Connecticut Seal

General Assembly



January Session, 2015

LCO No. 9092



Offered by:


SEN. SLOSSBERG, 14th Dist.


SEN. BOUCHER, 26th Dist.

REP. LAVIELLE, 143rd Dist.


To: Subst. Senate Bill No. 1096

File No. 715

Cal. No. 397


In line 5, after "inclusive," insert "and section 501"

In line 14, after "inclusive," insert "and section 501"

In line 35, after "means" insert "a charter for a local or state charter school granted by the State Board of Education on or before June 30, 2015, and with respect to a charter granted or renewed on or after July 1, 2015,"

Strike lines 54 to 59, inclusive, in their entirety and substitute the following in lieu thereof:

"(2) The General Assembly may appropriate funds to the Department of Education for the purposes of providing grants to local and state charter schools, pursuant to section 10-66ee. If such funds are appropriated, an initial certificate of approval for a charter for a local or state charter school shall be effective and deemed a charter as of July first of the first fiscal year for which such funds are appropriated."

In line 199, strike "and sections 5 to"

In line 200, strike "10, inclusive, of this act,"

In line 224, bracket "the opening of such school on the school's" and after the closing bracket insert "granting the initial certificate of approval for the charter for the local charter school on the applicant"

In line 260, bracket "the opening of such school on the school's" and after the closing bracket insert "granting the initial certificate of approval for the charter for the state charter school on the applicant"

In line 302, strike "granted by the state board"

In line 310, strike "established" and insert "provided evidence that such council has initiated substantive communication"

In line 311, strike "communications"

In line 423, strike "granted by the state board"

In line 458, after "expenditures" insert "related to such organization's function as a charter management organization in this state or to such council's function as a governing council of a state or local charter school in this state"

In line 460, after "schedules" insert ", other than Schedule B of such form"

In line 530, after "charter" insert a period and strike "granted by the State Board of"

In line 531, strike "Education to the school. "

In line 572, strike "and" and after "(6)" insert "a statement that the governing council of the charter school and the charter management organization shall ensure compliance with the provisions of section 501 of this act, and (7)"

After the last section, add the following and renumber sections and internal references accordingly:

"Sec. 501. (NEW) (Effective from passage) Each contract for whole school management services between the governing council of a state or local charter school and a charter management organization shall (1) provide that such governing council is entitled to receive a copy of all records and files related to the administration of the charter school, including the compensation paid to the charter management organization and any expenditures of such compensation by the charter management organization, and (2) indicate that such records and files are subject to the Freedom of Information Act and may be disclosed by such governing council pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, as defined in section 1-200 of the general statutes, except that such governing council may redact such records and files to remove personally identifiable information of a contributor of a bona fide and lawful contribution, pursuant to a written request from such contributor. No request to inspect or copy such records or files shall be valid unless the request is made to such governing council in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. Any complaint by a person who is denied the right to inspect or copy such records or files shall be brought to the Freedom of Information Commission in accordance with the provisions of sections 1-205 and 1-206 of the general statutes. "

This act shall take effect as follows and shall amend the following sections:

Sec. 501

from passage

New section