Legislative Office Building, Room 5200
Hartford, CT 06106 ↓ (860) 240-0200
http: //www. cga. ct. gov/ofa
As Amended by Senate "A" (LCO 5751)
OFA Fiscal Note
The bill includes the following: 1) sections 1 - 10 reflect appropriations totaling $19. 8 billion in FY 12 and $20. 3 billion in FY 13; 2) sections 11 - 74 include provisions to implement the budget; 3) sections 75 - 156 contain various revenue policy changes that yield net increases of $2,017. 2 million in FY 12 and $1,825. 6 million in FY 13; and 4) revenue estimates as adopted by the Finance Committee 5/2/11. The table below compares the revenue estimates to the appropriations included in the bill.
Fund |
FY 12 ($ - millions) |
FY 13 ($ - millions) | ||||
Revenue Estimate |
Approp. |
Surplus/(Deficit) |
Revenue Estimate |
Approp. |
Surplus/(Deficit) | |
General |
18,719. 6 |
18,350. 3 |
369. 3 |
19,416. 6 |
18,781. 8 |
634. 8 |
Transportation |
1,305. 4 |
1,303. 9 |
1. 5 |
1,336. 7 |
1,334. 2 |
2. 5 |
Other Appropriated1 |
171. 3 |
170. 9 |
0. 4 |
169. 8 |
169. 3 |
0. 5 |
Total All Funds |
20,196. 3 |
19,825. 1 |
371. 2 |
20,923. 1 |
20,285. 3 |
637. 8 |
Sections 1 - 10 include appropriations in ten funds totaling $19. 8 billion in FY 12 and $20. 3 billion in FY 13 as summarized in the tables below.
FY 12 All Funds Appropriations | |||
Fund |
FY 12 Gross Appropriations |
Less: Lapse & Other Reductions |
FY 12 Net Appropriations |
General Fund |
$19,469,974,079 |
($1,119,706,562) |
$18,350,267,517 |
Transportation |
1,314,892,227 |
(11,000,000) |
1,303,892,227 |
Banking |
26,810,366 |
(254,913) |
26,555,453 |
Insurance |
26,621,617 |
26,621,617 | |
Con. Counsel & Public Util. Control |
26,129,247 |
26,129,247 | |
Workers' Compensation |
22,259,542 |
22,259,542 | |
Mash. Pequot & Mohegan |
61,779,907 |
61,779,907 | |
Soldiers, Sailors and Marines |
3,061,036 |
3,061,036 | |
Regional Market Operation |
964,897 |
964,897 | |
Criminal Injuries Comp. |
3,493,813 |
3,493,813 | |
$20,955,986,731 |
($1,130,961,475) |
$19,825,025,256 |
FY 12 General Fund Lapses Identified Above: | |
General Other Expenses Reductions - Executive |
($9,066,200) |
General Other Expenses Reductions - Legislative |
(374,000) |
General Personal Services Reduction - Executive |
(11,538,800) |
General Personal Services Reduction - Legislative |
(476,000) |
Labor-Management Savings |
(1,000,000,000) |
Unallocated Lapse |
(92,006,562) |
Unallocated Lapse - Judicial |
(3,545,000) |
Unallocated Lapse - Legislative |
(2,700,000) |
TOTAL - GF Lapse |
($1,119,706,562) |
FY 13 All Funds Appropriations | |||
Fund |
FY 13 Gross Appropriations |
Less: Lapse & Other Reductions |
FY 13 Net Appropriations |
General Fund |
$19,901,187,270 |
($1,119,376,192) |
$18,781,811,078 |
Transportation |
1,345,205,705 |
(11,000,000) |
1,334,205,705 |
Banking |
26,176,878 |
(63,729) |
26,113,149 |
Insurance |
26,131,750 |
26,131,750 | |
Con. Counsel & Public Util. Control |
25,694,813 |
25,694,813 | |
Workers' Compensation |
22,037,360 |
22,037,360 |
Mash. Pequot & Mohegan |
61,779,907 |
61,779,907 | |
Soldiers, Sailors and Marines |
3,051,536 |
3,051,536 | |
Regional Market Operation |
932,821 |
932,821 | |
Criminal Injuries Comp. |
3,602,121 |
3,602,121 | |
$21,415,800,161 |
($1,130,439,921) |
$20,285,360,240 |
FY 13 General Fund Lapses Identified Above: | |
General Other Expenses Reductions - Executive |
($9,066,200) |
General Other Expenses Reductions - Legislative |
(374,000) |
General Personal Services Reduction - Executive |
(11,538,800) |
General Personal Services Reduction - Legislative |
(476,000) |
Labor-Management Savings |
(1,000,000,000) |
Unallocated Lapse |
(91,676,192) |
Unallocated Lapse - Judicial |
(3,545,000) |
Unallocated Lapse - Legislative |
(2,700,000) |
TOTAL - GF Lapse |
($1,119,376,192) |
Spending Cap
The budget is under the spending cap by $320. 9 million in FY 12 and $68. 2 million in FY 13.
Growth Rate
The growth rate for all appropriated funds is 2. 14% over FY 11 estimated expenditures in FY 12 and 2. 32% in FY 13. See the table below for details.
Growth Rates of Appropriations ($ in millions) | |||||||
FY 11 Est. Exp * |
FY 12 Approp |
FY 12 Change |
FY 13 Approp |
FY 13 Change | |||
$ |
$ |
$ |
% |
$ |
$ |
% | |
General Fund |
18,068. 5 |
18,350. 3 |
281. 8 |
1. 56% |
18,781. 8 |
431. 5 |
2. 35% |
Transportation Fund |
1,178. 2 |
1,303. 9 |
125. 7 |
10. 67% |
1,334. 2 |
30. 3 |
2. 32% |
Other Approp. Funds |
162. 8 |
170. 9 |
8. 1 |
4. 98% |
169. 3 |
-1. 6 |
-0. 94% |
19,409. 5 |
19,825. 1 |
415. 6 |
2. 14% |
20,285. 3 |
460. 2 |
2. 32% | |
* The General Fund estimate is per OFA's Monthly General Fund Projection (April 29, 2011); Transportation and Other Fund estimates are per OFA's November 2010 Statement. |
Sections 11 - 74 are identified below:
Section |
Agency |
Description/Impact |
11(a) |
OPM/All |
OPM shall recommend reductions of $12 million in expenditures for Personal Services (PS) for FY 12 & FY 13. |
11(b) |
OPM/All |
OPM shall recommend reductions of $9. 4 million in expenditures for Other Expenses for FY 12 & FY 13. |
12 |
OPM/All |
Includes various provisions regarding the $1 billion achievement of the Labor-Management Savings in FY 12 and FY 13. |
13(a) |
OPM/All |
Allows OPM to transfer from agencies' PS to the Reserve for Salary Adjustment (RSA) account to reflect accurate impact of collective bargaining costs. |
13(b) |
OPM/All |
Allows OPM to transfer from RSA to any agency for the purpose of salary related costs including accrual payments. |
14(a) |
OPM/All |
Carries forward the FY 11 unexpended funds related to collective bargaining agreements and related costs into FY 12 and FY 13. |
14(b) |
OPM/All |
Carries forward the FY 12 unexpended funds related to collective bargaining agreements and related costs into FY 13. |
15 |
Carries forward the unexpended balance of funds for the Criminal Justice Information System into FY 12 and FY 13. Impact: Estimated amount carried forward is $60,000. |
16 |
All |
Agencies' filled positions can't exceed the number included in the OFA Budget Book (except upon FAC approval). |
17 |
Carries forward the unexpended balance of funds for Commercial Vehicle Information System and Networks Projects for FY 12 & FY 13. Impact: Estimated amount carried forward in the Transportation Fund up to is $200,000. |
18a |
Carries forward the unexpended balance of funds for DMV's registration & drivers license data processing systems for FY 12 & FY 13. Impact: Estimated amount carried forward in the Transportation Fund is up to $300,000. |
18b |
Carries forward up to $7 million of the unexpended balance of funds previously appropriated to DOT for Personal Services and transferred to the DMV reflective license plates account for registration & drivers license data system for FY 12 & FY 13. Impact: Estimated amount carried forward in the Transportation Fund is up to $6,700,000. |
18c |
Carries forward up to $8. 5 million of the unexpended balance of funds previously appropriated for Debt Service and transfers this amount to the DMV reflective license plates account for registration and license data system for FY 12 & FY 13. Impact: Estimated amount carried forward is up to $6,700,000. |
19 |
Carries forward the unexpended balance of Other Expenses in OPM for a health care and pension consulting contract for FY 12 & FY 13. Impact: Estimated amount carried forward is $180,000. |
20(a) |
Carries forward up to $178,828 of the unexpended balance in Other Expenses to prevent base closures and transfers this amount to the litigation/settlement account. Impact: Estimated amount carried forward is $178,828. |
20(b) |
Carries forward up to $400,000 of the unexpended balance for Tax Relief for Elderly Renters and transfers this amount to the litigation/settlement account. Impact: Estimated amount carried forward is $400,000. |
21 |
Various |
Any General Fund appropriation may be transferred between agencies with FAC approval. Funds generated through transfer may be used to reimburse GF expenditures or expand programs as determined by Governor and with FAC approval. |
22 |
Various |
Any General Fund appropriation may be adjusted by the Governor with FAC approval in order to maximize federal stimulus funding. Governor shall present a plan for any such transfer. |
23 |
For each of FY 12 and FY 13, $900,000 collected from newborn screening fees shall be credited to the newborn screening account to purchase upgrades to newborn screening technology and testing expenses. Impact: Increases the transfer of funding from newborn screening fee receipts to $900,000 in FY 12 and FY 13 to accommodate increased cost of testing. Although the statutorily required transfer amount is $500,000, pursuant to section 38 of PA 09-3 JSS, the FY 10 and FY 11 transfer was $800,000. |
24 |
For FY 12 and FY 13 up to $200,000 from the Stem Cell Research Fund may be used by DPH for administrative expenses. |
25(a) |
Up to $1. 1 million made available for Pre-Trial Alcohol Substance Abuse Program shall be available for the Regional Action Councils (RAC's) for FY 12 and FY 13. Impact: Directs funding from the nonappropriated Pre-Trial account to the RACs. FY 10 total available in the account was approximately $9. 4 million. |
25(b) |
Up to $510,000 available for Pre-Trial Alcohol Substance Abuse is made available for the Governor's Partnership to Protect Connecticut's Workforce for FY 12 and FY 13. Impact: Directs funding from the nonappropriated Pre-Trial account to the Governor's Partnership. FY 10 total available in the account was approximately $9. 4 million. |
26 |
Requires the full 100% cost settlement balance to be returned to DDS by the private providers under contract. Impact: DDS will retain 100% of any cost settlement balance across various provider accounts estimated at $1. 3 million. Currently, DDS allows certain providers to retain up to 50% of cost settlement balances. The employment and day services and community residential services accounts are reduced to reflect these savings in the budget. |
27 |
Carries forward up to $125,000 of the unexpended balance of the Pilot Program for Autism Services to be available to study the issues related to needs of persons with autism spectrum disorder during FY 12. Impact. Reduces the estimated FY 11 lapse in the Pilot Program for Autism Services by $125,000. |
28 |
Suspends the rate adjustments for DCF-funded private residential treatment centers in FY 12 and FY 13. Impact. By suspending Single Cost Accounting System (SCAS) regulations in FY 12 and FY 13, scheduled rate adjustments that would otherwise be provided to private residential treatment facilities July 1st would not occur, resulting in a savings of $3,926,418 in FY 12 and an additional $3,397,762 (for a cumulative total of $7,324,144) in FY 13. These savings are included in the Budget. |
29 |
Directs DSS to establish a receivable for anticipated federal reimbursement from the development of a data warehouse in FY 12 and FY 13. |
30 |
Directs DSS to establish a receivable for anticipated cost of modifications necessary to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act's electronic standards in FY 12. |
31 |
Permits DSS to make advance payments to nursing home facilities. Impact: This allows DSS to assist homes in managing cash flow (has no net fiscal impact to state). |
32 |
Permits UCHC appropriations to be transferred to DSH - Medical Emergency Assistance account within DSS to maximize federal reimbursement. Impact: This allows DSS to maximize federal revenue under DSH & other federal matching programs but does not alter the intent of the original appropriation of funds. |
33 |
Directs DSS to make Disproportionate Share (DSH) payments to hospitals in DMHAS for operating expenses and related fringe benefits. Impact: This allows DSS to maximize federal revenue under DSH & other federal matching programs but does not alter the intent of the original appropriation of funds. |
34 |
Permits DVA appropriations to be transferred to the DSH - Medical Emergency Assistance account within DSS to maximize federal reimbursement. Impact: This allows DSS to maximize federal revenue under DSH & other federal matching programs but does not alter the intent of the original appropriation of funds. |
35 |
For FY 12 and FY 13, transfer $1 million of the Part B Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) federal funding from SDE to DDS Birth-to-Three program. Impact: Provides $1 million in federal funding for the Birth-to-Three program in FY 12 and FY 13. |
36(a), (b), & 57 |
Provides for the distribution of the Priority School District grant by the four programs in FY 12 and FY 13. Impact: Distributes the four sub grants of the Priority School District grant to the various receiving districts. Funding included in the budget. |
37 |
Provides a town by town distribution of the education equalization grant in FY 12 and FY 13. Impact: Distributes approximately $1. 9 billion to municipalities for the purposes of education cost sharing. |
38 |
Allows SDE to provide grants not to exceed $2,500 per pupil to local and regional boards of education that transport students who previously attended or accepted for enrollment at Wright Technical School to Abbott Technical High School. Impact: Reallocates approximately $25,000 from the Public School Transportation account for this purpose, which results in a minimal revenue loss to other local and regional school districts that are eligible for the grant. |
39 |
The amount of funds available for expenditure from the student protection account shall be $301,000 in FY 12 and $310,000 in FY 13. Impact: These funds support the three staff members who provide oversight to the 91 private occupational schools enrolling nearly 27,000 students and generating $175 million in net tuition revenue. |
40 |
Delays payment to Yale for the biennium. Additionally, this section requires the Department of Higher Education to study the formula for the CICSG grant and report back to the committee with recommendations for revising the formula. Impact: This supports the funding level included in the budget for the CT Independent College Student Grant and delays the payment of approximately $500,000 in FY 12 and FY 13 to Yale. |
41 |
Distributes funding in FY 12 and FY 13 for the Neighborhood Youth Centers identified in the section. Impact: Funding of $1,338,300 is included in SDE for Neighborhood Youth Centers. |
42 |
Requires the Comptroller to fund the fringe differential (state employee fringe v. average hospital rate) not to exceed $13. 5 million for FY 12 and FY 13. Impact: Funding of $13. 5 million in both FY 12 and FY 13 is provided in the Active Employee Health Account. |
43 |
Delineates the $19. 3 million in additional grant amounts provided to the Excess Cost grant through the Transportation of Public School Children account, in order to meet federal maintenance of effort requirements for special education. Impact: This transfer was included in the FY 11 Budget (and continued in the FY 12 – FY 13 Budget). The language will retain the same distribution. |
44 |
Constituent Units of Higher Ed. |
Provides for caps on the percentage of expenditures the constituent units of higher education may spend for central office and overall administration in FY 12 and FY 13. |
45 |
Carries forward the unexpended balance of funds for Redistricting in Legislative Management from FY 11 into FY 12. Impact: Estimated amount carried forward is $1,325,000. |
46 |
Transfers $500,000 from the Tobacco and Health Trust Fund to the University of Connecticut Health Center in FY 12 and FY 13 for the Connecticut Health Information Network (CHIN). |
47(a) |
Transfers $1. 45 million from the Tobacco and Health Trust Fund to the Department of Public Health in FY 12 and FY 13 for: 1) an adult asthma program within Easy Breathing ($300,000) and for a children's asthma program within Easy Breathing ($500,000); 2) a grant to the Connecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice ($150,000) for a Community Asthma Education Program; and 3) grants to the emergency medical services regional councils ($500,000). |
47(b) |
Transfers $2. 75 million in FY 12 and $3. 4 million in FY 13 from the Tobacco and Health Trust Fund to the Department of Social Services to support smoking cessation programs. |
48(a)(b) |
Directs the use of $1. 1 million provided in FY 12 and FY 13 for Operation Fuel for emergency assistance, including cooling to households with income less than 200% of the federal poverty level, and allows up to $100,000 of these funds to be used for administrative costs for Operation Fuel. Impact: Funding of $1. 1 million is included in the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection for Operation Fuel for FY 12 and FY 13. |
49 |
Requires DEP to prepare a plan to privatize fish hatcheries in the state and report to the Environment and Appropriations Committees by January 1, 2012. |
50 |
Judic/Probate/DSS |
Diverts a total of $2. 3 million in FY 12 and $1 million in FY 13 for various programs. These include: $500,000 in FY 12 for Male Youth Leadership Pilot; $1. 0 million in FY 12 and FY 13 to the Kinship and Respite Fund within the Children's Trust Fund; $800,000 in FY 12 to the Children's Trust Fund to support operations of the agency; $35,000 in FY 12 and FY 13 to support Children in Placement, Inc. expansion in Danbury. Impact: Funds totaling $3. 3 million are diverted from the Probate Court Administration Fund (PCAF) to various programs over the biennium. The PCAF has an FY 11 estimated balance of $8 million. |
51 |
Directs the Workers Compensation Commission to conduct a study of the feasibility of consolidating its eight district offices to achieve administrative efficiencies. |
52 |
Carries forward the unexpended balance of funds under the Department of Correction's Children of Incarcerated Parents account from FY 11 into FY 12. Impact: Estimated amount carried forward is $110,000. |
53 |
Auditors |
Carries forward $350,000 of Personal Services funding in the Auditors of Public Accounts from FY 11 into FY 12 and transfers it to Other Expenses ($300,000) and Equipment ($50,000). Impact: Amount carried forward is $350,000. |
54 |
Extends (for FY 12 and FY 13) the increased per pupil amount for students attending the Edison Magnet School in Meriden. Meriden students will continue to receive $3,833 (rather than $3,000). Impact: It is anticipated that there will be approximately 600 Meriden students attending Edison in FY 12 and FY 13, resulting in an additional cost of approximately $499,800. The funding is included in the magnet school appropriation for both FY 12 and FY 13. |
55 |
Various |
Authorizes DSS, DMHAS, OPM and CSSD to develop a plan for supportive housing services and enter into MOUs to reallocate resources as necessary. This supports the Frequent User Service Enhancement (FUSE) program, which identifies individuals who frequently use services in both jails and homeless shelters. Supportive housing service providers in Bridgeport, Hartford, New Haven, Norwich, and Waterbury help to connect identified individuals with appropriate assistance. |
56 |
UConn |
Requires UConn to report to the Higher Education and Appropriations Committees on efficiencies and cost savings measures at UConn and the UCHC by January 1, 2012. |
58 |
Carries forward $1 million from FY 11 into FY 12 for the takeover of the Windham school district. Impact: Estimated amount carried forward is $1 million. |
59 |
Carries forward up to $500,000 from FY 11 into FY 12 for the litigation costs associated with the CT Coalition for Justice Education Funding v. Rell lawsuit. Impact: Estimated amount carried forward is $500,000. |
60 |
Carries forward up to $3. 2 million from FY 11 into FY 12 in Sheff Settlement and transfers to Magnet Schools ($1. 2 million) and OPEN Choice ($2 million). Impact: Estimated amount carried forward is $3. 2 million. |
61 |
Carries forward up to $1 million from FY 11 into FY 12 in Mastery Exams Grades 4, 6 and 8 for the administration of the Program for International Student Assessment in FY 12. Impact: Estimated amount carried forward is $1 million |
62 |
Carries forward $50,000 from FY 11 into FY 12 in Personal Services and transfers to Other Expenses to develop a model teacher performance evaluation system. Impact: Estimated amount carried forward is $50,000. |
63 |
Carries forward $100,000 from FY 11 into FY 12 in Personal Services and transfers to the Neighborhood Youth Centers for: 1) Original Works ($75,000) and 2) ARTE Inc ($25,000). Impact: Estimated amount carried forward is $100,000. |
64 |
Carries forward $800,000 from FY 11 into FY 12 in the Emergency Spill Response Account and transfers to Councils, Districts and ERT's Land Use account ($400,000 in each FY 12 and FY 13). Impact: Estimated amount carried forward is $800,000. |
65 |
Eliminates the CT Independent College Student Grant distribution for the for-profit colleges. Impact: Implements the budget (also see section 40). |
66 |
Carries forward $50,000 from FY 11 into FY 12 in the Solid Waste Management account and distributes it for tidal wetlands ($25,000) and Urban Oaks Organic Farm ($25,000). Impact: Estimated amount carried forward is $50,000 |
67 |
Carries forward $100,000 from FY 11 into FY 12 in Emergency Spill Response account for the West River Tide Gate Habitat Restoration in FY 12. |
68 |
Distributes $313,181 in the Regional Education Services account for alternative route to certification program in both FY 12 and FY 13. Impact: Funding is included in the budget. |
69 |
Distributes $20,000 in the Health and Welfare Services Pupils Private Schools account for an evaluation of the health services delivered to students in schools for FY 12 and FY 13. Impact: This is an existing distribution and funding is included in the budget. |
70 |
Distributes $200,000 in the School Accountability account for PSAT examinations for students in the specified districts. Impact: This is an existing distribution and funding is included in the budget. |
71 |
Distributes $100,000 in FY 12 and FY 13 in the After School Program for the following school districts: Plainville ($50,000); Thompson ($25,000); and Montville ($25,000). Impact: This is an existing distribution and funding is included in the budget. |
72 |
Distributes of $1. 2 million in FY 12 and FY 13 in Headstart – Early Childhood Link for a grant to Action for Bridgeport Community Development, Inc. Impact: This is an existing distribution and funding is included in the budget. |
73 |
Distributes up to $481,000 in FY 12 and FY 13 in Interdistrict Cooperative for the Sound School in New Haven ($331,000) and Bristol-Plymouth Regional Technical School ($150,000) for abuse education program. Impact: This is an existing distribution and funding is included in the budget. |
74 |
DCF/Judic. |
DCF and Judicial shall enter into an MOU to affect the appropriate transfer of funding and services for children on parole for FY 12 and FY 13. Impact: The budget transfers funding from DCF to Judicial to reflect the transfer of the parole services. |
Sections 75 - 156 are identified below:
Section |
Description of the changes |
Fund or Municipal Impact |
FY 12 |
FY 13 |
FY 12 |
FY 13 |
State Impact ($ - millions) |
Aggregate Municipal Impact ($ - millions) | |||||
75 |
Lower the tax credit cap for Insurance Companies from 70% to 30%; exempts Insurance Reinvestment Fund program |
General Fund |
27. 5 |
27. 5 |
75 |
Lift the cap on tax credits for job creation by Insurance Companies, Hospital and Medical Services Corporations |
General Fund |
-0. 5 |
-0. 5 |
76 & 79 |
Increase the Corporate Tax surcharge from 10% to 20% and extend until 2013 |
General Fund |
46. 0 |
116. 0 |
77 |
Limit the transfer of film tax credits |
General Fund |
7. 8 |
3. 9 |
78 |
Lift the cap on tax credits for job creation by Corporations |
General Fund |
-6. 9 |
-8. 1 |
80-81 |
Increase the Excise Tax on cigarettes from $3. 00 to $3. 40 per pack |
General Fund |
44. 6 |
42. 4 |
82 |
Increase the Excise Tax on the current inventory ("floor tax") of cigarettes |
General Fund |
3. 6 |
0. 0 |
83 |
Increase tax on other tobacco products from 27. 5% to 50. 0% of the wholesale price |
General Fund |
3. 7 |
3. 7 |
83 |
Increase the tax on snuff from $0. 55 to $1. 00 per ounce |
General Fund |
1. 4 |
1. 4 |
84-87, 119 |
Lower the estate and gift tax threshold from $3. 5 million to $2. 0 million, and extend the existing 7. 2% rate to estates and gifts valued at between $2. 0 million and $3. 5 million. |
General Fund |
22. 4 |
22. 4 |
88 |
Eliminate the Sales Tax exemption for hazardous waste removal |
General Fund |
1. 2 |
1. 2 |
89 |
Eliminate the Sales Tax exemption for airport valet services |
General Fund |
0. 5 |
0. 5 |
90 |
Eliminate the Sales Tax exemption for clothing and footwear under $50 |
General Fund |
128. 1 |
133. 9 |
91 |
Eliminate the Sales Tax exemption for yoga instruction provided at a yoga studio |
General Fund |
0. 1 |
0. 1 |
92 |
Impose the Sales Tax on motor vehicle storage |
General Fund |
0. 2 |
0. 2 |
92 |
Impose the Sales Tax on packing and crating services |
General Fund |
1. 0 |
1. 1 |
92 |
Impose the Sales Tax on motor vehicle towing and road services |
General Fund |
2. 6 |
2. 7 |
92 |
Impose the Sales Tax on intrastate transportation livery services |
General Fund |
2. 6 |
2. 7 |
92 |
Impose the Sales Tax on pet grooming and boarding |
General Fund |
3. 0 |
3. 1 |
92 |
Impose Sales Tax cosmetic medical procedures |
General Fund |
4. 1 |
4. 3 |
92 |
Impose the Sales Tax manicure and pedicure services |
General Fund |
2. 2 |
2. 3 |
92 |
Impose the Sales Tax on spa services |
General Fund |
7. 9 |
8. 2 |
93-94, 97, 126-127 |
Increase the Sales Tax rate from 6. 00% to 6. 35%, with 0. 1% of the increase to be distributed to municipalities |
General Fund / Municipal |
138. 4 |
144. 7 |
56. 6 |
59. 0 |
93, 97 |
Increase the Sales Tax rate from 6. 35% to 7. 00% on luxury items, as the bill defines |
General Fund |
3. 6 |
4. 0 |
less than 10,000 |
less than 10,000 |
93-94, 97, 126-127 |
Increase Room Occupancy Tax rate from 12. 00% to 15. 00%, with 1. 00% of the increase to be distributed to municipalities |
General Fund / Municipal |
11. 1 |
11. 6 |
5. 6 |
5. 8 |
93, 97 |
Increase rental car surcharge to 9. 35%, with 1. 00% of the increase to be remitted to the municipalities in which the transactions occur |
General Fund / Municipal |
3. 8 |
4. 0 |
1. 6 |
1. 6 |
95 |
Establish a separate, non-lapsing "Regional Performance Incentive Account" within the Office of Policy and Management for the purpose of providing grants to municipalities |
None |
None |
96 |
Establish a separate, non-lapsing "Municipal Revenue Sharing Account" |
None |
None |
98 |
Increase alcoholic beverages Excise Tax by 20% |
General Fund |
9. 9 |
9. 9 |
99 |
Increase the Excise Tax on the current inventory ("floor tax") of alcohol |
General Fund |
0. 5 |
0. 0 |
100 |
Increase diesel fuel tax by 3 cents to 29 cents per gallon |
Special Transportation Fund |
8. 5 |
8. 7 |
101 |
Increase the Excise Tax on the current inventory ("floor tax") of diesel |
Special Transportation Fund |
0. 2 |
0. 0 |
102 |
Eliminates the sunset of the Municipal Conveyance Tax rate increases |
Municipal |
0. 0 |
0. 0 |
22. 0 |
24. 0 |
103 |
Increases the State Conveyance Tax by 0. 25%; and requires the Commissioner of the Department of Revenue Services to deposit revenue from the increase to the state tax into the Municipal Revenue Sharing Account established under Section 22 |
Municipal |
0. 0 |
0. 0 |
36. 7 |
40. 0 |
104 |
Establish a tax on electric generation from natural gas, coal, oil, and nuclear facilities; due to sunset on June 30, 2013 |
General Fund |
72. 0 |
72. 0 |
105 |
Eliminate exemptions from the Admissions Tax |
General Fund |
4. 0 |
8. 0 |
106 |
Establish a Cabaret Tax, which the state would collect and must remit to the municipalities in which the transactions occur |
Municipal |
None |
None |
0. 9 |
0. 9 |
107 |
Increase the marginal Income Tax rates |
General Fund |
564. 8 |
399. 1 |
107 |
Phase out the 3% rate for certain filers |
General Fund |
159. 4 |
112. 5 |
107 |
Establish a "benefit recapture" mechanism that increases the effective Income Tax rate of filers at certain income levels |
General Fund |
110. 6 |
78. 1 |
108-109 |
Make conforming changes related to the Income Tax changes in Section 107 |
110 |
Establish an Earned Income Tax Credit equal to 30% of the Federal Level |
General Fund |
-110. 2 |
-116. 5 |
111 |
Decrease the maximum property tax credit from $500 to $300 and alter the phase out schedule |
General Fund |
150. 5 |
150. 9 |
112-118 |
Increase the fine for failing to register a motor vehicle in the proper state; and require total revenues to be remitted to the municipalities in which the violations occur. |
Special Transportation Fund / Municipal |
-0. 1 |
-0. 2 |
0. 8 |
1. 5 |
120 |
Decrease the General Fund Transfer to the Citizen's Election Fund |
General Fund |
8. 0 |
0. 0 |
121 |
Increase the transfer of petroleum products gross earnings tax revenue from the General Fund to the Special Transportation Fund; Transfer amounts as follows: $61. 6 million in FY 12 and $34. 1 million in FY 13 |
General Fund / Special Transportation Fund |
0. 0 |
0. 0 |
122 |
Include refunds of escheated properties in revenue estimates |
General Fund |
None |
None |
123 |
Transfer the unexpended balance of the Transportation Strategy Board |
General Fund |
0. 6 |
0. 0 |
124 |
Eliminate Fuel Oil Conservation Board |
General Fund |
5. 0 |
5. 0 |
125 |
Eliminate transfer of excess public service company taxes to Natural Gas Conservation programs |
None |
None |
128 |
Require remote sellers to collect Sales Tax |
General Fund |
9. 4 |
9. 4 |
129 |
Increase the cremation certificate fee |
General Fund |
0. 6 |
0. 6 |
130-132 |
Increase the total authorization for job creation tax credits |
General Fund |
-0. 5 |
-1. 8 |
133, 155 |
Eliminate the Boating Account |
General Fund |
5. 6 |
5. 6 |
134 |
Shift revenue, in the approximate amount of $1. 5 million annually, generated by various fees, fines and civil penalties from the Banking Fund to the General Fund |
General Fund / Banking Fund |
0. 0 |
0. 0 |
135 |
Reduce by $300,000 the annual transfer from the Special Transportation Fund to the Transportation Strategy Board Account |
Special Transportation Fund / Transportation Strategy Board Account |
0. 0 |
0. 0 |
136-144 |
Increase various motor vehicle fees |
Special Transportation Fund |
20. 8 |
20. 8 |
145-154 |
Sections 145 to 154 increase the current nursing home provider tax and impose a new provider tax upon intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded (ICF/MR's) and hospitals. Revenue generated from the tax changes and associated federal match on nursing homes and ICF/MR's are returned to those facilities via Medicaid rate increases. The taxes generated from hospitals, along with a portion of the associated federal revenue, are returned to the hospitals. In total, the revenue and appropriation changes associated with these sections result in a net annual gain for the state of approximately $130 million. |
General Fund |
585. 6 |
599. 7 |
155 |
Repeal the 27th payroll account, which implements the budget. |
General Fund |
- |
- |
156 |
Eliminate the Sales Tax exemption on cloth or fabric purchased for non-commercial sewing |
General Fund |
0. 9 |
0. 9 |
156 |
Eliminate the Sales Tax exemption on non-prescription drugs |
General Fund |
15. 8 |
16. 5 |
156 |
Eliminate the sales tax exemption on services or tangible property used or consumed in operating solid waste-to-energy facilities |
General Fund |
0. 2 |
0. 2 |
Senate “A” adopts revenue estimates for the 2012-2013 Biennium. These estimates are the sum total of: 1) April 29, 2011, consensus estimates of current law revenues; and 2) revenue estimates of the various policy changes in the bill. Compared to the Appropriations in the bill, the revenue estimates in the amendment would yield the surpluses indicated in the table in the beginning of the fiscal note.
The Out Years
The annualized ongoing fiscal impact identified above would continue into the future subject to inflation except for changes subject to sunset (as indicated above). Additionally, exempting the Insurance Reinvestment Program from the provisions of section 75 precludes a revenue gain of approximately $8. 9 million in FY 14 and $11. 4 million annually from FY 15 - FY 17.
The preceding Fiscal Impact statement is prepared for the benefit of the members of the General Assembly, solely for the purposes of information, summarization and explanation and does not represent the intent of the General Assembly or either chamber thereof for any purpose. In general, fiscal impacts are based upon a variety of informational sources, including the analyst's professional knowledge. Whenever applicable, agency data is consulted as part of the analysis, however final products do not necessarily reflect an assessment from any specific department.
1 Includes the following: Mashantucket Pequot and Mohegan Fund; Regional Market Operation Fund; Banking Fund; Insurance Fund; Consumer Counsel and Public Utility Control Fund; Workers' Compensation Fund; Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund; and Soldiers, Sailors and Marines' Fund.