General Assembly |
File No. 20 |
January Session, 2017 |
Senate, March 2, 2017
The Committee on Aging reported through SEN. FLEXER of the 29th Dist. and SEN. KELLY of the 21st Dist., Chairpersons of the Committee on the part of the Senate, that the substitute bill ought to pass.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:
Section 1. Subsection (a) of section 22-6q of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2017):
(a) There is established the Connecticut Farmers' Market/Senior Nutrition Program which shall be provided for from funds available to the commissioner and from other sources as such funds may become available. The program shall supply Connecticut-grown fresh produce to senior participants through the distribution of vouchers that are redeemable only at designated Connecticut farmers' markets. The Commissioner of Agriculture shall establish the dollar value of the vouchers, provided such value shall not be less than twenty-five dollars for each senior participant. For purposes of this section, a "senior participant" is defined as a person who is sixty years of age or older and is currently residing in elderly housing, or is a participant of a registered congregate meal site, or has been identified by a municipal elderly agent as being at nutritional risk. The program is designed to provide both a supplemental source of fresh produce for the dietary needs of seniors who are judged to be at nutritional risk and to stimulate an increased demand for Connecticut-grown produce at Connecticut farmers' markets.
Sec. 2. (Effective October 1, 2017) The sum of ____ dollars is appropriated to the Department of Agriculture from the General Fund, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018, to increase the dollar value of Connecticut Farmers' Market/Senior Nutrition Program vouchers to twenty-five dollars per senior participant and to ensure that a sufficient number of vouchers are available.
This act shall take effect as follows and shall amend the following sections: | ||
Section 1 |
October 1, 2017 |
22-6q(a) |
Sec. 2 |
October 1, 2017 |
New section |
Statement of Legislative Commissioners:
In Section 1(a), "participant" was changed to "senior participant" for consistency, and, in Section 2, "each" was changed to "per senior participant" for accuracy.
Joint Favorable Subst. -LCO |
The following Fiscal Impact Statement and Bill Analysis are prepared for the benefit of the members of the General Assembly, solely for purposes of information, summarization and explanation and do not represent the intent of the General Assembly or either chamber thereof for any purpose. In general, fiscal impacts are based upon a variety of informational sources, including the analyst's professional knowledge. Whenever applicable, agency data is consulted as part of the analysis, however final products do not necessarily reflect an assessment from any specific department.
OFA Fiscal Note
Agency Affected |
Fund-Effect |
FY 18 $ |
FY 19 $ |
Department of Agriculture |
GF - Cost |
218,162 |
218,162 |
Note: GF=General Fund
The bill requires the Department of Agriculture (DoAg) to set the value of Senior Food Vouchers at no less than $25 and appropriates an unspecified amount of funding to DoAg for this program.
In 2016, 31,166 coupon books of $18 worth $18 each were distributed. To increase the book value from $18 to $25 would cost an additional $281,162.
The Out Years
The annualized ongoing fiscal impact is determined by the appropriation.
OLR Bill Analysis
This bill requires the agriculture commissioner to set the value of the Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program vouchers at no less than $25. Under current practice, eligible seniors receive program vouchers worth $18.
The bill also appropriates an unspecified amount in FY 18 from the General Fund to the Department of Agriculture for the vouchers' increased value and to ensure that a sufficient number of vouchers are available.
EFFECTIVE DATE: October 1, 2017
Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program
By law, the agriculture commissioner must establish the program within available funds. The program must supply Connecticut-grown produce to help people age 60 or older who (1) live in elderly housing, (2) participate in a registered congregate meal site, or (3) have been identified by a municipality as being at nutritional risk. Participants receive vouchers redeemable at designated Connecticut farmers' markets.
Aging Committee
Joint Favorable
Yea |
13 |
Nay |
0 |
(02/14/2017) |