*Secs. 21-2 to 21-100 cited. 201 C. 89.

Chapter 403 Secs. 21-1 to 21-5a Auctioneers
Chapter 404 Secs. 21-6 to 21-8 Exhibitions
Chapter 405 Secs. 21-9 to 21-14 Junk Dealers
Chapter 406 Secs. 21-15 to 21-26a Motor Vehicle Junk Yards (See Chapter 246)
Chapter 407 Secs. 21-27 to 21-35 Itinerant Vendors (Repealed)
Chapter 407a Secs. 21-35a to 21-35n Closing-Out Sales
Chapter 408 Secs. 21-36 to 21-38 Hawkers and Peddlers
Chapter 409 Secs. 21-39 to 21-47m Pawnbrokers and Secondhand Dealers
Chapter 409a Secs. 21-47n to 21-47v Fine Art Secured Lenders
Chapter 410 Sec. 21-48 Lodging Houses
Chapter 411 Secs. 21-49 to 21-63 Advertising Signs
Chapter 412 Secs. 21-64 to 21-84b Mobile Manufactured Homes and Mobile Manufactured Home Parks. Park Owners and Residents
Chapter 413 Secs. 21-85 to 21-89 Mobile and Modular Homes
Chapter 413a Secs. 21-90 to 21-99 Leased Cottage Communities
Chapter 414 Secs. 21-100 to 21-110 Purchasers of Precious Metals and Stones
Chapter 414a Secs. 21-111 to 21-119 Check Cashing Services (See Chapter 662d)
Chapter 414b Secs. 21-120 to 21-121 Misrepresentation in the Procurement or Use of Licenses, Registrations or Certificates
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