Table of Contents

Note: Readers should refer to the 2024 Supplement, revised to January 1, 2024, for updated versions of statutes amended, repealed or added during the 2023 legislative sessions.

Sec. 11-1. Appointment and duties of board.

Sec. 11-1a. Programs of state-wide library service.

Sec. 11-1b. Regulations re state-wide library service.

Sec. 11-1c. Official state archives. Appointment of State Archivist.

Sec. 11-1d. Transferred

Sec. 11-2. Powers and duties of State Librarian.

Sec. 11-2a. Receipt of federal funds.

Sec. 11-2b. Connecticut Parent Technology Academy.

Sec. 11-3. Transfer of books to college libraries.

Sec. 11-4. Preservation of official documents in State Library.

Sec. 11-4a. Submission of reports to the General Assembly and State Librarian.

Sec. 11-4b. Transferred

Sec. 11-4c. Preservation of official documents in State Library.

Sec. 11-4d. State Librarian to establish standards for preservation and authentication of electronic documents.

Sec. 11-5. Preservation and reproduction of land and probate records.

Sec. 11-6. War records collection.

Sec. 11-6a. Raymond E. Baldwin Museum of Connecticut History and Heritage. Advisory committee. Director.

Sec. 11-7. Purchase of copies of town records.

Sec. 11-8. Records management program. Public Records Administrator.

Sec. 11-8a. Retention, destruction and transfer of documents. Centralized microcopying services.

Sec. 11-8b. Transfer or disposal of public records. State Library Board to adopt regulations.

Sec. 11-8c. Recovery of public records by State Librarian.

Secs. 11-8d to 11-8h. Reserved

Sec. 11-8i. Historic documents preservation account.

Sec. 11-8j. Preservation and management of historic documents: Definitions.

Sec. 11-8k. Historic documents preservation grants to municipalities. Allocation of moneys in historic documents preservation account.

Sec. 11-8l. Historic documents preservation grant program. Regulations.

Sec. 11-8m. Municipal reports to Public Records Administrator. Annual report of Public Records Administrator to legislative committee.

Sec. 11-8n. Regulations.

Sec. 11-9. Appropriations to the Connecticut Historical Society.

Sec. 11-9a. Appointment and duties of Cooperating Library Service Unit Review Board.

Sec. 11-9b. Definitions.

Sec. 11-9c. Tangible and intangible state publications and depository library system.

Sec. 11-9d. Duties of state agencies re tangible and intangible publications. Designation of staff.

Sec. 11-1. Appointment and duties of board. (a) The State Library Board shall consist of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court or his designee, the Chief Court Administrator or his designee, the Commissioner of Education or his designee and five electors to be appointed by the Governor for terms of five years from July first in the year of their appointment. The terms of all members appointed prior to July 1, 1987, shall terminate on June 30, 1987. Commencing on July 1, 1987, appointments to the board shall be made as follows: Five members shall be appointed by the Governor, one of whom shall be an experienced librarian, one of whom shall be an experienced archivist and one of whom shall be an experienced museum professional; and one member each shall be appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate, the minority leader of the Senate, the speaker of the House of Representatives and the minority leader of the House. The term of each member of the board commencing on or after July 1, 1987, shall be coterminous with the term of the appointing authority. The appointing authority shall fill any vacancy in the office of an appointed member for the unexpired portion of the term.

(b) The board may elect annually a chairman from its members to serve a term of one year from his election or until his successor is elected. The chairman shall represent the board in certifying such actions as the board may approve. The board shall provide for the supervision of the State Library by a State Librarian who shall serve as the chief administrative officer of the board and shall have administrative authority over the State Library and responsibility for its supervision.

(c) The board shall meet at least once during each calendar quarter and at such other times as the chairman deems necessary or upon the request of a majority of members in office. A majority of the members in office, but not less than four, shall constitute a quorum. Any appointed member who fails to attend three consecutive meetings or who fails to attend fifty per cent of all meetings held during any calendar year shall be deemed to have resigned from office.

(d) The State Library Board shall appoint the State Librarian. Except when specifically prohibited by the conditions, if any, upon which a gift was created or by a conditional sales agreement, the board is authorized to sell, trade or otherwise dispose of any unwanted duplicate, out-of-date or irrelevant materials within the collections of the State Library, provided that the monetary proceeds of such a transaction, if any, shall be deemed to be funds from private sources. The State Library Board is authorized to establish a nonprofit foundation for the purpose of raising funds from private sources to enhance the collections and programs of the library and the Raymond E. Baldwin Museum of Connecticut History and Heritage. All funds from private sources shall be held in the manner prescribed by sections 4-37e to 4-37j, inclusive, for use in furthering any purpose the board considers to be in harmony with the original purpose of the gift or purchase of such materials. The board shall engage in planning for state-wide library service, other than for school libraries, and for the establishment of a research center to facilitate the most effective use of materials in public, university, professional and industrial libraries and may take such action as is necessary to secure maximum state participation in federal aid for public libraries, for scholarships for students of library science and for cooperative library projects. The board may, by regulation, establish standards for principal public libraries and procedures for naming such libraries and periodically review the same. To carry out its duties under the general statutes, the board may make contracts, subject to the approval of the Attorney General and to any appropriations made for such purpose or the availability of other public or private funds.

(e) The State Library Board shall be within the Department of Education for administrative purposes only.

(f) (1) The State Library Board shall appoint an advisory council for library planning and development. The council shall assist the board with the development of state and federal library plans, advise the board on state policies and activities for library development, cooperation among different types of libraries and use of automated communication systems to support cooperative information services and assist the board in evaluating the usefulness of such activities to residents of the state.

(2) The council shall consist of the following persons: Three public library representatives, one of whom shall be from a tax-supported public library serving a population of less than ten thousand, one of whom shall be from such a library serving a population of ten thousand or more and less than one hundred thousand and one of whom shall be from such a library serving a population of one hundred thousand or more; one representative of a cooperating library service unit; one representative of libraries which participate in shared automated library systems; one representative of the Connecticut Library Association; one special library representative; one representative from the academic library community; one representative from the school library community; one representative of institution libraries; one representative of a library serving the handicapped; one representative from the Department of Education; one representative from the Board of Regents for Higher Education; and six users of libraries represented on the council. The State Librarian shall represent the board and shall be an ex-officio, nonvoting member. The council shall designate one of its members to serve as a liaison to the board.

(3) Except for members of the council who represent state agencies, nine of the members first appointed shall serve for a term of one year, eight of such members shall serve for a term of two years and thereafter members shall serve for a term of two years. The State Library Board shall determine which of the members first appointed shall serve for a term of one year and which of such members shall serve for a term of two years. Members may serve up to two consecutive terms. After serving such terms, a member may be reappointed after a minimum of one year without service on the council. The members of the council shall receive no compensation for their services but may be reimbursed for any necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.

(4) To achieve its purposes, the council may form task forces to address specific library issues. The task forces shall include representatives from the library community and users of libraries who possess expertise in the subject areas addressed by the task forces.

(1949 Rev., S. 1630; February, 1965, P.A. 133, S. 1; 490, S. 1; 1967, P.A. 590, S. 1; 891; 1969, P.A. 245, S. 1; P.A. 75-316, S. 1; 75-559; P.A. 76-436, S. 473, 681; P.A. 77-614, S. 302, 308, 610; P.A. 79-610, S. 44; P.A. 84-109, S. 2; 84-255, S. 17, 21; 84-414, S. 1, 14; P.A. 86-109, S. 1; P.A. 87-428, S. 1, 3; P.A. 88-216, S. 3, 7; P.A. 99-116, S. 1, 2; P.A. 07-227, S. 1; P.A. 11-48, S. 285; P.A. 14-207, S. 3.)

History: 1965 acts required appointment of state historian, changed committee membership from four gubernatorial appointees plus governor to five gubernatorial appointees plus chief justice and secretary of state board of education, included provisions re appointment, terms, filling of vacancies, etc., deleted reference to appointment of assistant state librarian, and required committee to plan for state-wide library services, establishment of research center and securing federal aid; 1967 acts added powers to recommend library standards and to make contracts and included chief court administrator as committee member; 1969 act made former provisions Subsecs. (a) and (c), inserted (b) re chairman and administrative officer and added provisions re obtaining federal aid for library science scholarships and cooperative library projects and re procedures for naming libraries; P.A. 75-316 substituted state library board for committee and added provisions re interagency library planning committee; P.A. 75-559 amended Subsec. (c) to include provisions governing board's disposal of unwanted duplicate, out-of-date or irrelevant materials; P.A. 76-436 substituted chief administrative judge for chief court administrator, effective July 1, 1978 (not enacted); P.A. 77-614 substituted commissioner of education for secretary of the state board of education and added Subsec. (d) placing library board within education department for administrative purposes, effective January 1, 1979; P.A. 79-610 amended Subsec. (a) to allow chief justice and chief court administrator to be represented on board by designee; P.A. 84-109 would have amended Subsec. (c) to replace the provision that the board shall “have charge” of the state library and supreme court building and grounds with the provision that the board “and the chief justice of the supreme court shall exercise overall policy direction” of such building and grounds and made technical changes, however primary amendment in Subsec. (c) did not take effect, P.A. 84-414 having precedence; P.A. 84-255 added provision to Subsec. (a) permitting the commissioner of education to appoint a designee to the board; P.A. 84-414 amended Subsec. (a) terminating all appointments to the board as of July 1, 1987, the new members to be appointed by the governor and the leadership of the general assembly, added a new Subsec. (c) re meeting requirements, quorums at meetings and vacancies on the board, relettered former Subsec. (c) as Subsec. (d) and deleted provisions re state library board having charge of the state library and supreme court building and appointing a state historian, relettered former Subsec. (d) as Subsec. (e) and added a new Subsec. (f) re biennial report to the general assembly; P.A. 86-109 replaced provision empowering board to designate state librarian as administrative officer with authority to sign contracts with provision designating state librarian as chief administrative officer of board and expanding his powers accordingly; P.A. 87-428 in Subsec. (a) changed the termination date of the terms of the members appointed prior to July 1, 1987, from June 30, 1987, to July 1, 1987, and added an experienced museum professional to the board and in Subsec. (d) authorized the board to establish a nonprofit foundation to raise funds from private sources; P.A. 88-216 deleted the interagency library planning committee in Subsec. (d) and added Subsec. (g) re an advisory council for library planning and development; P.A. 99-116 required funds from private sources to be held in manner prescribed by Secs. 4-37e to 4-37j, inclusive, instead of Sec. 4-31a, effective July 1, 1999; P.A. 07-227 deleted former Subsec. (f) re report, redesignated existing Subsec. (g) as Subsec. (f) and amended Subdiv. (3) therein to remove language limiting members of board to one reappointment and to add language allowing members to serve up to two consecutive terms and to be reappointed after one year without service on council, effective July 1, 2007; pursuant to P.A. 11-48, “Department of Higher Education” was changed editorially by the Revisors to “Board of Regents for Higher Education” in Subsec. (f)(2), effective July 1, 2011; P.A. 14-207 amended Subsec. (a) by deleting provision re Chief Justice may designate any judge of the Supreme Court to serve in his place, effective July 1, 2014.

See Sec. 4-38f for definition of “administrative purposes only”.

See Sec. 4b-11 re State Library Board's responsibility for building and grounds of State Library and Supreme Court.

Sec. 11-1a. Programs of state-wide library service. (a) The State Library Board may institute and conduct programs of state-wide library service which may include, but need not be limited to, (1) a cataloging and processing service to be available to libraries, (2) the creation and maintenance of current and retrospective union catalogs of books, union lists of serials and similar cooperative listings of library materials, (3) a program of coordinated acquisitions, storage and deposit of library materials, (4) the support and encouragement of the transfer, as loans or copies, of library materials between libraries and to nonresident library patrons, (5) the provision of suitable high-speed communications facilities, (6) the creation and maintenance of bibliographic and regional reference centers, (7) the provision of traveling collections of library materials and of book examination centers, (8) the provision of a publicity and public relations service for libraries, and (9) the creation and maintenance of a state-wide platform for the distribution of electronic books to public library patrons.

(b) The State Library Board shall create and maintain one or more library research centers which shall utilize any appropriate sources of information, both within and outside of the state, to meet the needs of those making inquiries.

(c) The State Library Board shall maintain the state's principal law library which shall be located in the State Library and Supreme Court Building. The State Library Board shall distribute state documents, statutes and public acts to the law libraries established pursuant to section 11-10b.

(d) The State Library Board shall create and maintain a library service for the blind and other persons with disabilities, as provided for in 2 USC Sections 135a, 135a-1 and 135b. The State Library Board shall consult with the advisory committee relating to the library for blind and physically disabled persons and the Commissioner of Aging and Disability Services, or the commissioner's designee, before taking any action that may diminish or substantively change the library services described in this subsection.

(1969, P.A. 245, S. 2; P.A. 73-645, S. 3, 5; P.A. 75-316, S. 2; P.A. 76-368, S. 3, 9; P.A. 80-217, S. 1, 2; 80-340, S. 1, 2; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-7, S. 2, 3; P.A. 89-167, S. 4; P.A. 90-234, S. 1, 8; P.A. 95-234, S. 2, 3; P.A. 01-173, S. 41, 67; P.A. 14-82, S. 1; P.A. 22-118, S. 90.)

History: P.A. 73-645 deleted reference to creation and maintenance of library research centers in former provisions and added new Subsec. (b) re library research centers, changing alphabetic Subdiv. indicators to numeric indicators in former provisions, now designated Subsec. (a); P.A. 75-316 changed state library committee to state library board; P.A. 76-368 added Subsecs. (c) to (e) re law libraries, cooperation with judicial department and maintenance of books and various expenditures; P.A. 80-217 changed hours of operation in Subsec. (c) from all day Monday to Saturday plus two evenings to all day Monday to Friday; P.A. 80-340 amended Subsec. (b) to delete provision for state-wide toll-free telephone access to research centers; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-7 amended Subsec. (c) by deleting a provision re hours of operation of the tier I libraries in Bridgeport and New Haven, said provision being added to Sec. 11-19a, and amended Subsec. (e) to reflect establishment of tier II libraries at New London and Danbury pursuant to Sec. 11-19a by deleting the authorization for the state library board to expend funds to maintain books in New London and Danbury provided it determines that staffing is not necessary at the tier II library in Norwich and deleting proviso that library facilities and staff are maintained at Danbury and New London without additional expense to the state; P.A. 89-167 added Subsec. (f) re the creation of a library service for the blind and other persons with disabilities; P.A. 90-234 deleted provisions detailing authority of state library board over system of law libraries formerly found in Subsecs. (c), (d) and (e), relettering former Subsec. (e) as (d), and revised Subsec. (c) to require the state library board to maintain the state's principal law library located in the state library and the supreme court building and to distribute state documents, statutes and public acts to law libraries; P.A. 95-234 added new Subsec. (e) re the Connecticut Library Network, effective July 1, 1995; P.A. 01-173 deleted Subsec. (e) re Connecticut Library Network, effective July 1, 2001; P.A. 14-82 amended Subsec. (a) to add Subdiv. (9) re state-wide platform for distribution of electronic books to public library patrons, effective July 1, 2014; P.A. 22-118 amended Subsec. (d) to add provision re State Library Board to consult on action that diminishes or substantively changes certain library services, effective July 1, 2022.

See Sec. 11-19a re system of law libraries.

See Sec. 11-23a re library service centers in Middlesex and Windham-Tolland areas.

See Sec. 11-23b re library service centers for public libraries and public schools.

Sec. 11-1b. Regulations re state-wide library service. The State Library Board shall promulgate regulations to implement the provisions of sections 11-1a, 11-24b and 11-31a.

(P.A. 73-645, S. 4, 5; P.A. 75-316, S. 3.)

History: P.A. 75-316 substituted state library board for state library committee.

Sec. 11-1c. Official state archives. Appointment of State Archivist. The State Library Board shall create and maintain the official state archives. The State Librarian shall, subject to the provisions of chapter 67, appoint an assistant, who shall be the State Archivist.

(P.A. 84-414, S. 9, 14.)

Sec. 11-1d. Transferred to Chapter 185b, Part III, Sec. 10a-111a.

Sec. 11-2. Powers and duties of State Librarian. The State Library shall maintain programs for library development and reader services. The State Librarian shall be the administrative officer of the State Library and shall administer, coordinate and supervise the library. In order to carry out the duties of the State Librarian required by law, the State Librarian may enter into contracts, subject to the approval of the Attorney General and within any available appropriations or other funds available from the public or private sector. The State Librarian shall have the authority to sign contracts approved by the State Library Board in accordance with the policies established by the State Library Board. The State Librarian may appoint members of the staff of the State Library. Members of the staff of the State Library employed in positions requiring graduation from a library school shall be members of the unclassified service. The State Librarian may purchase books and other library resources for the State Library. The State Librarian is authorized and directed to distribute electronic copies of the files of each act favorably reported by any committee of the General Assembly to each high school and university in the state, upon request.

(1949 Rev., S. 1632; February, 1965, P.A. 490, S. 2; P.A. 75-316, S. 4; P.A. 80-36, S. 1, 2; P.A. 82-306, S. 1; P.A. 84-109, S. 3; 84-414, S. 2, 14; P.A. 86-109, S. 2; P.A. 88-216, S. 1, 7; P.A. 91-104, S. 1, 3; P.A. 95-220, S. 3, 6; P.A. 07-227, S. 2; P.A. 11-150, S. 11.)

History: 1965 act added provisions re divisions of reader services and of library development, designated associate librarians as members of unclassified service and required that committee, rather than state librarian, report to general assembly; P.A. 75-316 substituted state library board for state library committee; P.A. 80-36 made appointment of associate state librarians as division heads optional rather than mandatory by replacing “shall” with “may”; P.A. 82-306 eliminated requirement that state librarian locate and identify graves of veterans buried within the state; P.A. 84-109 replaced provision that the state librarian “shall have charge under the state library board” of the state library and supreme court building and grounds with provision that the state librarian “shall have administrative responsibility, in accordance with policies and procedures established by the state library board and the chief justice of the supreme court” for such building and grounds; P.A. 84-414 deleted provisions re separate divisions of reader services and of library services, deleted provisions re appointment of associate state librarians as the administrative head of said divisions and deleted provision re biennial report to the general assembly; P.A. 86-109 added provisions designating state librarian as administrative officer of library and authorizing librarian to sign contracts approved by library board; P.A. 88-216 provided for the appointment of a deputy state librarian and made technical changes; P.A. 91-104 deleted references to associate state librarians and a deputy state librarian; P.A. 95-220 removed reference to administrative responsibility of State Librarian for State Library and Supreme Court building and grounds, effective July 1, 1995; P.A. 07-227 added language permitting State Librarian to enter into contracts with approval of Attorney General and removed requirement of board approvals for staff appointments and purchase of books and materials by State Librarian, effective July 1, 2007; P.A. 11-150 added requirement that copies of files distributed be electronic and deleted reference to files being printed, effective July 1, 2011.

See Sec. 7-35ee re State Librarian's duties under Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act.

See Sec. 11-23 re State Librarian's duty to advise and assist public libraries.

Sec. 11-2a. Receipt of federal funds. The State Librarian is empowered, subject to the provisions of the general statutes, to receive any federal funds made available to the state for purposes of programs under his jurisdiction and to expend such funds for the purpose or purposes for which they are made available. The State Treasurer shall be the custodian of such funds.

(1972, P.A. 139.)

Sec. 11-2b. Connecticut Parent Technology Academy. The State Library, in consultation with the Commission for Educational Technology, within available appropriations, shall contract, through a request for proposal process, for the development of a Connecticut Parent Technology Academy. The academy shall be host network for the development of increased opportunities for parents of elementary, middle and secondary school students to learn about and demonstrate their knowledge of information technologies. The academy shall: (1) Identify existing programs and best practices for the delivery of information technology training for parents, (2) coordinate the development of curriculum models to be used to train parents in the use of information technologies, and (3) seek business, philanthropic, community and educational partners to expand training locations and learning options for parents. The Commission for Educational Technology shall work in collaboration with the academy to negotiate vendor discounts for computer purchases and upgrades and low interest bank loans for such purchases for parents who successfully complete an information technology training program.

(P.A. 00-187, S. 45, 75.)

History: P.A. 00-187 effective July 1, 2000.

Sec. 11-3. Transfer of books to college libraries. The State Librarian is authorized, from time to time, under the direction of the State Library Board, to transfer for an indefinite period, to the libraries of any university or college in the state, any duplicates or other books or pamphlets not in current use.

(1949 Rev., S. 1631; P.A. 75-316, S. 5; P.A. 84-414, S. 3, 14.)

History: P.A. 75-316 substituted state library board for state library committee; P.A. 84-414 deleted specific reference to Yale University.

Sec. 11-4. Preservation of official documents in State Library. Section 11-4 is repealed.

(1949 Rev., S. 1633; 1959, P.A. 152, S. 24; P.A. 84-414, S. 13, 14.)

Sec. 11-4a. Submission of reports to the General Assembly and State Librarian. Each commission, task force or committee appointed by the Governor or the General Assembly, or both, and required to report its findings and recommendations, and each state agency which submits a report to the General Assembly or any committee of the General Assembly, shall submit its report electronically to the clerks of the Senate and the House of Representatives and the Office of Legislative Research, and shall file one copy with the State Librarian.

(1959, P.A. 419; P.A. 87-64; P.A. 11-150, S. 12; 11-214, S. 1; P.A. 15-18, S. 9.)

History: P.A. 87-64 deleted reference to “temporary” commissions, extended reporting and filing requirements to task forces and state agencies which report to the general assembly or a committee of the general assembly, and required one copy of report to be filed with office of legislative research; P.A. 11-150 required that reports be submitted electronically to the clerks and Office of Legislative Research and that one copy be filed with State Librarian, effective July 1, 2011; P.A. 11-214 provided that any report pursuant to Sec. 17b-179(n) may be in electronic form; P.A. 15-18 deleted reference to reports submitted pursuant to Sec. 17b-179(n), effective June 5, 2015.

Sec. 11-4b. Transferred to Chapter 189, Sec. 11-19e.

Sec. 11-4c. Preservation of official documents in State Library. Any official of the state or of any town, or any other official, may turn over to the State Librarian, with his consent, for permanent preservation in the State Library, any official books, records, documents, original papers or files, not in current use in his office, taking a receipt therefor which shall be recorded. Such official may, in like manner, turn over to the State Librarian, with his consent, for use of the state, any printed books, records, documents or reports not in current use in his office. The State Librarian, upon the request of any person entitled thereto, shall furnish a certified copy of any official state or municipal books, records, documents, original papers, land, or probate records in his custody, and such certified copy shall be entitled to the same weight as evidence as though certified by the authority by whom such record, document or paper was deposited with said librarian.

(P.A. 84-414, S. 10, 14.)

Sec. 11-4d. State Librarian to establish standards for preservation and authentication of electronic documents. Not later than January 1, 2012, the State Librarian shall, in consultation with the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, the Commissioner of Administrative Services, the executive director of the Joint Committee on Legislative Management and the Chief Court Administrator of the Judicial Branch, establish standards and guidelines for the preservation and authentication of electronic documents.

(P.A. 11-150, S. 28.)

History: P.A. 11-150 effective July 8, 2011 (Revisor's note: “Chief Information Officer of the Department of Information Technology” was deleted editorially by the Revisors to conform with changes made by P.A. 11-51, S. 76).

Sec. 11-5. Preservation and reproduction of land and probate records. Section 11-5 is repealed.

(1949 Rev., S. 1634; P.A. 84-414, S. 13, 14.)

Sec. 11-6. War records collection. The State Library shall maintain a collection of war records, which shall include classifications and indexes of all available material relating to Connecticut participation, public or private, in the First and Second World Wars. The collection shall be as complete and comprehensive as possible and cover not only the activities of the state, its subdivisions and agencies, but also of Connecticut agencies of the federal government, of organizations of private persons and of those individuals who were direct participants in said wars, whether as soldiers, sailors, aviators or otherwise.

(1949 Rev., S. 1635; P.A. 75-316, S. 6; P.A. 84-414, S. 4, 14.)

History: P.A. 75-316 substituted state library board for state library committee; P.A. 84-414 repealed language establishing a department of war records and substituted language re maintenance of a war records collection by the state library.

Sec. 11-6a. Raymond E. Baldwin Museum of Connecticut History and Heritage. Advisory committee. Director. (a) The State Library Board shall establish and operate the Raymond E. Baldwin Museum of Connecticut History and Heritage to acquire, preserve, and exhibit collections and artifacts that interpret the state's culture and heritage and to provide public programs and activities.

(b) There is established an advisory committee to advise the State Library Board with respect to the policies, collections, programs, activities and operations of the Raymond E. Baldwin Museum of Connecticut History and Heritage. The advisory committee shall consist of eight members as follows: The chairperson of the Historic Preservation Council, or the chairperson's designee; the executive director of the Connecticut Historical Society; the State Historian; and five persons appointed by the Governor, three of whom shall be experienced museum professionals.

(c) The State Librarian shall, subject to the provisions of chapter 67, appoint an assistant who shall be the director of the Raymond E. Baldwin Museum of Connecticut History and Heritage. The director shall be a qualified and experienced museum professional.

(P.A. 86-324; P.A. 87-428, S. 2, 3; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6, S. 210(e); P.A. 04-20, S. 3; 04-205, S. 5; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 04-2, S. 30; P.A. 11-48, S. 162; P.A. 21-193, S. 9.)

History: P.A. 87-428 named the museum the Raymond E. Baldwin Museum of Connecticut History and Heritage, inserted new Subsec. (b) establishing an advisory committee and inserted new Subsec. (c) providing for the appointment of the museum director and designated Subsec. (a) accordingly; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6 and P.A. 04-20 replaced the Connecticut Historical Commission with the Connecticut Commission on Arts, Tourism, Culture, History and Film, effective August 20, 2003; P.A. 04-205, effective June 3, 2004, and May Sp. Sess. P.A. 04-2, effective May 12, 2004, both replaced Connecticut Commission on Arts, Tourism, Culture, History and Film with Connecticut Commission on Culture and Tourism; P.A. 11-48 amended Subsec. (b) to replace “Connecticut Commission on Culture and Tourism” with “Culture and Tourism Advisory Committee”, effective July 1, 2011; P.A. 21-193 amended Subsec. (b) to replace “executive director of the Culture and Tourism Advisory Committee” with “chairperson of the Historic Preservation Council, or the chairperson's designee”, effective July 13, 2021.

Sec. 11-7. Purchase of copies of town records. Section 11-7 is repealed.

(1949 Rev., S. 1636; P.A. 84-414, S. 13, 14.)

Sec. 11-8. Records management program. Public Records Administrator. (a) Under the direction of the State Library Board, the State Librarian shall be responsible for developing and directing a records management program for the books, records, papers and documents of all state agencies within the executive department, and the books, records, papers and documents of the several towns, cities, boroughs, districts and other political subdivisions of the state, pursuant to the provisions of section 11-8a. The State Librarian shall also supervise the operation of state records centers; provide photoduplication and microfilming service and document repair and restoration service for state and local records; approve security storage facilities, within or without the state, or establish and operate such facilities within the state, for the safe storage of original public records or security copies thereof; and carry out a program for the identification and preservation of essential records of the state and of its political subdivisions. The State Librarian shall, with the approval of the State Library Board, and in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54, adopt regulations for the creation and preservation of the records of the several towns, cities, boroughs and districts of the state. Such regulations shall establish the physical characteristics required for papers, inks, typewriter ribbons, carbon papers, loose-leaf binders, photographic films or other supplies and materials, including photographic or other processes for recording documents, used in the creation of public records; and the design, construction and degree of fire resistance required for safes, cabinets, vaults and file rooms in which public records are housed. The State Librarian shall ascertain from time to time whether the provisions of the general statutes and of such regulations relating to the recording, filing, indexing, maintenance and disposition of such records are being carried out. The State Librarian may order any person having the care and custody of such records to comply with such statutes or with such regulations. The State Librarian shall send a copy of such order to the chief administrative officer of the town, city, borough or district to which the records relate. The order shall specify the time within which the order shall be complied with. In setting such time for compliance, the State Librarian shall take into consideration the availability of facilities or equipment or the need for the construction or purchase thereof. The State Librarian may cause the enforcement of any such order by application to the Superior Court, or to any judge thereof if said court is not then sitting, to issue an appropriate decree or process, which application shall be brought and the proceedings thereon conducted by the Attorney General.

(b) The State Librarian shall, subject to the provisions of chapter 67, appoint an assistant who shall be the Public Records Administrator. All powers, functions and duties assigned to the Examiner of Public Records are hereby transferred to the Public Records Administrator.

(1949 Rev., S. 1637; 1967, P.A. 495, S. 3; P.A. 73-544, S. 21; P.A. 77-614, S. 121, 610; P.A. 80-338, S. 4; P.A. 84-414, S. 5, 14; P.A. 89-167, S. 1; P.A. 12-66, S. 19.)

History: 1967 act substituted public records administrator for examiner of public records, made administrator head of newly-created department of archives and records administration, deleted requirement that committee approve the appointment and replaced former provisions re duties with detailed enumeration of duties; P.A. 73-544 substituted civil preparedness for civil defense; P.A. 77-614 substituted commissioner of administrative services for records management committee; P.A. 80-338 clarified that records management program be carried out for state agencies “within the executive department”, substituted state librarian for commissioner of administrative services, deleted provision re cooperation with civil preparedness advisory council, deleted references to standards and substituted “chapter 54” for “chapter 48”; P.A. 84-414 deleted provisions re department of archives and records administration, inserted Subsec. (a) with provisions directing the state librarian to develop a records management program for the books, records, papers and documents of all state agencies and the several towns, cities, boroughs, districts and other political subdivisions of the state and inserted a new Subsec. (b) re appointment of a public records administrator; P.A. 89-167 amended Subsec. (a) by deleting the requirement that the state librarian obtain the approval of the commissioner of administrative services re the records management program; P.A. 12-66 amended Subsec. (a) to delete references to probate districts and make technical changes.

See Secs. 1-9 to 1-12, inclusive, re standards for ink, paper, binders etc. used for public records.

See Sec. 7-109 re destruction of documents.

Cited. 216 C. 253; 223 C. 731.

Sec. 11-8a. Retention, destruction and transfer of documents. Centralized microcopying services. (a) The State Librarian shall, in the performance of the State Librarian's duties pursuant to section 11-8, consult with the Attorney General and the chief executive officers of the Connecticut Town Clerks Association and the Municipal Finance Officers Association of Connecticut, or their duly appointed representatives.

(b) The State Librarian may require each such state agency, or each political subdivision of the state, to inventory all books, records, papers and documents under its jurisdiction and to submit to the State Librarian for approval retention schedules for all such books, records, papers and documents, or the State Librarian may undertake such inventories and establish such retention schedules, based on the administrative need of retaining such books, records, papers and documents within agency offices or in suitable records centers. Each agency head, and each local official concerned, shall notify the State Librarian of any changes in the administrative requirements for the retention of any book, record, paper or document subsequent to the approval of retention schedules by the State Librarian.

(c) If the Public Records Administrator and the State Archivist determine that certain books, records, papers and documents which have no further administrative, fiscal or legal usefulness are of historical value to the state, the State Librarian shall direct that they be transferred to the State Library. If the State Librarian determines that such books, records, papers and documents are of no administrative, fiscal, or legal value, and the Public Records Administrator and State Archivist determine that they are of no historical value to the state, the State Librarian shall approve their disposal, whereupon the head of the state agency or political subdivision shall dispose of them as directed by the State Librarian.

(d) The State Librarian may establish and carry out a program of inventorying, repairing and microcopying for the security of those records of political subdivisions of the state which he determines to have permanent value; and he may provide safe storage for the security of such microcopies of such records.

(e) The State Library Board may transfer any of the books, records, documents, papers, files and reports turned over to the State Librarian pursuant to the provisions of this section and section 11-4c. The State Library Board shall have sole authority to authorize any such transfers. The State Library Board shall adopt regulations pursuant to chapter 54 to carry out the provisions of this subsection.

(f) Each state agency shall cooperate with the State Librarian to carry out the provisions of this section and shall designate an agency employee to serve as the records management liaison officer for this purpose.

(P.A. 80-338, S. 1; P.A. 81-472, S. 13, 159; P.A. 84-119, S. 1, 3; 84-414, S. 6, 14; P.A. 88-216, S. 2, 7; P.A. 89-167, S. 2; P.A. 12-66, S. 20; P.A. 14-122, S. 13.)

History: P.A. 81-472 made technical change; P.A. 84-119 included participation of state archivist in determination re transfer of documents to state library and destruction of certain public records; P.A. 84-414 deleted provisions re records management program and reiterated amendments made by P.A. 84-119; P.A. 88-216 restructured the section, added Subsec. designations and provided for the transfer of documents by the state library board; P.A. 89-167 added Subsec. (f) concerning designation of a records management liaison officer; P.A. 12-66 amended Subsec. (a) to delete “the Probate Court Administrator and” and amended Subsec. (b) to delete “including each probate district” and make technical changes; P.A. 14-122 made technical changes in Subsec. (a).

See Sec. 7-109 re destruction of documents by municipal officials, boards or commissioners.

Cited. 223 C. 731.

Subsec. (c):

Destruction of public records is an illegal subject of bargaining. 216 C. 253.

Sec. 11-8b. Transfer or disposal of public records. State Library Board to adopt regulations. All public records, as defined in section 11-8 or section 11-8a, or other such records, created by public offices, are the property of the agency concerned and shall not be removed, destroyed, mutilated, transferred or otherwise damaged or disposed of, in whole or in part, except as provided by law or under the rules and regulations adopted by the State Library Board pursuant to the provisions of chapter 54. Such public records shall be delivered by outgoing officials and employees to their successors and shall not be otherwise removed, transferred, or destroyed unlawfully.

(P.A. 84-119, S. 2, 3.)

Cited. 216 C. 253.

Sec. 11-8c. Recovery of public records by State Librarian. Upon complaint of the State Librarian, the Attorney General shall replevy any public records which have been unlawfully transferred or removed in violation of sections 1-18, 1-210, 7-109, 11-8 and 11-8a. Such public records shall be returned to the office of origin and safeguards shall be established to prevent further recurrence of unlawful transfer or removal.

(P.A. 84-251.)

Cited. 216 C. 253.

Secs. 11-8d to 11-8h. Reserved for future use.

Sec. 11-8i. Historic documents preservation account. There is established, within the General Fund, a separate and nonlapsing account to be known as the “historic documents preservation account”. The account shall contain any moneys required by law to be deposited in the account. Investment earnings credited to the assets of the account shall become part of the assets of the account. Any balance remaining in the account at the end of any fiscal year shall be carried forward for the fiscal year next succeeding. The moneys in said account shall be used for the purposes of sections 11-8j to 11-8l, inclusive.

(P.A. 00-146, S. 2, 8.)

History: P.A. 00-146 effective July 1, 2000.

Sec. 11-8j. Preservation and management of historic documents: Definitions. As used in sections 11-8i to 11-8l, inclusive, “preservation and management of historic documents” means activities that include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) The restoration and conservation of land records, land record indexes, maps or other records; (2) the microfilming of land records, land record indexes, maps or other records; (3) the use of information technology to facilitate the performance of duties integral to the maintenance and tracking of historic documents; (4) providing public access to an electronic indexing system that combines the grantor index and the grantee index of a town's land records; (5) the assessment or upgrading of records retention facilities; (6) disaster recovery; and (7) the training of personnel to perform duties integral to the maintenance and tracking of historic documents.

(P.A. 00-146, S. 3, 8; P.A. 07-252, S. 55.)

History: P.A. 00-146 effective July 1, 2000; P.A. 07-252 redefined “preservation and management of historic documents” to include providing public access to electronic indexing system that combines grantor and grantee indices of town's land records in new Subdiv. (4) and to redesignate existing Subdivs. (4) to (6) as Subdivs. (5) to (7), effective July 1, 2007.

Sec. 11-8k. Historic documents preservation grants to municipalities. Allocation of moneys in historic documents preservation account. (a) The Public Records Administrator shall make grants to municipalities from the historic documents preservation account, established under section 11-8i, for the preservation and management of historic documents.

(b) If the Public Records Administrator finds that any grant awarded pursuant to this section is being used for other purposes or to supplant a previous source of funds, the Public Records Administrator may require repayment.

(c) The Public Records Administrator shall allocate moneys in the historic documents preservation account, established under section 11-8i, for (1) the preservation and management of historic documents maintained by the State Library, and (2) the expenses of administering the historic documents preservation grant program, established under section 11-8l. The total amount of such allocated moneys in any fiscal year shall be thirty per cent of the moneys deposited in such historic documents preservation account in such year. On or before September 1, 2001, and annually thereafter, the State Library shall submit a report describing the activities performed with the allocated moneys for the preceding fiscal year to the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to government administration.

(P.A. 00-146, S. 4, 8.)

History: P.A. 00-146 effective July 1, 2000.

Sec. 11-8l. Historic documents preservation grant program. Regulations. (a) The Public Records Administrator shall establish and administer a historic documents preservation grant program to help municipalities to enhance or improve the preservation and management of historic documents. Each application shall include a description of the purpose, objective and budget of the activities to be funded by the grant. The chief executive officer of a municipality applying for a grant under this section may designate the town clerk of that municipality as the agent to make such application.

(b) The Public Records Administrator shall establish, by regulations adopted in accordance with chapter 54, relative priorities for the approval of grants under this section. Such priorities may take into account the differing needs of municipalities, the need for consistency and equity in the distribution of grant awards and the extent to which particular projects may advance the purposes of this section. The Public Records Administrator may establish further criteria for the approval of grants under this section. Not later than February 1, 2001, the Public Records Administrator shall develop and disseminate a pamphlet that describes the evaluation process for grant applications under this section. In awarding grants under this section, the Public Records Administrator shall consult with the State Archivist and any other person the Public Records Administrator deems necessary.

(c) The Public Records Administrator shall authorize grant awards under this section on or before July thirty-first and December thirty-first of each fiscal year in which payment of a grant is to be made.

(d) The Public Records Administrator shall allocate seventy per cent of the moneys in the historic documents preservation account in any fiscal year to fund applications submitted under this section.

(P.A. 00-146, S. 5, 8.)

History: P.A. 00-146 effective July 1, 2000.

Sec. 11-8m. Municipal reports to Public Records Administrator. Annual report of Public Records Administrator to legislative committee. (a) Each municipality that receives a grant from the historic documents preservation account established under section 11-8i shall submit a report to the Public Records Administrator, in such form as the Public Records Administrator prescribes, not later than September first of the fiscal year following the year such grant was received. Such report shall contain a description of activities paid for with financial assistance under the grant. The chief executive officer of a municipality that receives a grant from the historic documents preservation account may designate the town clerk of that municipality as the agent to make such report.

(b) On or before January 1, 2002, and annually thereafter, the Public Records Administrator shall submit a report on grants made under sections 11-8j to 11-8l, inclusive, for the preceding fiscal year to the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to government administration. Each such report shall include: (1) A description of the grants made under sections 11-8j to 11-8l, inclusive, including the amount, purposes and the municipalities to which they were made; (2) a summary of the activities for which the State Library used the moneys allocated to it under section 11-8k; and (3) any findings or recommendations concerning the operation and effectiveness of the grant program.

(P.A. 00-146, S. 6, 8.)

History: P.A. 00-146 effective July 1, 2000.

Sec. 11-8n. Regulations. (a) The State Librarian shall adopt regulations, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54, to implement the provisions of sections 11-8j to 11-8m, inclusive.

(b) The State Librarian shall establish a committee to advise such State Librarian on the development and implementation of regulations under this section. The State Librarian shall designate the members of the committee who shall include representatives of small, medium and large municipalities and municipalities in all geographic regions of the state.

(P.A. 00-146, S. 7, 8.)

History: P.A. 00-146 effective July 1, 2000.

Sec. 11-9. Appropriations to the Connecticut Historical Society. The Connecticut Historical Society shall fund its operations through federal, state and private funds, to the extent that they are available. The Comptroller is authorized to draw his order upon the Treasurer in equal quarterly installments in favor of the treasurer of the society in such sums as may be appropriated for programs and purposes of the society which are intended for the use and benefit of the public.

(1949 Rev., S. 1676; P.A. 85-222.)

History: P.A. 85-222 entirely replaced provisions of section deleting specific purposes for which appropriations to the society may be made and adding reference to programs and purposes of the society which are intended for the use and benefit of the public.

Cited. 216 C. 253.

Sec. 11-9a. Appointment and duties of Cooperating Library Service Unit Review Board. Section 11-9a is repealed.

(P.A. 75-363; P.A. 82-314, S. 59, 63; 82-360, S. 3, 4.)

Sec. 11-9b. Definitions. As used in this section and sections 11-9c and 11-9d:

(a) “State publications” means all publications printed or otherwise produced in tangible form, and all publications produced in electronic or other intangible form, by or under the direction of the state or any officer thereof, or any other agency supported wholly or in part by state funds;

(b) “Publication” means any document issued by a state agency that is available to the public, regardless of format or purpose, including legislatively mandated reports, with the exception of routine correspondence;

(c) “State agency” means every state office, officer, department, division, bureau, board and commission, permanent or temporary in nature, whether legislative, executive or judicial, and any subdivisions of each, including state-supported institutions of higher education;

(d) “Depository library” means the designated library for collecting, maintaining and making available to the general public Connecticut state agency publications.

(P.A. 77-561, S. 1; P.A. 84-92, S. 1, 3; P.A. 07-227, S. 3.)

History: P.A. 84-92 amended Subsec. (a) deleting language which defined “state publications” as publications “purchased for distribution by a state agency” and substituting “published by or under the direction of the state or any officer thereof”; P.A. 07-227 redefined “state publications” to delete requirement that publications be published and add language re tangible form, electronic or intangible form in Subdiv. (a) and amended Subdiv. (b) to replace definition of “printed” with definition of “publication” and to include legislatively mandated reports as publication, effective July 1, 2007.

Cited. 216 C. 253.

Sec. 11-9c. Tangible and intangible state publications and depository library system. The State Library shall administer and provide access to the public, on a permanent basis, to a collection of tangible state publications, and to a digital archive of intangible state publications, and a depository library system. The State Library shall: (1) Establish and administer, with the approval of the State Library Board, such rules and regulations as may be deemed necessary to carry out the provisions of sections 11-9b to 11-9d, inclusive; (2) develop and maintain standards for depository libraries, including ascertaining their geographical distribution, with the approval of the State Library Board; (3) enter into depository contracts with libraries that meet the standards for eligibility established by the State Library; (4) annually advise designated staff in each agency, required by section 11-9d, of the number of copies of tangible publications needed for distribution; (5) receive from state agencies on or about publication date the specified number of copies of each publication; (6) receive on or about publication date, copies of, or notice of existence, availability and location of intangible publications; (7) retain sufficient copies in the Connecticut State Library for preservation, reference and interlibrary loan purposes; (8) distribute copies of tangible publications to depository libraries within the state in accordance with the terms of their depository contracts and to libraries outside the state in accordance with any agreements entered into for the exchange of state publications; (9) publish annually the official list of state publications; and (10) make available a permanent public archive of intangible state publications.

(P.A. 77-561, S. 2; P.A. 84-92, S. 2, 3; P.A. 07-227, S. 4.)

History: P.A. 84-92 deleted requirement that state library publish a monthly list of state publications and substituted a periodic, but at least quarterly publication schedule; P.A. 07-227 replaced language re Connecticut state publications collection with language re collection of tangible state publications and digital archive of intangible state publications, redesignated existing Subdiv. (6) as Subdiv. (7), added new Subdiv. (6) re intangible publications, deleted former Subdiv. (7) re distribution of copies, amended Subdiv. (9) to replace quarterly list with annual list of state publications, added Subdiv. (10) re intangible state publications and added references to tangible publications throughout, effective July 1, 2007.

Cited. 216 C. 253.

Sec. 11-9d. Duties of state agencies re tangible and intangible publications. Designation of staff. (a) Designated staff in each state agency shall be responsible for making the publications of that agency known to the State Library. Each state agency shall notify the State Library of the identity of such designated staff not later than thirty days after October 1, 1977, and upon any change of personnel. Said staff shall supply the State Library annually or upon request with a complete list of the agency's current publications.

(b) Every state agency shall, upon publication, deposit a sufficient number of copies of each of its tangible publications with the State Library to meet the needs of the depository library system.

(c) Every state agency shall, upon publication, supply the State Library with, or notify the State Library of the existence, availability and location of its intangible publications.

(P.A. 77-561, S. 3; P.A. 07-227, S. 5.)

History: P.A. 07-227 made technical changes in Subsec. (a), added reference to tangible publications in Subsec. (b) and added Subsec. (c) re intangible publications, effective July 1, 2007.

Cited. 216 C. 253.