Substitute Senate Bill No. 850
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:
Section 1. Section 14-29 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2017):
(a) The commissioner shall not register any motor bus, taxicab, school bus, motor vehicle in livery service, student transportation vehicle or service bus and no person may operate or cause to be operated upon any public highway any such motor vehicle until the owner or lessee thereof has procured insurance or a bond satisfactory to the commissioner, which insurance or bond shall indemnify the insured against any legal liability for personal injury, the death of any person or property damage, which injury, death or damage may result from or have been caused by the use or operation of such motor vehicle described in the contract of insurance or such bond. Such insurance or bond shall not be required from (1) a municipality which the commissioner finds has maintained sufficient financial responsibility to meet legal liability for personal injury, death or damage resulting from or caused by the use or operation of a service bus owned or operated by such municipality, or (2) the owner or lessee of such class of motor vehicle who holds a certificate of public necessity and convenience from the Department of Transportation if such owner or lessee has procured from the department a certificate that the department has found that such owner or lessee is of sufficient financial responsibility to meet legal liability for personal injury, death or property damage resulting from or caused by the use or operation of such motor vehicle. The Department of Transportation may issue such certificate upon presentation of evidence of financial responsibility that is satisfactory to it.
(b) (1) The amount of insurance or of such bond which each such vehicle owner or lessee shall carry as insurance or indemnity against claims for personal injury or death shall be not less than (A) fifty thousand dollars for one person subject to that limit per person; (B) for all persons in any one accident where the carrying capacity is seven passengers or less, one hundred thousand dollars; (C) eight to twelve passengers, inclusive, one hundred fifty thousand dollars; (D) thirteen to twenty passengers, inclusive, two hundred thousand dollars; (E) twenty-one to thirty passengers, inclusive, two hundred fifty thousand dollars; and (F) thirty-one passengers or more, three hundred thousand dollars; and such policy or such bond shall indemnify the insured against legal liability resulting from damage to the property of passengers or of others to the amount of ten thousand dollars.
(2) In lieu of the foregoing, a single limit of liability shall be allowed as insurance or indemnity against claims for personal injury or death and legal liability resulting from damage to the property of passengers or of others for any one accident (A) where the carrying capacity is seven passengers or less, not less than one hundred thousand dollars; (B) eight to twelve passengers, inclusive, not less than one hundred fifty thousand dollars; (C) thirteen to twenty passengers, inclusive, not less than two hundred thousand dollars; (D) twenty-one to thirty passengers, inclusive, not less than two hundred fifty thousand dollars; and (E) thirty-one passengers or more, not less than three hundred thousand dollars. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to (i) a municipality which the commissioner has found to have sufficient financial responsibility to meet legal liability for damages as provided in subsection (a) of this section or (ii) the owner or lessees of any such motor vehicle holding a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by the Department of Transportation whom the department has found to be of sufficient financial responsibility to meet legal liability for damages as provided in subsection (a).
(c) (1) Any person or company issuing any such insurance or indemnity bond shall file with the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles a certificate in such form as [he] the commissioner prescribes, and no such insurance or bond shall lapse, expire or be cancelled while the registration is in force until the commissioner has been given at least ten days' written notice of an intention to cancel and until [he] the commissioner has accepted other insurance or another indemnity bond and has notified the person or company seeking to cancel such insurance or bond that such other insurance or bond has been accepted or until the registration of such motor vehicle described in such insurance policy or bond has been suspended or cancelled.
(2) No person or company issuing any such insurance or indemnity bond shall issue an insurance policy or indemnity bond for a motor vehicle specified in subsection (a) of this section for limits less than those specified in subsection (b) or (f) of this section. Upon initial registration or renewal of any such motor vehicle, the commissioner may presume that an insurance policy or indemnity bond meets the minimum amounts specified in said subsection (b) or (f) for such vehicle.
(d) Any person injured in person or property by any such motor vehicle may apply to the commissioner for the name and description of the insurer of the vehicle causing such injury or the name of the surety upon any indemnity bond of any such owner or the name of the holder of a certificate of financial responsibility.
(e) Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars or imprisoned not more than one year or both.
(f) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, any person, association or corporation operating a motor vehicle in livery service under the provisions of sections 13b-101 to 13b-109, inclusive, shall carry insurance or indemnity against claims for personal injury or death and legal liability resulting from damage to the property of passengers or of others for any one accident in an amount not less than one million five hundred thousand dollars for vehicles with a seating capacity of fourteen passengers or less and five million dollars for vehicles with a seating capacity of fifteen passengers or more.
Sec. 2. Subsection (c) of section 14-36 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):
(c) (1) A person who is sixteen or seventeen years of age and who has not had a motor vehicle operator's license or right to operate a motor vehicle in this state suspended or revoked may apply to the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles for a youth instruction permit. The commissioner may issue a youth instruction permit to an applicant after the applicant has passed a vision screening and test as to knowledge of the laws concerning motor vehicles and the rules of the road, has paid the fee required by subsection (v) of section 14-49 and has filed a certificate, in such form as the commissioner prescribes, requesting or consenting to the issuance of the youth instruction permit and the motor vehicle operator's license, signed by (A) one or both parents or foster parents of the applicant, as the commissioner requires, (B) the legal guardian of the applicant, (C) the applicant's spouse, if the spouse is eighteen years of age or older, or (D) if the applicant has no qualified spouse and such applicant's parent or foster parent or legal guardian is deceased, incapable, domiciled [without the] outside of this state or otherwise unavailable or unable to sign or file the certificate, the applicant's stepparent, grandparent, or uncle or aunt by blood or marriage, provided such person is eighteen years of age or older. The commissioner may, for the more efficient administration of the commissioner's duties, appoint any drivers' school licensed in accordance with the provisions of section 14-69 or any secondary school providing instruction in motor vehicle operation and highway safety in accordance with section 14-36e, as amended by this act, to issue a youth instruction permit, subject to such standards and requirements as the commissioner may prescribe in regulations adopted in accordance with chapter 54. Each youth instruction permit shall expire two years from the date of issuance [,] or on the date the holder of the permit is issued a motor vehicle operator's license, [or on the date the holder attains the age of eighteen years,] whichever is earlier. Any holder of a youth instruction permit who attains eighteen years of age may retain such permit until the expiration of such permit. (2) The youth instruction permit shall entitle the holder, while such holder has the permit in his or her immediate possession, to operate a motor vehicle on the public highways, provided such holder is under the instruction of, and accompanied by, a person who holds an instructor's license issued under the provisions of section 14-73 or a person twenty years of age or older who has been licensed to operate, for at least four years preceding the instruction, a motor vehicle of the same class as the motor vehicle being operated and who has not had his or her motor vehicle operator's license suspended by the commissioner during the four-year period preceding the instruction. (3) Unless the holder of the permit is under the instruction of and accompanied by a person who holds an instructor's license issued under the provisions of section 14-73, no passenger in addition to the person providing instruction shall be transported unless such passenger is a parent or legal guardian of the holder of the permit. (4) The holder of a youth instruction permit who (A) is an active member of a certified ambulance service, as defined in section 19a-175, (B) has commenced an emergency vehicle operator's course that conforms to the national standard curriculum developed by the United States Department of Transportation, and (C) has had state and national criminal history records checks conducted by the certified ambulance service or by the municipality in which such ambulance service is provided, shall be exempt from the provisions of subdivisions (2) and (3) of this subsection only when such holder is en route to or from the location of the ambulance for purposes of responding to an emergency call. (5) The commissioner may revoke any youth instruction permit used in violation of the limitations imposed by subdivision (2) or (3) of this subsection.
Sec. 3. Subsection (h) of section 14-36a of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):
(h) The revocation, suspension or withdrawal of, or refusal to issue or renew an "S" endorsement, or any endorsement described in subsection (c) of this section, shall prohibit the licensee from operating any public [service] passenger vehicle for which [a public passenger endorsement] an endorsement described in said subsection (c) is required. [under this section.] During the period of such revocation, suspension or withdrawal of, or after a refusal to issue or renew an "S" endorsement, or any endorsement described in said subsection (c), [of this section,] the commissioner shall not issue any other public passenger endorsement to such licensee.
Sec. 4. Section 14-36e of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):
[(a) The Department of Motor Vehicles shall prepare for use in all high and other secondary schools a course of study of motor vehicle operation and highway safety.]
[(b)] Each local and regional board of education may provide a course of instruction in motor vehicle operation and highway safety on a secondary school level, which course (1) shall consist of not less than thirty clock hours of classroom instruction offered during or after school hours as said board of education, in its discretion, may provide, including instruction of not less than fifteen minutes concerning the responsibilities of an operator of a motor vehicle under subsection (b) of section 14-223 and the penalty for a violation of the provisions of said subsection (b), and (2) may include behind-the-wheel instruction of up to twenty clock hours. Said course shall be open to enrollment by any person between the ages of sixteen and eighteen, inclusive, who is a resident of the town or school district or whose parent, parents or legal guardian owns property taxable in such town or school district. Any such board of education may contract for such behind-the-wheel instruction with a licensed drivers' school.
Sec. 5. Subsection (b) of section 14-41 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2017):
(b) An original operator's license shall expire within a period not exceeding six years following the date of the operator's next birthday. The fee for such license shall be seventy-two dollars. The commissioner may authorize a contractor, including, but not limited to, an automobile club or association, licensed in accordance with the provisions of section 14-67 on or before July 1, 2007, or any [office or department of a] municipality, to issue duplicate licenses and identity cards pursuant to section 14-50a, renew licenses, renew identity cards issued pursuant to section 1-1h and conduct registration transactions at [its office facilities] the office or facilities of such contractors or municipalities. The commissioner may authorize such contractors and municipalities to charge a convenience fee, which shall not exceed five dollars, to each applicant for a license or identity card renewal or duplication, or for a registration transaction.
Sec. 6. Section 14-41b of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2017):
A Connecticut motor vehicle operator's license held by any person on active duty with the armed forces and absent from this state due to such service shall be valid for [thirty] sixty days following the date on which the license holder is honorably separated from such service, [or returns to this state,] unless the license is suspended, cancelled or revoked as provided by law earlier than such date. The license shall be valid only when in the immediate possession of the license holder and the license holder has his or her discharge or separation papers in his or her immediate possession.
Sec. 7. Subsection (a) of section 14-44c of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2017):
(a) The application for a commercial driver's license or commercial driver's instruction permit, shall include the following:
(1) The full name and current mailing and residence address of the person;
(2) A physical description of the person, including sex, height and eye color;
(3) Date of birth;
(4) The applicant's Social Security number;
(5) The person's statement, under oath, that such person meets the requirements for qualification contained in 49 CFR 391, as amended; [, or does not expect to operate in interstate or foreign commerce;]
(6) The person's statement, under oath, that the type of vehicle in which the person has taken or intends to take the driving skills test is representative of the type of motor vehicle the person operates or intends to operate;
(7) The person's statement, under oath, that such person is not subject to disqualification, suspension, revocation or cancellation of operating privileges in any state, and that he or she does not hold an operator's license in any other state;
(8) The person's identification of all states in which such person has been licensed to drive any type of motor vehicle during the last ten years, and the person's statement, under oath that he or she does not hold an operator's license in any other state; and
(9) The person's signature, and certification of the accuracy and completeness of the application, subject to the penalties of false statement under section 53a-157b. The application shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed in section 14-44h.
Sec. 8. Subsection (f) of section 14-44k of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2017):
(f) In addition to any other penalties provided by law, a person is disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle for a period of not less than sixty days if convicted of two serious traffic violations, as defined in section 14-1, or one hundred twenty days if convicted of three serious traffic violations, [committed while operating any motor vehicle] arising from separate incidents occurring within a three-year period (1) while operating a commercial motor vehicle, (2) while operating a noncommercial motor vehicle, provided such violation resulted in a suspension, for any period of time, of such person's class D license, or (3) from any combination of subdivisions (1) and (2) of this subsection. The period of any disqualification for a subsequent offense imposed under this subsection shall commence immediately after the period of any other disqualification imposed on such person. The disqualification periods in this subsection shall also apply to convictions under the provisions of law of another state, of offenses deemed by the commissioner to constitute serious traffic violations, as defined in section 14-1.
Sec. 9. Subdivision (5) of subsection (b) of section 14-52 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2017):
(5) The commissioner shall assess an administrative fee of [fifty] two hundred dollars against any licensee for failing to provide proof of bond renewal or replacement on or before the date of the expiration of the existing bond. Such fee shall be in addition to the license suspension or revocation penalties and the civil penalties to which the licensee is subject pursuant to section 14-64.
Sec. 10. Subsection (c) of section 14-58 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2017):
(c) Registration certificates issued under the provisions of this section shall not be required to be carried upon such motor vehicles when upon the public highways as required under subsection (a) of section 14-13, except that the licensee shall issue to each person driving such motor vehicle a document indicating that such person is validly entrusted with such vehicle which document shall be carried in the motor vehicle. The commissioner shall determine the form and contents of this document. Legible photostatic copies of such registration certificates may be carried in such vehicles as proof of ownership. The licensee shall furnish financial responsibility satisfactory to the commissioner as defined in section 14-112, provided such financial responsibility shall not be required from a licensee when the commissioner finds that the licensee is of sufficient financial responsibility to meet such legal liability. The commissioner may issue such license upon presentation of evidence of such financial responsibility satisfactory to the commissioner. The commissioner shall assess an administrative fee of [fifty] two hundred dollars against any licensee for failing to provide proof of policy or bond renewal or replacement on or before the expiration date of the existing policy or bond. Such fee shall be in addition to the license suspension or revocation penalties and the civil penalties to which the licensee is subject pursuant to section 14-64.
Sec. 11. Subsection (a) of section 14-164c of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2017):
(a) (1) No person shall fail to maintain in good working order or remove, dismantle or otherwise cause to be inoperative any equipment or feature constituting an operational element of the air pollution control system or mechanism of a motor vehicle required by regulations of the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection to be maintained or on the vehicle. Any such failure to maintain in good working order or removal, dismantling or causing of inoperability shall subject the owner thereof to revocation of registration for such vehicle by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles unless all parts and equipment constituting elements of air pollution control have been made operable and in good working order within sixty days of notice by said commissioner of such violation. Any such failure shall be considered a failure to comply with the periodic inspection requirements established under subsection (c) of this section. As used in this section, "motor vehicle" has the same meaning as provided in section 14-1.
(2) The Commissioner of Motor Vehicles shall not revoke the registration of a motor vehicle pursuant to subdivision (1) of this subsection if such vehicle is subject to any consent decree approved by the United States District Court for the Northern District of California on October 25, 2016, in settlement of Case Number 15-MD-2672-CRB (JSC) entitled "In Re: Volkswagen 'Clean Diesel' Marketing, Sales Practices, and Products Liability Litigation".
Sec. 12. Subsection (a) of section 14-171 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2017):
(a) The application for a certificate of title of a vehicle in this state shall be [made by the owner] on a form prescribed by the commissioner [prescribes and shall contain] and contain information provided by the owner or acquired through one or more databases used by the commissioner. Such application shall include: (1) The name, residence and mail address of the owner; (2) a description of the vehicle including, so far as the following data exists, its make, model, identification number, type of body, the number of cylinders and whether new or used; (3) the mileage reading at the time of application; (4) the date of purchase by the applicant, the name and address of the person from whom the vehicle was acquired and the names and addresses of any lienholders in the order of their priority and the dates of their security agreements and, if a new vehicle, the application shall be accompanied by a manufacturer's or importer's certificate of origin; and (5) any further information the commissioner reasonably requires to identify the vehicle and to enable the commissioner to determine whether the owner is entitled to a certificate of title and the existence or nonexistence of security interests in the vehicle. Such application shall be accompanied by the most recent Connecticut certificate of title for such vehicle, if any, unless the owner submits a statement on a form prescribed by the commissioner, that the title is lost or destroyed or, despite reasonable efforts cannot be located or obtained from the person or firm last known to have possession of such certificate [or] of title.
Sec. 13. Section 14-227k of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2017):
(a) No person whose right to operate a motor vehicle has been restricted pursuant to an order of the court under subsection (b) of section 14-227j, [or] by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles [pursuant to subsection (i) of section 14-227a or subsection (i) of section 14-111] or by any provision of law that requires the use of an ignition interlock device, shall (1) request or solicit another person to blow into an ignition interlock device or to start a motor vehicle equipped with an ignition interlock device for the purpose of providing such person with an operable motor vehicle, or (2) operate any motor vehicle not equipped with a functioning ignition interlock device or any motor vehicle that a court has ordered such person not to operate.
(b) No person shall tamper with, alter or bypass the operation of an ignition interlock device for the purpose of providing an operable motor vehicle to a person whose right to operate a motor vehicle has been restricted pursuant to an order of the court under subsection (b) of section 14-227j, [or] by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles [pursuant to subsection (i) of section 14-227a or subsection (i) of section 14-111] or by any provision of law that requires the use of an ignition interlock device.
(c) (1) Any person who violates any provision of subdivision (1) of subsection (a) or subsection (b) of this section shall be guilty of a class C misdemeanor.
(2) Any person who violates any provision of subdivision (2) of subsection (a) of this section shall be subject to the penalties set forth in subsection (c) of section 14-215.
(d) Each court shall report each conviction under subsection (a) or (b) of this section to the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, in accordance with the provisions of section 14-141. The commissioner shall suspend the motor vehicle operator's license or nonresident operating privilege of the person reported as convicted for a period of one year.
Sec. 14. Subsection (b) of section 14-275c of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2017):
(b) The commissioner shall adopt regulations, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54, governing (1) the inspection, registration, operation and maintenance of motor vehicles used by any carrier to transport students, and (2) the licensing of operators of such vehicles. A person who has attained the age of seventy shall be allowed to hold a license endorsement [for the purpose of operating a motor vehicle to transport children requiring special education] to operate a student transportation vehicle provided such person meets the minimum physical requirements set by the commissioner and agrees to submit to a physical examination by a medical examiner, certified in accordance with 49 CFR 390.109, at least annually or more frequently if directed to do so by such medical examiner or the superintendent of the school system in which such person intends to operate such vehicle.
Sec. 15. Subsection (b) of section 54-56p of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2017):
(b) This section shall not be applicable to any person (1) who, at the time of the motor vehicle violation, holds a commercial driver's license or commercial driver's instruction permit or is operating a commercial motor vehicle, as defined in section 14-1, or (2) charged with a motor vehicle violation causing serious injury or death, a motor vehicle violation classified as a felony unless good cause is shown, or a violation of section 14-227a, [or] 14-227g or 14-296aa.
Sec. 16. Subsection (a) of section 14-280 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2017):
(a) (1) When a school bus is used for any purpose other than the transportation of children to and from schools or school activities, private or public camps or any other activities for which groups of children are transported, the special signals normally used when so engaged shall be left unused or disconnected.
(2) Any student transportation vehicle when engaged in the transportation of children to and from private or public camps or the transportation exclusively of children to activities, except school activities, may display a sign or signs, as described in subsection (b) of this section. Any motor vehicle, other than a registered school bus, not owned by a public, private or religious school, or under contract to such school, when engaged in the transportation of school children to and from school or school activities, may display a sign or signs, as described in subsection (b) of this section.
(3) Any student transportation vehicle, when engaged in the transportation of school children to and from school or school activities, shall display a sign or signs, as described in subsection (b) of this section, except a student transportation vehicle, when engaged in the transportation of students aged eighteen to twenty-one, inclusive, who, as part of an individualized education program, are participating in community-based transition services, may display a sign or signs, as described in subsection (b) of this section.
(4) Any portable signs, as described in subsection (b) of this section, that are permitted or required under this section may be removed or covered when the vehicle is not being used for the purposes requiring or allowing the use of such signs as specified in this section.
Sec. 17. Section 14-150 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective January 1, 2018):
(a) Any person who abandons any motor vehicle within the limits of any highway or upon property other than such person's own without the consent of the owner thereof for a period longer than twenty-four hours shall have committed an infraction and shall be fined not less than eighty-five dollars. The last owner of record of a motor vehicle found abandoned, as shown by the files of the Department of Motor Vehicles, shall be deemed prima facie to have been the owner of such motor vehicle at the time it was abandoned and the person who abandoned the same or caused or procured its abandonment.
(b) Any inspector of the Department of Motor Vehicles, any officer attached to an organized police department, any enforcement officer of a parking authority authorized under an ordinance adopted pursuant to section 7-204a to enforce parking regulations in the municipality in which it is located or any state police officer upon discovery of any motor vehicle, whether situated within or without any highway of this state, which is a menace to traffic or public health or safety, shall take such motor vehicle into such inspector's or officer's custody and cause the same to be taken to and stored in a suitable place.
(c) Any inspector of the Department of Motor Vehicles, any officer attached to an organized police department, any enforcement officer of a parking authority authorized under an ordinance adopted pursuant to section 7-204a to enforce parking regulations in the municipality in which it is located or any state police officer, upon discovery of any motor vehicle apparently abandoned or a motor vehicle without proper registration, whether situated within or without any highway of this state, shall affix to such motor vehicle a notification sticker in a manner so as to be readily visible. This notification sticker shall contain the following information: (1) The date and time the notification sticker was affixed to the motor vehicle; (2) a statement that pursuant to this section, if the motor vehicle is not removed within twenty-four hours of the time the sticker was affixed, it shall be taken into custody and stored at the owner's expense; (3) the location and telephone number where additional information may be obtained; and (4) the identity of the affixing officer. If the motor vehicle is not removed within such twenty-four-hour period, the affixing department or parking authority shall take such motor vehicle into its custody and cause the same to be stored in a suitable place, except that such department or parking authority shall make a reasonable attempt to notify the owner of any such motor vehicle which is determined to be stolen prior to taking such vehicle into its custody and shall allow such owner to make arrangements for removal of such vehicle.
(d) If the motor vehicle has no registration marker plates or invalid registration marker plates, and if such inspector or officer makes a determination in good faith that (1) the motor vehicle is apparently abandoned, (2) the market value of such motor vehicle in its current condition is five hundred dollars or less, and (3) the motor vehicle is so vandalized, damaged, or in disrepair as to be unusable as a motor vehicle, title to such motor vehicle shall, upon taking custody of such motor vehicle, immediately vest in the municipality in which the motor vehicle was discovered. Within forty-eight hours of the time that such motor vehicle is taken into custody, the affixing department or parking authority shall notify the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, in writing, of the vehicle identification number and a description of the motor vehicle and thereafter shall immediately sell or transfer such motor vehicle to a recycler licensed in accordance with section 14-67l. Upon sale or other disposition of the motor vehicle, the affixing department or parking authority shall give written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the person who was the owner of such motor vehicle at the time of abandonment, if known, which notice shall state that the motor vehicle has been sold or otherwise disposed of. The proceeds of the sale or disposition, or the fair market value of the motor vehicle in its current condition, whichever is greater, less the towing and sale or disposal expenses and the amount of any fines due, shall be paid to such person or such person's representatives, if claimed by such person or [them] such person's representatives within one year from the date of sale. If such balance is not claimed within such period, it shall escheat to the municipality. If the expenses incurred by the municipality for towing and the sale or disposition of such motor vehicle and any such fines exceed the proceeds of such sale or disposition, such person shall be liable to such municipality for such excess amount.
(e) Within forty-eight hours of the time that a motor vehicle is taken into custody and stored pursuant to subsection (b) or (c) of this section, the affixing department or parking authority shall give written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the owner and any lienholders of such motor vehicle, if [the same] such motor vehicle appears on the records of the Department of Motor Vehicles. [, which] The notice shall state: (1) [that] That the motor vehicle has been taken into custody and stored, (2) the location of storage of the motor vehicle, (3) that, unless title has already vested in the municipality pursuant to subsection (d) of this section, such motor vehicle may be sold after (A) fifteen days if the market value of such motor vehicle does not exceed one thousand five hundred dollars, or [after] (B) forty-five days if the value of such motor vehicle exceeds one thousand five hundred dollars, and (4) that the owner has a right to contest the validity of such taking by application, on a form prescribed by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, to the hearing officer named in such notice within ten days from the date of such notice. Such application forms shall be made readily available to the public at all offices of the Department of Motor Vehicles, parking authorities authorized under an ordinance adopted pursuant to section 7-204a to enforce parking regulations and state and local police departments.
(f) (1) The chief executive officer of each town shall appoint a suitable person, who shall not be a member of any state or local police department, to be a hearing officer to hear applications to determine whether or not the towing within such municipality of such motor vehicle was authorized under the provisions of this section. Two or more towns may join in appointing such hearing officer; provided any such hearing shall be held at a location which is as near to the town within which such motor vehicle was towed as is reasonable and practicable. The commissioner shall establish by regulation the qualifications necessary for hearing officers and procedures for the holding of such hearings. If it is determined at such hearing that the vehicle was not a menace to traffic, abandoned or unregistered, as the case may be, the owner of such motor vehicle shall not be liable for any expenses incurred as a result of the taking and storage of such motor vehicle, the lien provisions of this section shall not apply to such owner, and the department which took and stored such motor vehicle shall be liable for such expenses. If the owner, prior to such determination, pays such expenses and the storage charges of such motor vehicle, and it is determined at such hearing that the motor vehicle was not a menace to traffic, abandoned or unregistered, as the case may be, the department or parking authority which took such motor vehicle shall be liable to such owner for the amount paid by such owner. Any person aggrieved by the decision of such hearing officer may, within fifteen days of the notice of such decision, appeal to the superior court for the judicial district wherein such hearing was held.
(2) The chief executive officer of each municipality shall designate a suitable person who shall be responsible for the collection of data concerning abandoned motor vehicles within such municipality and the preparation and submission of periodic reports to the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles which shall contain such information as the commissioner may require.
(g) The owner or keeper of any garage or other place where such motor vehicle is stored shall have a lien upon [the same] such motor vehicle for such owner's or keeper's towing or storage charges, or both, that result from towing or storage under this section. [Unless title has already vested in the municipality pursuant to]
(1) Except as provided in subsection (d) of this section, if the current market value of such motor vehicle as determined in good faith by such owner or keeper does not exceed one thousand five hundred dollars and such motor vehicle has been stored for a period of not less than fifteen days, such owner or keeper [may] shall, unless an application filed by the owner pursuant to subsection (e) of this section is pending and the owner of such motor vehicle has notified such owner or keeper that such application for hearing has been filed, [sell the same for storage and towing charges owed thereon, provided a notice of intent to sell shall be sent to the commissioner, the owner and any lienholder of record of such motor vehicle, if known, five days before the sale of such vehicle.] send a notice of intent to sell that complies with subsection (h) of this section to the commissioner, the owner of such motor vehicle and any known lienholder of record of such motor vehicle within such period. Upon approval by the commissioner of the notice of intent to sell, the commissioner shall issue such owner or keeper an affidavit of compliance. Such owner or keeper shall sell such motor vehicle not less than five business days after the mailing date of the notice of intent to sell, and apply the proceeds of the sale toward such owner's or keeper's towing and storage charges.
(2) If the current market value of such motor vehicle as determined in good faith by such owner or keeper exceeds one thousand five hundred dollars and if such motor vehicle has been [so] stored for a period of not less than forty-five days, such owner or keeper shall, unless an application filed by the owner pursuant to subsection (e) of this section is pending and the owner of such motor vehicle has notified such owner or keeper that such application for hearing has been filed, [sell the same] send a notice of intent to sell that complies with subsection (h) of this section to the commissioner, the owner of such motor vehicle and any known lienholder of record of such motor vehicle within such period. Upon approval by the commissioner of the notice of intent to sell, the commissioner shall issue such owner or keeper an affidavit of compliance. Such owner or keeper shall sell such motor vehicle at public auction for cash, at such owner's or keeper's place of business [, and apply the avails] not less than five business days after the mailing date of the notice of intent to sell. Such owner or keeper shall apply the proceeds of such sale toward the payment of such owner's or keeper's towing and storage charges and the payment of any debt or obligation incurred by the officer who placed [the same] such motor vehicle in storage. [, provided if the last place of abode of the owner of such motor vehicle is known to or may be ascertained by such garage owner or keeper by the exercise of reasonable diligence, notice of the time and place of sale shall be given to such owner and any lienholder of record by mailing such notice to such owner by certified mail, return receipt requested, at such last usual place of abode, at least five days before the time of sale.] At any public auction held pursuant to this subsection, such [garage] owner or keeper may set a minimum bid equal to the amount of such owner's or keeper's charges and obligations with respect to the tow and storage of the motor vehicle. If no such bid is made, such owner or keeper may sell or dispose of such vehicle.
(h) The notice of intent to sell described in subsection (g) of this section shall include the make, model and vehicle identification number of such motor vehicle, the date such motor vehicle was left with the owner or keeper of the garage for storage and by whom and the registration number thereof if any number plates are on such motor vehicle, and shall be placed on file by the commissioner and subject to public inspection. The notice of intent to sell shall be accompanied by a statement to the owner and known lienholder of such motor vehicle indicating the date, time and place of the sale of such motor vehicle, and the manner of the sale, as specified in subdivision (1) or (2) of subsection (g) of this section. Such owner or keeper shall give such notice and accompanying statement to such motor vehicle owner and lienholder by certified mail, return receipt requested. Such statement shall indicate that any proceeds in excess of such owner's or keeper's charges and obligations may be claimed by the owner of such motor vehicle within one year from the date of such sale. The fee for filing such notice of intent and accompanying statement shall be ten dollars. Any sale under the provisions of this section shall be void, unless such owner or keeper provides the notice required by this section.
(i) At the time of a sale conducted under subsection (g) of this section, such owner or keeper shall provide the purchaser of such motor vehicle with the affidavit of compliance issued by the commissioner. Except for a thirty-day period immediately following the date such motor vehicle was placed in storage under subdivision (1) of subsection (g) of this section, or a sixty-day period immediately following the date such motor vehicle was placed in storage under subdivision (2) of subsection (g) of this section, the commissioner may limit the number of days that such owner or keeper may charge for storage of the motor vehicle prior to the time such motor vehicle was sold unless such owner or keeper provides evidence to the commissioner that the storage charges accrued as a result of such owner or keeper's reliance upon statements or representations made by the owner or lienholder of the motor vehicle or as a result of such owner's or keeper's good faith effort to negotiate the return of such motor vehicle to such owner or lienholder.
[(h) The garage] (j) The owner or keeper of such garage shall report the sales price, storing, towing and repair charges, if any; buyer's name and address; identification of the vehicle and such other information as may be required in regulations [which shall be adopted by the commissioner in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54] adopted pursuant to this section, to the commissioner within fifteen days after the sale of the motor vehicle. The proceeds of such sale, after deducting the amount due such [garage] owner or keeper and all expenses connected with such sale, including the expenses of the officer who placed such motor vehicle in storage, shall be paid to the owner of such motor vehicle or such owner's legal representatives, if claimed by such owner or [them] such owner's legal representatives at any time within one year from the date of such sale. If such balance is not claimed within said period, it shall escheat to the state.
[(i) If the owner of such motor vehicle placed in storage in accordance with the provisions of this section does not claim such motor vehicle within thirty days, the owner of such garage or other place of storage shall, within forty days of the date such motor vehicle was placed in storage with such owner, send a written notice to the commissioner, stating the make and vehicle identification number of such motor vehicle, the date such motor vehicle was left with such owner for storage and by whom and the registration number thereof if any number plates are on such motor vehicle, which notice shall be placed on file by the commissioner and shall be subject to public inspection. The fee for filing such notice shall be five dollars. Any sale under the provisions of this section shall be void, unless the notice required by this section has been given to the commissioner.]
[(j)] (k) The Commissioner of Motor Vehicles shall adopt regulations, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54, [(1) specifying] to carry out the purposes of this section. The regulations shall (1) specify the circumstances under which title to any motor vehicle abandoned within the limits of any highway may be transferred to any person, firm or corporation towing such vehicle, [and (2) establishing] (2) establish the procedure whereby such person, firm or corporation may obtain title to such motor vehicle, [. The commissioner may adopt regulations, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54, specifying] and (3) specify the circumstances under which the owner of a campground may dispose of a motor home or recreational vehicle abandoned on such owner's property and establishing procedures governing such disposal.
Sec. 18. Subsection (b) of section 14-145 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective January 1, 2018):
(b) (1) (A) When an unauthorized motor vehicle is towed or otherwise removed by a wrecker licensed under section 14-66, or a repossessed motor vehicle is towed or otherwise removed by a wrecker or an exempt entity, the licensee or operator of the wrecker or the exempt entity shall notify the local police department of the tow or removal within two hours. Such notification shall be submitted, in writing, or transmitted by facsimile or electronic mail and the record of such notification shall be retained by such licensee, operator or exempt entity in accordance with the provisions of section 14-66b.
(B) No such licensee, operator or exempt entity may charge a storage fee for an unauthorized or repossessed motor vehicle for the time it is stored prior to notification of the local police department by the licensee, operator or exempt entity. If such motor vehicle is not claimed within forty-eight hours, the licensee or operator of the wrecker or of the garage where such motor vehicle is stored or the exempt entity shall immediately complete a notice of such tow, on a form prescribed by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, and mail a copy of such form by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the owner and all lienholders of record. If the motor vehicle is not claimed by its owner within the time [periods] period specified in subsection (e) of section 14-150, as amended by this act, the licensee or operator of the wrecker or of the garage where such motor vehicle is stored or the exempt entity may dispose of [it] such motor vehicle in accordance with the provisions of subsection (e) and subsections (g) to [(i)] (j), inclusive, of section 14-150, as amended by this act.
(2) (A) When an unauthorized motor vehicle is rendered immovable through use of a wheel-locking device by an owner or lessee of private property or his or her agent, such owner, lessee or agent shall notify the local police department of such action within two hours. Such notification shall be submitted in writing or transmitted by facsimile or electronic mail. The record of such notification shall be retained by such owner, lessee or agent at the private property upon which such action took place, for a period of not less than six months and shall be available for inspection during regular business hours by any sworn member of the local police department or law enforcement officer or inspector designated by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles.
(B) No owner, lessee or agent may charge a fee to remove a wheel-locking device prior to notification of the local police department. The fee charged to remove a wheel-locking device may not be more than fifty dollars. The person claiming the motor vehicle may choose to pay such fee in cash, by check or by debit or credit card. Ten per cent of such fee shall be remitted to the local police department by the owner, lessee or agent. If such motor vehicle is not claimed within forty-eight hours after being rendered immovable, the owner, lessee or agent shall immediately complete a notice that such motor vehicle has been rendered immovable, on a form prescribed by the commissioner, and mail a copy of such form by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the owner of such motor vehicle and all lienholders of record. If the motor vehicle is not claimed by its owner within the time [periods] period specified in subsection (e) of section 14-150, as amended by this act, the owner, lessee or agent may dispose of such motor vehicle in accordance with the provisions of subsection (e) and subsections (g) to [(i)] (j), inclusive, of section 14-150, as amended by this act.
(3) The local police department, not later than forty-eight hours after receiving notification of a tow or removal of an unauthorized motor vehicle pursuant to subdivision (1) of this subsection, or use of a wheel-locking device pursuant to subdivision (2) of this subsection, shall enter the vehicle identification number into the National Crime Information Center database and the Connecticut On-Line Law Enforcement Communications Teleprocessing System to determine whether such motor vehicle has been reported as stolen. If such motor vehicle has been reported as stolen, the local police department shall immediately notify the department that reported the vehicle as stolen.
Sec. 19. Subsection (b) of section 42-160 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective January 1, 2018):
(b) If such personal property is a motor vehicle, the owner of a self-service storage facility shall contact the Department of Motor Vehicles in such manner as the commissioner shall prescribe for the purposes of determining the existence and identity of any lienholder and the name and address of the owner of the motor vehicle, as shown in the records of the department. The owner of a self-storage facility shall send a written notice to the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles stating (1) the vehicle identification number of such motor vehicle, (2) the date such motor vehicle was left with the owner of such storage facility, (3) the date of default by the occupant, (4) the amount for which a lien is claimed, (5) the registration thereof if any number plates are on the motor vehicle, and (6) the name of the vehicle's owner and the name of the occupant who defaulted, and shall enclose a fee of [five] ten dollars. Such notice shall be placed on file by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles and be open to public inspection. Within ten days of receipt of such information concerning any lienholder and the owner of such motor vehicle, as shown in said department's records, the owner of such self-service storage facility shall send a written notice to any such lienholder and to the owner, if such owner is not the occupant, by postage paid registered or certified letter, return receipt requested, stating that such motor vehicle (A) is being held by such facility owner, and (B) has a lien attached pursuant to this chapter. Any sale of a motor vehicle under the provisions of this section shall be void unless the written notice to the commissioner required by this subsection has been given.
Sec. 20. Subsection (b) of section 49-61 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective January 1, 2018):
(b) If the property is a motor vehicle and if no application that the lien be dissolved upon such substitution of a bond is made within thirty days of the date of the completion of the work upon the property by the bailor for hire, the bailee shall immediately send a written notice of intent to sell to the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, stating the vehicle identification number thereof, the date the motor vehicle was left with such bailee, the date the work was completed, the amount for which a lien is claimed, the registration thereof if any number plates are on the motor vehicle and the name of the owner or person who authorized the work to be done, and shall enclose a fee of [five] ten dollars. Such notice shall be placed on file by the [Commissioner of Motor Vehicles] commissioner and be open to public inspection. Upon approval by the commissioner of such notice, the commissioner shall issue the bailee an affidavit of compliance and such bailee shall provide such affidavit to the purchaser at the time of sale. Except for the thirty-day period immediately following completion of the work on such motor vehicle, the commissioner may limit the number of days that a bailee may charge for the storage of the motor vehicle prior to the time that the bailee files such notice with the commissioner unless the bailee provides evidence to the commissioner sufficient to show that the storage charges accrued as a result of the bailee's reliance upon statements or representations made by the bailor or as the result of the bailee's good faith efforts to negotiate the return of such motor vehicle to the bailor. If the motor vehicle is subject to a security interest, the commissioner, within ten days of receipt of such notice, shall send the bailee the name and address of any lienholder as recorded on the certificate of title. Within ten days of receipt of such information relative to any lienholder, the bailee shall mail written notice to each lienholder by certified mail, return receipt requested, stating that the motor vehicle is being held by such bailee and has a lien upon it for repair and storage charges. Any sale under the provisions of this section shall be void unless the notice required in this section has been given to said commissioner, if the property is a motor vehicle.
Sec. 21. (NEW) (Effective from passage) (a) On and after January 1, 2018, the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles shall issue Hartford Whalers commemorative number plates of a design to commemorate the Hartford Whalers and to provide funding to the Connecticut Children's Medical Center. The design shall be determined by the commissioner. No use shall be made of such plates except as official registration marker plates.
(b) A fee of sixty dollars shall be charged for Hartford Whalers commemorative number plates, in addition to the regular fee or fees prescribed for the registration of a motor vehicle. Fifteen dollars of such fee shall be deposited in an account controlled by the Department of Motor Vehicles to be used for the cost of producing, issuing, renewing and replacing such number plates and forty-five dollars of such fee shall be deposited in the Hartford Whalers commemorative account established under subsection (d) of this section. No additional fee shall be charged in connection with the renewal of such number plates. No transfer fee shall be charged for transfer of an existing registration to or from a registration with Hartford Whalers commemorative number plates. Such number plates shall have letters and numbers selected by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles. The commissioner may establish a higher fee for number plates: (1) That contain the numbers and letters from a previously issued number plate; (2) that contain letters in place of numbers, as authorized by section 14-49 of the general statutes, in addition to the fee or fees prescribed for registration under said section; and (3) that are low number plates issued in accordance with section 14-160 of the general statutes, in addition to the fee or fees prescribed for registration under said section. All fees established and collected pursuant to this section, except moneys designated for administrative costs of the Department of Motor Vehicles, shall be deposited in the Hartford Whalers commemorative account.
(c) The Commissioner of Motor Vehicles may adopt regulations, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54 of the general statutes, to establish standards and procedures for the issuance, renewal and replacement of Hartford Whalers commemorative number plates.
(d) There is established an account to be known as the "Hartford Whalers commemorative account" which shall be a separate, nonlapsing account within the General Fund. The account shall contain any moneys required by law to be deposited in the account. Moneys in the account shall be expended by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management to provide funding to the Connecticut Children's Medical Center. The secretary may receive private donations to the account and any such receipts shall be deposited in the account.
(e) The Commissioner of Motor Vehicles may provide for the reproduction and marking of the Hartford Whalers commemorative number plates image for use on clothing, recreational equipment, posters, mementoes or other products or programs deemed by the commissioner to be suitable as a means of supporting the Hartford Whalers commemorative account. Any moneys received by the commissioner from such marketing shall be deposited in the account.
Sec. 22. Subsection (a) of section 14-12 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2017):
(a) No motor vehicle shall be operated, [or] towed or parked on any highway, except as otherwise expressly provided, unless it is registered with the commissioner, provided any motor vehicle may be towed for repairs or necessary work if it bears the markers of a licensed and registered dealer, manufacturer or repairer and provided any motor vehicle which is validly registered in another state may, for a period of sixty days following establishment by the owner of residence in this state, be operated on any highway without first being registered with the commissioner. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, (1) a person commits an infraction if such person (A) registers a motor vehicle he or she does not own, or [if such person] (B) operates, [or] allows the operation of, parks or allows the parking of an unregistered motor vehicle on [a public] any highway, or (2) a resident of this state who operates or parks a motor vehicle [he or she] such resident owns with marker plates issued by another state on any highway shall be fined one thousand dollars. If the owner of a motor vehicle previously registered on an annual or biennial basis, the registration of which expired not more than thirty days previously, operates, [or] allows the operation of, parks or allows that parking of such a motor vehicle, such owner shall be fined the amount designated for the infraction of failure to renew a registration, but the right to retain his or her operator's license shall not be affected. No operator other than the owner shall be subject to penalty for the operation or parking of such a previously registered motor vehicle. As used in this subsection, the term "unregistered motor vehicle" includes any vehicle that is not eligible for registration by the commissioner due to the absence of necessary equipment or other characteristics of the vehicle that make it unsuitable for highway operation, unless the operation of such vehicle is expressly permitted by another provision of this chapter or chapter 248.
Sec. 23. Subsection (b) of section 14-253a of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):
(b) The Commissioner of Motor Vehicles shall accept applications and renewal applications for removable windshield placards from (1) any person who is blind, as defined in section 1-1f; (2) any person with disabilities; (3) any parent or guardian of any person who is blind or any person with disabilities, if such person is under eighteen years of age at the time of application; (4) any parent or guardian of any person who is blind or any person with disabilities, if such person is unable to request or complete an application; and (5) any organization which meets criteria established by the commissioner and which certifies to the commissioner's satisfaction that the vehicle for which a placard is requested is primarily used to transport persons who are blind or persons with disabilities. Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, on and after October 1, 2011, the commissioner shall not accept applications for special license plates, but shall accept renewal applications for such plates that were issued prior to October 1, 2011. No person shall be issued a placard in accordance with this section unless such person is the holder of a valid motor vehicle operator's license, or identification card issued in accordance with the provisions of section 1-1h. The commissioner is authorized to adopt regulations for the issuance of placards to persons who, by reason of hardship, do not hold or cannot obtain an operator's license or identification card. The commissioner shall maintain a record of each placard issued to any such person. Such applications and renewal applications shall be on a form prescribed by the commissioner. [In the case of persons with disabilities, the] The application and renewal application shall include: (A) Certification [by a licensed physician, a physician assistant, or an advanced practice registered nurse licensed in accordance with the provisions of chapter 378, that the applicant is disabled; (B) certification] by a licensed physician, a physician assistant, an advanced practice registered nurse licensed in accordance with the provisions of chapter 378, or a member of the driver training unit for persons with disabilities established pursuant to section 14-11b, that the applicant meets the definition of a person with a disability which limits or impairs the ability to walk, as defined in 23 CFR Section 1235.2; or (B) certification by a psychiatrist who is employed by, or under contract with, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs that the applicant (i) is a veteran, as defined in subsection (a) of section 27-103, who has post-traumatic stress disorder certified as service-connected by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, and (ii) meets the definition of a person with a disability which limits or impairs the ability to walk, as defined in 23 CFR Section 1235.2. In the case of persons who are blind, the application or renewal application shall include certification of legal blindness made by the Department of Rehabilitation Services, an ophthalmologist or an optometrist. Any person who makes a certification required by this subsection shall sign the application or renewal application under penalty of false statement pursuant to section 53a-157b. The commissioner, in said commissioner's discretion, may accept the discharge papers of a disabled veteran, as defined in section 14-254, in lieu of such certification. The Commissioner of Motor Vehicles may require additional certification at the time of the original application or at any time thereafter. If a person who has been requested to submit additional certification fails to do so within thirty days of the request, or if such additional certification is deemed by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles to be unfavorable to the applicant, the commissioner may refuse to issue or, if already issued, suspend or revoke such special license plate or placard. The commissioner shall not issue more than one placard per applicant. The fee for the issuance of a temporary removable windshield placard shall be five dollars. Any person whose application has been denied or whose special license plate or placard has been suspended or revoked shall be afforded an opportunity for a hearing in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54.
Sec. 24. Subsection (c) of section 14-12 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2017):
(c) The commissioner may, for the more efficient administration of the commissioner's duties, appoint licensed dealers meeting qualifications established by the commissioner pursuant to regulations adopted in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54, to issue new registrations for passenger motor vehicles, motorcycles, campers, camp trailers, commercial trailers, service buses, school buses, trucks or other vehicle types as determined by the commissioner when they are sold by a licensed dealer. The commissioner shall charge such dealer a fee of ten dollars for each new dealer issue form furnished for the purposes of this subsection. A person purchasing a motor vehicle or other vehicle [types] type as determined by the commissioner from a dealer so appointed and registering such vehicle pursuant to this section shall file an application with the dealer and pay, to the dealer, a fee in accordance with the provisions of section 14-49. The commissioner shall prescribe the time and manner in which the application and fee shall be transmitted to the commissioner.
Sec. 25. Subsection (c) of section 14-40a of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2017):
(c) Before granting a motorcycle endorsement or motorcycle endorsement with a three-wheeled restriction to any applicant who has not held such an endorsement at any time within the preceding two years, the commissioner shall require the applicant to present evidence satisfactory to the commissioner that such applicant has successfully completed a novice motorcycle or three-wheeled motorcycle training course conducted by the Department of Transportation with federal funds available for the purpose of such course, or by any firm or organization that conducts such a course that uses the curriculum of the Motorcycle Safety Foundation or other safety or educational organization that has developed a curriculum approved by the commissioner. If such applicant has not obtained a motorcycle instruction permit pursuant to subsection (b) of this section, the applicant shall also pass an examination, other than the driving skills test, demonstrating that the applicant is a proper person to operate a motorcycle, has sufficient knowledge of the mechanism of a motorcycle to ensure its safe operation by such applicant, and has satisfactory knowledge of the law concerning motorcycles and other motor vehicles and the rules of the road. The commissioner may waive the requirement of such examination for any applicant who presents documentation that such applicant: (1) Is on active military duty with the armed forces of the United States; (2) is stationed outside the state; and (3) completed a novice motorcycle training course conducted by any firm or organization using the curriculum of the Motorcycle Safety Foundation not earlier than two years prior to the date of such applicant's application. When the commissioner is satisfied as to the ability and competency of the applicant, the commissioner may issue an endorsement to such applicant, either unlimited or containing such limitations as the commissioner deems advisable. An applicant who has completed a three-wheeled motorcycle training course shall be limited to an endorsement with a restriction, as provided in subsection (c) of section 14-36a, indicating that such applicant is limited to the operation of a three-wheeled motorcycle. If an applicant or motorcycle endorsement holder has any health problem which might affect such person's ability to operate a motorcycle safely, the commissioner may require the applicant or endorsement holder to demonstrate personally that, notwithstanding the problem, such person is a proper person to operate a motorcycle, and the commissioner may further require a certificate of the applicant's condition, signed by a medical authority designated by the commissioner, which certificate shall, in all cases, be treated as confidential by the commissioner. An endorsement [,] containing such limitation as the commissioner deems advisable may be issued or renewed in any case, but nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the commissioner from refusing an endorsement, either limited or unlimited, to any person or suspending an endorsement of a person whom the commissioner deems incapable of safely operating a motorcycle.
Sec. 26. Section 14-262a of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2017):
A wrecker, as defined in section 14-1 and operated in accordance with section 14-66 with a divisible or nondivisible load as referenced in 23 CFR 658.5, may tow or haul a vehicle or combination of vehicles, without regard to the limitations of length or distance contained in section 14-262. A wrecker that has been issued an annual wrecker towing or transporting permit pursuant to section 14-270 may tow or haul a motor vehicle or combination of vehicles in excess of the axle, gross combination vehicle weight limits or federal bridge formula requirements for vehicles with divisible or nondivisible loads as referenced in 23 CFR 658.17, as prescribed by section 14-267a, (1) from any highway, (2) if such vehicle was involved in an accident, (3) if such vehicle became disabled and remains where such vehicle became disabled, or (4) if such vehicle is being towed or hauled by order of a traffic or law enforcement authority. Any towing operations in excess of one hundred sixty thousand pounds and in excess of an axle, gross combination vehicle weight or federal bridge formula requirements for vehicles with divisible or nondivisible loads as referenced in 23 CFR 658.17, as [defined in] prescribed by section 14-267a, shall require a single-trip permit in addition to the annual permit as defined in section 14-270. Violation of any provision of this section shall be an infraction.
Sec. 27. Subsection (a) of section 14-286c of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2017):
(a) Each person riding a bicycle upon the traveled portion of a highway and intending to make a left turn after proceeding pursuant to the provisions of section 14-244 or subsection (b) of this section [,] may, in lieu of the procedure prescribed by section 14-241, approach as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the highway, proceed across the intersecting roadway and make such turn as close as practicable to the curb or edge of the highway on the far side of the intersection, provided such procedure is not prohibited by any regulation issued by any town, city, borough or the Office of the State Traffic Administration.
Approved June 27, 2017