2015OFA-0077 |
January 21, 2015 |
Sarah Bourne |
Historical Appropriation and Enrollment Information for Various Education-Related Accounts |
Per your request, attached please find the Historical Appropriation and Enrollment Information for Various Education-Related Accounts which includes the following tables:
Table 1: Appropriations and Enrollment, provides historical data (by account) for appropriation levels and corresponding enrollment;
Table 2: Growth Rates, provides a yearly percentage of growth (by account) as well as a cumulative growth rate since the inception of the program; and
Table 3: Per Pupil Rates, shows per pupil rates, by year (by account) as well as a cumulative per pupil growth rate since the inception of the program.
The program with the least amount of growth is ECS. The program with the greatest per pupil growth is the Open Choice program and the program with the greatest appropriation growth is Magnet Schools.
I hope that you find this information helpful. Please contact me if you have any questions or need further assistance.