TITLE 53a*


*Although title has no definition of “extreme indifference to human life”, extensive charge on meaning of “recklessly” coupled with the evidence adequately indicate nature of acts qualifying. 176 C. 227. Cited. 180 C. 557; 201 C. 505; 209 C. 75; 211 C. 258.

Cited. 9 CA 686.

Cited. 35 CS 519; 40 CS 498.

Chapter 950 Secs. 53a-1 to 53a-3 Penal Code: General Provisions
Chapter 951 Secs. 53a-4 to 53a-23 Penal Code: Statutory Construction; Principles of Criminal Liability
Chapter 952 Secs. 53a-24 to 53a-323 Penal Code: Offenses
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