*See Sec. 4-61hh et seq. re volunteers in state government.
Chapter 63 Secs. 5-1 to 5-93b | State Employment (Repealed) |
Chapter 64 Secs. 5-94 to 5-141 | Retirement (Repealed) |
Chapter 64a Secs. 5-141a to 5-141e | State Employees' Benefits and Protections |
Chapter 65 Secs. 5-142 to 5-151 | Disability Compensation and Death Benefits |
Chapter 66 Secs. 5-152 to 5-192mm | State Employees Retirement Act |
Chapter 66a Sec. 5-192nn | Newington Children's Hospital, American School for the Deaf, Connecticut Institute for the Blind |
Chapter 67 Secs. 5-193 to 5-269 | State Personnel Act |
Chapter 68 Secs. 5-270 to 5-280 | Collective Bargaining for State Employees |
(Return to List of Titles) |