-170v. Municipal option to provide real property tax relief to certain elderly homeowners. Eligibility. Calculation of tax. Subsequent conveyance of interest in property. (a) For purposes of this section, “qualified taxpayer” means a person who (1) in the calendar year preceding a claim for tax relief under this section, was (A) sixty-five years of age or older, (B) the spouse of such person, provided such spouse is domiciled with such person, or (C) a surviving spouse sixty-two years of age or older of a person who had qualified and was entitled to tax relief under this section at the time of such person's death, provided such surviving spouse was domiciled with such person at the time of the person's death; (2) occupies the real property for which tax relief is sought as his or her home; (3) has been, or his or her spouse has been, a resident of the state for at least one year before applying for tax relief pursuant to this section and section 12-170w; and (4) had taxable and nontaxable income in the tax year preceding the date of application for relief under this section that was not in excess of limits set forth in section 12-170aa, as adjusted annually.
(b) Any municipality, upon approval of its legislative body may provide that an owner of real property or any tenant for life or for a term of years liable for property taxes under section 12-48 who is a qualified taxpayer shall be entitled to pay the tax levied on such property, calculated in accordance with the provisions of subsection (c) of this section for the first year the claim for such tax relief is filed and approved in accordance with the provisions of section 12-170w, and such qualified taxpayer shall be entitled to continue to pay the amount of such tax or such lesser amount as may be levied in any year, during each subsequent year that such qualified taxpayer, or any owner or tenant possessing a joint interest in such property with such qualified taxpayer at the time of such qualified taxpayer's death and qualified at such time in accordance with the requirements in this subsection, shall be entitled to continue to pay the amount of such tax or such lesser amount as may be levied in any year, as it becomes due each year following the death of such taxpayer for as long as such joint owner or joint tenant is qualified in accordance with the requirements in this section. After the first year a claim for such tax relief is filed and approved, application for such tax relief shall be filed biennially on a form prepared for such purpose by the assessor of such municipality. Any such qualified taxpayer or joint owner or joint tenant surviving upon the death of such qualified taxpayer, shall be entitled to pay such tax in the amount as provided in this section for so long as such qualified taxpayer or joint owner or joint tenant continues to be so qualified. A claimant for relief under this section shall submit evidence of income to the assessor in the municipality in which application for benefits under this section is filed in such form and manner as the assessor may prescribe. The amount of any Medicaid payments made on behalf of such claimant or such claimant's spouse shall not constitute income. The income of the spouse of such claimant shall not be included in the qualifying income of such claimant for purposes of determining eligibility for tax relief under this section, if such spouse is a resident of a health care or nursing home facility in this state, and such facility receives payment related to such spouse under the Title XIX Medicaid program. In addition to the eligibility requirements prescribed in subsection (a) of this section, any municipality that provides tax relief in accordance with the provisions of this section may impose asset limits as a condition of eligibility for such tax relief.
(c) The tax on the real property for which the benefits under this section are claimed shall be the lower of: The tax due with respect to the qualified taxpayer's residence for the assessment year commencing October first of the year immediately preceding the year in which the initial claim for tax relief is made, or the tax due for any subsequent assessment year. If title to real property is recorded in the name of the qualified taxpayer and any other person or persons, the qualified taxpayer shall be entitled to pay his or her fractional share of the tax on such property calculated in accordance with the provisions of this section, and such other person or persons shall pay the person's or persons' fractional share of the tax without regard for the provisions of this section. For the purposes of this section, a “mobile manufactured home”, as defined in section 12-63a, shall be deemed to be real property.
(d) If any person with respect to whom a claim for tax relief in accordance with this section and section 12-170w has been approved for any assessment year transfers, assigns, grants or otherwise conveys subsequent to the first day of October, but prior to the first day of August in such assessment year the interest in real property to which such claim for tax relief is related, regardless of whether such transfer, assignment, grant or conveyance is voluntary or involuntary, the amount of such tax relief benefit, determined as the amount by which the tax payable without benefit of this section exceeds the tax payable under the provisions of this section, shall be a pro rata portion of the amount otherwise applicable in such assessment year to be determined by a fraction the numerator of which shall be the number of full months from the first day of October in such assessment year to the date of such conveyance and the denominator of which shall be twelve. If such conveyance occurs in the month of October the grantor shall be disqualified for such tax relief in such assessment year. The grantee shall be required within a period not exceeding ten days immediately following the date of such conveyance to notify the assessor thereof, or in the absence of such notice, upon determination by the assessor that such transfer, assignment, grant or conveyance has occurred, the assessor shall determine the amount of tax relief benefit to which the grantor is entitled for such assessment year with respect to the interest in real property conveyed and notify the tax collector of the reduced amount of such benefit. Upon receipt of such notice from the assessor, the tax collector shall, if such notice is received after the tax due date in the municipality, no later than ten days thereafter mail or hand a bill to the grantee stating the additional amount of tax due as determined by the assessor. Such tax shall be due and payable and collectible as other property taxes and subject to the same liens and processes of collection, provided such tax shall be due and payable in an initial or single installment not sooner than thirty days after the date such bill is mailed or handed to the grantee and in equal amounts in any remaining, regular installments as the same are due and payable.
(e) A municipality may, by vote of its legislative body, set a minimum age for tax relief under this section that is older than sixty-five for an otherwise qualified taxpayer. No municipality, which by vote of its legislative body prior to October 1, 2021, limited tax relief under this section to persons seventy years of age and older, shall be required to take another vote unless it is seeking to lower the age of eligibility in accordance with this section.
(P.A. 06-176, S. 1; P.A. 21-84, S. 1.)
History: P.A. 06-176 effective October 1, 2006, and applicable to assessment years commencing on or after that date; P.A. 21-84 added new Subsec. (a) defining qualified taxpayers, redesignated existing Subsecs. (a) to (c) as Subsecs. (b) to (d), added Subsec. (e) re municipal option to set or keep older age for relief and made conforming technical changes throughout, effective October 1, 2021, and applicable to assessment years commencing on or after October 1, 2021.
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Sec. 12-170w. Application for real property tax relief to certain elderly homeowners. Biennial requirements. Penalty for false application or false statement. Lien. (a) No claim shall be accepted under section 12-170v unless the taxpayer or authorized agent of such taxpayer files an application with the assessor of the municipality in which the property is located, during the period from February first to and including May fifteenth of any year in which benefits are first claimed. Such application shall be made in writing or electronically in a manner prescribed by the assessor, and shall include such information as is necessary to substantiate such claim in accordance with requirements in such application. A taxpayer may make application to the assessor in writing or electronically in a manner prescribed by the assessor prior to August fifteenth of the claim year for an extension of the application period. The assessor may grant such extension in the case of extenuating circumstance due to illness or incapacitation as evidenced by a certificate signed by a physician, physician assistant or an advanced practice registered nurse to that extent, or if the assessor determines there is good cause for doing so. The taxpayer shall present to the assessor a paper or electronic copy of such taxpayer's federal income tax return and the federal income tax return of such taxpayer's spouse, if filed separately, for such taxpayer's taxable year ending immediately prior to the submission of the taxpayer's application, or if not required to file a federal income tax return, such other evidence of qualifying income in respect to such taxable year as the assessor may require. Each such application, together with the federal income tax return and any other information submitted in relation thereto, shall be examined by the assessor and a determination shall be made as to whether the application is approved. Upon determination by the assessor that the applying homeowner is entitled to tax relief in accordance with the provisions of section 12-170v and this section, the assessor shall notify the homeowner and the municipal tax collector of the approval of such application. The municipal tax collector shall determine the maximum amount of the tax due with respect to such homeowner's residence and thereafter the property tax with respect to such homeowner's residence shall not exceed such amount. After a taxpayer's claim for the first year has been filed and approved such taxpayer shall file such an application biennially. In respect to such application required after the filing and approval for the first year the assessor in each municipality shall notify each such taxpayer concerning application requirements by mail, or, at the taxpayer's option, electronic mail, not later than February first of the assessment year in which such taxpayer is required to reapply, providing a copy of the required application form. Such taxpayer may submit such application to the assessor, provided it is received by the assessor not later than April fifteenth in the assessment year with respect to which such tax relief is claimed. Not later than April thirtieth of such year the assessor shall notify, by mail evidenced by a certificate of mailing, any such taxpayer for whom such application was not received by said April fifteenth concerning application requirements and such taxpayer shall submit not later than May fifteenth such application personally, or for reasonable cause, by a person acting on behalf of such taxpayer as approved by the assessor.
(b) Any person knowingly making a false application for the purpose of claiming property tax relief under section 12-170v and this section shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars. Any person who fails to disclose all matters relating thereto or with intent to defraud makes a false statement shall refund to the municipality all tax relief improperly taken.
(c) Any municipality providing property tax relief under section 12-170v and this section may establish a lien on such property in the amount of the total tax relief granted, plus interest applicable to the total of unpaid taxes represented by such tax relief, at a rate to be determined by such municipality. Any such lien shall have a priority in the settlement of such person's estate.
(d) Any such property tax relief granted to any such resident in accordance with the provisions of section 12-170v and this section shall not disqualify such resident with respect to any benefits for which such resident shall be eligible under the provisions of sections 12-129b to 12-129d, inclusive, 12-129n and 12-170aa and any such property tax relief provided under this section shall be in addition to any such benefits for which such resident shall be eligible under sections 12-129b to 12-129d, inclusive, 12-129n and 12-170aa.
(P.A. 06-176, S. 2; P.A. 10-32, S. 35; P.A. 12-197, S. 29; P.A. 16-143, S. 2; P.A. 21-196, S. 11; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 21-2, S. 170.)
History: P.A. 06-176 effective October 1, 2006, and applicable to assessment years commencing on or after that date; P.A. 10-32 made a technical change in Subsec. (a), effective May 10, 2010; P.A. 12-197 amended Subsec. (a) by adding provision re certification by an advanced practice registered nurse and making a technical change; P.A. 16-143 amended Subsec. (a) by replacing “March fifteenth” with “April fifteenth”, replacing “April first” with “April thirtieth”, replacing “certified mail” with “mail evidenced by a certificate of mailing”, and making a technical change; P.A. 21-196 amended Subsec. (a) by adding reference to physician assistant; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 21-2 amended Subsec. (a) by adding provisions specifying applications shall be made in writing or electronically, specifying taxpayer shall present paper or electronic copies of federal income tax returns, and permitting taxpayer notification of application requirements by electronic mail, and making technical and conforming changes.
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Secs. 12-170x to 12-170z. Reserved for future use.
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Sec. 12-170aa. Tax relief for certain elderly or totally disabled homeowners. Reductions in real property taxes. (a) Revision effective for assessment year commencing October 1, 1985, and thereafter. There is established, for the assessment year commencing October 1, 1985, and each assessment year thereafter, a revised state program of property tax relief for certain elderly homeowners as determined in accordance with subsection (b) of this section, and additionally for the assessment year commencing October 1, 1986, and each assessment year thereafter, the property tax relief benefits of such program are made available to certain homeowners who are permanently and totally disabled as determined in accordance with subsection (b) of this section.
(b) Eligibility for benefits. Age and income requirements. Determination of income. (1) The program established by this section shall provide for a reduction in property tax, except in the case of benefits payable as a grant under certain circumstances in accordance with provisions in subsection (j) of this section, applicable to the assessed value of certain real property, determined in accordance with subsection (c) of this section, for any (A) owner of real property, including any owner of real property held in trust for such owner, provided such owner or such owner and such owner's spouse are the grantor and beneficiary of such trust, (B) tenant for life or tenant for a term of years liable for property tax under section 12-48, or (C) resident of a multiple-dwelling complex under certain contractual conditions as provided in subsection (j) of this section, who (i) at the close of the preceding calendar year has attained age sixty-five or over, or whose spouse domiciled with such homeowner, has attained age sixty-five or over at the close of the preceding calendar year, or is fifty years of age or over and the surviving spouse of a homeowner who at the time of such homeowner's death had qualified and was entitled to tax relief under this section, provided such spouse was domiciled with such homeowner at the time of such homeowner's death, or (ii) at the close of the preceding calendar year has not attained age sixty-five and is eligible in accordance with applicable federal regulations to receive permanent total disability benefits under Social Security, or has not been engaged in employment covered by Social Security and accordingly has not qualified for benefits thereunder but who has become qualified for permanent total disability benefits under any federal, state or local government retirement or disability plan, including the Railroad Retirement Act and any government-related teacher's retirement plan, determined by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management to contain requirements in respect to qualification for such permanent total disability benefits that are comparable to such requirements under Social Security; and in addition to qualification under clause (i) or (ii) of this subdivision, whose taxable and nontaxable income, the total of which shall hereinafter be called “qualifying income”, in the tax year of such homeowner ending immediately preceding the date of application for benefits under the program in this section, was not in excess of sixteen thousand two hundred dollars, if unmarried, or twenty thousand dollars, jointly with spouse if married, subject to adjustments in accordance with subdivision (2) of this subsection, evidence of which income shall be required in the form of a signed affidavit to be submitted to the assessor in the municipality in which application for benefits under this section is filed. Such affidavit may be filed electronically, in a manner prescribed by the assessor. The amount of any Medicaid payments made on behalf of such homeowner or the spouse of such homeowner shall not constitute income. The amount of tax reduction provided under this section, determined in accordance with and subject to the variable factors in the schedule of amounts of tax reduction in subsection (c) of this section, shall be allowed only with respect to a residential dwelling owned by such qualified homeowner and used as such homeowner's primary place of residence. If title to real property or a tenancy interest liable for real property taxes is recorded in the name of such qualified homeowner or his spouse making a claim and qualifying under this section and any other person or persons, the claimant hereunder shall be entitled to pay his fractional share of the tax on such property calculated in accordance with the provisions of this section, and such other person or persons shall pay his or their fractional share of the tax without regard for the provisions of this section, unless also qualified hereunder. For the purposes of this section, a “mobile manufactured home”, as defined in section 12-63a, or a dwelling on leased land, including but not limited to a modular home, shall be deemed to be real property and the word “taxes” shall not include special assessments, interest and lien fees.
(2) The amounts of qualifying income as provided in this section shall be adjusted annually in a uniform manner to reflect the annual inflation adjustment in Social Security income, with each such adjustment of qualifying income determined to the nearest one hundred dollars. Each such adjustment of qualifying income shall be prepared by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management in relation to the annual inflation adjustment in Social Security, if any, becoming effective at any time during the twelve-month period immediately preceding the first day of October each year and the amount of such adjustment shall be distributed to the assessors in each municipality not later than the thirty-first day of December next following.
(3) For purposes of determining qualifying income under subdivision (1) of this subsection with respect to a married homeowner who submits an application for tax reduction in accordance with this section, the Social Security income of the spouse of such homeowner shall not be included in the qualifying income of such homeowner, for purposes of determining eligibility for benefits under this section, if such spouse is a resident of a health care or nursing home facility in this state receiving payment related to such spouse under the Title XIX Medicaid program. An applicant who is legally separated pursuant to the provisions of section 46b-40, as of the thirty-first day of December preceding the date on which such person files an application for a grant in accordance with subsection (a) of this section, may apply as an unmarried person and shall be regarded as such for purposes of determining qualifying income under said subsection.
(c) Schedule of qualifying income and corresponding tax deductions. The amount of reduction in property tax provided under this section shall, subject to the provisions of subsection (d) of this section, be determined in accordance with the following schedule:
Qualifying Income |
Tax Reduction |
Tax Reduction |
Over |
Not Exceeding |
Married Homeowners |
Maximum |
Minimum |
$ 0 |
$11,700 |
50% |
$1,250 |
$400 |
11,700 |
15,900 |
40 |
1,000 |
350 |
15,900 |
19,700 |
30 |
750 |
250 |
19,700 |
23,600 |
20 |
500 |
150 |
23,600 |
28,900 |
10 |
250 |
150 |
28,900 |
None |
Unmarried Homeowners |
$ 0 |
$11,700 |
40% |
$1,000 |
$350 |
11,700 |
15,900 |
30 |
750 |
250 |
15,900 |
19,700 |
20 |
500 |
150 |
19,700 |
23,600 |
10 |
250 |
150 |
23,600 |
None |
(d) Maximum amount of tax reduction. Any homeowner qualified for tax reduction in accordance with subsection (b) of this section in an amount to be determined under the schedule of such tax reduction in subsection (c) of this section, shall in no event receive less in tax reduction than the minimum amount of such reduction applicable to the qualifying income of such homeowner according to the schedule in said subsection (c).
(e) Initial claim for tax reductions. Biennial requirements. Penalty. (1) Any claim for tax reduction under this section shall be submitted for approval, on the application form prepared for such purpose by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, in the first year claim for such tax relief is filed and biennially thereafter. Such application form may be submitted by mail or electronic mail, in a manner prescribed by the secretary. The amount of tax reduction approved shall be applied to the real property tax payable by the homeowner for the assessment year in which such application is submitted and approved. If any such homeowner has qualified for tax reduction under this section, the tax reduction determined shall, when possible, be applied and prorated uniformly over the number of installments in which the real property tax is due and payable to the municipality in which such homeowner resides. In the case of any homeowner who is eligible for tax reduction under this section as a result of increases in qualifying income, under the schedule of qualifying income and tax reduction in subsection (c) of this section, exclusive of any such increases related to Social Security adjustments in accordance with subsection (b) of this section, the total amount of tax reduction to which such homeowner is entitled shall be credited and uniformly prorated against property tax installment payments applicable to such homeowner's residence that become due after such homeowner's application for tax reduction under this section is accepted. In the event that a homeowner has paid in full the amount of property tax applicable to such homeowner's residence, regardless of whether the municipality requires the payment of property taxes in one or more installments, such municipality shall make payment to such homeowner in the amount of the tax reduction allowed. The municipality shall be reimbursed for the amount of such payment in accordance with subsection (g) of this section.
(2) In respect to such application required biennially after the filing and approval for the first year, the tax assessor in each municipality shall notify each such homeowner concerning application requirements by mail or, at such homeowner's option, electronic mail, not later than February first, annually enclosing a copy of the required application form. Such homeowner may submit such application to the assessor by mail or electronic mail, in a manner prescribed by the assessor, provided it is received by the assessor not later than April fifteenth in the assessment year with respect to which such tax reduction is claimed. Not later than April thirtieth of such year the assessor shall notify, by mail evidenced by a certificate of mailing, any such homeowner for whom such application was not received by said April fifteenth concerning application requirements and such homeowner shall be required not later than May fifteenth to submit such application personally or by electronic mail, in a manner prescribed by the assessor, or, for reasonable cause, by a person acting on behalf of such taxpayer as approved by the assessor. In the year immediately following any year in which such homeowner has submitted application and qualified for tax reduction in accordance with this section, such homeowner shall be presumed, without filing application therefor, to be qualified for tax reduction in accordance with the schedule in subsection (c) of this section in the same percentage of property tax as allowed in the year immediately preceding.
(3) If any homeowner has qualified and received tax reduction under this section and subsequently in any calendar year has qualifying income in excess of the maximum described in this section, such homeowner shall notify the tax assessor by mail or electronic mail, in a manner prescribed by the assessor, on or before the next filing date and shall be denied tax reduction under this section for the assessment year and any subsequent year or until such homeowner has reapplied and again qualified for benefits under this section. Any such person who fails to so notify the tax assessor of his disqualification shall refund all amounts of tax reduction improperly taken and be fined not more than five hundred dollars.
(f) Proof of claim requirements. (1) Any homeowner, believing such homeowner is entitled to tax reduction benefits under this section for any assessment year, shall make application as required in subsection (e) of this section, to the assessor of the municipality in which the homeowner resides, for such tax reduction at any time from February first to and including May fifteenth of the year in which tax reduction is claimed. A homeowner may make application to the secretary prior to August fifteenth of the claim year for an extension of the application period. The secretary may grant such extension in the case of extenuating circumstance due to illness or incapacitation as evidenced by a certificate signed by a physician, physician assistant or an advanced practice registered nurse to that extent, or if the secretary determines there is good cause for doing so. Such application for tax reduction benefits shall be submitted on a form prescribed and furnished by the secretary to the assessor. In making application the homeowner shall present to such assessor, in substantiation of such homeowner's application, a copy of such homeowner's federal income tax return, including a copy of the Social Security statement of earnings for such homeowner, and that of such homeowner's spouse, if filed separately, for such homeowner's taxable year ending immediately prior to the submission of such application, or if not required to file a return, such other evidence of qualifying income in respect to such taxable year as may be required by the assessor.
(2) When the assessor is satisfied that the applying homeowner is entitled to tax reduction in accordance with this section, such assessor shall issue a certificate of credit, in such form as the secretary may prescribe and supply showing the amount of tax reduction allowed. A duplicate of such certificate shall be delivered to the applicant and the tax collector of the municipality and the assessor shall keep the fourth copy of such certificate and a copy of the application. Any homeowner who, for the purpose of obtaining a tax reduction under this section, wilfully fails to disclose all matters related thereto or with intent to defraud makes false statement shall refund all property tax credits improperly taken and shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars.
(3) Applications filed under this section shall not be open for public inspection.
(g) State reimbursement for loss of property tax. (1) On or before July first, annually, each municipality shall submit to the secretary a claim for the tax reductions approved under this section in relation to the assessment list of October first immediately preceding. On or after December first, annually, any municipality that neglects to transmit to the secretary the claim as required by this section shall forfeit two hundred fifty dollars to the state, except that the secretary may waive such forfeiture in accordance with procedures and standards established by regulations adopted in accordance with chapter 54.
(2) Subject to procedures for review and approval of such data pursuant to section 12-120b, said secretary shall, on or before December fifteenth next following, certify to the Comptroller the amount due each municipality as reimbursement for loss of property tax revenue related to the tax reductions allowed under this section, except that the secretary may reduce the amount due as reimbursement under this section by up to one hundred per cent for any municipality that is not eligible for a grant under section 32-9s. The Comptroller shall draw an order on the Treasurer on or before the fifth business day following December fifteenth and the Treasurer shall pay the amount due each municipality not later than the thirty-first day of December.
(3) Any claimant aggrieved by the results of the secretary's review shall have the rights of appeal as set forth in section 12-120b. The amount of the grant payable to each municipality in any year in accordance with this section shall be reduced proportionately in the event that the total of such grants in such year exceeds the amount appropriated for the purposes of this section with respect to such year.
(h) Residential dwelling on leased land. Property taxes paid by the owner of the dwelling. Any person who is the owner of a residential dwelling on leased land, including any such person who is a sublessee under terms of the lease agreement applicable to such land, shall be entitled to claim tax relief under the provisions of this section, subject to all requirements therein except as provided in this subsection, with respect to property taxes paid by such person on the assessed value of such dwelling, provided (1) the dwelling is such person's principal place of residence, (2) such lease or sublease requires that such person as the lessee or sublessee, whichever is applicable, pay all property taxes related to the dwelling, and (3) such lease or sublease is recorded in the land records of the town.
(i) Pro rata tax reduction for assessment year in which property is transferred. (1) If any person with respect to whom a claim for tax reduction in accordance with this section has been approved for any assessment year transfers, assigns, grants or otherwise conveys on or after the first day of October but prior to the first day of August in such assessment year the interest in real property to which such claim for tax credit is related, regardless of whether such transfer, assignment, grant or conveyance is voluntary or involuntary, the amount of such tax credit shall be a pro rata portion of the amount otherwise applicable in such assessment year to be determined by a fraction the numerator of which shall be the number of full months from the first day of October in such assessment year to the date of such conveyance and the denominator of which shall be twelve. If such conveyance occurs in the month of October the grantor shall be disqualified for tax credit in such assessment year. The grantee shall be required within a period not exceeding ten days immediately following the date of such conveyance to notify the assessor thereof by mail or electronic mail, in a manner prescribed by the assessor, or in the absence of such notice, upon determination by the assessor that such transfer, assignment, grant or conveyance has occurred, the assessor shall (A) determine the amount of tax reduction to which the grantor is entitled for such assessment year with respect to the interest in real property conveyed and notify the tax collector of the reduced amount of tax reduction applicable to such interest, and (B) notify the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management on or before the October first immediately following the end of the assessment year in which such conveyance occurs of the reduction in such tax reduction for purposes of a corresponding adjustment in the amount of state payment to the municipality next following as reimbursement for the revenue loss related to such tax reductions. On or after December first, annually, any municipality that neglects to transmit to the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management the claim as required by this section shall forfeit two hundred fifty dollars to the state except that the secretary may waive such forfeiture in accordance with procedures and standards established by regulations adopted in accordance with chapter 54.
(2) Upon receipt of such notice from the assessor, the tax collector shall, if such notice is received after the tax due date in the municipality, not later than thirty days after such receipt, mail, hand or deliver by electronic mail, at the grantee's option, a bill to the grantee stating the additional amount of tax due as determined by the assessor. Such tax shall be due and payable and collectible as other property taxes and subject to the same liens and processes of collection, provided such tax shall be due and payable in an initial or single installment not sooner than thirty days after the date such bill is mailed or handed to the grantee and in equal amounts in any remaining, regular installments as the same are due and payable.
(j) Benefits for persons without ownership or leasehold interest in real property who reside in multiple-dwelling complex. (1) Notwithstanding the intent in subsections (a) to (i), inclusive, of this section to provide for benefits in the form of property tax reduction applicable to persons liable for payment of such property tax and qualified in accordance with requirements related to age and income as provided in subsection (b) of this section, a certain annual benefit, determined in amount under the provisions of subsections (c) and (d) of this section but payable in a manner as prescribed in this subsection, shall be provided with respect to any person who (A) is qualified in accordance with said requirements related to age and income as provided in subsection (b) of this section, including provisions concerning such person's spouse, and (B) is a resident of a dwelling unit within a multiple-dwelling complex containing dwelling units for occupancy by certain elderly persons under terms of a contract between such resident and the owner of such complex, in accordance with which contract such resident occupies a certain dwelling unit subject to the express provision that such resident has no legal title, interest or leasehold estate in the real or personal property of such complex, and under the terms of which contract such resident agrees to pay the owner of the complex a fee, as a condition precedent to occupancy and a monthly or other such periodic fee thereafter as a condition of continued occupancy. In no event shall any such resident be qualified for benefits payable in accordance with this subsection if, as determined by the assessor in the municipality in which such complex is situated, such resident's contract with the owner of such complex, or occupancy by such resident (i) confers upon such resident any ownership interest in the dwelling unit occupied or in such complex, or (ii) establishes a contract of lease of any type for the dwelling unit occupied by such resident.
(2) The amount of annual benefit payable in accordance with this subsection to any such resident, qualified as provided in subdivision (1) of this subsection, shall be determined in relation to an assumed amount of property tax liability applicable to the assessed value for the dwelling unit which such resident occupies, as determined by the assessor in the municipality in which such complex is situated. Annually, not later than the first day of June, the assessor in such municipality, upon receipt of an application for such benefit submitted in accordance with this subsection by mail or electronic mail, in a manner prescribed by the assessor, by any such resident, shall determine, with respect to the assessment list in such municipality for the assessment year commencing October first immediately preceding, the portion of the assessed value of the entire complex, as included in such assessment list, attributable to the dwelling unit occupied by such resident. The assumed property tax liability for purposes of this subsection shall be the product of such assessed value and the mill rate in such municipality as determined for purposes of property tax imposed on said assessment list for the assessment year commencing October first immediately preceding. The amount of benefit to which such resident shall be entitled for such assessment year shall be equivalent to the amount of tax reduction for which such resident would qualify, considering such assumed property tax liability to be the actual property tax applicable to such resident's dwelling unit and such resident as liable for the payment of such tax, in accordance with the schedule of qualifying income and tax reduction as provided in subsection (c) of this section, subject to provisions concerning maximum allowable benefit for any assessment year under subsections (c) and (d) of this section. The amount of benefit as determined for such resident in respect to any assessment year shall be payable by the state as a grant to such resident equivalent to the amount of property tax reduction to which such resident would be entitled under subsections (a) to (i), inclusive, of this section if such resident were the owner of such dwelling unit and qualified for tax reduction benefits under said subsections (a) to (i), inclusive.
(3) Any such resident entitled to a grant as provided in subdivision (2) of this subsection shall be required to submit an application to the assessor in the municipality in which such resident resides for such grant by mail or electronic mail, in a manner prescribed by the assessor, at any time from February first to and including the fifteenth day of May in the year in which such grant is claimed, on a form prescribed and furnished for such purpose by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management. Any such resident submitting an application for such grant shall be required to present to the assessor, in substantiation of such application, a copy of such resident's federal income tax return, and if not required to file a federal income tax return, such other evidence of qualifying income, receipts for money received or cancelled checks, or copies thereof, and any other evidence the assessor may require. Not later than the first day of July in such year, the assessor shall submit to the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management (A) a copy of the application prepared by such resident, together with such resident's federal income tax return, if required to file such a return, and any other information submitted in relation thereto, (B) determinations of the assessor concerning the assessed value of the dwelling unit in such complex occupied by such resident, and (C) the amount of such grant approved by the assessor. Said secretary, upon approving such grant, shall certify the amount thereof and not later than the fifteenth day of September immediately following submit approval for payment of such grant to the State Comptroller. Not later than five business days immediately following receipt of such approval for payment, the State Comptroller shall draw an order on the State Treasurer and the Treasurer shall pay the amount of the grant to such resident not later than the first day of October immediately following.
(k) Adjustments. If the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management makes any adjustments to the grants for tax reductions or assumed amounts of property tax liability claimed under this section subsequent to the State Comptroller's order of payment of grants in any year, the amount of such adjustment shall be reflected in the next payment the Treasurer shall make to such municipality pursuant to this section.
(June Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-3, S. 1; P.A. 85-612, S. 1, 6; P.A. 86-44, S. 1, 2; 86-409, S. 1, 3, 4; June 11, Sp. Sess. P.A. 86-1, S. 1, 5, 7, 8; P.A. 87-267, S. 2; 87-586, S. 3, 10, 12; P.A. 88-321, S. 3, 4, 10; P.A. 91-400, S. 3, 5; P.A. 93-129, S. 3–5, 7; P.A. 95-307, S. 9, 10, 14; P.A. 98-262, S. 17, 22; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 99-1, S. 45, 51; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 01-6, S. 53, 54, 85; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6, S. 183; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 04-2, S. 79; P.A. 05-287, S. 15, 16; P.A. 06-196, S. 87; P.A. 10-32, S. 36; P.A. 12-197, S. 30; P.A. 16-143, S. 3; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2, S. 206; P.A. 19-66, S. 1; P.A. 21-196, S. 9; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 21-2, S. 171; P.A. 22-74, S. 13; 22-110, S. 10; P.A. 24-151, S. 93.)
History: P.A. 85-612 effective July 12, 1985, and applicable in any municipality to the assessment year commencing October 1, 1985, and thereafter (Revisor's note: The reference to “mobile home” in Subsec. (b)(1) was changed editorially by the Revisors to “mobile manufactured home” in accordance with June Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-3); P.A. 86-44 added Subsec. (j) providing benefits, determined in a manner similar to that applicable in the case of a homeowner, for any resident of a multiple-dwelling complex under contractual conditions as provided in said Subsec. (j), who is neither a homeowner or renter but is qualified for benefits under this section in all other respects, effective April 28, 1986, and applicable in any municipality for the assessment year commencing October 1, 1986, and each assessment year thereafter and to any grant as determined for purposes of this act in relation to the assessment list for any such assessment year; P.A. 86-409 amended Subsec. (b) to include in the program persons under age 65 who have permanent total disability, provided such persons are qualified in all other respects applicable in the case of a homeowner who has attained age 65 or over and added the language in Subsec. (e) establishing a presumption as to the amount of tax reduction for which a homeowner is qualified in the year in which such homeowner is not required to file an application for benefits, effective June 10, 1986, and applicable in any municipality to the assessment year commencing October 1, 1986, and each assessment year thereafter; June 11 Sp. Sess. P.A. 86-1 amended Subsec. (a) to reflect the inclusion for benefits of persons with permanent total disability who are under age 65 but qualified in all other respects and Subsec. (d) to provide that any homeowner included in the plan in the year immediately preceding revision of benefits for the assessment year commencing October 1, 1985, shall receive no less in benefits for said 1985 assessment year than such homeowner would be eligible to receive under provisions in effect immediately preceding said revision, amended Subsec. (e) by adding provisions allowing the extended time for filing applications in the assessment year commencing October 1, 1985, and requiring notification by the assessors of changes in qualification requirements for homeowners who received benefits under the program in the assessment year commencing October 1, 1984, and have not made application in the 1985 assessment year and amended Subsec. (g) by adding the provision that in the event of adjustment in the amount of any property tax credit pursuant to Sec. 12-170c, the state may adjust the corresponding reimbursement to the municipality for the following calendar year to reflect such tax credit adjustment, effective July 8, 1986, pursuant to Art. 4, Sec. 15 of the Constitution of Conn. and Sec. 2-30 of the general statutes, and applicable to the assessment year commencing October 1, 1986, and each year thereafter with respect to eligibility of homeowners with permanent total disability and applicable to the assessment year commencing October 1, 1985, with respect to minimum benefit provisions in Subsec. (d); P.A. 87-267 amended Subsec. (b) by adding the provision on Medicaid payments; P.A. 87-586 amended Subsec. (b) to increase the maximum amounts of qualifying income from $12,500 to $13,300 for unmarried homeowners and from $15,000 to $16,000 for married homeowners, Subsec. (c) by increasing the levels of qualifying income in the schedule of tax reduction benefits and inserting minimum amounts of benefit at each level of qualifying income, Subsec. (d) by replacing the minimum tax reduction benefit provision with reference to the minimum tax reduction benefit provided in the schedule in Subsec. (c), Subsec. (g) by inserting the forfeiture provision applicable to any municipality failing to submit the claim information as required by said Subsec. (g), and Subsec. (i) by making certain technical changes and including the forfeiture provision for any municipality failing to transmit the claim as required, effective July 6, 1987, and applicable to the assessment year commencing October 1, 1986, and each assessment year thereafter and further provided that the “provisions of said public act 86-1 (of the June 11, 1986, special session) having been codified in the general statutes, revised to January 1, 1987, are deemed adopted and made effective July 8, 1986, the effective date of said public act 86-1”; P.A. 88-321 amended Subsecs. (a) to (c), inclusive, by increasing the maximum amount of qualifying income to $16,200 for unmarried homeowners and to $20,000 for married homeowners, Subsec. (e) to provide for special problems in applying tax reduction in the 1987 assessment year, Subsec. (f) to provide an extended period for filing applications related to the 1987 assessment year and Subsec. (g) because of special problems in state reimbursement for revenue loss related to applications filed in the extended filing period, and added special provisions in Subsec. (i) concerning tax reduction in the assessment year when property is conveyed and accordingly, tax reduction and the grant due the municipality are lowered, effective May 10, 1988, and applicable to assessment years commencing on or after October 1, 1987; P.A. 91-400 added Subsec. (b)(3) concerning exclusion of social security income of Title XIX aid recipients from the calculation of their spouse's income, effective October 1, 1991, and applicable to assessment years of municipalities commencing on or after that date; P.A. 93-129 amended Subsec. (b)(1) to specify that the person claiming eligibility shall have attained the age of 65 years at the close of the preceding calendar year, and deleted obsolete Subsec. (g)(2) and (i)(2) and the Subdiv. designation (1) in each case, and added provision authorizing the secretary to waive forfeiture, effective June 14, 1993; P.A. 95-307 amended Subsec. (b)(1) to define “qualifying income” as taxable and nontaxable income, eliminating provisions re total adjusted gross income and amended Subsec. (f) to add provisions re extension of the application period in the case of extenuating circumstances and repealed obsolete provisions concerning the assessment year commencing October 1, 1987, effective July 6, 1995; P.A. 98-262 amended Subsec. (b) to allow a person who is legally separated to apply as an unmarried person for purposes of determining qualifying income, effective June 8, 1998; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 99-1 amended Subsec. (c) to adjust amounts of qualifying income and to increase minimum tax reductions, effective June 29, 1999, and applicable to applications made for assessment years commencing on or after October 1, 1999; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 01-6 amended Subsec. (f) to modify procedure for an extension of time to apply for relief, to provide a penalty for failure to disclose matters related to such application or false statement and to make technical changes and amended Subsec. (g) to delete former provisions re adjustments and appeals of decisions of the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, to provide for appeal in accordance with Sec. 12-120b and to make technical changes, effective July 1, 2001; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6 amended Subsec. (g) to provide for reduction in grant amount under that subsection in the event total of grants exceeds the amount appropriated, effective August 20, 2003, and applicable to assessment years commencing on or after October 1, 2002; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 04-2 added Subsec. (k) re adjustments made by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management to grants under section, effective July 1, 2004, and applicable to claims for reimbursement filed on or after July 1, 2001; P.A. 05-287 amended Subsec. (g) to replace reference to “December first” with reference to “December fifteenth” and replace reference to “the fifteenth day of December” with reference to “the fifth business day following December fifteenth”, and amended Subsec. (j)(1) and (3) to make technical changes and replaced reference to “the first day of September” with reference to “the fifteenth day of September” and changed the timing of the drawing of the Comptroller's order from not later than 15 days immediately following receipt of such approval to not later than 5 business days immediately following receipt of such approval in Subdiv. (3), effective July 13, 2005; P.A. 06-196 made technical changes in Subsec. (j)(3), effective June 7, 2006; P.A. 10-32 made technical changes in Subsec. (e), effective May 10, 2010; P.A. 12-197 amended Subsec. (f) by adding provision re certification by an advanced practice registered nurse and making a technical change; P.A. 16-143 amended Subsec. (e) by replacing “March fifteenth” with “April fifteenth”, replacing “April first” with “April thirtieth”, replacing “certified mail” with “mail evidenced by a certificate of mailing”, and making a technical change; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2 amended Subsec. (g) by adding provision re secretary may reduce amount due as reimbursement for municipality that is not eligible for a grant under Sec. 32-9s, and making technical changes, effective October 31, 2017; P.A. 19-66 amended Subsec. (b)(1) by designating existing provision re owner of real property as new Subpara. (A) and amended same by adding provision re owner of real property held in trust for owner, designating existing provisions re tenant for life or tenant for term of years as new Subpara. (B), designating existing provisions re resident of multiple-dwelling complex as Subpara. (C), redesignating existing Subparas. (A) and (B) as clauses (i) and (ii), effective October 1, 2019, and applicable to assessment years commencing on or after October 1, 2019; P.A. 21-196 amended Subsec. (f) by adding reference to physician assistant; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 21-2 amended Subsec. (b)(1) by adding provision permitting electronic filing of affidavits, Subsec. (e) by adding provisions permitting submission of applications by electronic mail, notification of application requirements by electronic mail, and notification of qualifying income in excess of the maximum by electronic mail, and making a technical change, Subsec. (i) by adding provisions specifying that notice to assessor shall be provided by mail or electronic mail and permitting delivery of bill by electronic mail, and making a conforming change, Subsec. (j)(2) by adding provision specifying that applications may be received by mail or electronic mail, and Subsec. (j)(3) by adding provision specifying that applications shall be submitted to assessor in municipality in which resident resides by mail or electronic mail, and making a technical change, effective July 1, 2021; P.A. 22-74 amended Subsec. (i) by changing time for mailing, handing or delivering by electronic mail bill stating additional amount of tax due from within 10 days after receipt of notice from assessor to not later than 30 days after such receipt and made a technical change, effective July 1, 2022; P.A. 22-110 made technical changes in Subsec. (b)(1) and (h), amended Subsecs. (e), (f) and (g) by redesignating existing provisions as Subdivs. (1) to (3), making technical changes in redesignated Subsec. (e)(1) and replacing “December 1, 1987” with “December first, annually” in redesignated Subsec. (g)(1), amended Subsec. (i) by redesignating existing provisions as Subdivs. (1) and (2) and existing Subdivs. (1) and (2) as Subparas. (A) and (B), and replacing “December 1, 1987” with “December first, annually” and making technical changes in redesignated Subdiv. (1); P.A. 24-151 made a technical change in Subsec. (h).
See Sec. 12-120b re uniform administrative procedure for appeals related to state-reimbursed property tax exemptions, credits and rebates.
Section does not provide an applicant for municipal tax relief an avenue of appeal in the Superior Court. 182 CA 855.
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Sec. 12-170bb. Annual report concerning tax relief for elderly homeowners and grants to elderly renters. Preparation by the Office of Policy and Management. (a) On or before March first, annually, the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management shall submit a report concerning the state programs of tax relief for elderly homeowners and grants to elderly renters to the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to finance, revenue and bonding. Such report shall be prepared in relation to qualified participants, benefits allowed and state payments to municipalities as reimbursement for property tax loss in the preceding calendar year, including data concerning (1) the total number of qualified participants in each of the state programs for elderly homeowners and the state program for elderly renters, and (2) total benefits allowed in each of such programs. The information as to qualified participants and benefits allowed shall be subdivided to reflect such totals with respect to each of the following categories: (A) Each of the income brackets as included in the schedule of benefits for elderly homeowners and renters, and (B) married and unmarried participants.
(b) In addition to the information described in subsection (a) of this section, such report pertaining to the state programs of tax reduction for elderly homeowners and grants for elderly renters shall include statistics related to distribution of benefits, applicable to the preceding calendar year, as follows:
(1) With respect to each of the brackets of tax reduction benefits in the following schedules, the total number of persons in the state program of tax reduction for homeowners under section 12-170aa who received benefits within the limits of each such bracket, including the number of persons receiving the maximum and the minimum amounts of tax reduction:
Amount of Tax Reduction Allowed |
Married Homeowners |
Unmarried Homeowners |
Over |
Not Exceeding |
Over |
Not Exceeding |
$ |
$ 100 (Minimum) |
$ |
$ 100 (Minimum) |
100 |
200 |
100 |
200 |
200 |
300 |
200 |
300 |
300 |
400 |
300 |
400 |
400 |
500 |
400 |
500 |
500 |
600 |
500 |
600 |
600 |
700 |
600 |
700 |
700 |
800 |
700 |
800 |
800 |
900 |
800 |
900 |
900 |
1,000 |
900 |
999 |
1,000 |
1,100 |
1,000 (Maximum) |
1,100 |
1,249 |
1,250 (Maximum) |
(2) With respect to each of the brackets concerning grants to renters in the following schedules, the total number of persons in the state program of grants for elderly renters under sections 12-170d and 12-170e who received benefits within the limits of each such bracket, including the number of persons receiving the maximum and minimum amount of grant:
Amount of State Grant Allowed |
Married Renters |
Unmarried Renters |
Over |
Not exceeding |
Over |
Not Exceeding |
$ |
$ 100 (Minimum) |
$ |
$ 100 (Minimum) |
100 |
200 |
100 |
200 |
200 |
300 |
200 |
300 |
300 |
400 |
300 |
400 |
400 |
500 |
400 |
500 |
500 |
600 |
500 |
600 |
600 |
700 |
600 |
699 |
700 |
800 |
700 (Maximum) |
800 |
899 |
900 (Maximum) |
(3) With respect to each of the brackets of benefits in the following schedule, the total number of persons in the state tax-freeze program for elderly homeowners under section 12-129b who received benefits in tax reduction within the limits of each such bracket:
Amount of Tax Reduction Benefit Allowed |
Over |
Not Exceeding |
$ |
$ 300 |
300 |
600 |
600 |
900 |
900 |
1,200 |
1,200 |
1,500 |
1,500 |
(P.A. 85-612, S. 5, 6; P.A. 87-586, S. 4, 12; P.A. 88-5, S. 1, 2; P.A. 13-234, S. 42; P.A. 14-26, S. 4; 14-217, S. 52.)
History: P.A. 87-586 added Subsec. (b) requiring the secretary of the office of policy and management to submit to the committee on finance, revenue and bonding certain information, in addition to that required under Subsec. (a), related to distribution of benefits and to be outlined in accordance with the schedules of benefits in each of the subdivisions in said Subsec. (b); P.A. 88-5 amended Subsec. (a) by substituting March first for February first as the annual deadline for submission of report; (Revisor's note: During the preparation of the 2001 edition of the general statutes some erroneous figures were inadvertently included at the end of the schedule in Subsec. (b)(2) under both “Married Renters” and “Unmarried Renters”. The Revisors have editorially corrected the errors so that said schedule is now correct and reads as enacted in public act 87-586); P.A. 13-234 amended Subsec. (a) by deleting obsolete commencement date, deleting provisions re grants to elderly renters and making technical changes, and amended Subsec. (b) by deleting provision and former Subdiv. (2) re grants to elderly renters and redesignating existing Subdiv. (3) as Subdiv. (2), effective July 1, 2013; P.A. 14-26 amended Subsec. (b) by making technical changes; P.A. 14-217 amended Subsecs. (a) and (b) to add provisions re report to include information concerning grants for elderly renters, added Subsec. (b)(2) re amount of state grant allowed for elderly renters, redesignated existing Subsec. (b)(2) as Subsec. (b)(3), and made technical changes, effective June 13, 2014, and applicable to applications made on or after April 1, 2014.
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Sec. 12-170cc. (Formerly Sec. 12-170c). Appeals from Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management or assessors. Any person aggrieved by the action of the assessor or assessors in fixing the amount of a credit under subsection (f) of section 12-170aa, or in disapproving the claim therefor may appeal to the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, in writing or by electronic mail, in a manner prescribed by the secretary, within thirty business days from the date of notice given to such person by the assessor or assessors, giving notice of such grievance. The secretary shall promptly consider such notice and may grant or deny the relief requested, provided such decision shall be made not later than thirty business days after the receipt of such notice. If the relief is denied, the applicant shall be notified forthwith and may appeal the decision of the secretary in accordance with the provisions of section 12-120b.
(P.A. 74-55, S. 6, 14; P.A. 76-436, S. 478, 681; P.A. 77-614, S. 139, 610; P.A. 78-280, S. 1, 127; P.A. 79-610, S. 3, 47; P.A. 85-371, S. 8, 10; 85-561, S. 4, 8; June 11, Sp. Sess. P.A. 86-1, S. 2, 8; P.A. 87-586, S. 10, 12; P.A. 88-230, S. 1, 12; P.A. 90-98, S. 1, 2; P.A. 93-129, S. 6, 7; 93-142, S. 4, 7, 8; P.A. 95-220, S. 4–6; 95-283, S. 20, 68; P.A. 96-261, S. 3, 4; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 01-6, S. 84, 85; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 01-9, S. 102, 130, 131; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 21-2, S. 172.)
History: P.A. 76-436 substituted superior court for court of common pleas and added reference to judicial districts, effective July 1, 1978; P.A. 77-614 substituted commissioner of revenue services for tax commissioner, effective January 1, 1979; P.A. 78-280 deleted reference to counties; P.A. 79-610 substituted secretary of the office of policy and management for commissioner of revenue services, effective July 1, 1980; P.A. 85-371 would have extended deadline for review by the secretary from 60 days to one year, but failed to take effect, P.A. 85-561 having taken precedence; P.A. 85-561 increased period in which secretary must notify the assessor and the applicant that a certificate of application is unacceptable from 60 to 90 days following receipt of the application, effective July 5, 1985, and applicable to the assessment year in any municipality commencing October 1, 1985, and each assessment year thereafter; June 11, Sp. Session, P.A. 86-1 inserted references to Sec. 12-170aa in lieu of Secs. 12-170a and 12-170b, repealed January 1, 1986 and the substance of which is included in Sec. 12-170aa, effective July 8, 1986, pursuant to Art. 4, Sec. 15 of the Constitution of Conn. and Sec. 2-30 of the general statutes; Sec. 12-170c transferred to Sec. 12-170cc in 1987; P.A. 87-586 provided that the “provisions of said public act 86-1 (of the June 11, 1986, special session) having been codified in the general statutes, revised to January 1, 1987, are deemed adopted and made effective July 8, 1986, the effective date of said public act 86-1”; P.A. 93-129 increased period in which secretary must notify assessor and the applicant that a certificate of application is unacceptable from 90 days to one year following receipt of the application, effective June 14, 1993; P.A. 95-283 changed location of appeal from the judicial district in which the applicant resides to the judicial district of Hartford-New Britain, effective October 1, 1996 (Revisor's note: P.A. 88-230, 90-98, 93-142 and 95-220 authorized substitution of “judicial district of Hartford” for “judicial district of Hartford-New Britain” in 1995 public and special acts, effective September 1, 1998); P.A. 96-261 repealed changes made by P.A. 95-283, effective June 10, 1996; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 01-6, Sec. 84 repealed section, effective July 1, 2001; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 01-9 repealed said Sec. 84, also effective July 1, 2001, and amended provisions by terminating verification process and duties of the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, by revising appeal procedures to make appeal due within 30 business days from the date of notice, to make initial Secretary's decision on appeal due within 30 days after notice and to provide for appeals of Secretary's decision in accordance with Sec. 12-120b, and by making technical changes, effective July 1, 2001; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 21-2 added provision authorizing the making of appeals by electronic mail.
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Sec. 12-170dd. Inclusion of taxes paid to a fire district in claim for tax reduction. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 12-170aa, any municipality which included taxes paid to a fire district in the claim for tax reduction required under subsection (g) of said section and submitted to the Office of Policy and Management for the assessment year commencing October 1, 1994, may continue to include taxes paid to a fire district in such claim for assessment years commencing on or after October 1, 1995.
(P.A. 96-261, S. 2, 4.)
History: P.A. 96-261 effective June 10, 1996, and applicable to assessment years of municipalities commencing on or after October 1, 1995.
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