May Special Session, Public Act No. 16-2
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:
Section 1. (Effective July 1, 2016) The amounts appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, in section 1 of public act 15-244, as amended by section 155 of public act 15-5 of the June special session, regarding the GENERAL FUND are amended to read as follows:
2016-2017 |
Personal Services |
[50,744,676] |
44,711,354 | |
Other Expenses |
[18,445,596] |
15,504,772 | |
Equipment |
[475,100] |
298,762 | |
Flag Restoration |
[71,250] |
65,645 | |
Minor Capital Improvements |
[225,000] |
111,565 | |
Interim Salary/Caucus Offices |
[493,898] |
452,875 | |
Old State House |
[589,589] |
Interstate Conference Fund |
[410,058] |
377,944 | |
New England Board of Higher Education |
[185,179] |
170,652 | |
[71,640,346] |
61,693,569 | |
Personal Services |
[12,250,473] |
10,641,720 | |
Other Expenses |
[404,950] |
342,143 | |
Equipment |
[10,000] |
[12,665,423] |
10,983,863 | |
Personal Services |
600,000 | ||
Other Expenses |
100,000 | ||
700,000 | ||
Personal Services |
600,000 | ||
Other Expenses |
100,000 | ||
700,000 | ||
Personal Services |
416,393 |
Other Expenses |
38,236 |
454,629] |
Personal Services |
541,016 |
Other Expenses |
75,864 |
Equipment |
1,000 |
617,880] |
Personal Services |
668,389 |
Other Expenses |
100,932 |
769,321] |
Personal Services |
418,191 |
Other Expenses |
27,290 |
445,481] |
Personal Services |
272,829 |
Other Expenses |
28,128 |
300,957] |
Personal Services |
209,155 |
Other Expenses |
14,330 |
223,485] |
Personal Services |
[2,407,998] |
2,197,412 | |
Other Expenses |
[203,265] |
187,274 | |
New England Governors' Conference |
[107,625] |
73,614 | |
National Governors' Association |
[128,155] |
118,073 | |
[2,847,043] |
2,576,373 | |
Personal Services |
[2,941,115] |
2,704,459 | |
Other Expenses |
[1,842,745] |
1,712,094 | |
Commercial Recording Division |
[5,686,861] |
4,829,932 | |
Board of Accountancy |
[301,941] |
[10,772,662] |
9,246,485 | |
Personal Services |
[649,519] |
609,998 | |
Other Expenses |
[69,555] |
119,190 | |
[719,074] |
729,188 | |
Elections Enforcement Commission |
3,201,093 | ||
Information Technology Initiatives |
29,098 | ||
Office of State Ethics |
1,389,227 | ||
1,418,325 | ||
Freedom of Information Commission |
1,481,416 | ||
Personal Services |
[3,313,919] |
3,034,513 | |
Other Expenses |
[155,995] |
143,722 | |
[3,469,914] |
3,178,235 | |
Personal Services |
[25,394,018] |
23,464,017 | |
Other Expenses |
[5,179,660] |
4,746,238 | |
[30,573,678] |
28,210,255 | |
Personal Services |
[62,091,282] |
57,419,820 | |
Other Expenses |
[7,722,172] |
6,776,492 | |
[69,813,454] |
64,196,312 | |
Personal Services |
[837,351] |
Other Expenses |
[59,720] |
50,045 | |
Child Fatality Review Panel |
[107,915] |
97,663 | |
Information Technology Initiatives |
[31,588] |
Elections Enforcement Commission |
[3,675,456] |
Office of State Ethics |
[1,600,405] |
Freedom of Information Commission |
[1,735,450] |
Contracting Standards Board |
[302,932] |
274,435 | |
Judicial Review Council |
[148,294] |
135,335 | |
Judicial Selection Commission |
[93,279] |
84,636 | |
Office of the Child Advocate |
[712,546] |
649,545 | |
Office of the Victim Advocate |
[460,972] |
421,421 | |
Board of Firearms Permit Examiners |
[128,422] |
116,774 | |
[9,894,330] |
1,829,854 | |
Personal Services |
[13,038,950] |
11,390,132 | |
Other Expenses |
[1,216,413] |
923,822 | |
Automated Budget System and Data Base Link |
[47,221] |
40,894 | |
Justice Assistance Grants |
[1,022,232] |
938,648 | |
Criminal Justice Information System |
[984,008] |
920,048 | |
Project Longevity |
[1,000,000] |
885,000 | |
Tax Relief For Elderly Renters |
[28,900,000] |
27,300,000 | |
Private Providers |
[8,500,000] |
Reimbursement to Towns for Loss of Taxes on State Property |
[83,641,646] |
66,730,441 | |
Reimbursements to Towns for Private Tax-Exempt Property |
[125,431,737] |
114,950,770 | |
Reimbursement Property Tax - Disability Exemption |
[400,000] |
374,065 | |
Distressed Municipalities |
[5,800,000] |
5,423,986 | |
Property Tax Relief Elderly Circuit Breaker |
[20,505,900] |
19,176,502 | |
Property Tax Relief Elderly Freeze Program |
[120,000] |
112,221 | |
Property Tax Relief for Veterans |
[2,970,098] |
2,777,546 | |
[293,578,205] |
251,944,075 | |
Personal Services |
[23,338,814] |
21,375,366 | |
Other Expenses |
[5,059,380] |
3,150,761 | |
Support Services for Veterans |
[180,500] |
SSMF Administration |
[593,310] |
527,104 | |
Burial Expenses |
[7,200] |
6,666 | |
Headstones |
[332,500] |
307,834 | |
[29,511,704] |
25,367,731 | |
Personal Services |
[54,425,425] |
49,794,514 | |
Other Expenses |
[32,807,679] |
30,154,345 | |
Management Services |
[4,428,787] |
3,089,993 | |
Loss Control Risk Management |
[114,854] |
102,927 | |
Employees' Review Board |
[21,100] |
18,155 | |
Surety Bonds for State Officials and Employees |
[73,600] |
65,026 | |
Refunds Of Collections |
[25,723] |
22,116 | |
Rents and Moving |
[11,447,039] |
10,421,930 | |
W. C. Administrator |
[5,000,000] |
4,480,774 | |
Connecticut Education Network |
[2,941,857] |
1,100,000 | |
State Insurance and Risk Mgmt Operations |
[13,995,707] |
13,585,462 | |
IT Services |
[14,454,305] |
13,200,415 | |
[139,736,076] |
126,035,657 | |
Personal Services |
[33,154,538] |
31,369,385 | |
Other Expenses |
[1,078,926] |
998,871 | |
[34,233,464] |
32,368,256 | |
Personal Services |
[49,475,371] |
45,296,055 | |
Other Expenses |
[2,561,355] |
2,359,373 | |
Witness Protection |
[180,000] |
165,806 | |
Training And Education |
[56,499] |
52,044 | |
Expert Witnesses |
[330,000] |
191,757 | |
Medicaid Fraud Control |
[1,325,095] |
1,107,897 | |
Criminal Justice Commission |
[481] |
444 | |
Cold Case Unit |
[282,511] |
240,619 | |
Shooting Taskforce |
[1,125,663] |
1,044,948 | |
[55,336,975] |
50,458,943 | |
Personal Services |
[149,909,977] |
136,557,561 | |
Other Expenses |
[29,033,588] |
26,275,160 | |
Equipment |
[93,990] |
86,580 | |
Stress Reduction |
25,354 |
Fleet Purchase |
[6,877,690] |
6,394,806 | |
Workers' Compensation Claims |
[4,562,247] |
4,293,814 | |
Fire Training School - Willimantic |
[100,000] |
76,900 | |
Maintenance of County Base Fire Radio Network |
[23,918] |
22,368 | |
Maintenance of State-Wide Fire Radio Network |
[15,919] |
14,887 | |
Police Association of Connecticut |
[190,000] |
177,683 | |
Connecticut State Firefighter's Association |
[194,711] |
182,087 | |
Fire Training School - Torrington |
[60,000] |
46,150 | |
Fire Training School - New Haven |
[40,000] |
30,000 | |
Fire Training School - Derby |
[30,000] |
23,100 | |
Fire Training School - Wolcott |
[70,000] |
53,830 | |
Fire Training School - Fairfield |
[50,000] |
37,700 | |
Fire Training School - Hartford |
[100,000] |
76,900 | |
Fire Training School - Middletown |
[30,000] |
23,100 | |
Fire Training School - Stamford |
[30,000] |
22,320 | |
[191,437,394] |
174,420,300 | |
Personal Services |
[3,179,977] |
2,863,407 | |
Other Expenses |
[2,603,340] |
2,242,356 | |
Honor Guards |
[350,000] |
326,329 | |
Veteran's Service Bonuses |
[50,000] |
46,759 | |
[6,183,317] |
5,478,851 | |
Personal Services |
[16,070,008] |
14,549,545 | |
Other Expenses |
[1,464,066] |
1,297,487 | |
[17,534,074] |
15,847,032 | |
Personal Services |
[9,515,435] |
8,836,099 | |
Other Expenses |
[1,128,588] |
1,050,851 | |
CETC Workforce |
[707,244] |
658,845 | |
Workforce Investment Act |
[32,104,008] |
34,149,177 | |
Job Funnels Projects |
[230,510] |
197,379 | |
Connecticut's Youth Employment Program |
5,225,000 |
Jobs First Employment Services |
[18,039,903] |
15,169,606 | |
[532,475] |
438,033 | |
Apprenticeship Program |
[584,977] |
502,842 | |
Spanish-American Merchants Association |
[514,425] |
423,184 | |
Connecticut Career Resource Network |
[166,909] |
157,848 | |
Incumbent Worker Training |
[725,688] |
587,976 | |
[243,675] |
200,456 | |
Customized Services |
[451,250] |
371,215 | |
Opportunities for Long Term Unemployed |
[3,249,000] |
2,370,261 | |
Veterans' Opportunity Pilot |
[541,500] |
385,106 | |
[Second Chance Initiatives] Second Chance Initiative |
[1,425,000] |
1,330,750 | |
Cradle To Career |
[200,000] |
198,000 | |
2Gen - TANF |
[1,500,000] |
1,262,252 | |
ConnectiCorps |
[200,000] |
125,458 | |
New Haven Jobs Funnel |
[540,000] |
444,241 | |
[77,825,587] |
74,084,579 | |
Personal Services |
[6,721,805] |
6,409,092 | |
Other Expenses |
[369,255] |
352,640 | |
Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission |
[6,318] |
6,161 | |
[7,097,378] |
6,767,893 | |
Personal Services |
[2,354,131] |
2,047,881 | |
Other Expenses |
[194,654] |
178,760 | |
[2,548,785] |
2,226,641 | |
Personal Services |
[4,074,226] |
3,742,495 | |
Other Expenses |
[783,103] |
687,038 | |
Senior Food Vouchers |
[364,928] |
361,280 | |
Tuberculosis and Brucellosis Indemnity |
100 |
WIC Coupon Program for Fresh Produce |
[174,886] |
173,132 | |
[5,397,243] |
4,964,045 | |
Personal Services |
[31,266,085] |
28,697,939 | |
Other Expenses |
[2,999,978] |
2,957,606 | |
Mosquito Control |
[272,841] |
239,671 | |
State Superfund Site Maintenance |
[488,344] |
411,935 | |
Laboratory Fees |
[153,705] |
133,005 | |
Dam Maintenance |
[143,144] |
123,974 | |
Emergency Spill Response |
[7,326,885] |
6,006,921 | |
Solid Waste Management |
[3,448,128] |
3,164,792 | |
Underground Storage Tank |
[1,047,927] |
910,471 | |
Clean Air |
[4,543,783] |
3,965,552 | |
Environmental Conservation |
[9,122,571] |
8,261,232 | |
Environmental Quality |
[10,115,610] |
8,845,938 | |
Greenways Account |
2 |
Conservation Districts & Soil and Water Councils |
[270,000] |
Interstate Environmental Commission |
[48,783] |
44,937 | |
New England Interstate Water Pollution Commission |
[28,827] |
26,554 | |
Northeast Interstate Forest Fire Compact |
[3,295] |
3,082 | |
Connecticut River Valley Flood Control Commission |
[32,395] |
30,295 | |
Thames River Valley Flood Control Commission |
[48,281] |
45,151 | |
[71,360,584] |
63,869,057 | |
Personal Services |
[182,657] |
171,781 | |
Other Expenses |
[1,789] |
632 | |
[184,446] |
172,413 | |
Personal Services |
[8,476,385] |
7,792,889 | |
Other Expenses |
[1,052,065] |
543,644 | |
Statewide Marketing |
[9,500,000] |
6,500,000 | |
Small Business Incubator Program |
[349,352] |
310,810 | |
Hartford Urban Arts Grant |
[400,000] |
358,386 | |
New Britain Arts Council |
[64,941] |
58,230 | |
Main Street Initiatives |
[154,328] |
138,278 | |
Office of Military Affairs |
[219,962] |
193,376 | |
Hydrogen/Fuel Cell Economy |
[157,937] |
150,254 | |
CCAT-CT Manufacturing Supply Chain |
[860,862] |
715,634 | |
Capital Region Development Authority |
[7,864,370] |
6,413,253 | |
Neighborhood Music School |
[128,250] |
114,921 | |
Nutmeg Games |
[65,000] |
58,244 | |
Discovery Museum |
[324,699] |
291,141 | |
National Theatre of the Deaf |
[129,879] |
116,456 | |
[503,067] |
447,275 | |
Development Research and Economic Assistance |
[124,457] |
112,591 | |
Connecticut Science Center |
[550,000] |
492,810 | |
CT Flagship Producing Theaters Grant |
[428,687] |
384,382 | |
Women's Business Center |
[400,000] |
358,445 | |
Performing Arts Centers |
[1,298,792] |
1,164,559 | |
Performing Theaters Grant |
[505,904] |
453,586 | |
Arts Commission |
[1,622,542] |
1,543,606 | |
Art Museum Consortium |
[473,812] |
424,842 | |
CT Invention Convention |
[20,000] |
17,924 | |
Litchfield Jazz Festival |
[47,500] |
42,560 | |
Connecticut River Museum |
[25,000] |
22,384 | |
Arte Inc. |
[25,000] |
22,384 | |
CT Virtuosi Orchestra |
[25,000] |
22,384 | |
Barnum Museum |
[25,000] |
22,384 | |
Greater Hartford Arts Council |
[91,174] |
81,739 | |
Stepping Stones Museum for Children |
[37,977] |
34,053 | |
Maritime Center Authority |
[500,842] |
449,079 | |
Tourism Districts |
[1,295,785] |
1,133,345 | |
Connecticut Humanities Council |
1,731,172 | ||
Amistad Committee for the Freedom Trail |
[40,612] |
36,414 | |
Amistad Vessel |
[324,698] |
291,140 | |
New Haven Festival of Arts and Ideas |
[683,574] |
612,926 | |
New Haven Arts Council |
[81,174] |
72,786 | |
Beardsley Zoo |
[336,217] |
301,469 | |
Mystic Aquarium |
[531,668] |
476,719 | |
Quinebaug Tourism |
[35,611] |
31,931 | |
Northwestern Tourism |
[35,611] |
31,931 | |
Eastern Tourism |
[35,611] |
31,931 | |
Central Tourism |
[35,611] |
31,931 | |
Twain/Stowe Homes |
[100,000] |
89,591 | |
Cultural Alliance of Fairfield |
[81,174] |
72,786 | |
[40,070,130] |
34,798,575 | |
Personal Services |
[2,242,842] |
2,003,013 | |
Other Expenses |
[194,266] |
180,052 | |
Elderly Rental Registry and Counselors |
[1,196,144] |
1,045,889 | |
Subsidized Assisted Living Demonstration |
[2,332,250] |
2,181,051 | |
Congregate Facilities Operation Costs |
[8,054,279] |
7,359,331 | |
Housing Assistance and Counseling Program |
[416,575] |
366,503 | |
Elderly Congregate Rent Subsidy |
[2,162,504] |
2,002,085 | |
Housing/Homeless Services |
[75,227,013] |
66,995,503 | |
Tax Abatement |
[1,153,793] |
1,078,993 | |
Housing/Homeless Services - Municipality |
[640,398] |
592,893 | |
[93,620,064] |
83,805,313 | |
Personal Services |
[6,496,579] |
5,888,047 | |
Other Expenses |
[1,134,017] |
779,858 | |
Equipment |
[10,000] |
8,238 | |
Mosquito Control |
[507,516] |
446,779 | |
Wildlife Disease Prevention |
[100,158] |
89,724 | |
[8,248,270] |
7,212,646 | |
Personal Services |
[38,812,372] |
35,367,382 | |
Other Expenses |
[7,478,436] |
6,741,702 | |
Children's Health Initiatives |
[1,972,746] |
Childhood Lead Poisoning |
[68,744] |
AIDS Services |
[85,000] |
Children with Special Health Care Needs |
[1,037,429] |
Maternal Mortality Review |
[1,000] |
1 | |
Community Health Services |
2,008,515 |
Rape Crisis |
[617,008] |
558,104 | |
Genetic Diseases Programs |
[237,895] |
Local and District Departments of Health |
[4,692,648] |
4,083,916 | |
School Based Health Clinics |
[11,898,107] |
11,280,633 | |
[68,909,900] |
60,040,253 | |
Personal Services |
[4,857,946] |
4,601,690 | |
Other Expenses |
[1,340,167] |
1,263,167 | |
Equipment |
[19,226] |
16,824 | |
Medicolegal Investigations |
[26,047] |
22,835 | |
[6,243,386] |
5,904,516 | |
Personal Services |
[265,087,937] |
214,679,415 | |
Other Expenses |
[20,894,381] |
17,335,354 | |
Family Support Grants |
3,738,222 |
Cooperative Placements Program |
[24,477,566] |
Clinical Services |
[3,493,844] |
2,630,408 | |
Workers' Compensation Claims |
[14,994,475] |
14,508,429 | |
Autism Services |
[3,098,961] |
Behavioral Services Program |
[30,818,643] |
25,303,421 | |
Supplemental Payments for Medical Services |
[4,908,116] |
4,262,613 | |
Rent Subsidy Program |
[5,130,212] |
5,030,212 | |
Employment Opportunities and Day Services |
237,650,362 |
Community Residential Services |
[502,596,014] |
[1,116,888,733] |
525,138,436 | |
Personal Services |
[208,141,328] |
186,945,340 | |
Other Expenses |
[28,752,852] |
25,130,571 | |
Housing Supports and Services |
[24,221,576] |
23,989,361 | |
Managed Service System |
[62,743,207] |
58,186,901 | |
Legal Services |
[995,819] |
921,947 | |
Connecticut Mental Health Center |
[8,509,163] |
8,140,204 | |
Professional Services |
[11,488,898] |
10,636,632 | |
General Assistance Managed Care |
[43,075,573] |
41,270,499 | |
Workers' Compensation Claims |
[11,792,289] |
10,752,101 | |
Nursing Home Screening |
[591,645] |
547,757 | |
Young Adult Services |
[85,961,827] |
80,902,861 | |
TBI Community Services |
[10,412,737] |
9,611,291 | |
Jail Diversion |
[4,617,881] |
4,260,411 | |
Behavioral Health Medications |
[5,860,641] |
5,785,488 | |
Prison Overcrowding |
[6,352,255] |
5,860,963 | |
Medicaid Adult Rehabilitation Option |
[4,803,175] |
4,401,704 | |
Discharge and Diversion Services |
[27,347,924] |
25,346,328 | |
Home and Community Based Services |
[25,947,617] |
24,021,880 | |
Persistent Violent Felony Offenders Act |
[675,235] |
625,145 | |
Nursing Home Contract |
[485,000] |
430,879 | |
Pre-Trial Account |
[699,437] |
639,538 | |
Grants for Substance Abuse Services |
[22,667,934] |
20,967,047 | |
Grants for Mental Health Services |
[73,780,480] |
66,738,020 | |
Employment Opportunities |
[10,417,204] |
9,460,957 | |
[680,341,697] |
625,573,825 | |
Personal Services |
[262,916] |
266,610 | |
Other Expenses |
[29,525] |
27,203 | |
[292,441] |
293,813 | |
Personal Services |
[133,178,052] |
115,246,776 | |
Other Expenses |
[155,619,366] |
144,502,439 | |
HUSKY Performance Monitoring |
[187,245] |
158,143 | |
Genetic Tests in Paternity Actions |
[122,506] |
84,439 | |
State-Funded Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program |
[460,800] |
430,926 | |
HUSKY B Program |
4,350,000 |
Medicaid |
[2,542,788,000] |
2,447,241,261 | |
Old Age Assistance |
[38,347,320] |
38,833,056 | |
Aid To The Blind |
[755,289] |
627,276 | |
Aid To The Disabled |
[61,475,440] |
61,941,968 | |
Temporary Assistance to Families - TANF |
[98,858,030] |
89,936,233 | |
Emergency Assistance |
1 |
Food Stamp Training Expenses |
[11,400] |
10,136 | |
Healthy Start |
[1,287,280] |
DMHAS-Disproportionate Share |
108,935,000 |
Connecticut Home Care Program |
[40,590,000] |
40,190,000 | |
Human Resource Development-Hispanic Programs |
[898,452] |
798,748 | |
Community Residential Services |
536,616,053 | ||
Protective Services to the Elderly |
478,300 |
Safety Net Services |
[2,533,313] |
2,108,684 | |
Refunds Of Collections |
[112,500] |
97,628 | |
Services for Persons With Disabilities |
[541,812] |
477,130 | |
Nutrition Assistance |
[455,683] |
400,911 | |
State Administered General Assistance |
[24,818,050] |
22,816,579 | |
Connecticut Children's Medical Center |
[14,800,240] |
13,048,630 | |
Community Services |
[1,128,860] |
1,004,208 | |
Human Service Infrastructure Community Action Program |
[3,107,994] |
2,736,957 | |
Teen Pregnancy Prevention |
[1,653,641] |
1,456,227 | |
Family Programs - TANF |
[415,166] |
362,927 | |
Domestic Violence Shelters |
[5,210,676] |
5,158,570 | |
Hospital Supplemental Payments |
40,042,700 | ||
FQHC Supplemental Payments |
775,000 | ||
Human Resource Development-Hispanic Programs - Municipality |
[5,096] |
4,719 | |
Teen Pregnancy Prevention - Municipality |
[124,044] |
114,876 | |
Community Services - Municipality |
[79,573] |
70,742 | |
[3,243,329,129] |
3,681,057,243 | |
Personal Services |
[2,450,501] |
2,281,378 | |
Other Expenses |
[222,210] |
123,213 | |
Programs for Senior Citizens |
[6,150,914] |
5,895,383 | |
[8,823,625] |
8,299,974 | |
Personal Services |
[5,231,501] |
4,758,165 | |
Other Expenses |
[1,576,205] |
1,447,495 | |
Part-Time Interpreters |
[1,522] |
1,423 | |
Educational Aid for Blind and Visually Handicapped Children |
[4,553,755] |
4,040,237 | |
Employment Opportunities – Blind & Disabled |
[1,340,729] |
1,032,521 | |
Vocational Rehabilitation - Disabled |
[7,087,847] |
7,354,087 | |
Supplementary Relief and Services |
[94,762] |
88,618 | |
Vocational Rehabilitation - Blind |
[854,432] |
Special Training for the Deaf Blind |
[286,581] |
268,003 | |
Connecticut Radio Information Service |
[79,096] |
50,724 | |
Independent Living Centers |
[502,246] |
372,967 | |
[21,608,676] |
19,414,240 | |
Personal Services |
[20,615,925] |
18,965,022 | |
Other Expenses |
[3,916,142] |
3,624,378 | |
Development of Mastery Exams Grades 4, 6, and 8 |
[15,610,253] |
13,343,315 | |
Primary Mental Health |
[427,209] |
395,518 | |
Leadership, Education, Athletics in Partnership (LEAP) |
[690,413] |
625,045 | |
Adult Education Action |
[240,687] |
222,834 | |
Connecticut Pre-Engineering Program |
[249,375] |
225,758 | |
Connecticut Writing Project |
[70,000] |
63,360 | |
Resource Equity Assessments |
[159,661] |
149,310 | |
Neighborhood Youth Centers |
[1,157,817] |
1,048,664 | |
Longitudinal Data Systems |
[1,208,477] |
1,347,717 | |
School Accountability |
[1,500,000] |
Sheff Settlement |
[12,192,038] |
11,368,413 | |
CommPACT Schools |
350,000 |
Parent Trust Fund Program |
[475,000] |
439,823 | |
Regional Vocational-Technical School System |
[171,152,813] |
163,367,535 | |
Wrap Around Services |
[25,000] |
Commissioner's Network |
[12,800,000] |
12,121,553 | |
New or Replicated Schools |
[420,000] |
388,015 | |
Bridges to Success |
[250,000] |
188,500 | |
K-3 Reading Assessment Pilot |
[2,947,947] |
2,646,200 | |
Talent Development |
[9,309,701] |
6,095,115 | |
Common Core |
[5,985,000] |
4,126,767 | |
Alternative High School and Adult Reading Incentive Program |
[200,000] |
188,500 | |
Special Master |
[1,010,361] |
903,614 | |
School-Based Diversion Initiative |
[1,000,000] |
942,500 | |
American School For The Deaf |
[10,126,078] |
9,543,829 | |
Regional Education Services |
[1,107,725] |
606,172 | |
Family Resource Centers |
[8,161,914] |
7,894,843 | |
Charter Schools |
110,835,808 | ||
Youth Service Bureau Enhancement |
[715,300] |
668,927 | |
Child Nutrition State Match |
[2,354,000] |
2,201,390 | |
Health Foods Initiative |
[4,326,300] |
3,985,367 | |
Vocational Agriculture |
[11,017,600] |
10,544,937 | |
Transportation of School Children |
[23,329,451] |
Adult Education |
[21,037,392] |
20,383,960 | |
Health and Welfare Services Pupils Private Schools |
[3,867,750] |
3,526,579 | |
Education Equalization Grants |
[2,172,454,969] |
2,027,587,120 | |
Bilingual Education |
[3,491,130] |
3,164,800 | |
Priority School Districts |
[44,837,171] |
42,337,171 | |
Young Parents Program |
[229,330] |
212,318 | |
Interdistrict Cooperation |
[7,164,966] |
6,353,391 | |
School Breakfast Program |
[2,379,962] |
2,225,669 | |
Excess Cost - Student Based |
[139,805,731] |
135,555,731 | |
Non-Public School Transportation |
[3,451,500] |
Youth Service Bureaus |
[2,839,805] |
2,651,516 | |
Open Choice Program |
[43,214,700] |
40,258,605 | |
Magnet Schools |
[324,950,485] |
313,058,158 | |
After School Program |
[5,363,286] |
4,866,695 | |
[3,100,190,364] |
2,991,600,442 | |
Personal Services |
[8,876,246] |
8,289,321 | |
Other Expenses |
[349,943] |
321,367 | |
Children's Trust Fund |
[11,206,751] |
11,320,721 | |
Early Childhood Program |
[10,840,145] |
[Early Intervention] Birth to Three |
24,686,804 |
Community Plans for Early Childhood |
[712,500] |
659,734 | |
Improving Early Literacy |
142,500 |
Child Care Services |
[19,081,942] |
Evenstart |
451,250 |
Head Start Services |
[5,630,593] |
5,744,162 | |
[Child Care Services-TANF/CCDBG] Care4Kids TANF/CCDF |
122,130,084 |
Child Care Quality Enhancements |
[3,148,212] |
2,894,114 | |
Head Start - Early Childhood Link |
[720,000] |
Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership |
[1,300,000] |
1,165,721 | |
Early Care and Education |
111,821,921 | ||
School Readiness Quality Enhancement |
[4,676,081] |
4,172,930 | |
School Readiness |
[83,399,834] |
[297,352,885] |
293,800,629 | |
Personal Services |
[5,444,676] |
5,070,637 | |
Other Expenses |
[652,716] |
439,868 | |
State-Wide Digital Library |
[1,890,367] |
1,767,871 | |
Interlibrary Loan Delivery Service |
[286,621] |
284,774 | |
Legal/Legislative Library Materials |
747,263 |
Computer Access |
[171,475] |
90,000 | |
Support Cooperating Library Service Units |
190,000 |
Grants To Public Libraries |
[193,391] |
Connecticard Payments |
[900,000] |
806,000 | |
Connecticut Humanities Council |
[1,947,265] |
[12,423,774] |
9,396,413 | |
Personal Services |
[1,800,433] |
1,634,530 | |
Other Expenses |
[100,307] |
77,738 | |
Minority Advancement Program |
[2,188,526] |
1,845,041 | |
Alternate Route to Certification |
[97,720] |
47,883 | |
National Service Act |
[299,969] |
268,964 | |
Minority Teacher Incentive Program |
[447,806] |
366,705 | |
Governor's Scholarship |
[41,023,498] |
37,363,944 | |
[45,958,259] |
41,604,805 | |
Operating Expenses |
[225,082,283] |
207,699,685 | |
Workers' Compensation Claims |
[3,092,062] |
3,045,682 | |
Next Generation Connecticut |
[20,394,737] |
19,072,546 | |
Kirklyn M. Kerr Grant Program |
[400,000] |
100,000 | |
[248,969,082] |
229,917,913 | |
Operating Expenses |
[125,519,573] |
115,911,785 | |
[433,581] |
406,723 | |
Workers' Compensation Claims |
[7,016,044] |
6,910,804 | |
Bioscience |
[12,000,000] |
11,310,000 | |
[144,969,198] |
134,539,312 | |
Personal Services |
[1,801,590] |
1,691,365 | |
Other Expenses |
[539,810] |
490,868 | |
Retirement Contributions |
1,012,162,000 |
Retirees Health Service Cost |
[14,714,000] |
14,566,860 | |
Municipal Retiree Health Insurance Costs |
[5,447,370] |
5,392,897 | |
[1,034,664,770] |
1,034,303,990 | |
Workers' Compensation Claims |
[3,877,440] |
3,571,674 | |
Charter Oak State College |
[2,769,156] |
2,424,330 | |
Community Tech College System |
[164,480,874] |
161,446,565 | |
Connecticut State University |
[164,206,317] |
153,640,756 | |
Board of Regents |
[566,038] |
446,390 | |
Transform CSCU |
[22,102,291] |
Developmental Services |
9,469,836 | ||
Outcomes-Based Funding Incentive |
1,662,925 | ||
[358,002,116] |
332,662,476 | |
Personal Services |
[445,690,859] |
399,926,993 | |
Other Expenses |
[76,433,227] |
71,015,325 | |
Workers' Compensation Claims |
[25,704,971] |
23,677,850 | |
Inmate Medical Services |
[92,877,416] |
85,297,457 | |
Board of Pardons and Paroles |
[7,204,143] |
7,165,288 | |
Program Evaluation |
[297,825] |
254,669 | |
Aid to Paroled and Discharged Inmates |
[8,575] |
7,623 | |
Legal Services To Prisoners |
[827,065] |
773,446 | |
Volunteer Services |
[154,410] |
137,180 | |
Community Support Services |
[41,440,777] |
34,803,726 | |
[690,639,268] |
623,059,557 | |
Personal Services |
[293,905,124] |
273,254,796 | |
Other Expenses |
[34,241,651] |
30,636,026 | |
Workers' Compensation Claims |
[10,540,045] |
10,650,996 | |
Family Support Services |
[987,082] |
913,974 | |
Homeless Youth |
[2,515,707] |
2,329,087 | |
Differential Response System |
[8,286,191] |
7,748,997 | |
Regional Behavioral Health Consultation |
[1,719,500] |
1,592,156 | |
Health Assessment and Consultation |
[1,015,002] |
949,199 | |
Grants for Psychiatric Clinics for Children |
[15,993,393] |
14,956,541 | |
Day Treatment Centers for Children |
[7,208,292] |
6,740,978 | |
Juvenile Justice Outreach Services |
[13,476,217] |
12,318,836 | |
Child Abuse and Neglect Intervention |
[9,837,377] |
9,199,620 | |
Community Based Prevention Programs |
[8,100,752] |
7,631,690 | |
Family Violence Outreach and Counseling |
[2,477,591] |
2,316,969 | |
Supportive Housing |
[19,930,158] |
18,479,526 | |
No Nexus Special Education |
[2,016,642] |
1,662,733 | |
Family Preservation Services |
[6,211,278] |
5,808,601 | |
Substance Abuse Treatment |
[10,368,460] |
9,696,273 | |
Child Welfare Support Services |
[2,501,872] |
2,339,675 | |
Board and Care for Children - Adoption |
[95,921,397] |
96,346,170 | |
Board and Care for Children - Foster |
[128,098,283] |
128,733,472 | |
Board and Care for Children - Short-term and Residential |
[107,090,959] |
102,579,761 | |
Individualized Family Supports |
[9,413,324] |
9,696,350 | |
Community Kidcare |
[41,261,220] |
37,912,186 | |
Covenant to Care |
[159,814] |
140,487 | |
Neighborhood Center |
[250,414] |
207,047 | |
[833,527,745] |
794,842,146 | |
Personal Services |
[385,338,480] |
350,277,435 | |
Other Expenses |
[68,813,731] |
62,021,594 | |
Forensic Sex Evidence Exams |
[1,441,460] |
1,348,010 | |
Alternative Incarceration Program |
[56,504,295] |
52,747,603 | |
Justice Education Center, Inc. |
[518,537] |
466,217 | |
Juvenile Alternative Incarceration |
[28,442,478] |
25,788,309 | |
Juvenile Justice Centers |
[2,979,543] |
2,786,379 | |
Probate Court |
6,000,000 | ||
Workers' Compensation Claims |
[6,559,361] |
6,042,106 | |
Youthful Offender Services |
[18,177,084] |
13,311,287 | |
Victim Security Account |
[9,402] |
8,792 | |
Children of Incarcerated Parents |
[582,250] |
544,503 | |
Legal Aid |
[1,660,000] |
1,552,382 | |
Youth Violence Initiative |
[2,137,500] |
1,925,318 | |
Youth Services Prevention |
[3,600,000] |
3,187,174 | |
Children's Law Center |
[109,838] |
102,717 | |
Juvenile Planning |
[250,000] |
233,792 | |
[577,123,959] |
528,343,618 | |
Personal Services |
[43,912,259] |
39,491,615 | |
Other Expenses |
[1,491,837] |
1,336,440 | |
Assigned Counsel - Criminal |
[21,891,500] |
21,454,202 | |
Expert Witnesses |
[3,022,090] |
3,153,478 | |
Training And Education |
[130,000] |
119,748 | |
Contracted Attorneys Related Expenses |
[125,000] |
[70,572,686] |
65,555,483 | |
Debt Service |
1,765,932,976 |
UConn 2000 - Debt Service |
[162,057,219] |
172,057,219 | |
CHEFA Day Care Security |
5,500,000 |
Pension Obligation Bonds - TRB |
119,597,971 |
[2,053,088,166] |
2,063,088,166 | |
Adjudicated Claims |
[8,822,000] |
Nonfunctional - Change to Accruals |
[22,392,147] |
13,392,147 | |
[31,214,147] |
13,392,147 | |
Unemployment Compensation |
[6,427,401] |
6,348,001 | |
State Employees Retirement Contributions |
1,124,661,963 |
Higher Education Alternative Retirement System |
[7,924,234] |
4,924,234 | |
Pensions and Retirements - Other Statutory |
1,760,804 |
Judges and Compensation Commissioners Retirement |
19,163,487 |
Insurance - Group Life |
[8,637,871] |
7,867,871 | |
Employers Social Security Tax |
[250,674,466] |
227,723,020 | |
State Employees Health Service Cost |
[722,588,803] |
693,865,044 | |
Retired State Employees Health Service Cost |
[746,109,000] |
731,109,000 | |
[2,887,948,029] |
2,817,423,424 | |
Reserve For Salary Adjustments |
[86,024,913] |
18,473,255 | |
Workers' Compensation Claims |
[8,662,068] |
8,105,530 | |
[18,916,880,389] |
18,075,798,581 | |
Unallocated Lapse |
-94,476,192 |
Unallocated Lapse - Legislative |
-3,028,105 |
Unallocated Lapse - Judicial |
-7,400,672 |
General Employee Lapse |
[-12,816,745] |
General Lapse - Legislative |
[-39,492] |
General Lapse - Judicial |
[-282,192] |
-15,075,000 | |
General Lapse - Executive |
[-9,678,316] |
Municipal Opportunities and Regional Efficiencies Program |
[-20,000,000] |
Overtime Savings |
[-10,500,000] |
Statewide Hiring Reduction - Executive |
[-30,920,000] |
Statewide Hiring Reduction - Judicial |
[-3,310,000] |
Statewide Hiring Reduction - Legislative |
[-770,000] |
Targeted Savings |
[-12,500,000] |
-68,848,968 | |
Arts and Tourism Lapse |
-500,000 | ||
[18,711,158,675] |
17,886,469,644 |
Sec. 2. (Effective July 1, 2016) The amounts appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, in section 2 of public act 15-244 regarding the SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION FUND are amended to read as follows:
2016-2017 |
State Insurance and Risk Mgmt Operations |
8,960,575 |
Personal Services |
[49,794,202] |
49,296,260 | |
Other Expenses |
[16,221,814] |
15,897,378 | |
Equipment |
[520,840] |
468,756 | |
Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks Project |
214,676 |
[66,751,532] |
65,877,070 | |
Personal Services |
[2,031,640] |
2,060,488 | |
Other Expenses |
[750,000] |
738,920 | |
[2,781,640] |
2,799,408 | |
Personal Services |
[181,396,243] |
177,091,980 | |
Other Expenses |
[56,169,517] |
52,314,223 | |
Equipment |
[1,423,161] |
1,341,329 | |
Minor Capital Projects |
449,639 |
Highway Planning And Research |
[3,246,823] |
3,060,131 | |
Rail Operations |
[167,262,955] |
166,249,813 | |
Bus Operations |
[155,410,904] |
154,842,551 | |
Tweed-New Haven Airport Grant |
[1,500,000] |
ADA Para-transit Program |
37,041,190 |
Non-ADA Dial-A-Ride Program |
576,361 |
Pay-As-You-Go Transportation Projects |
[29,589,106] |
14,589,106 | |
CAA Related Funds |
[3,000,000] |
Port Authority |
[239,011] |
400,000 | |
Airport Operations |
3,750,000 | ||
[637,304,910] |
611,706,323 | |
Family Programs - TANF |
2,370,629 |
Debt Service |
562,993,251 |
Nonfunctional - Change to Accruals |
1,629,447 |
Unemployment Compensation |
305,000 |
State Employees Retirement Contributions |
129,227,978 |
Insurance - Group Life |
285,063 |
Employers Social Security Tax |
18,178,987 |
State Employees Health Service Cost |
[56,825,438] |
56,549,838 | |
[204,822,466] |
204,546,866 | |
Reserve For Salary Adjustments |
[13,301,186] |
7,301,186 | |
Workers' Compensation Claims |
7,223,297 |
[1,508,138,933] |
1,475,408,052 | |
Unallocated Lapse |
-12,000,000 |
[1,496,138,933] |
1,463,408,052 |
Sec. 3. (Effective July 1, 2016) The amounts appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, in section 3 of public act 15-244 regarding the MASHANTUCKET PEQUOT AND MOHEGAN FUND are amended to read as follows:
2016-2017 |
Grants To Towns |
[61,779,907] |
58,076,612 |
Sec. 4. (Effective July 1, 2016) The amounts appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, in section 5 of public act 15-244 regarding the BANKING FUND are amended to read as follows:
2016-2017 |
Personal Services |
[10,891,111] |
11,025,073 | |
Other Expenses |
[1,461,490] |
1,468,990 | |
Equipment |
[35,000] |
44,900 | |
Fringe Benefits |
[8,603,978] |
8,709,808 | |
Indirect Overhead |
[167,151] |
86,862 | |
[21,158,730] |
21,335,633 | |
Opportunity Industrial Centers |
475,000 |
Individual Development Accounts |
190,000 |
Customized Services |
950,000 |
1,615,000 |
Fair Housing |
670,000 |
Foreclosure Mediation Program |
6,350,389 |
Nonfunctional - Change to Accruals |
95,178 |
[29,889,297] |
30,066,200 |
Sec. 5. (Effective July 1, 2016) The amounts appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, in section 6 of public act 15-244 regarding the INSURANCE FUND are amended to read as follows:
2016-2017 |
Personal Services |
313,882 |
Other Expenses |
6,012 |
Fringe Benefits |
200,882 |
520,776 |
Personal Services |
[15,145,396] |
14,537,472 | |
Other Expenses |
[1,949,807] |
1,899,807 | |
Equipment |
[92,500] |
52,500 | |
Fringe Benefits |
[11,813,409] |
11,510,498 | |
Indirect Overhead |
[248,930] |
532,887 | |
[29,250,042] |
28,533,164 | |
Personal Services |
[2,565,193] |
2,488,457 | |
Other Expenses |
[2,700,767] |
2,691,767 | |
Equipment |
15,000 |
Fringe Benefits |
[2,317,458] |
2,256,227 | |
Indirect Overhead |
142,055 |
[7,740,473] |
7,593,506 | |
Needle and Syringe Exchange Program |
459,416 |
AIDS Services |
[4,890,686] |
4,975,686 | |
Breast and Cervical Cancer Detection and Treatment |
2,150,565 |
Immunization Services |
34,000,718 |
X-Ray Screening and Tuberculosis Care |
1,115,148 |
Venereal Disease Control |
197,171 |
[42,813,704] |
42,898,704 | |
Managed Service System |
[435,000] |
408,924 | |
Fall Prevention |
[475,000] |
376,023 | |
Nonfunctional - Change to Accruals |
116,945 |
[81,351,940] |
80,448,042 |
Sec. 6. (Effective July 1, 2016) The amounts appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, in section 7 of public act 15-244 regarding the CONSUMER COUNSEL AND PUBLIC UTILITY CONTROL FUND are amended to read as follows:
2016-2017 |
Personal Services |
[1,508,306] |
1,488,306 | |
Other Expenses |
[452,907] |
502,907 | |
Equipment |
2,200 |
Fringe Benefits |
[1,280,560] |
1,221,728 | |
Indirect Overhead |
[97,613] |
66,419 | |
[3,341,586] |
3,281,560 | |
Personal Services |
12,110,378 |
Other Expenses |
1,479,367 |
Equipment |
19,500 |
Fringe Benefits |
[9,446,095] |
9,688,302 | |
Indirect Overhead |
[467,009] |
639,720 | |
[23,522,349] |
23,937,267 | |
Nonfunctional - Change to Accruals |
89,658 |
[26,953,593] |
27,308,485 |
Sec. 7. (Effective July 1, 2016) The amounts appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, in section 8 of public act 15-244 regarding the WORKERS' COMPENSATION FUND are amended to read as follows:
2016-2017 |
Personal Services |
405,969 |
Other Expenses |
10,428 |
Fringe Benefits |
339,273 |
755,670 |
Occupational Health Clinics |
687,148 |
Personal Services |
10,240,361 |
Other Expenses |
[4,269,747] |
3,819,747 | |
Equipment |
41,000 |
Fringe Benefits |
8,192,289 |
Indirect Overhead |
[464,028] |
398,322 | |
[23,207,425] |
22,691,719 | |
Personal Services |
534,113 |
Other Expenses |
[53,822] |
503,822 | |
Rehabilitative Services |
1,261,913 |
Fringe Benefits |
410,485 |
[2,260,333] |
2,710,333 | |
Nonfunctional - Change to Accruals |
72,298 |
[26,982,874] |
26,917,168 |
Sec. 8. (Effective July 1, 2016) The following sum is appropriated from the MUNICIPAL REVENUE SHARING FUND for the annual periods indicated for the purposes described:
2016-2017 |
Municipal Revenue Sharing |
185,000,000 |
Sec. 9. (Effective July 1, 2016) (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 19a-32c of the general statutes, the sum of $ 2,000,000 of unobligated funds remaining in the Biomedical Research Trust Fund on June 30, 2016, shall be transferred from the said fund and credited to the resources of the General Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 19a-32c of the general statutes, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, unobligated funds remaining in the Biomedical Research Trust Fund after the transfer required under subsection (a) of this section shall be expended as follows during said fiscal year: (1) $ 1,300,000 of such funds to The University of Connecticut Health Center, half of which shall be for the purpose of funding melanoma research, and half of which shall be for the purpose of funding the Bladder Cancer Institute; (2) $ 1,300,000 of such funds to the Yale School of Medicine for the purpose of funding the Children's Diabetes Research Program; (3) $ 1,300,000 of such funds to Griffin Hospital for the purpose of funding the Multiple Sclerosis Treatment Center; (4) $ 2,339,428 of such funds for the purpose of funding programs in the Department of Public Health concerning children's health initiatives; (5) $ 64,675 of such funds for the purpose of funding programs in the Department of Public Health concerning childhood lead poisoning; (6) $ 1,037,429 of such funds for the purpose of funding programs in the Department of Public Health concerning children with special health care needs; and (7) $ 237,895 of such funds for the purpose of funding programs in the Department of Public Health concerning genetic diseases.
Sec. 10. Subdivision (3) of subsection (c) of section 4-28e of the 2016 supplement to the general statutes, as amended by section 3 of public act 16-1, is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):
(3) For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016, disbursements from the Tobacco Settlement Fund shall be made as follows: (A) To the General Fund (i) in the amount identified as "Transfer from Tobacco Settlement Fund" in the General Fund revenue schedule adopted by the General Assembly, and (ii) in an amount equal to four million dollars; and (B) any remainder (i) first, in an amount equal to four million dollars, to be carried forward and credited to the resources of the General Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, and (ii) if any funds remain, to the Tobacco and Health Trust Fund.
Sec. 11. Subdivisions (4) and (5) of subsection (c) of section 4-28e of the 2016 supplement to the general statutes are repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2016):
(4) For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, disbursements from the Tobacco Settlement Fund shall be made as follows: (A) To the General Fund (i) in the amount identified as "Transfer from Tobacco Settlement Fund" in the General Fund revenue schedule adopted by the General Assembly, [; (B) to the Biomedical Research Trust Fund in an amount equal to four million dollars; and (C)] and (ii) in an amount equal to four million dollars; and (B) any remainder to the Tobacco and Health Trust Fund.
(5) For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018, and each fiscal year thereafter, disbursements from the Tobacco Settlement Fund shall be made as follows: (A) To the Tobacco and Health Trust Fund in an amount equal to six million dollars; (B) [to the Biomedical Research Trust Fund in an amount equal to four million dollars; (C)] to the General Fund in the amount (i) identified as "Transfer from Tobacco Settlement Fund" in the General Fund revenue schedule adopted by the General Assembly, and (ii) in an amount equal to four million dollars; and [(D)] (C) any remainder to the Tobacco and Health Trust Fund.
Sec. 12. (Effective July 1, 2016) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 4-66aa of the 2016 supplement to the general statutes, the sum of $ 1,000,000 shall be transferred from the community investment account and credited to the resources of the General Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. Such sum shall be achieved by reducing proportionally the amount of each distribution specified in subsection (a) of said section 4-66aa of the general statutes.
Sec. 13. (Effective July 1, 2016) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 14-164m of the general statutes, the sum of $ 1,600,000 shall be transferred from the Emissions Enterprise Fund and credited to the resources of the General Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017.
Sec. 14. (Effective July 1, 2016) The sum of $ 500,000 shall be transferred from the Betting Taxes account and credited to the resources of the General Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017.
Sec. 15. (Effective July 1, 2016) Notwithstanding subsection (g) of section 4-89 of the general statutes, up to $ 200,000 of the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated to the Department of Rehabilitation Services, for Part-Time Interpreters, including the amount appropriated in section 1 of public act 15-244, as amended by section 155 of public act 15-5 of the June special session, shall not lapse on June 30, 2016, and such amount shall be carried forward and transferred to Personal Services, and shall be available for such purpose for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017.
Sec. 16. (Effective July 1, 2016) For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, the Commissioner of Public Health shall reduce on a pro rata basis payments to full-time municipal health departments, pursuant to section 19a-202 of the general statutes, and to health districts, pursuant to section 19a-245 of the general statutes, in an aggregate amount equal to $ 517,114.
Sec. 17. (Effective July 1, 2016) On or before January 15, 2017, the Commissioner of Public Health shall submit a report, in accordance with the provisions of section 11-4a of the general statutes, to the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to appropriations and the budgets of state agencies, public health, and finance, revenue and bonding, and to the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, concerning the expenditures necessary to ensure the continued administration of safe drinking water standards for public drinking water. Such report shall include, but not be limited to: (1) A projection of the costs of administering safe drinking water standards for public drinking water for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2018, to June 30, 2022, inclusive, (2) a projection of available state and federal funds to support the Department of Public Health's efforts to keep drinking water safe, and (3) recommendations regarding fees or other means of sustaining said department's efforts to keep public drinking water safe. The report shall be developed in consultation with the Water Planning Council established pursuant to section 25-33o of the general statutes.
Sec. 18. Section 39 of public act 15-244 is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2016):
(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of section [4-28e] 4-28f of the general statutes, [as amended by this act,] for the fiscal [years] year ending June 30, 2016, [and June 30, 2017,] the sum of $ 550,000 [in each fiscal year] shall be transferred from the Tobacco and Health Trust Fund to the Department of Public Health, for (1) grants for the Easy Breathing Program, as follows: (A) For an adult asthma program within the Easy Breathing Program - $ 150,000, and (B) for a children's asthma program within the Easy Breathing Program - $ 250,000; and (2) a grant to the Connecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice for the Asthma Outreach and Education Program - $ 150,000.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of section [4-28e] 4-28f of the general statutes, [as amended by this act,] the sum of $ 750,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016, [and the sum of $ 750,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017,] shall be transferred from the Tobacco and Health Trust Fund to the Department of Developmental Services to implement recommendations resulting from a study conducted pursuant to section 27 of public act 11-6 to enhance and improve the services and supports for individuals with autism and their families.
Sec. 19. (Effective July 1, 2016) (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 4-28f of the general statutes, the sum of $ 700,000 shall be transferred from the Tobacco and Health Trust Fund and credited to the resources of the General Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 4-28f of the general statutes, the sum of $ 750,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, shall be transferred from the Tobacco and Health Trust Fund to the Department of Social Services to implement recommendations resulting from a study conducted pursuant to section 27 of public act 11-6 to enhance and improve the services and supports for individuals with autism and their families.
Sec. 20. (Effective July 1, 2016) Notwithstanding subsection (c) of section 10-262h of the general statutes, the amounts for equalization aid for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, are as follows:
Town |
Grant for Fiscal Year 2017 | |
Andover |
2,349,231 | |
Ansonia |
16,558,270 | |
Ashford |
3,881,522 | |
Avon |
872,247 | |
Barkhamsted |
1,656,181 | |
Beacon Falls |
4,100,716 | |
Berlin |
6,349,636 | |
Bethany |
2,035,903 | |
Bethel |
8,207,181 | |
Bethlehem |
1,301,953 | |
Bloomfield |
6,288,100 | |
Bolton |
3,012,407 | |
Bozrah |
1,238,845 | |
Branford |
2,414,858 | |
Bridgeport |
181,355,390 | |
Bridgewater |
40,734 | |
Bristol |
45,103,676 | |
Brookfield |
1,543,878 | |
Brooklyn |
7,016,739 | |
Burlington |
4,417,339 | |
Canaan |
186,637 | |
Canterbury |
4,691,736 | |
Canton |
3,471,050 | |
Chaplin |
1,868,810 | |
Cheshire |
9,616,302 | |
Chester |
687,975 | |
Clinton |
6,416,984 | |
Colchester |
13,591,055 | |
Colebrook |
501,314 | |
Columbia |
2,555,501 | |
Cornwall |
23,499 | |
Coventry |
8,824,378 | |
Cromwell |
4,731,024 | |
Danbury |
31,540,480 | |
Darien |
775,533 | |
Deep River |
1,704,633 | |
Derby |
7,961,506 | |
Durham |
3,940,885 | |
Eastford |
1,102,128 | |
East Granby |
1,474,351 | |
East Haddam |
3,741,603 | |
East Hampton |
7,613,630 | |
East Hartford |
49,315,667 | |
East Haven |
19,740,645 | |
East Lyme |
7,044,106 | |
Easton |
245,181 | |
East Windsor |
5,733,980 | |
Ellington |
9,772,899 | |
Enfield |
28,811,133 | |
Essex |
160,658 | |
Fairfield |
1,657,963 | |
Farmington |
1,289,833 | |
Franklin |
935,740 | |
Glastonbury |
6,886,489 | |
Goshen |
108,626 | |
Granby |
5,575,647 | |
Greenwich |
1,444,752 | |
Griswold |
10,832,910 | |
Groton |
25,287,526 | |
Guilford |
2,912,239 | |
Haddam |
2,024,534 | |
Hamden |
27,195,481 | |
Hampton |
1,322,272 | |
Hartford |
200,768,244 | |
Hartland |
1,340,757 | |
Harwinton |
2,743,247 | |
Hebron |
6,928,703 | |
Kent |
51,265 | |
Killingly |
15,662,125 | |
Killingworth |
2,215,622 | |
Lebanon |
5,451,755 | |
Ledyard |
12,056,245 | |
Lisbon |
3,544,878 | |
Litchfield |
1,505,144 | |
Lyme |
87,495 | |
Madison |
605,620 | |
Manchester |
34,690,424 | |
Mansfield |
10,053,269 | |
Marlborough |
3,192,293 | |
Meriden |
60,508,395 | |
Middlebury |
909,440 | |
Middlefield |
2,125,151 | |
Middletown |
19,762,242 | |
Milford |
11,231,850 | |
Monroe |
6,529,484 | |
Montville |
12,688,713 | |
Morris |
120,267 | |
Naugatuck |
30,424,755 | |
New Britain |
86,445,269 | |
New Canaan |
678,845 | |
New Fairfield |
4,433,622 | |
New Hartford |
3,155,693 | |
New Haven |
154,551,977 | |
Newington |
13,160,262 | |
New London |
25,928,509 | |
New Milford |
12,009,780 | |
Newtown |
5,080,129 | |
Norfolk |
39,910 | |
North Branford |
8,161,138 | |
North Canaan |
2,064,227 | |
North Haven |
4,003,587 | |
North Stonington |
2,868,240 | |
Norwalk |
11,493,340 | |
Norwich |
36,395,079 | |
Old Lyme |
324,567 | |
Old Saybrook |
225,880 | |
Orange |
1,615,314 | |
Oxford |
4,615,831 | |
Plainfield |
15,436,567 | |
Plainville |
10,368,696 | |
Plymouth |
9,820,785 | |
Pomfret |
3,095,257 | |
Portland |
4,418,025 | |
Preston |
3,038,825 | |
Prospect |
5,354,202 | |
Putnam |
8,386,282 | |
Redding |
263,834 | |
Ridgefield |
805,748 | |
Rocky Hill |
4,374,933 | |
Roxbury |
64,463 | |
Salem |
3,073,181 | |
Salisbury |
60,176 | |
Scotland |
1,431,548 | |
Seymour |
10,128,492 | |
Sharon |
42,103 | |
Shelton |
6,168,811 | |
Sherman |
80,962 | |
Simsbury |
6,233,528 | |
Somers |
5,988,583 | |
Southbury |
3,588,158 | |
Southington |
20,518,059 | |
South Windsor |
12,986,098 | |
Sprague |
2,626,404 | |
Stafford |
9,849,733 | |
Stamford |
11,053,759 | |
Sterling |
3,214,712 | |
Stonington |
1,792,984 | |
Stratford |
21,711,782 | |
Suffield |
6,313,558 | |
Thomaston |
5,665,106 | |
Thompson |
7,580,992 | |
Tolland |
10,784,974 | |
Torrington |
24,656,637 | |
Trumbull |
3,685,193 | |
Union |
242,658 | |
Vernon |
19,391,204 | |
Voluntown |
2,516,563 | |
Wallingford |
21,578,288 | |
Warren |
49,407 | |
Washington |
98,425 | |
Waterbury |
133,856,066 | |
Waterford |
488,299 | |
Watertown |
11,876,270 | |
Westbrook |
130,117 | |
West Hartford |
21,362,490 | |
West Haven |
45,390,487 | |
Weston |
381,480 | |
Westport |
909,281 | |
Wethersfield |
9,500,934 | |
Willington |
3,669,422 | |
Wilton |
665,382 | |
Winchester |
8,080,090 | |
Windham |
26,681,944 | |
Windsor |
12,311,652 | |
Windsor Locks |
5,248,411 | |
Wolcott |
13,516,067 | |
Woodbridge |
723,232 | |
Woodbury |
1,341,249 | |
Woodstock |
5,401,847 |
Sec. 21. (Effective July 1, 2016) Notwithstanding subdivision (1) of subsection (d) of section 12-18b of the general statutes, as amended by this act, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, each town, city and borough shall receive the following payment in lieu of taxes for state-owned property.
Municipality/District |
Grant Amount | |
Andover |
4,211 | |
Ansonia |
44,259 | |
Ashford |
44 | |
Avon |
- | |
Barkhamsted |
1,682 | |
Beacon Falls |
20,772 | |
Berlin |
447 | |
Bethany |
5,865 | |
Bethel |
149 | |
Bethlehem |
158 | |
Bloomfield |
14,068 | |
Bolton |
15,913 | |
Bozrah |
- | |
Branford |
- | |
Bridgeport |
2,367,096 | |
Bridgewater |
51 | |
Bristol |
- | |
Brookfield |
337 | |
Brooklyn |
111,376 | |
Burlington |
5,437 | |
Canaan |
93,900 | |
Canterbury |
327 | |
Canton |
- | |
Chaplin |
50,399 | |
Cheshire |
1,865,136 | |
Chester |
415 | |
Clinton |
- | |
Colchester |
- | |
Colebrook |
1,206 | |
Columbia |
167 | |
Cornwall |
3,149 | |
Coventry |
284 | |
Cromwell |
180 | |
Danbury |
1,881,851 | |
Darien |
- | |
Deep River |
- | |
Derby |
663 | |
Durham |
123 | |
East Granby |
- | |
East Haddam |
8,423 | |
East Hampton |
49,068 | |
East Hartford |
555,245 | |
East Haven |
240,702 | |
East Lyme |
862,360 | |
East Windsor |
57,816 | |
Eastford |
- | |
Easton |
410 | |
Ellington |
96 | |
Enfield |
1,044,614 | |
Essex |
78 | |
Fairfield |
137 | |
Farmington |
3,134,814 | |
Franklin |
5,944 | |
Glastonbury |
- | |
Goshen |
408 | |
Granby |
50 | |
Greenwich |
- | |
Griswold |
17,108 | |
Groton (Town of) |
833,258 | |
Guilford |
- | |
Haddam |
21,098 | |
Hamden |
708,944 | |
Hampton |
20,874 | |
Hartford |
13,560,353 | |
Hartland |
87,788 | |
Harwinton |
- | |
Hebron |
- | |
Kent |
35,287 | |
Killingly |
179,430 | |
Killingworth |
62,170 | |
Lebanon |
3,431 | |
Ledyard |
589,458 | |
Lisbon |
130 | |
Litchfield |
24,449 | |
Lyme |
- | |
Madison |
368,911 | |
Manchester |
555,314 | |
Mansfield |
7,131,699 | |
Marlborough |
- | |
Meriden |
192,354 | |
Middlebury |
- | |
Middlefield |
33 | |
Middletown |
2,224,822 | |
Milford |
195,096 | |
Monroe |
46 | |
Montville |
1,785,473 | |
Morris |
820 | |
Naugatuck |
2,998 | |
New Britain |
3,276,462 | |
New Canaan |
7,331 | |
New Fairfield |
127 | |
New Hartford |
- | |
New Haven |
6,013,572 | |
New London |
295,665 | |
New Milford |
194 | |
Newington |
560,153 | |
Newtown |
733,247 | |
Norfolk |
72,627 | |
North Branford |
- | |
North Canaan |
6,827 | |
North Haven |
2,621 | |
North Stonington |
219 | |
Norwalk |
31,982 | |
Norwich |
612,634 | |
Old Lyme |
146 | |
Old Saybrook |
- | |
Orange |
194 | |
Oxford |
163,743 | |
Plainfield |
1,260 | |
Plainville |
388 | |
Plymouth |
458 | |
Pomfret |
27,221 | |
Portland |
199 | |
Preston |
716 | |
Prospect |
- | |
Putnam |
- | |
Redding |
94,856 | |
Ridgefield |
2,087 | |
Rocky Hill |
774,861 | |
Roxbury |
64 | |
Salem |
47,337 | |
Salisbury |
108 | |
Scotland |
16,880 | |
Seymour |
- | |
Sharon |
- | |
Shelton |
344 | |
Sherman |
- | |
Simsbury |
2,555 | |
Somers |
1,364,700 | |
South Windsor |
78 | |
Southbury |
171,469 | |
Southington |
- | |
Sprague |
366 | |
Stafford |
4,404 | |
Stamford |
1,065,042 | |
Sterling |
131 | |
Stonington |
- | |
Stratford |
122,285 | |
Suffield |
2,426,766 | |
Thomaston |
5,728 | |
Thompson |
41 | |
Tolland |
- | |
Torrington |
96,492 | |
Trumbull |
- | |
Union |
25,513 | |
Vernon |
113,496 | |
Voluntown |
71,479 | |
Wallingford |
- | |
Warren |
9,522 | |
Washington |
6,117 | |
Waterbury |
3,896,947 | |
Waterford |
122,408 | |
Watertown |
15,917 | |
West Hartford |
- | |
West Haven |
- | |
Westbrook |
- | |
Weston |
- | |
Westport |
365,527 | |
Wethersfield |
107,242 | |
Willington |
17,136 | |
Wilton |
330 | |
Winchester |
31,191 | |
Windham |
2,795,180 | |
Windsor |
- | |
Windsor Locks |
25,283 | |
Wolcott |
- | |
Woodbridge |
- | |
Woodbury |
194 | |
Woodstock |
1,581 | |
- | ||
Bantam (Bor. ) |
- | |
Danielson (Bor. ) |
11,973 | |
Fenwick (Bor. ) |
- | |
Groton (City of) |
56,213 | |
Groton Long Point |
- | |
Jewett City (Bor. ) |
541 | |
Litchfield (Bor. ) |
765 | |
Newtown (Bor. ) |
129 | |
- | ||
Total |
66,730,438 |
Sec. 22. (Effective July 1, 2016) Notwithstanding subdivision (1) of subsection (d) of section 12-18b of the general statutes, as amended by this act, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, each town and lesser taxing district shall receive the following payment in lieu of taxes for private college and hospital property.
Grantee |
Amount | |
Andover |
- | |
Ansonia |
- | |
Ashford |
- | |
Avon |
- | |
Barkhamsted |
- | |
Beacon Falls |
- | |
Berlin |
- | |
Bethany |
15,096 | |
Bethel |
6 | |
Bethlehem |
- | |
Bloomfield |
190,614 | |
Bolton |
- | |
Bozrah |
- | |
Branford |
- | |
Bridgeport |
7,454,025 | |
Bridgewater |
- | |
Bristol |
392,185 | |
Brookfield |
- | |
Brooklyn |
- | |
Burlington |
- | |
Canaan |
1,960 | |
Canterbury |
- | |
Canton |
- | |
Chaplin |
- | |
Cheshire |
121,350 | |
Chester |
- | |
Clinton |
- | |
Colchester |
- | |
Colebrook |
- | |
Columbia |
- | |
Cornwall |
- | |
Coventry |
- | |
Cromwell |
2,634 | |
Danbury |
1,258,449 | |
Darien |
- | |
Deep River |
- | |
Derby |
833,361 | |
Durham |
- | |
East Granby |
- | |
East Haddam |
- | |
East Hampton |
- | |
East Hartford |
487,075 | |
East Haven |
- | |
East Lyme |
40,179 | |
East Windsor |
- | |
Eastford |
- | |
Easton |
- | |
Ellington |
- | |
Enfield |
25,375 | |
Essex |
- | |
Fairfield |
1,997,360 | |
Farmington |
29,691 | |
Franklin |
- | |
Glastonbury |
7 | |
Goshen |
- | |
Granby |
- | |
Greenwich |
- | |
Griswold |
- | |
Groton (Town of) |
37,634 | |
Guilford |
- | |
Haddam |
- | |
Hamden |
2,833,043 | |
Hampton |
- | |
Hartford |
23,664,027 | |
Hartland |
- | |
Harwinton |
- | |
Hebron |
- | |
Kent |
- | |
Killingly |
- | |
Killingworth |
- | |
Lebanon |
- | |
Ledyard |
- | |
Lisbon |
- | |
Litchfield |
- | |
Lyme |
- | |
Madison |
- | |
Manchester |
810,890 | |
Mansfield |
- | |
Marlborough |
- | |
Meriden |
1,175,795 | |
Middlebury |
- | |
Middlefield |
- | |
Middletown |
3,826,085 | |
Milford |
419,820 | |
Monroe |
- | |
Montville |
- | |
Morris |
- | |
Naugatuck |
- | |
New Britain |
2,520,682 | |
New Canaan |
- | |
New Fairfield |
- | |
New Hartford |
- | |
New Haven |
40,688,189 | |
New London |
4,710,585 | |
New Milford |
89,321 | |
Newington |
1,529,519 | |
Newtown |
- | |
Norfolk |
44,716 | |
North Branford |
- | |
North Canaan |
- | |
North Haven |
578,614 | |
North Stonington |
- | |
Norwalk |
1,471,056 | |
Norwich |
758,666 | |
Old Lyme |
2,006 | |
Old Saybrook |
- | |
Orange |
151,773 | |
Oxford |
- | |
Plainfield |
34,410 | |
Plainville |
- | |
Plymouth |
- | |
Pomfret |
- | |
Portland |
- | |
Preston |
- | |
Prospect |
- | |
Putnam |
212,667 | |
Redding |
- | |
Ridgefield |
- | |
Rocky Hill |
- | |
Roxbury |
- | |
Salem |
- | |
Salisbury |
- | |
Scotland |
- | |
Seymour |
- | |
Sharon |
- | |
Shelton |
- | |
Sherman |
- | |
Simsbury |
- | |
Somers |
- | |
South Windsor |
- | |
Southbury |
- | |
Southington |
- | |
Sprague |
- | |
Stafford |
213,778 | |
Stamford |
1,837,777 | |
Sterling |
- | |
Stonington |
- | |
Stratford |
- | |
Suffield |
- | |
Thomaston |
- | |
Thompson |
- | |
Tolland |
- | |
Torrington |
238,519 | |
Trumbull |
3,260 | |
Union |
- | |
Vernon |
317,760 | |
Voluntown |
56,167 | |
Wallingford |
152,586 | |
Warren |
- | |
Washington |
- | |
Waterbury |
5,404,535 | |
Waterford |
61,523 | |
Watertown |
- | |
West Hartford |
961,435 | |
West Haven |
5,008,541 | |
Westbrook |
- | |
Weston |
- | |
Westport |
172,387 | |
Wethersfield |
8,592 | |
Willington |
- | |
Wilton |
- | |
Winchester |
40,379 | |
Windham |
625,611 | |
Windsor |
- | |
Windsor Locks |
- | |
Wolcott |
- | |
Woodbridge |
- | |
Woodbury |
- | |
Woodstock |
- | |
- | ||
Bantam (Bor. ) |
- | |
Danielson (Bor. ) |
- | |
Fenwick (Bor. ) |
- | |
Groton (City of) |
- | |
Groton Long Point |
- | |
Jewett City (Bor. ) |
- | |
Litchfield (Bor. ) |
- | |
Newtown (Bor. ) |
- | |
Stonington (Bor. ) |
- | |
Woodmont (Bor. ) |
- | |
- | ||
- | ||
Bloomfield: Center FD |
4,922 | |
Bloomfield, Blue Hills FD |
- | |
Cromwell Fire District |
- | |
Enfield FD #1 |
- | |
Enfield Hazardville FD #3 |
1,821 | |
Enfield - North Thompsonville FD#4 |
- | |
Enfield - Shaker Pines FD #5 |
- | |
Enfield Thompsonville FD #2 |
- | |
Manchester - Eighth Utility District |
- | |
Groton: Poq. Bridge FD |
9,445 | |
Middletown - City Fire |
- | |
Middletown- South Fire |
7,504 | |
Middletown, Westfield F. D. |
- | |
New Milford: N. Milford FD |
5,737 | |
Norwich - CCD (City) |
- | |
Norwich - TCD (Town) |
- | |
Simsbury FD |
- | |
Stafford, Stafford Service District |
- | |
Plainfield: Moosup FD |
- | |
Plainfield: Plainfield FD |
1,976 | |
Putnam: W. Putnam District |
82 | |
Windham - 1st Taxing District |
- | |
Windham Second |
- | |
W. Haven: First Center |
843,511 | |
W. Haven: West Shore FD |
224,454 | |
W. Haven: Allingtown FD |
339,600 | |
Total |
114,950,770 |
Sec. 23. (Effective July 1, 2016) Notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, the total grants paid to municipalities from the moneys available in the Mashantucket Pequot and Mohegan Fund established by section 3-55i of the general statutes shall be as follows:
Grantee |
Amount | |
Andover |
14,975 | |
Ansonia |
160,809 | |
Ashford |
23,966 | |
Avon |
19,195 | |
Barkhamsted |
16,970 | |
Beacon Falls |
28,910 | |
Berlin |
43,425 | |
Bethany |
15,929 | |
Bethel |
48,842 | |
Bethlehem |
13,617 | |
Bloomfield |
150,544 | |
Bolton |
16,362 | |
Bozrah |
16,305 | |
Branford |
53,780 | |
Bridgeport |
5,913,094 | |
Bridgewater |
8,251 | |
Bristol |
565,082 | |
Brookfield |
21,694 | |
Brooklyn |
212,937 | |
Burlington |
22,422 | |
Canaan |
9,659 | |
Canterbury |
29,519 | |
Canton |
20,081 | |
Chaplin |
79,763 | |
Cheshire |
2,061,556 | |
Chester |
14,643 | |
Clinton |
30,971 | |
Colchester |
65,420 | |
Colebrook |
9,838 | |
Columbia |
19,761 | |
Cornwall |
8,178 | |
Coventry |
44,362 | |
Cromwell |
35,310 | |
Danbury |
907,556 | |
Darien |
9,241 | |
Deep River |
17,346 | |
Derby |
243,222 | |
Durham |
20,996 | |
East Granby |
15,434 | |
East Haddam |
27,015 | |
East Hampton |
41,883 | |
East Hartford |
294,020 | |
East Haven |
170,049 | |
East Lyme |
320,180 | |
East Windsor |
45,593 | |
Eastford |
11,911 | |
Easton |
10,545 | |
Ellington |
44,853 | |
Enfield |
1,359,849 | |
Essex |
12,520 | |
Fairfield |
277,695 | |
Farmington |
29,796 | |
Franklin |
15,379 | |
Glastonbury |
41,629 | |
Goshen |
10,521 | |
Granby |
23,972 | |
Greenwich |
93,313 | |
Griswold |
86,837 | |
Groton (Town of) |
1,336,108 | |
Guilford |
26,076 | |
Haddam |
23,844 | |
Hamden |
896,135 | |
Hampton |
13,963 | |
Hartford |
6,263,314 | |
Hartland |
12,191 | |
Harwinton |
18,629 | |
Hebron |
28,438 | |
Kent |
9,077 | |
Killingly |
145,447 | |
Killingworth |
15,190 | |
Lebanon |
33,075 | |
Ledyard |
878,678 | |
Lisbon |
23,657 | |
Litchfield |
18,270 | |
Lyme |
8,343 | |
Madison |
19,466 | |
Manchester |
570,820 | |
Mansfield |
204,996 | |
Marlborough |
18,541 | |
Meriden |
865,535 | |
Middlebury |
15,721 | |
Middlefield |
17,336 | |
Middletown |
1,195,934 | |
Milford |
380,756 | |
Monroe |
33,321 | |
Montville |
952,470 | |
Morris |
11,054 | |
Naugatuck |
230,356 | |
New Britain |
2,193,488 | |
New Canaan |
8,954 | |
New Fairfield |
29,123 | |
New Hartford |
19,069 | |
New Haven |
5,794,422 | |
New London |
1,737,694 | |
New Milford |
76,718 | |
Newington |
248,178 | |
Newtown |
911,124 | |
Norfolk |
13,317 | |
North Branford |
42,037 | |
North Canaan |
21,925 | |
North Haven |
151,159 | |
North Stonington |
841,889 | |
Norwalk |
816,834 | |
Norwich |
1,912,306 | |
Old Lyme |
14,487 | |
Old Saybrook |
14,601 | |
Orange |
43,490 | |
Oxford |
25,388 | |
Plainfield |
122,528 | |
Plainville |
72,491 | |
Plymouth |
69,784 | |
Pomfret |
19,468 | |
Portland |
27,715 | |
Preston |
1,125,119 | |
Prospect |
26,955 | |
Putnam |
103,555 | |
Redding |
10,912 | |
Ridgefield |
14,143 | |
Rocky Hill |
268,992 | |
Roxbury |
8,056 | |
Salem |
18,219 | |
Salisbury |
9,066 | |
Scotland |
15,714 | |
Seymour |
67,844 | |
Sharon |
9,111 | |
Shelton |
74,849 | |
Sherman |
9,925 | |
Simsbury |
28,478 | |
Somers |
1,609,537 | |
South Windsor |
54,351 | |
Southbury |
37,696 | |
Southington |
126,114 | |
Sprague |
26,245 | |
Stafford |
93,160 | |
Stamford |
884,033 | |
Sterling |
33,410 | |
Stonington |
33,057 | |
Stratford |
160,760 | |
Suffield |
2,830,235 | |
Thomaston |
40,123 | |
Thompson |
63,550 | |
Tolland |
34,843 | |
Torrington |
287,599 | |
Trumbull |
49,941 | |
Union |
21,443 | |
Vernon |
158,914 | |
Voluntown |
88,305 | |
Wallingford |
156,083 | |
Warren |
8,203 | |
Washington |
8,741 | |
Waterbury |
2,915,126 | |
Waterford |
42,601 | |
Watertown |
75,186 | |
West Hartford |
197,475 | |
West Haven |
969,932 | |
Westbrook |
16,186 | |
Weston |
9,059 | |
Westport |
26,621 | |
Wethersfield |
209,154 | |
Willington |
33,250 | |
Wilton |
10,862 | |
Winchester |
78,447 | |
Windham |
857,889 | |
Windsor |
71,844 | |
Windsor Locks |
424,822 | |
Wolcott |
61,364 | |
Woodbridge |
11,188 | |
Woodbury |
19,685 | |
Woodstock |
26,183 | |
- | ||
Bantam (Bor. ) |
- | |
Danielson (Bor. ) |
- | |
Fenwick (Bor. ) |
- | |
Groton (City of) |
- | |
Groton Long Point |
- | |
Jewett City (Bor. ) |
- | |
Litchfield (Bor. ) |
- | |
Newtown (Bor. ) |
- | |
Stonington (Bor. ) |
- | |
Woodmont (Bor. ) |
- | |
- | ||
- | ||
Bloomfield: Center FD |
- | |
Bloomfield, Blue Hills FD |
- | |
Cromwell Fire District |
- | |
Enfield FD #1 |
- | |
Enfield Hazardville FD #3 |
- | |
Enfield - North Thompsonville FD#4 |
- | |
Enfield - Shaker Pines FD #5 |
- | |
Enfield Thompsonville FD #2 |
- | |
Manchester - Eighth Utility District |
- | |
Groton: Poq. Bridge FD |
- | |
Middletown - City Fire |
- | |
Middletown- South Fire |
- | |
Middletown, Westfield F. D. |
- | |
New Milford: N. Milford FD |
- | |
Norwich - CCD (City) |
- | |
Norwich - TCD (Town) |
- | |
Simsbury FD |
- | |
Stafford, Stafford Service District |
- | |
Plainfield: Moosup FD |
- | |
Plainfield: Plainfield FD |
- | |
Putnam: W. Putnam District |
- | |
Windham - 1st Taxing District |
- | |
Windham Second |
- | |
W. Haven: First Center |
- | |
W. Haven: West Shore FD |
- | |
W. Haven: Allingtown FD |
- | |
- | ||
Total |
58,076,612 |
Sec. 24. (Effective July 1, 2016) The sum of $ 300,000 appropriated in section 1 of public act 15-244, as amended by section 155 of public act 15-5 of the June special session, to the Secretary of the State, for the Commercial Recording Division, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016, shall not lapse on said date and shall be carried forward and expended as follows: (1) $ 60,000 for reprogramming of the CONCORD business database necessitated by changes to the general statutes governing limited liability companies; and (2) the remaining funds to support the E-Regulations program.
Sec. 25. (Effective July 1, 2016) (a) Up to $ 7,500 appropriated in section 1 of public act 15-244, as amended by section 155 of public act 15-5 of the June special session, to Legislative Management, for Other Expenses, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016, shall not lapse on said date, and such funds shall continue to be available for the purpose of a contract with National Center for Higher Education Management Systems during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017.
(b) Up to $ 264,034 appropriated in section 1 of public act 15-244, as amended by section 155 of public act 15-5 of the June special session, to Legislative Management, for Other Expenses, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016, shall not lapse on said date, and such funds shall continue to be available for the purpose of conducting various engineering and architectural studies during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017.
Sec. 26. (Effective July 1, 2016) In implementing the Arts and Tourism Lapse specified in section 1 of this act, the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management shall reduce grants made by the Department of Economic and Community Development for Tourism, Arts and Youth Development proportionally.
Sec. 27. (Effective July 1, 2016) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 16-331bb of the general statutes, the sum of $ 2,000,000 shall be transferred from the municipal video competition trust account and credited to the resources of the General Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017.
Sec. 28. (Effective July 1, 2016) Notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes, the sum of $ 2,000,000 shall be transferred from the school bus seat belt account established in section 14-50b of the general statutes, and credited to the resources of the General Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017.
Sec. 29. (Effective July 1, 2016) Notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes, the sum of $ 200,000 shall be transferred from the Individual Development Account Reserve Fund, established in section 31-51ww of the general statutes, and credited to the resources of the General Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017.
Sec. 30. (Effective July 1, 2016) Notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes, the sum of $ 200,000 shall be transferred from the Wage and Workplace Standards - Penalty Fund and credited to the resources of the General Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017.
Sec. 31. (Effective from passage) The following sums are appropriated from the GENERAL FUND for the purposes herein specified for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016:
2015-2016 | |
Personal Services |
225,000 | |
Other Expenses |
240,000 | |
Early Intervention |
6,300,000 | |
Personal Services |
2,500,000 | |
Assigned Counsel - Criminal |
2,000,000 | |
Expert Witnesses |
100,000 | |
Debt Service |
35,000,000 | |
Adjudicated Claims |
20,000,000 | |
66,365,000 |
Sec. 32. (Effective from passage) The amounts appropriated to the following agencies in section 1 of public act 15-244, as amended by public act 15-5 of the June special session, are reduced by the following amounts for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016:
2015-2016 | |
Personal Services |
2,000,000 | |
Personal Services |
11,800,000 | |
Personal Services |
5,565,000 | |
Unemployment Compensation |
1,900,000 | |
Higher Education Alternative Retirement System |
6,500,000 | |
Employers Social Security Tax |
8,600,000 | |
Retired State Employees Health Service Cost |
30,000,000 | |
66,365,000 |
Sec. 33. Subsection (a) of section 4-87 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):
(a) Whenever any specific appropriation of a budgeted agency proves insufficient to pay the expenditures required for the statutory purposes for which such appropriation was made, the Governor may, at the request of the budgeted agency, transfer from any other specific appropriation of such budgeted agency such amount as the Governor deems necessary to meet such expenditures, except that transfers made from appropriations for fringe benefits to the operating funds of any constituent unit of the state system of higher education may be made only at the close of the fiscal year. No transfer to or from any specific appropriation of a sum or sums of over [fifty] one hundred seventy-five thousand dollars or ten per cent of any such specific appropriation, whichever is less, shall be made under this section in any one fiscal year without the consent of the Finance Advisory Committee except for transfer made from appropriations for fringe benefits to the operating funds of any constituent unit of the state system of higher education. Notification of all transfers made shall be sent to the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to appropriations and the budgets of state agencies, through the Office of Fiscal Analysis.
Sec. 34. (Effective from passage) (a) The Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management may make reductions in allotments for the executive branch for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, in order to achieve targeted savings of $ 68,848,968 in the General Fund during said fiscal year.
(b) The provisions of subsection (a) of this section shall not be construed to authorize the reduction of any allotment of the appropriation to (1) the Department of Education, for Education Equalization Grants, or (2) the Department of Social Services, for Hospital Supplemental Payments.
(c) No reduction made in accordance with subsection (a) of this section shall result in a reduction of more than: (1) One per cent of any allotment of the appropriation for the regional community-technical colleges within the Board of Regents for Higher Education; (2) two per cent of any allotment of the appropriation for the Connecticut State University System within the Board of Regents for Higher Education; (3) two per cent of any allotment of the appropriations for The University of Connecticut; or (4) two per cent of any allotment of the appropriations for The University of Connecticut Health Center.
Sec. 35. Section 3 of public act 15-1 of the December special session, as amended by section 2 of public act 16-1, is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):
(a) (1) The Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management may make reductions in allotments for the executive branch for the fiscal [years] year ending June 30, 2016, [and June 30, 2017,] in order to achieve budget savings of $ 93,076,192 in the General Fund during [each such] said fiscal year.
(2) The provisions of subdivision (1) of this subsection shall not be construed to authorize the reduction of any allotment concerning aid to municipalities. No reduction made in accordance with subdivision (1) of this subsection shall result in a reduction of more than one per cent of any appropriation.
(b) The Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management may make reductions in allotments for the legislative branch for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016, in order to achieve budget savings of $ 3,000,000 in the General Fund during such fiscal year. Such reductions shall be achieved as determined by the president pro tempore and majority leader of the Senate, the speaker and majority leader of the House of Representatives, the minority leader of the Senate and the minority leader of the House of Representatives.
(c) The Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management may make reductions in allotments for the judicial branch for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016, in order to achieve budget savings of $ 24,600,000 in the General Fund during such fiscal year. Such reductions shall be achieved as determined by the Chief Justice and Chief Public Defender.
(d) (1) The Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management may make reductions in allotments for the executive branch for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, in order to achieve budget savings of $94,476,192, in the General Fund during such fiscal year.
(2) The provisions of subdivision (1) of this subsection shall not be construed to authorize the reduction of any allotment concerning aid to municipalities. No reduction made in accordance with subdivision (1) of this subsection shall result in a reduction of more than one per cent of any appropriation.
[(d)] (e) The Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management may make reductions in allotments for the legislative branch for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, in order to achieve budget savings of [$ 2,000,000] $3,028,105 in the General Fund during such fiscal year. Such reductions shall be achieved as determined by the president pro tempore and majority leader of the Senate, the speaker and majority leader of the House of Representatives, the minority leader of the Senate and the minority leader of the House of Representatives.
[(e)] (f) The Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management may make reductions in allotments for the judicial branch for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, in order to achieve budget savings of [$ 15,000,000] $22,475,672 in the General Fund during such fiscal year. Such reductions shall be achieved as determined by the Chief Justice and Chief Public Defender.
Sec. 36. Section 38 of public act 15-244 is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):
Notwithstanding subsection (c) of section 2-35 of the general statutes, as amended by [this act] public act 15-244, the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management shall recommend savings in order to reduce expenditures in the General Fund by $ 7,110,616 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016. [, and $ 12,816,745 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. ] Such savings shall be made in an appropriate and proportionate manner among branches and agencies and shall apply only to state employees.
Sec. 37. Subsections (f) and (g) of section 10-266p of the 2016 supplement to the general statutes are repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):
(f) In addition to the amounts allocated in subsection (a), and subsections (c) to (e), inclusive, of this section, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006, the State Board of Education shall allocate two million thirty-nine thousand six hundred eighty-six dollars to the towns that rank one to three, inclusive, in population pursuant to subdivision (1) of said subsection (a), and for the fiscal [years] year ending June 30, 2007, [to June 30, 2015] and each fiscal year thereafter, the State Board of Education shall allocate two million six hundred ten thousand seven hundred ninety-eight dollars to the towns that rank one to three, inclusive, in population pursuant to subdivision (1) of said subsection (a).
(g) In addition to the amounts allocated in subsection (a) and subsections (c) to (f), inclusive, of this section, for [the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012, the State Board of Education shall allocate three million two hundred sixteen thousand nine hundred eight dollars as follows: Each priority school district shall receive an allocation based on the ratio of the amount it is eligible to receive pursuant to subsection (a) and subsections (c) to (f), inclusive, of this section to the total amount all priority school districts are eligible to receive pursuant to said subsection (a) and said subsections (c) to (f), inclusive. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, the State Board of Education shall allocate two million nine hundred twenty-five thousand four hundred eighty-one dollars as follows: Each priority school district shall receive an allocation based on the ratio of the amount it is eligible to receive pursuant to subsection (a) of this section and subsections (c) to (f), inclusive, of this section to the total amount all priority school districts are eligible to receive pursuant to subsection (a) of this section and subsections (c) to (f), inclusive, of this section. For] the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, and each fiscal year thereafter, the State Board of Education shall allocate two million eight hundred eighty-two thousand three hundred sixty-eight dollars as follows: Each priority school district shall receive an allocation based on the ratio of the amount it is eligible to receive pursuant to subsection (a) of this section and subsections (c) to (f), inclusive, of this section to the total amount all priority school districts are eligible to receive pursuant to subsection (a) of this section and subsections (c) to (f), inclusive, of this section. For the fiscal year ending June 30, [2014] 2016, a priority school district may carry forward any unexpended funds allocated after May 1, [2014] 2016, pursuant to this subsection, into the fiscal year ending June 30, [2015] 2017.
Sec. 38. Subsection (i) of section 10-266p of the 2016 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):
(i) In addition to the amounts allocated in subsection (a) and subsections (c) to (h), inclusive, of this section, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008, and each fiscal year thereafter, the State Board of Education shall allocate two million twenty thousand dollars to the town ranked sixth when all towns are ranked from highest to lowest in population, based on the most recent federal decennial census, except that for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, and each fiscal year thereafter, the State Board of Education shall allocate two million two hundred seventy thousand [seventy] dollars to said town.
Sec. 39. Section 256 of public act 15-5 of the June special session is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2016):
(a) For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016, the distribution of priority school district grants, pursuant to subsection (a) of section 10-266p of the general statutes, shall be as follows: (1) For priority school districts in the amount of $ 37,252,757, (2) for extended school building hours in the amount of $ 2,994,752, and (3) for school accountability in the amount of $ 3,499,699.
(b) For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, the distribution of priority school district grants, pursuant to subsection (a) of section 10-266p of the general statutes, shall be as follows: (1) For priority school districts in the amount of [$ 38,342,720] $35,842,720, (2) for extended school building hours in the amount of $ 2,994,752, and (3) for school accountability in the amount of $ 3,499,699.
Sec. 40. Subdivision (1) of section 12-408 of the 2016 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):
(1) (A) For the privilege of making any sales, as defined in subdivision (2) of subsection (a) of section 12-407, at retail, in this state for a consideration, a tax is hereby imposed on all retailers at the rate of six and thirty-five-hundredths per cent of the gross receipts of any retailer from the sale of all tangible personal property sold at retail or from the rendering of any services constituting a sale in accordance with subdivision (2) of subsection (a) of section 12-407, except, in lieu of said rate of six and thirty-five-hundredths per cent, the rates provided in subparagraphs (B) to (H), inclusive, of this subdivision;
(B) At a rate of fifteen per cent with respect to each transfer of occupancy, from the total amount of rent received for such occupancy of any room or rooms in a hotel or lodging house for the first period not exceeding thirty consecutive calendar days;
(C) With respect to the sale of a motor vehicle to any individual who is a member of the armed forces of the United States and is on full-time active duty in Connecticut and who is considered, under 50 App USC 574, a resident of another state, or to any such individual and the spouse thereof, at a rate of four and one-half per cent of the gross receipts of any retailer from such sales, provided such retailer requires and maintains a declaration by such individual, prescribed as to form by the commissioner and bearing notice to the effect that false statements made in such declaration are punishable, or other evidence, satisfactory to the commissioner, concerning the purchaser's state of residence under 50 App USC 574;
(D) (i) With respect to the sales of computer and data processing services occurring on or after July 1, 1997, and prior to July 1, 1998, at the rate of five per cent, on or after July 1, 1998, and prior to July 1, 1999, at the rate of four per cent, on or after July 1, 1999, and prior to July 1, 2000, at the rate of three per cent, on or after July 1, 2000, and prior to July 1, 2001, at the rate of two per cent, on or after July 1, 2001, at the rate of one per cent, and (ii) with respect to sales of Internet access services, on and after July 1, 2001, such services shall be exempt from such tax;
(E) (i) With respect to the sales of labor that is otherwise taxable under subparagraph (C) or (G) of subdivision (2) of subsection (a) of section 12-407 on existing vessels and repair or maintenance services on vessels occurring on and after July 1, 1999, such services shall be exempt from such tax;
(ii) With respect to the sale of a vessel, such sale shall be exempt from such tax provided such vessel is docked in this state for sixty or fewer days in a calendar year;
(F) With respect to patient care services for which payment is received by the hospital on or after July 1, 1999, and prior to July 1, 2001, at the rate of five and three-fourths per cent and on and after July 1, 2001, such services shall be exempt from such tax;
(G) With respect to the rental or leasing of a passenger motor vehicle for a period of thirty consecutive calendar days or less, at a rate of nine and thirty-five-hundredths per cent;
(H) With respect to the sale of (i) a motor vehicle for a sales price exceeding fifty thousand dollars, at a rate of seven and three-fourths per cent on the entire sales price, (ii) jewelry, whether real or imitation, for a sales price exceeding five thousand dollars, at a rate of seven and three-fourths per cent on the entire sales price, and (iii) an article of clothing or footwear intended to be worn on or about the human body, a handbag, luggage, umbrella, wallet or watch for a sales price exceeding one thousand dollars, at a rate of seven and three-fourths per cent on the entire sales price. For purposes of this subparagraph, "motor vehicle" has the meaning provided in section 14-1, but does not include a motor vehicle subject to the provisions of subparagraph (C) of this subdivision, a motor vehicle having a gross vehicle weight rating over twelve thousand five hundred pounds, or a motor vehicle having a gross vehicle weight rating of twelve thousand five hundred pounds or less that is not used for private passenger purposes, but is designed or used to transport merchandise, freight or persons in connection with any business enterprise and issued a commercial registration or more specific type of registration by the Department of Motor Vehicles;
(I) The rate of tax imposed by this chapter shall be applicable to all retail sales upon the effective date of such rate, except that a new rate which represents an increase in the rate applicable to the sale shall not apply to any sales transaction wherein a binding sales contract without an escalator clause has been entered into prior to the effective date of the new rate and delivery is made within ninety days after the effective date of the new rate. For the purposes of payment of the tax imposed under this section, any retailer of services taxable under subparagraph (I) of subdivision (2) of subsection (a) of section 12-407, who computes taxable income, for purposes of taxation under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or any subsequent corresponding internal revenue code of the United States, as from time to time amended, on an accounting basis which recognizes only cash or other valuable consideration actually received as income and who is liable for such tax only due to the rendering of such services may make payments related to such tax for the period during which such income is received, without penalty or interest, without regard to when such service is rendered;
(J) For calendar quarters ending on or after September 30, 2011, except for calendar quarters ending on or after July 1, 2016, but prior to July 1, 2017, the commissioner shall deposit into the regional planning incentive account, established pursuant to section 4-66k, six and seven-tenths per cent of the amounts received by the state from the tax imposed under subparagraph (B) of this subdivision and ten and seven-tenths per cent of the amounts received by the state from the tax imposed under subparagraph (G) of this subdivision;
(K) (i) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, for calendar months commencing on or after May 1, 2016, but prior to [May 1, 2017] July 1, 2016, the commissioner shall deposit into the municipal revenue sharing account established pursuant to section 4-66l, as amended by this act, four and seven-tenths per cent of the amounts received by the state from the tax imposed under subparagraph (A) of this subdivision, and shall transfer any accrual related to said months on or after said July 1, 2016, date;
[(ii) For calendar months commencing on or after May 1, 2017, but prior to July 1, 2017, the commissioner shall deposit into the municipal revenue sharing account established pursuant to section 4-66l six and three-tenths per cent of the amounts received by the state from the tax imposed under subparagraph (A) of this subdivision; ]
[(iii)] (ii) For calendar months commencing on or after July 1, 2017, the commissioner shall deposit into the municipal revenue sharing account established pursuant to section 4-66l, as amended by this act, seven and nine-tenths per cent of the amounts received by the state from the tax imposed under subparagraph (A) of this subdivision; and
(L) (i) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, for calendar months commencing on or after December 1, 2015, but prior to October 1, 2016, the commissioner shall deposit into the Special Transportation Fund established under section 13b-68 four and seven-tenths per cent of the amounts received by the state from the tax imposed under subparagraph (A) of this subdivision;
(ii) For calendar months commencing on or after October 1, 2016, but prior to July 1, 2017, the commissioner shall deposit into the Special Transportation Fund established under section 13b-68 six and three-tenths per cent of the amounts received by the state from the tax imposed under subparagraph (A) of this subdivision; and
(iii) For calendar months commencing on or after July 1, 2017, the commissioner shall deposit into the Special Transportation Fund established under section 13b-68 seven and nine-tenths per cent of the amounts received by the state from the tax imposed under subparagraph (A) of this subdivision.
Sec. 41. (NEW) (Effective from passage) (a) There is established a fund to be known as the "Municipal Revenue Sharing Fund" which shall be a separate, nonlapsing fund. The fund shall contain any moneys required by law to be deposited in the fund. Moneys in the fund shall be expended by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management for the purposes of providing grants pursuant to section 4-66l of the general statutes, as amended by this act, and section 12-18b of the general statutes, as amended by this act.
(b) For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, ten million dollars shall be transferred from such fund not later than April fifteenth for the purposes of grants under section 10-262h of the general statutes.
Sec. 42. Section 4-66l of the 2016 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2016):
(a) For the purposes of this section:
(1) "FY 15 mill rate" means the mill rate a municipality uses during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015;
(2) "Mill rate" means, unless otherwise specified, the mill rate a municipality uses to calculate tax bills for motor vehicles;
(3) "Municipality" means any town, city, consolidated town and city or consolidated town and borough. "Municipality" includes a district for the purposes of subdivision (1) of subsection (d) of this section;
(4) "Municipal spending" means:
Municipal |
– |
Municipal |
spending for |
spending for |
the fiscal year |
the fiscal year |
prior to the |
two years |
current fiscal |
prior to the |
Year |
current year |
X 100 |
= Municipal spending; | ||
______________________________ | |||||
Municipal spending for the fiscal | |||||
year two years prior to the |
current year |
(5) "Per capita distribution" means:
[Town] Municipal |
X Sales tax revenue |
= Per capita distribution; | |
population | |||
___________________ | |||
Total state population |
(6) "Pro rata distribution" means:
Municipal weighted mill rate calculation |
X Sales tax revenue |
= Pro rata distribution; | |
____________________ | |||
Sum of all municipal weighted mill rate calculations combined | |||
(7) "Regional council of governments" means any such council organized under the provisions of sections 4-124i to 4-124p, inclusive;
(8) ["Town population"] "Municipal population" means the number of persons in a municipality according to the most recent estimate of the Department of Public Health;
(9) "Total state population" means the number of persons in this state according to the most recent estimate published by the Department of Public Health;
(10) "Weighted mill rate" means a municipality's FY 15 mill rate divided by the average of all municipalities' FY 15 mill rate;
(11) "Weighted mill rate calculation" means per capita distribution multiplied by a municipality's weighted mill rate;
(12) "Sales tax revenue" means the moneys in the account remaining for distribution pursuant to subdivision [(7)] (6) of subsection (b) of this section;
(13) "District" means any district, as defined in section 7-324; and
(14) "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management.
(b) There is established an account to be known as the "municipal revenue sharing account" which shall be a separate, nonlapsing account within the General Fund. The account shall contain any moneys required by law to be deposited in the account. The secretary shall set aside and ensure availability of moneys in the account in the following order of priority and shall transfer or disburse such moneys as follows:
(1) Ten million dollars for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016, shall be transferred not later than April fifteenth for the purposes of grants under section 10-262h;
(2) For the fiscal year ending [June 30, 2017] June 30, 2018, and each fiscal year thereafter, moneys sufficient to make motor vehicle property tax grants payable to municipalities pursuant to subsection (c) of this section shall be expended not later than August first annually by the secretary;
(3) For the fiscal year ending [June 30, 2017] June 30, 2018, and each fiscal year thereafter, moneys sufficient to make the grants payable from the select payment in lieu of taxes grant account established pursuant to section 12-18c shall annually be transferred to the select payment in lieu of taxes account in the Office of Policy and Management;
(4) For the fiscal years ending [June 30, 2017,] June 30, 2018, and June 30, 2019, moneys sufficient to make the municipal revenue sharing grants payable to municipalities pursuant to subdivision (2) of subsection (d) of this section shall be expended not later than October thirty-first annually by the secretary;
[(5) Ten million dollars for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, shall be transferred not later than April fifteenth for the purposes of grants under section 10-262h; ]
[(6) (A) For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, three million dollars shall be expended by the secretary for the purposes of the regional services grants pursuant to subsection (e) of this section to the regional councils of governments, and (B) for]
(5) For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018, and each fiscal year thereafter, seven million dollars shall be expended for the purposes of the regional services grants pursuant to subsection (e) of this section to the regional councils of governments; and
[(7)] (6) For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020, and each fiscal year thereafter, moneys in the account remaining shall be expended annually by the secretary for the purposes of the municipal revenue sharing grants established pursuant to subsection (f) of this section. Any such moneys deposited in the account for municipal revenue sharing grants between October first and June thirtieth shall be distributed to municipalities on the following October first and any such moneys deposited in the account between July first and September thirtieth shall be distributed to municipalities on the following January thirty-first. Any [town] municipality may apply to the Office of Policy and Management on or after July first for early disbursement of a portion of such grant. The Office of Policy and Management may approve such an application if it finds that early disbursement is required in order for a [town] municipality to meet its cash flow needs. No early disbursement approved by said office may be issued later than September thirtieth.
(c) [(1)] For the fiscal year ending [June 30, 2017] June 30, 2018, and each fiscal year thereafter, motor vehicle property tax grants to municipalities that impose mill rates on real property and personal property other than motor vehicles greater than 32 mills or that, when combined with the mill rate of any district located within the municipality, impose mill rates greater than 32 mills, shall be made in an amount equal to the difference between the amount of property taxes levied by the municipality and any district located within the municipality on motor vehicles for the assessment year commencing October 1, 2013, and the amount such levy would have been if the mill rate on motor vehicles for said assessment year was 32 mills. [; and (2) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018, and each fiscal year thereafter, motor vehicle property tax grants to municipalities that impose mill rates greater than 29. 36 mills or that, when combined with the mill rate of any district located within the municipality, impose mill rates greater than 29. 36 mills, shall be made in an amount equal to the difference between the amount of property taxes levied by the municipality and any district located within the municipality on motor vehicles for the assessment year commencing October 1, 2013, and the amount such levy would have been if the mill rate on motor vehicles for said assessment year was 29. 36 mills. ] Not later than fifteen calendar days after receiving a property tax grant pursuant to this section, the municipality shall disburse to any district located within the municipality the amount of any such property tax grant that is attributable to the district.
(d) (1) For the fiscal [years] year ending June 30, 2017, [June 30, 2018, and June 30, 2019,] each municipality shall receive a municipal revenue sharing grant, which shall be payable August 1, 2016, from the Municipal Revenue Sharing Fund established in section 41 of this act. The total amount of the grant payable is as follows:
Municipality |
Grant Amount | |
Andover |
66,705 | |
Ansonia |
605,442 | |
Ashford |
87,248 | |
Avon |
374,711 | |
Barkhamsted |
76,324 | |
Beacon Falls |
123,341 | |
Berlin |
843,048 | |
Bethany |
114,329 | |
Bethel |
392,605 | |
Bethlehem |
42,762 | |
Bloomfield |
438,458 | |
Bolton |
106,449 | |
Bozrah |
53,783 | |
Branford |
570,402 | |
Bridgeport |
14,476,283 | |
Bridgewater |
15,670 | |
Bristol |
1,276,119 | |
Brookfield |
343,611 | |
Brooklyn |
103,910 | |
Burlington |
193,490 | |
Canaan |
14,793 | |
Canterbury |
58,684 | |
Canton |
211,078 | |
Chaplin |
48,563 | |
Cheshire |
594,084 | |
Chester |
57,736 | |
Clinton |
268,611 | |
Colchester |
330,363 | |
Colebrook |
29,694 | |
Columbia |
111,276 | |
Cornwall |
11,269 | |
Coventry |
252,939 | |
Cromwell |
288,951 | |
Danbury |
2,079,675 | |
Darien |
171,485 | |
Deep River |
93,525 | |
Derby |
462,718 | |
Durham |
150,019 | |
East Granby |
106,222 | |
East Haddam |
186,418 | |
East Hampton |
263,149 | |
East Hartford |
3,877,281 | |
East Haven |
593,493 | |
East Lyme |
243,736 | |
East Windsor |
232,457 | |
Eastford |
23,060 | |
Easton |
155,216 | |
Ellington |
321,722 | |
Enfield |
911,974 | |
Essex |
74,572 | |
Fairfield |
795,318 | |
Farmington |
335,287 | |
Franklin |
26,309 | |
Glastonbury |
754,546 | |
Goshen |
30,286 | |
Granby |
244,839 | |
Greenwich |
366,588 | |
Griswold |
243,727 | |
Groton |
433,177 | |
Guilford |
456,863 | |
Haddam |
170,440 | |
Hamden |
4,491,337 | |
Hampton |
38,070 | |
Hartford |
13,908,437 | |
Hartland |
27,964 | |
Harwinton |
113,987 | |
Hebron |
208,666 | |
Kent |
26,808 | |
Killingly |
351,213 | |
Killingworth |
85,270 | |
Lebanon |
149,163 | |
Ledyard |
307,619 | |
Lisbon |
45,413 | |
Litchfield |
169,828 | |
Lyme |
21,862 | |
Madison |
372,897 | |
Manchester |
1,972,491 | |
Mansfield |
525,280 | |
Marlborough |
131,065 | |
Meriden |
1,315,347 | |
Middlebury |
154,299 | |
Middlefield |
91,372 | |
Middletown |
964,657 | |
Milford |
1,880,830 | |
Monroe |
404,221 | |
Montville |
401,756 | |
Morris |
28,110 | |
Naugatuck |
2,405,660 | |
New Britain |
5,781,991 | |
New Canaan |
168,106 | |
New Fairfield |
288,278 | |
New Hartford |
140,338 | |
New Haven |
2,118,290 | |
New London |
750,249 | |
New Milford |
565,898 | |
Newington |
651,000 | |
Newtown |
572,949 | |
Norfolk |
20,141 | |
North Branford |
292,517 | |
North Canaan |
66,052 | |
North Haven |
487,882 | |
North Stonington |
107,832 | |
Norwalk |
3,401,590 | |
Norwich |
1,309,943 | |
Old Lyme |
79,946 | |
Old Saybrook |
101,527 | |
Orange |
284,365 | |
Oxford |
171,492 | |
Plainfield |
310,350 | |
Plainville |
363,176 | |
Plymouth |
255,581 | |
Pomfret |
54,257 | |
Portland |
192,715 | |
Preston |
58,934 | |
Prospect |
197,097 | |
Putnam |
76,399 | |
Redding |
189,781 | |
Ridgefield |
512,848 | |
Rocky Hill |
405,872 | |
Roxbury |
15,998 | |
Salem |
85,617 | |
Salisbury |
20,769 | |
Scotland |
36,200 | |
Seymour |
343,388 | |
Sharon |
19,467 | |
Shelton |
706,038 | |
Sherman |
39,000 | |
Simsbury |
567,460 | |
Somers |
141,697 | |
South Windsor |
558,715 | |
Southbury |
404,731 | |
Southington |
889,821 | |
Sprague |
89,456 | |
Stafford |
243,095 | |
Stamford |
2,372,358 | |
Sterling |
77,037 | |
Stonington |
202,888 | |
Stratford |
1,130,316 | |
Suffield |
321,763 | |
Thomaston |
158,888 | |
Thompson |
114,582 | |
Tolland |
303,971 | |
Torrington |
2,435,109 | |
Trumbull |
745,325 | |
Union |
17,283 | |
Vernon |
641,027 | |
Voluntown |
33,914 | |
Wallingford |
919,984 | |
Warren |
11,006 | |
Washington |
25,496 | |
Waterbury |
13,438,542 | |
Waterford |
259,091 | |
Watertown |
453,012 | |
West Hartford |
1,614,320 | |
West Haven |
1,121,850 | |
Westbrook |
80,601 | |
Weston |
211,384 | |
Westport |
262,402 | |
Wethersfield |
940,267 | |
Willington |
121,568 | |
Wilton |
380,234 | |
Winchester |
224,447 | |
Windham |
513,847 | |
Windsor |
593,921 | |
Windsor Locks |
256,241 | |
Wolcott |
340,859 | |
Woodbridge |
247,758 | |
Woodbury |
200,175 | |
Woodstock |
97,708 | |
Borough of Danielson |
- | |
Borough of Litchfield |
- | |
Bloomfield, Blue Hills FD |
92,961 | |
Enfield Thompsonville FD #2 |
354,311 | |
Manchester - Eighth Utility District |
436,718 | |
Middletown - City Fire |
910,442 | |
Middletown So Fire |
413,961 | |
Norwich CCD |
552,565 | |
Norwich TCD |
62,849 | |
Simsbury FD |
221,536 | |
Plainfield Fire District |
- | |
Windham, Special Service District #2 |
640,000 | |
Windham 1st Taxing District |
- | |
Windham First |
West Haven First Center (D1) |
1,039,843 | |
West Haven: Allingtown FD (D3) |
483,505 | |
West Haven: West Shore FD (D2) |
654,640 |
(2) For the fiscal years ending June 30, 2018, and June 30, 2019, each municipality shall receive a municipal sharing grant payable not later than October thirty-first of each year. The total amount of the grant payable is as follows:
Municipality |
[Grant Amounts] | |
Grant Amount | ||
Andover |
96,020 | |
Ansonia |
643,519 | |
Ashford |
125,591 | |
Avon |
539,387 | |
Barkhamsted |
109,867 | |
Beacon Falls |
177,547 | |
Berlin |
1,213,548 | |
Bethany |
164,574 | |
Bethel |
565,146 | |
Bethlehem |
61,554 | |
Bloomfield |
631,150 | |
Bolton |
153,231 | |
Bozrah |
77,420 | |
Branford |
821,080 | |
Bridgeport |
9,758,441 | |
Bridgewater |
22,557 | |
Bristol |
1,836,944 | |
Brookfield |
494,620 | |
Brooklyn |
149,576 | |
Burlington |
278,524 | |
Canaan |
21,294 | |
Canterbury |
84,475 | |
Canton |
303,842 | |
Chaplin |
69,906 | |
Cheshire |
855,170 | |
Chester |
83,109 | |
Clinton |
386,660 | |
Colchester |
475,551 | |
Colebrook |
42,744 | |
Columbia |
160,179 | |
Cornwall |
16,221 | |
Coventry |
364,100 | |
Cromwell |
415,938 | |
Danbury |
2,993,644 | |
Darien |
246,849 | |
Deep River |
134,627 | |
Derby |
400,912 | |
Durham |
215,949 | |
East Granby |
152,904 | |
East Haddam |
268,344 | |
East Hampton |
378,798 | |
East Hartford |
2,036,894 | |
East Haven |
854,319 | |
East Lyme |
350,852 | |
East Windsor |
334,616 | |
Eastford |
33,194 | |
Easton |
223,430 | |
Ellington |
463,112 | |
Enfield |
1,312,766 | |
Essex |
107,345 | |
Fairfield |
1,144,842 | |
Farmington |
482,637 | |
Franklin |
37,871 | |
Glastonbury |
1,086,151 | |
Goshen |
43,596 | |
Granby |
352,440 | |
Greenwich |
527,695 | |
Griswold |
350,840 | |
Groton |
623,548 | |
Guilford |
657,644 | |
Haddam |
245,344 | |
Hamden |
2,155,661 | |
Hampton |
54,801 | |
Hartford |
1,498,643 | |
Hartland |
40,254 | |
Harwinton |
164,081 | |
Hebron |
300,369 | |
Kent |
38,590 | |
Killingly |
505,562 | |
Killingworth |
122,744 | |
Lebanon |
214,717 | |
Ledyard |
442,811 | |
Lisbon |
65,371 | |
Litchfield |
244,464 | |
Lyme |
31,470 | |
Madison |
536,777 | |
Manchester |
1,971,540 | |
Mansfield |
756,128 | |
Marlborough |
188,665 | |
Meriden |
1,893,412 | |
Middlebury |
222,109 | |
Middlefield |
131,529 | |
Middletown |
1,388,602 | |
Milford |
2,707,412 | |
Monroe |
581,867 | |
Montville |
578,318 | |
Morris |
40,463 | |
Naugatuck |
1,251,980 | |
New Britain |
3,131,893 | |
New Canaan |
241,985 | |
New Fairfield |
414,970 | |
New Hartford |
202,014 | |
New Haven |
114,863 | |
New London |
917,228 | |
New Milford |
814,597 | |
Newington |
937,100 | |
Newtown |
824,747 | |
Norfolk |
28,993 | |
North Branford |
421,072 | |
North Canaan |
95,081 | |
North Haven |
702,295 | |
North Stonington |
155,222 | |
Norwalk |
4,896,511 | |
Norwich |
1,362,971 | |
Old Lyme |
115,080 | |
Old Saybrook |
146,146 | |
Orange |
409,337 | |
Oxford |
246,859 | |
Plainfield |
446,742 | |
Plainville |
522,783 | |
Plymouth |
367,902 | |
Pomfret |
78,101 | |
Portland |
277,409 | |
Preston |
84,835 | |
Prospect |
283,717 | |
Putnam |
109,975 | |
Redding |
273,185 | |
Ridgefield |
738,233 | |
Rocky Hill |
584,244 | |
Roxbury |
23,029 | |
Salem |
123,244 | |
Salisbury |
29,897 | |
Scotland |
52,109 | |
Seymour |
494,298 | |
Sharon |
28,022 | |
Shelton |
1,016,326 | |
Sherman |
56,139 | |
Simsbury |
775,368 | |
Somers |
203,969 | |
South Windsor |
804,258 | |
Southbury |
582,601 | |
Southington |
1,280,877 | |
Sprague |
128,769 | |
Stafford |
349,930 | |
Stamford |
3,414,955 | |
Sterling |
110,893 | |
Stonington |
292,053 | |
Stratford |
1,627,064 | |
Suffield |
463,170 | |
Thomaston |
228,716 | |
Thompson |
164,939 | |
Tolland |
437,559 | |
Torrington |
1,133,394 | |
Trumbull |
1,072,878 | |
Union |
24,878 | |
Vernon |
922,743 | |
Voluntown |
48,818 | |
Wallingford |
1,324,296 | |
Warren |
15,842 | |
Washington |
36,701 | |
Waterbury |
5,595,448 | |
Waterford |
372,956 | |
Watertown |
652,100 | |
West Hartford |
2,075,223 | |
West Haven |
1,614,877 | |
Westbrook |
116,023 | |
Weston |
304,282 | |
Westport |
377,722 | |
Wethersfield |
1,353,493 | |
Willington |
174,995 | |
Wilton |
547,338 | |
Winchester |
323,087 | |
Windham |
739,671 | |
Windsor |
854,935 | |
Windsor Locks |
368,853 | |
Wolcott |
490,659 | |
Woodbridge |
274,418 | |
Woodbury |
288,147 | |
Woodstock |
140,648 |
(e) For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, and each fiscal year thereafter, each regional council of governments shall receive a regional services grant, the amount of which will be based on a formula to be determined by the secretary. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, three million dollars shall be expended by the secretary from the Municipal Revenue Sharing Fund established in section 41 of this act for the purpose of the regional services grant. No such council shall receive a grant for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018, or any fiscal year thereafter, unless the secretary approves a spending plan for such grant moneys submitted by such council to the secretary on or before July 1, 2017, and annually thereafter. The regional councils of governments shall use such grants for planning purposes and to achieve efficiencies in the delivery of municipal services by regionalizing such services, including, but not limited to, region-wide consolidation of such services. Such efficiencies shall not diminish the quality of such services. A unanimous vote of the representatives of such council shall be required for approval of any expenditure from such grant. On or before October 1, 2017, and biennially thereafter, each such council shall submit a report, in accordance with section 11-4a, to the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to planning and development and finance, revenue and bonding. Such report shall summarize the expenditure of such grants and provide recommendations concerning the expansion, reduction or modification of such grants.
(f) For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020, and each fiscal year thereafter, each municipality shall receive a municipal revenue sharing grant as follows:
(1) (A) A municipality having a mill rate at or above twenty-five shall receive the per capita distribution or pro rata distribution, whichever is higher for such municipality.
(B) Such grants shall be increased by a percentage calculated as follows:
Sum of per capita distribution amount |
for all municipalities having a mill rate |
below twenty-five – pro rata distribution |
amount for all municipalities |
having a mill rate below twenty-five |
_______________________________________ |
Sum of all grants to municipalities |
calculated pursuant to subparagraph (A) |
of subdivision (1) of this subsection. |
(C) Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this subdivision, Hartford shall receive not more than 5. 2 per cent of the municipal revenue sharing grants distributed pursuant to this subsection; Bridgeport shall receive not more than 4. 5 per cent of the municipal revenue sharing grants distributed pursuant to this subsection; New Haven shall receive not more than 2. 0 per cent of the municipal revenue sharing grants distributed pursuant to this subsection and Stamford shall receive not more than 2. 8 per cent of the equalization grants distributed pursuant to this subsection. Any excess funds remaining after such reductions in payments to Hartford, Bridgeport, New Haven and Stamford shall be distributed to all other municipalities having a mill rate at or above twenty-five on a pro rata basis according to the payment they receive pursuant to this subdivision; and
(2) A municipality having a mill rate below twenty-five shall receive the per capita distribution or pro rata distribution, whichever is less for such municipality.
(g) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, a municipality may disburse any municipal revenue sharing grant funds to a district within such municipality.
(h) For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018, and each fiscal year thereafter, the amount of the grant payable to a municipality in any year in accordance with subsection (d) or (f) of this section shall be reduced if such municipality increases its general budget expenditures for such fiscal year above a cap equal to the amount of general budget expenditures authorized for the previous fiscal year by 2. 5 per cent or more or the rate of inflation, whichever is greater. Such reduction shall be in an amount equal to fifty cents for every dollar expended over the cap set forth in this subsection. For the purposes of this section, "municipal spending" does not include expenditures for debt service, special education, implementation of court orders or arbitration awards, expenditures associated with a major disaster or emergency declaration by the President of the United States or a disaster emergency declaration issued by the Governor pursuant to chapter 517 or any disbursement made to a district pursuant to subsection (c) or (g) of this section. Each municipality shall annually certify to the secretary, on a form prescribed by said secretary, whether such municipality has exceeded the cap set forth in this subsection and if so the amount by which the cap was exceeded.
(i) For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020, and each fiscal year thereafter, the amount of the grant payable to a municipality in any year in accordance with subsection (f) of this section shall be reduced proportionately in the event that the total of such grants in such year exceeds the amount available for such grants in the municipal revenue sharing account established pursuant to subsection (b) of this section.
Sec. 43. Section 12-18b of the 2016 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2016):
(a) For purposes of this section:
(1) "College and hospital property" means all real property described in subsection (a) of section 12-20a;
(2) "District" means any district, as defined in section 7-324;
(3) "Qualified college and hospital property" means college and hospital property described in subparagraph (B) of subdivision (2) of subsection (b) of this section;
(4) "Qualified state, municipal or tribal property" means state, municipal or tribal property described in subparagraphs (A) to (G), inclusive, of subdivision (1) of subsection (b) of this section;
(5) "Municipality" means any town, city, borough, consolidated town and city and consolidated town and borough;
(6) "Select college and hospital property" means college and hospital property described in subparagraph (A) of subdivision (2) of subsection (b) of this section;
(7) "Select payment in lieu of taxes account" means the account established pursuant to section 12-18c;
(8) "Select state property" means state property described in subparagraph (H) of subdivision (1) of subsection (b) of this section;
(9) "State, municipal or tribal property" means all real property described in subsection (a) of section 12-19a;
(10) "Tier one districts or municipalities" means the ten districts or municipalities with the highest percentage of tax exempt property on the list of municipalities prepared by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management pursuant to subsection (c) of this section and having a mill rate of twenty-five mills or more;
(11) "Tier two districts or municipalities" means the next twenty-five districts or municipalities after tier one districts or municipalities with the highest percentage of tax exempt property on the list of municipalities prepared by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management pursuant to subsection (c) of this section and having a mill rate of twenty-five mills or more;
(12) "Tier three districts or municipalities" means all districts and municipalities not included in tier one districts or municipalities or tier two districts or municipalities;
(13) "Tier one municipalities" means the ten municipalities with the highest percentage of tax exempt property on the list of municipalities prepared by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management pursuant to subsection (c) of this section and having a mill rate of twenty-five mills or more;
(14) "Tier two municipalities" means the next twenty-five municipalities after tier one municipalities with the highest percentage of tax exempt property on the list of municipalities prepared by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management pursuant to subsection (c) of this section and having a mill rate of twenty-five mills or more; and
(15) "Tier three municipalities" means all municipalities not included in tier one municipalities or tier two municipalities.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 12-19a and 12-20a, all funds appropriated for state grants in lieu of taxes shall be payable to municipalities and districts pursuant to the provisions of this section. On or before January first, annually, the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management shall determine the amount due, as a state grant in lieu of taxes, to each municipality and district in this state wherein college and hospital property is located and to each municipality in this state wherein state, municipal or tribal property, except that which was acquired and used for highways and bridges, but not excepting property acquired and used for highway administration or maintenance purposes, is located.
(1) The grant payable to any municipality for state, municipal or tribal property under the provisions of this section in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, and each fiscal year thereafter shall be equal to the total of:
(A) One hundred per cent of the property taxes that would have been paid with respect to any facility designated by the Commissioner of Correction, on or before August first of each year, to be a correctional facility administered under the auspices of the Department of Correction or a juvenile detention center under direction of the Department of Children and Families that was used for incarcerative purposes during the preceding fiscal year. If a list containing the name and location of such designated facilities and information concerning their use for purposes of incarceration during the preceding fiscal year is not available from the Secretary of the State on August first of any year, the Commissioner of Correction shall, on said date, certify to the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management a list containing such information;
(B) One hundred per cent of the property taxes that would have been paid with respect to that portion of the John Dempsey Hospital located at The University of Connecticut Health Center in Farmington that is used as a permanent medical ward for prisoners under the custody of the Department of Correction. Nothing in this section shall be construed as designating any portion of The University of Connecticut Health Center John Dempsey Hospital as a correctional facility;
(C) One hundred per cent of the property taxes that would have been paid on any land designated within the 1983 Settlement boundary and taken into trust by the federal government for the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation on or after June 8, 1999;
(D) Subject to the provisions of subsection (c) of section 12-19a, sixty-five per cent of the property taxes that would have been paid with respect to the buildings and grounds comprising Connecticut Valley Hospital in Middletown;
(E) With respect to any municipality in which more than fifty per cent of the property is state-owned real property, one hundred per cent of the property taxes that would have been paid with respect to such state-owned property;
(F) Forty-five per cent of the property taxes that would have been paid with respect to all municipally owned airports; except for the exemption applicable to such property, on the assessment list in such municipality for the assessment date two years prior to the commencement of the state fiscal year in which such grant is payable. The grant provided pursuant to this section for any municipally owned airport shall be paid to any municipality in which the airport is located, except that the grant applicable to Sikorsky Airport shall be paid one-half to the town of Stratford and one-half to the city of Bridgeport;
(G) Forty-five per cent of the property taxes that would have been paid with respect to any land designated within the 1983 Settlement boundary and taken into trust by the federal government for the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation prior to June 8, 1999, or taken into trust by the federal government for the Mohegan Tribe of Indians of Connecticut, provided the real property subject to this subparagraph shall be the land only, and shall not include the assessed value of any structures, buildings or other improvements on such land; and
(H) Forty-five per cent of the property taxes that would have been paid with respect to all other state-owned real property.
(2) (A) The grant payable to any municipality or district for college and hospital property under the provisions of this section in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, and each fiscal year thereafter shall be equal to the total of seventy-seven per cent of the property taxes that, except for any exemption applicable to any institution of higher education or general hospital facility under the provisions of section 12-81, would have been paid with respect to college and hospital property on the assessment list in such municipality or district for the assessment date two years prior to the commencement of the state fiscal year in which such grant is payable; and
(B) Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (A) of this subdivision, the grant payable to any municipality or district with respect to a campus of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs Connecticut Healthcare Systems shall be one hundred per cent.
(c) The Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management shall list municipalities, boroughs and districts based on the percentage of real property on the 2012 grand list of each municipality that is exempt from property tax under any provision of the general statutes other than that property described in subparagraph (A) of subdivision (1) of subsection (b) of this section. Boroughs and districts shall have the same ranking as the town, city, consolidated town and city or consolidated town and borough in which such borough or district is located.
(d) For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, [in the event that] if the total of grants payable to each municipality and district in accordance with the provisions of subsection (b) of this section exceeds the amount appropriated for the purposes of said subsection (b) for said fiscal year: (1) The amount of the grant payable to each municipality for state, municipal or tribal property and to each municipality or district for college and hospital property shall be reduced proportionately, provided the percentage of the property taxes payable to a municipality or district with respect to such property shall not be lower than the percentage paid to the municipality or district for such property for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015; and (2) certain municipalities and districts shall receive an additional payment in lieu of taxes grant payable from the [select payment in lieu of taxes account] Municipal Revenue Sharing Fund established in section 41 of this act. The total amount of the grant payment is as follows:
Municipality/District |
Grant Amount | ||
Ansonia |
[20,543] |
19,652 | |
Bridgeport |
[3,236,058] |
3,095,669 | |
Chaplin |
[11,177] |
10,692 | |
Danbury |
[620,540] |
593,619 | |
Deep River |
[1,961] |
1,876 | |
Derby |
[138,841] |
132,817 | |
East Granby |
[9,904] |
9,474 | |
East Hartford |
[214,997] |
205,669 | |
Hamden |
[620,903] |
593,967 | |
Hartford |
[12,422,113] |
11,883,205 | |
Killingly |
[46,615] |
44,593 | |
Ledyard |
[3,012] |
2,881 | |
Litchfield |
[13,907] |
13,303 | |
Mansfield |
[2,630,447] |
2,516,331 | |
Meriden |
[259,564] |
248,303 | |
Middletown |
[727,324] |
695,770 | |
Montville |
[26,217] |
25,080 | |
New Britain |
[2,085,537] |
1,995,060 | |
New Haven |
[15,246,372] |
14,584,940 | |
New London |
[1,356,780] |
1,297,919 | |
Newington |
[176,884] |
169,211 | |
North Canaan |
[4,393] |
4,203 | |
Norwich |
[259,862] |
248,588 | |
Plainfield |
[16,116] |
15,417 | |
Simsbury |
[21,671] |
20,731 | |
Stafford |
[43,057] |
41,189 | |
Stamford |
[552,292] |
528,332 | |
Suffield |
[53,767] |
51,434 | |
Wallingford |
[61,586] |
58,914 | |
Waterbury |
[3,284,145] |
3,141,669 | |
West Hartford |
[211,483] |
202,308 | |
West Haven |
[339,563] |
324,832 | |
Windham |
[1,248,096] |
1,193,950 | |
Windsor |
[9,660] |
9,241 | |
Windsor Locks |
[32,533] |
31,122 | |
Borough of Danielson (Killingly) |
[2,232] |
2,135 | |
Borough of Litchfield |
[143] |
137 | |
Middletown: South Fire District |
[1,172] |
1,121 | |
Plainfield - Plainfield Fire District |
[309] |
296 | |
West Haven First Center (D1) |
[1,187] |
1,136 | |
West Haven: Allingtown FD (D3) |
[53,053] |
50,751 | |
West Haven: West Shore FD (D2) |
[35,065] |
33,544 |
(e) (1) For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018, and each fiscal year thereafter, [in the event that] if the total of grants payable to each municipality and district in accordance with the provisions of subsection (b) of this section exceeds the amount appropriated for the purposes of said subsection (b) for said fiscal years:
(A) The amount of the grant payable to each municipality for qualified state, municipal or tribal property and to each municipality or district for qualified college and hospital property shall be reduced proportionately, provided the percentage of the property taxes payable to a municipality or district with respect to such property shall not be lower than the percentage paid to the municipality or district for such property for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015;
(B) The amount of the grant payable to each municipality or district for select college and hospital property shall be reduced as follows: (i) Tier one districts or municipalities shall each receive a grant in lieu of taxes equal to forty-two per cent of the property taxes that would have been paid to such municipality or district on select college and hospital property; (ii) tier two districts or municipalities shall each receive a grant in lieu of taxes equal to thirty-seven per cent of the property taxes that would have been paid to such municipality or district on select college and hospital property; and (iii) tier three districts or municipalities shall each receive a grant in lieu of taxes equal to thirty-two per cent of the property taxes that would have been paid to such municipality or district on select college and hospital property. Grants in excess of thirty-two per cent of the property taxes that would have been paid to tier one districts or municipalities and to tier two districts or municipalities on select college and hospital property shall be payable from the select payment in lieu of taxes account; and
(C) The amount of the grant payable to each municipality for select state property shall be reduced as follows: (i) Tier one municipalities shall each receive a grant in lieu of taxes equal to thirty-two per cent of the property taxes that would have been paid to such municipality for select state property; (ii) tier two municipalities shall each receive a grant in lieu of taxes equal to twenty-eight per cent of the property taxes that would have been paid to such municipality for select state property; and (iii) tier three municipalities shall each receive a grant in lieu of taxes equal to twenty-four per cent of the property taxes that would have been paid to such municipality for select state property. Grants in excess of twenty-four per cent of the property taxes that would have been paid to tier one municipalities and to tier two municipalities on select state property shall be payable from the select payment in lieu of taxes account.
(2) [In the event that] If the total of grants payable to each municipality and district in accordance with the provisions of subsection (b) of this section and subdivision (1) of this subsection exceeds the amount appropriated for the purposes of said subsection and the amount available in the select payment in lieu of taxes account in any fiscal year, the amount of the grant payable to each municipality for state, municipal or tribal property and to each municipality or district for college and hospital property shall be reduced proportionately, provided (A) the grant payable to tier one districts or municipalities for select college and hospital property shall be ten percentage points more than the grant payable to tier three districts or municipalities for such property, (B) the grant payable to tier two districts or municipalities for select college and hospital property shall be five percentage points more than the grant payable to tier three districts or municipalities for such property, (C) the grant payable to tier one municipalities for select state property shall be eight percentage points more than the grant payable to tier three municipalities for such property, and (D) the grant payable to tier two municipalities for select state property shall be four percentage points more than the grant payable to tier three municipalities for such property. Grants to tier one municipalities or districts and grants to tier two municipalities or districts in excess of grants paid to tier three municipalities or districts that would have been paid on select college and hospital property shall be payable from the select payment in lieu of taxes account. Grants to tier one municipalities and grants to tier two municipalities in excess of grants paid to tier three municipalities that would have been paid on select state property shall be payable from the select payment in lieu of taxes account.
(f) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (a) to (d), inclusive, of this section, for any municipality receiving payments under section 15-120ss, property located in such municipality at Bradley International Airport shall not be included in the calculation of any state grant in lieu of taxes pursuant to this section.
(g) For purposes of this section, any real property which is owned by the John Dempsey Hospital Finance Corporation established pursuant to the provisions of sections 10a-250 to 10a-263, inclusive, or by one or more subsidiary corporations established pursuant to subdivision (13) of section 10a-254 and which is free from taxation pursuant to the provisions of section 10a-259 shall be deemed to be state-owned real property.
(h) The Office of Policy and Management shall report, in accordance with the provisions of section 11-4a, to the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to finance, revenue and bonding, on or before July 1, 2017, and on or before July first annually thereafter until July 1, 2020, with regard to the grants distributed in accordance with this section, and shall include in such reports any recommendations for changes in the grants.
Sec. 44. (Effective from passage) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 4-66l of the general statutes, as amended by this act, not later than June 30, 2016, the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management shall transfer the sum of $ 22,800,000 from the resources of the Municipal Revenue Sharing Account established in said section to the General Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017.
Sec. 45. (Effective July 1, 2016) Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (L) of subdivision (1) of section 12-408 of the general statutes, as amended by this act, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, the Commissioner of Revenue Services shall reduce each monthly deposit into the Special Transportation Fund by $ 4,166,667.
Sec. 46. (NEW) (Effective July 1, 2016) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, and each fiscal year thereafter, an amount equal to the appropriation from the Municipal Revenue Sharing Fund to the Office of Policy and Management shall be transferred from the General Fund to the Municipal Revenue Sharing Fund and shall be distributed by said office, during each such fiscal year, in accordance with the provisions of section 12-86b of the general statutes.
Sec. 47. Section 56 of public act 15-244, as amended by section 496 of public act 15-5 of the June special session, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):
The appropriations in section 1 of [public act 15-244] this act are supported by the GENERAL FUND revenue estimates as follows:
2015-2016 |
2016-2017 | ||
Personal Income |
$ 9,834,400,000 |
[$ 10,357,200,000] $9,519,000,000 | |
Sales and Use |
4,121,065,000 |
[4,084,665,000] 4,328,700,000 | |
Corporations |
902,200,000 |
[910,700,000] 839,300,000 | |
Public Service |
308,000,000 |
[316,500,000] 283,900,000 | |
Inheritance and Estate |
173,400,000 |
[174,700,000] 174, 600,000 | |
Insurance Companies |
243,800,000 |
[246,000,000] 245,400,000 | |
Cigarettes |
361,200,000 |
[363,300,000] 371,100,000 | |
Real Estate Conveyance |
194,700,000 |
[200,800,000] 201,800,000 | |
Oil Companies |
- |
- | |
Alcoholic Beverages |
61,700,000 |
[62,100,000] 62,200,000 | |
Admissions and Dues |
38,300,000 |
[39,600,000] 39,000,000 | |
Health Provider Tax |
676,900,000 |
[683,900,000] 683,400,000 | |
Miscellaneous |
20,800,000 |
[21,300,000] 20,100,000 | |
16,936,465,000 |
[17,460,765,000] 16,768,500,000 | |
Refunds of Taxes |
(1,090,400,000) |
[(1,103,100,000)] (1,106,500,000) | |
Earned Income Tax Credit |
(127,400,000) |
[(133,900,000)] (133,600,000) | |
R & D Credit Exchange |
(7,100,000) |
[(7,400,000)] (8,500,000) | |
15,711,565,000 |
[16,216,365,000] 15,519,900,000 | |
Transfers-Special Revenue |
$ 343,400,000 |
[$ 369,300,000] $355,500,000 | |
Indian Gaming Payments |
258,800,000 |
[252,400,000] 267,000,000 | |
Licenses, Permits, Fees |
308,512,500 |
[290,775,000] 269,200,000 | |
Sales of Commodities and Services |
38,000,000 |
[39,100,000] 42,600,000 | |
Rents, Fines and Escheats |
126,000,000 |
128,000,000 | |
Investment Income |
2,500,000 |
[5,600,000] 3,800,000 | |
Miscellaneous |
171,300,000 |
[173,400,000] 219,000,000 | |
Refunds of Payments |
(74,200,000) |
[(75,100,000)] (66,100,000) | |
1,174,312,500 |
[1,183,475,000] 1,219,000,000 | |
Federal Grants |
$ 1,265,229,970 |
[$ 1,252,686,722] $1,257,600,000 | |
Transfer From Tobacco Settlement |
106,600,000 |
[104,500,000] 108,500,000 | |
Transfers To/From Other Funds |
(95,350,000) |
[(43,400,000)] (218,300,000) | |
Transfer to Resources of the STF |
- |
- | |
1,276,479,970 |
[1,313,786,722] 1,147,800,000 | |
18,162,357,470 |
[18,713,626,722] 17,886,700,000 |
Sec. 48. Section 57 of public act 15-244, as amended by section 497 of public act 15-5 of the June special session, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):
The appropriations in section 2 of [public act 15-244] this act are supported by the SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION FUND revenue estimates as follows:
2015-2016 |
2016-2017 | ||
Motor Fuels |
$ 499,000,000 |
[$ 502,300,000] $503,700,000 | |
Oil Companies |
339,100,000 |
[359,700,000] 268,400,000 | |
Sales and Use Tax |
158,600,000 |
[260,600,000] 202,900,000 | |
Sales Tax DMV |
84,000,000 |
[85,000,000] 90,300,000 | |
Refund of Taxes |
(7,300,000) |
[(7,500,000)] (14,500,000) | |
1,073,400,000 |
[1,200,100,000] 1,050,800,000 | |
Motor Vehicle Receipts |
245,800,000 |
[246,600,000] 261,800,000 | |
Licenses, Permits, Fees |
139,300,000 |
[139,900,000] 141,500,000 | |
Interest Income |
7,700,000 |
8,500,000 | |
Federal Grants |
12,100,000 |
12,100,000 | |
Transfers To Other Funds |
(6,500,000) |
(6,500,000) | |
Transfers from the Resources of the Special |
- |
- | |
Refunds of Payments |
(3,700,000) |
(3,800,000) | |
394,700,000 |
[396,800,000] 413,600,000 | |
1,468,100,000 |
[1,596,900,000] 1,464,400,000 |
Sec. 49. Section 58 of public act 15-244 is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):
The appropriations in section 3 of this act are supported by the MASHANTUCKET PEQUOT AND MOHEGAN FUND revenue estimates as follows:
2015-2016 |
2016-2017 | ||
Transfers from General Fund |
$ 61,800,000 |
[$ 61,800,000] $58,100,000 | |
61,800,000 |
[61,800,000] 58,100,000 |
Sec. 50. Section 61 of public act 15-244 is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):
The appropriations in section [6] 5 of this act are supported by the INSURANCE FUND revenue estimates as follows:
2015-2016 |
2016-2017 | ||
Fees and Assessments |
$ 79,950,000 |
[$ 81,400,000] $84,130,000 | |
79,950,000 |
[81,400,000] 84,130,000 |
Sec. 51. Section 62 of public act 15-244 is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):
The appropriations in section [7] 6 of this act are supported by the CONSUMER COUNSEL AND PUBLIC UTILITY CONTROL FUND revenue estimates as follows:
2015-2016 |
2016-2017 | ||
Fees and Assessments |
$ 27,000,000 |
[$ 27,300,000] $27,500,000 | |
27,000,000 |
[27,300,000] 27,500,000 |
Sec. 52. Section 63 of public act 15-244 is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):
The appropriations in section [8] 7 of this act are supported by the WORKERS' COMPENSATION FUND revenue estimates as follows:
2015-2016 |
2016-2017 | ||
Fees and Assessments |
$ 24,867,000 |
[$ 28,122,000] $28,162,000 | |
Use of Fund Balance from Prior Years |
14,960,000 |
[12,516,000] 11,198,000 | |
39,827,000 |
[40,638,000] 39,360,000 |
Sec. 53. (Effective from passage) The appropriations in section 8 of this act are supported by the MUNICIPAL REVENUE SHARING FUND revenue estimates as follows:
2016-2017 | |||
Transfers from General Fund |
185,000,000 | ||
185,000,000 |
Sec. 54. Sections 10 and 11 of public act 15-244 are repealed. (Effective from passage)
Approved June 2, 2016