Connecticut Seal

Substitute Senate Bill No. 858

Public Act No. 11-70


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:

Section 1. Section 10a-19h of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2011):

(a) For the purposes of this section, "veterinary student" means an in-state resident enrolled in an accredited veterinary graduate school.

(b) The Commissioner of Higher Education shall establish and administer the Kirklyn M. Kerr program to support the veterinary medicine education of not more than five veterinary students per cohort. Each cohort may be funded for a four-year period. [In order to participate in the Kirklyn M. Kerr program, a student shall commit, in writing, to work as a veterinarian in this state for five years following graduation from an accredited veterinary medicine program or agree to repay the cost to the state of such student's veterinary medicine education. Students who do not practice veterinary medicine in this state for at least five years shall repay the amount of state support. For the purposes of this section, "veterinary student" means an in-state resident enrolled in an accredited veterinary graduate school who plans to practice veterinary medicine in Connecticut.

(b) No support awarded pursuant to this section shall exceed twenty thousand dollars annually or eighty thousand dollars for the four years of the veterinary graduate school program.

(c) The Commissioner of Higher Education shall treat support awarded pursuant to this section as loans for any student who does not practice veterinary medicine in this state for at least five years beginning not later than six months following the recipient's date of graduation from veterinary school. The commissioner shall determine the manner of the repayment of the state support by students who do not practice in this state for five years provided, for each year of such five-year period that the student does not practice in this state, the student shall owe to the state not less than twenty per cent of the amount of the state support. ]

Sec. 2. Subsection (b) of section 1-90a of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2011):

(b) Each public institution of higher education shall submit a written copy of its policies and procedures concerning standards of student conduct [,] to the Citizen's Ethics Advisory Board for approval. Such policies and procedures shall be submitted triennially, except that, in the event there is a significant revision of such standards of student conduct, the public institution of higher education shall submit such revision to the board not later than thirty days after adopting such revision.

Sec. 3. Section 10a-1 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2011):

There shall be a state system of public higher education to consist of (1) The University of Connecticut and all [branches] campuses thereof, (2) the state colleges, which shall be known collectively as the Connecticut State University System, (3) the regional community-technical colleges, (4) the Board for State Academic Awards, and (5) the staff of the Department of Higher Education as established pursuant to section 10a-5. "Constituent units" as used in the general statutes means those units in subdivisions (1) to (4), inclusive, of this section.

Sec. 4. Subsection (a) of section 10a-6 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2011):

(a) The Board of Governors of Higher Education shall: (1) Establish state-wide policy and guidelines for Connecticut's system of public higher education; (2) develop a master plan for higher education and postsecondary education, consistent with the goals in subsection (b) of this section; (3) establish state-wide tuition and student fee policies; (4) establish state-wide student financial aid policies; (5) monitor and evaluate institutional effectiveness and viability in accordance with criteria established by the board; (6) merge or close institutions in accordance with criteria established by the board provided (A) such recommended merger or closing shall require a two-thirds vote of the board and (B) notice of such recommended merger or closing shall be sent to the committee having cognizance over matters relating to education and to the General Assembly; (7) review and approve mission statements for the constituent units and role and scope statements for the individual institutions and [branches] campuses thereof; (8) review and approve any recommendations for the establishment of new academic programs submitted to the board by the constituent unit boards of trustees, and, in consultation with the affected constituent units, provide for the initiation, consolidation or termination of academic programs. The Board of Governors of Higher Education shall notify the board of trustees affected by the proposed termination of an academic program. Within ninety days of receipt of such notice, said trustees shall accept or reject the termination proposal and shall notify the Board of Governors of Higher Education of its action. If the termination proposal is rejected by the trustees, the Board of Governors of Higher Education may override the rejection by a two-thirds vote; (9) develop criteria to ensure acceptable quality in programs and institutions and enforce standards through licensing and accreditation; (10) prepare and present to the Governor and General Assembly, in accordance with section 10a-8, as amended by this act, consolidated operating and capital expenditure budgets for public higher education developed in accordance with the provisions of said section 10a-8, as amended by this act, and section 10a-9; (11) review and make recommendations on plans received from the constituent unit boards of trustees for the continuing development and maximum utilization of the state's public higher education resources; (12) appoint advisory committees to assist in defining and suggesting solutions for the problems and needs of higher education; (13) establish an advisory council for higher education with representatives from public and private institutions to study methods and proposals for coordinating efforts of all such institutions in providing a stimulating and enriched educational environment for the citizens of the state, including measures to improve educational opportunities through alternative and nontraditional approaches such as external degrees and credit by examination; (14) coordinate programs and services throughout public higher education and between public and independent institutions, including procedures to evaluate the impact on independent institutions of higher education of proposals affecting public institutions of higher education; (15) make or enter into contracts, leases or other agreements in connection with its responsibilities under this part, provided all acquisitions of real estate by lease or otherwise shall be subject to the provisions of section 4b-23; (16) be responsible for the care and maintenance of permanent records of institutions of higher education dissolved after September 1, 1969; (17) prepare and present to the Governor and General Assembly legislative proposals affecting public higher education, including proposals which utilize programs and facilities of independent institutions of higher education; (18) develop and maintain a central higher education information system and establish definitions and data requirements for the state system of higher education; and (19) undertake such studies and other activities as will best serve the higher educational interests of the state.

Sec. 5. Subsection (a) of section 10a-8 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2011):

(a) The provisions of sections 4-77 and 4-78 shall not apply to the constituent units of the state system of higher education, and for the purposes of said sections only, the Board of Governors of Higher Education shall be deemed the budgeted agency for such constituent units. The Board of Governors of Higher Education shall develop a formula or program-based budgeting system to be used by each institution and constituent board in preparing operating budgets. The Board of Governors of Higher Education shall prepare a single public higher education budget request itemized by the individual institution and [branch] campus using the formula or program-based budgeting system and shall submit such budget request displaying all operating funds to the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management in accordance with sections 4-77 and 4-78, subject to procedures developed by the Board of Governors of Higher Education and approved by said secretary. The budget request of the Boards of Trustees of The University of Connecticut, the Community-Technical Colleges and the Connecticut State University System shall set forth, in the form prescribed by the Board of Governors of Higher Education, a proposed expenditure plan which shall include: (1) The total amount requested for such appropriation account; (2) the amount to be appropriated from the General Fund; and (3) the amount to be paid from the tuition revenues of The University of Connecticut, the regional community-technical colleges and the Connecticut State University System. After review and comment by the Board of Governors of Higher Education, the proposed expenditure plans shall be incorporated into the single public higher education budget request including recommendations, if any, by said board. Any tuition increase proposed by the Boards of Trustees of The University of Connecticut, the Community-Technical Colleges and the Connecticut State University System for the fiscal year to which the budget request relates shall be included in the single public higher education budget request submitted by the Board of Governors of Higher Education for such fiscal year, provided if the General Assembly does not appropriate the amount requested by any such board of trustees, such board of trustees may increase tuition and fees by an amount greater than that included in the budget request in response to which the appropriation was made. The General Assembly shall make appropriations directly to the constituent unit boards. Said constituent unit boards shall allocate appropriations to the individual institutions and [branches] campuses with due consideration to the program or formula-based budget used to develop the appropriation as approved by the General Assembly or as otherwise specified in the approved appropriation. Allotment reductions made pursuant to the provisions of subsections (b) and (c) of section 4-85 shall be applied by the Board of Governors of Higher Education among the appropriations to the constituent unit boards without regard to the limitations on reductions provided in said section, except that said limitations shall apply to the total of the amounts appropriated to the higher education budgeted agencies. The Board of Governors of Higher Education shall apply such reductions after consultation with the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management and the constituent unit boards. Any reductions of more than five per cent of the appropriations of any constituent units shall be submitted to the appropriations committee which shall, within ten days, approve or reject such reduction.

Sec. 6. Section 10a-104 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2011):

(a) Subject to state-wide policy and guidelines established by the Board of Governors of Higher Education, the Board of Trustees of The University of Connecticut shall: (1) Make rules for the government of the university and shall determine the general policies of the university, including those concerning the admission of students and the establishment of schools, colleges, divisions and departments, and shall direct the expenditure of the university's funds within the amounts available; (2) develop the mission statement for The University of Connecticut, and all [branches] campuses thereof, which shall include, but not be limited to, the following elements: (A) The educational needs of and constituencies served by said university and [branches] campuses; (B) the degrees offered by said university; and (C) the role and scope of each institution and [branch] campus within the university system, which shall include each institution's and [branch's] campus' particular strengths and specialties. The board of trustees shall submit the mission statement to the Board of Governors of Higher Education for review and approval in accordance with the provisions of section 10a-6, as amended by this act; (3) establish policies for the university system and for the individual institutions and [branches] campuses under its jurisdiction; (4) submit to the Board of Governors of Higher Education, for approval, recommendations for the establishment of new academic programs; (5) make recommendations to the Board of Governors of Higher Education, when appropriate, regarding institutional or [branch] campus mergers or closures; (6) coordinate the programs and services of the institutions and [branches] campuses under its jurisdiction; (7) be authorized to enter into agreements, consistent with the provisions of section 5-141d, to save harmless and indemnify sponsors of research grants to The University of Connecticut, provided such an agreement is required to receive the grant and limits liability to damages or injury resulting from acts or omissions related to such research by employees of the university; (8) promote fund-raising to assist the university and report to the Commissioner of Higher Education and the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to education by January 1, 1994, and biennially thereafter, on such fund-raising; (9) charge the direct costs for a building project under its jurisdiction to the bond fund account for such project, provided (A) such costs are charged in accordance with a procedure approved by the Treasurer and (B) nothing in this subdivision shall permit the charging of working capital costs, as defined in the applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or any subsequent corresponding internal revenue code of the United States, as from time to time amended, or costs originally paid from sources other than the bond fund account; (10) exercise the powers delegated to it pursuant to section 10a-109d; and (11) establish by October 1, 1997, policies governing the acceptance of gifts made by a foundation established pursuant to sections 4-37e and 4-37f to the university or its employees for reimbursement of expenditures or payment of expenditures on behalf of the university or its employees.

(b) The board of trustees shall: (1) Review and approve institutional budget requests and prepare and submit to the Board of Governors of Higher Education, in accordance with the provisions of section 10a-8, as amended by this act, the budget request for the university and all [branches] campuses thereof; (2) propose facility planning and capital expenditure budget priorities for the institutions under its jurisdiction; (3) fulfill requirements concerning the auditing and review of projects of UCONN 2000 in accordance with sections 10a-109z to 10a-109bb, inclusive; (4) establish the construction assurance office in accordance with section 10a-109cc; and (5) exercise the powers delegated to it in section 10a-109d. The board may request authority from the Treasurer to issue payment for claims against the university, other than a payment for payroll, debt service payable on state bonds to bondholders, paying agents, or trustees, or any payment the source of which includes the proceeds of a state bond issue.

(c) The board of trustees may create a board of directors for the governance of The University of Connecticut Health Center and may delegate such duties and authority as it deems necessary and appropriate to said board of directors. The board of directors shall include members of the board of trustees designated by the chairperson of the board of trustees and such other persons as the board of trustees deems appropriate.

Sec. 7. Section 10a-109w of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2011):

(a) Prior to any authorization pursuant to section 10a-109f to implement the relocation of The University of Connecticut, West Hartford [branch] campus to a location in the city of Hartford or to any other location, the board of trustees of the university shall authorize such relocation by a resolution approved by a majority vote of the board. Such resolution shall be in addition to any decision of the board pursuant to said section 10a-109f. No funds shall be authorized for such relocation until the board has approved the resolution, except that the board may expend funds for the Hartford relocation feasibility study prior to the approval of the resolution. The feasibility study required pursuant to this section shall include consideration, in consultation with officials of the town of West Hartford, of alternative uses for facilities and land of the West Hartford campus, provided such uses do not include correctional facilities, juvenile detention facilities, state agency residential facilities or community residential facilities of any kind. If the board authorizes the relocation of the West Hartford [branch] campus, the university, in concurrence with officials of the state and the town of West Hartford, shall make recommendations to the Office of Policy and Management for alternative uses for the facilities and land of the existing West Hartford campus.

(b) With regard to any authorization by the board of trustees of the university, pursuant to said section 10a-109f, to issue securities for a [branch] campus project or to initiate or expand academic programs at any [branch] campus of the university under the UConn 2000 infrastructure improvement program, the board shall find and determine that the university has considered (1) whether there are opportunities to coordinate programs and services between the university and other state public and independent institutions of higher education and (2) whether there are opportunities to share programs and facilities with other public and independent institutions of higher education in conjunction with the projects being considered by the university. The findings and determinations of the board shall be included in the reports required pursuant to sections 10a-109x and 10a-109y.

Sec. 8. Section 10a-121 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2011):

The University of Connecticut with the cooperation of the Department of Transportation shall plan and develop a program for the establishment of a Connecticut Transportation Institute for education and training in transportation technology. Consideration shall be given to locating the institute in the southeastern [branch] campus of The University of Connecticut at Avery Point, Groton. The program shall include, but not be limited to, the following areas: (1) A description of undergraduate and graduate courses for transportation technology; (2) a budget projection for the first five years of operation, including personnel services, other expenses and equipment; (3) a description of a program for continuing education in transportation technology with emphasis on community involvement; and (4) recommendations for the encouragement of participation by other New England states with a view to establishing the institute as a New England Regional Transportation Institute. The Institute shall be operational for the fall semester of 1975.

Sec. 9. Section 10a-137 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2011):

The Board of Trustees of The University of Connecticut may contract with public agencies for the use of the swimming pool at the university [branch] campus at Avery Point, provided such contract shall include provision for compensation to the university for all expenses incurred in connection with such use.

Sec. 10. Subsection (a) of section 10a-142 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2011):

(a) There are established special police forces for The University of Connecticut at Storrs and its several [branches] campuses, The University of Connecticut Health Center in Farmington, Central Connecticut State University in New Britain, Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven, Eastern Connecticut State University in Willimantic and Western Connecticut State University in Danbury. The members of each special police force shall have the same duties, responsibilities and authority under sections 7-281, 14-8, 54-1f and 54-33a and title 53a as members of a duly organized local police department. The jurisdiction of said special police forces shall extend to the geographical limits of the property owned or under the control of the above institutions, and to property occupied by The University of Connecticut in the town of Mansfield, except as provided in subsection (b) of section 7-277a.

Sec. 11. Section 10a-11b of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):

(a) There is established a [Blue Ribbon Commission] Planning Commission for Higher Education to develop and [implement] ensure the implementation of a strategic master plan for higher education in Connecticut.

(1) The commission shall consist of the following voting members: (A) Two members appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives, who shall have experience as former administrators or faculty members in independent institutions of higher education in this state; (B) two members appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate, one of whom shall be a former administrator or faculty member of a regional community-technical college and one of whom shall be a former administrator or faculty member of The University of Connecticut; (C) two members appointed by the majority leader of the House of Representatives, one of whom shall be a former administrator or faculty member of a state university in the Connecticut State University System and one of whom shall be a former administrator or faculty member of Charter Oak State College; (D) two members appointed by the majority leader of the Senate, one of whom shall have experience in the field of arts and culture and one of whom shall have experience in the field of health care; (E) two members appointed by the minority leader of the House of Representatives who shall have knowledge and expertise in science and technology; (F) two members appointed by the minority leader of the Senate who shall represent state-wide business organizations; and (G) four members appointed by the Governor, one of whom shall represent a nonprofit education foundation, one of whom shall have experience in university research and its commercial application and one of whom shall have experience in the field of education from prekindergarten to grade twelve, inclusive. The commission membership shall reflect the state's geographic, racial and ethnic diversity.

(2) The following persons shall serve as ex-officio nonvoting members on the commission: (A) The Commissioners of Higher Education, Education and Economic and Community Development, and the Labor Commissioner, or their designees; (B) the chairpersons of the boards of trustees and the chief executive officers of each constituent unit of the state system of higher education, or their designees; (C) the chairperson of the board and president of the Connecticut Conference of Independent Colleges, or their designees; (D) the director of the Office of Workforce Competitiveness, or the director's designee; (E) the chairpersons and ranking members of the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to higher education and employment advancement; and (F) the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, or the secretary's designee.

(3) The commission shall elect a chairperson at its first meeting. Any vacancies shall be filled by the appointing authority. The term of each appointed member of the commission shall be three years from the date of appointment. The commission members shall serve without compensation except for necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. The commission may seek the advice and participation of any person, organization or state or federal agency it deems necessary to carry out the provisions of this section. The commission may, within available appropriations, retain consultants to assist in carrying out its duties. The commission may receive funds from any public or private sources to carry out its activities.

(b) [The] In accordance with subdivision (2) of subsection (a) of section 10a-6, the commission shall develop and ensure the implementation of a strategic master plan that: [promotes the following overall goals for higher education in this state: (1) Ensure equal access and opportunity to post-secondary education for all state residents, (2) promote student achievement, including student performance, retention and graduation, (3) promote economic competitiveness in the state, (4) improve access to higher education for minorities and nontraditional students, including, but not limited to, part-time students, incumbent workers, adult learners, former inmates and immigrants, and (5) ensure the state's obligation to provide adequate funding for higher education.

(c) The commission shall: ]

(1) [Examine] Examines the impact of [demographics and] demographic, workforce and education trends on higher education in the state;

[(2) Address the challenges related to increasing the number of young people in the state earning a bachelor's degree, increasing the number of young people entering the state's workforce and the disparity in the achievement gap between minority students and the general student population;

(3) Develop and implement a strategic master plan for higher education that identifies specific short-term and long-term goals for the state that reflect the unique missions of each constituent unit of the state system of higher education and each independent institution of higher education in the state and includes benchmarks for achieving those goals by 2010, 2015 and 2020;

(4) Examine funding policies for higher education including]

(2) (A) Establishes numerical goals for 2015 and 2020 to increase the number of people earning a bachelor degree, associate degree or certificate, increases the number of people successfully completing coursework at the community college level and the number of people entering the state's workforce and eliminates the postsecondary achievement gap between minority students and the general student population, and (B) includes specific strategies for meeting such goals, as well as strategies for meeting the goals pursuant to subdivision (2) of subsection (a) of section 10a-6;

(3) Examines and recommends changes to funding policies, practices and accountability in order to (A) align policies and practices with the goals set forth in subsection (b) of section 10a-6, including an evaluation of the use of strategic and performance-based incentive funding; (B) determine how the constituent units shall annually report to the General Assembly and the public in a transparent and thorough manner regarding each constituent unit's expenditures, staffing and state support, including the state appropriation, personnel expenses, personnel fringe benefits, capital improvement bonds and financial aid to students; and (C) improve coordination of appropriation, tuition and financial aid and seek ways to maximize funding through federal and private grants; and

[(5) Recommend] (4) Recommends ways in which each constituent unit of the state system of higher education and independent institution of higher education in the state can, in a manner consistent with such institution's mission, expand such institution's role in advancing the state's economic growth. [; and]

[(6) Submit a biennium report prepared by the Department of Higher Education to the Governor and the General Assembly on the progress made toward achieving the benchmarks established in the strategic plan. ]

[(d)] (c) In developing the strategic master plan, the commission shall review the plans pursuant to sections 10a-6 and 10a-11. [and the report titled "New England 2020: A Forecast of Educational Attainment and its Implications for the Workforce of New England States" prepared by the Nellie Mae Education Foundation. ] In addition, the commission may consider the following: (1) Establishing incentives for institutional performance and productivity; (2) increasing financial aid incentive programs, especially in workforce shortage areas and for minority students; (3) implementing mandatory college preparatory curricula in high schools and aligning such curricula with curricula in institutions of higher education; (4) seeking partnerships with the business community and public institutions of higher education to serve the needs of workforce retraining that may include bridge programs in which businesses work directly with higher education institutions to move students into identified workforce shortage areas; (5) establishing collaborative partnerships between public high schools and institutions of higher education; (6) implementing programs in high school to assist high school students seeking a college track or alternative pathways for post-secondary education, such as vocational and technical opportunities; (7) developing policies to promote and measure retention and graduation rates of students, including graduation rates for students who have transferred among two or more constituent units or public institutions of higher education; (8) addressing the educational needs of minority students and nontraditional students, including, but not limited to, part-time students, incumbent workers, adult learners, former inmates and immigrants, in order to increase enrollment and retention in institutions of higher education; and (9) addressing the affordability of tuition at institutions of higher education and the issue of increased student indebtedness.

[(e)] (d) Not later than [October 1, 2008] January 1, 2012, the commission shall submit a preliminary report on the development of the strategic master plan and, not later than October 1, 2012, the commission shall submit the strategic master plan, including specific goals and benchmarks for the years ending [2010,] 2015 and 2020, together with any recommendations for appropriate legislation and funding to the Governor and the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to higher education and employment advancement, education, commerce, labor and appropriations, in accordance with the provisions of section 11-4a.

[(f) On or before January 1, 2009] (e) Not later than October 1, 2014, and [biennially] annually thereafter, [until January 1, 2021,] the commission shall submit a report, prepared by the Department of Higher Education, to the Governor and not later than January 1, 2014, and annually thereafter, to the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to higher education and employment advancement, education, commerce, labor and appropriations, in accordance with section 11-4a, on the implementation of the plan and progress made toward achieving the goals specified in the plan. The commission may periodically suggest changes to the goals as necessary.

[(g) The commission shall terminate on January 1, 2021. ]

Sec. 12. Subsection (d) of section 10a-178 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):

(d) "Bonds" means bonds of the authority issued under the provisions of this chapter, including refunding bonds, notwithstanding that the same may be secured by mortgage or the full faith and credit of the authority or the full faith and credit of a participating institution for higher education, [or of] a participating [hospital] health care institution, a participating corporation, a participating nursing home or a participating qualified nonprofit organization or any other lawfully pledged security of a participating institution for higher education, [or of] a participating [hospital] health care institution, a participating corporation, a participating nursing home or a participating qualified nonprofit organization;

Sec. 13. Subsection (g) of section 10a-185 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective from passage):

(g) The authority is further authorized and empowered to issue bonds, notes or other obligations under this section the interest on which may be includable in the gross income of the holder or holders thereof under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or any subsequent corresponding internal revenue code of the United States, as from time to time amended, to the same extent and in the same manner that interest on bills, notes, bonds or other obligations of the United States is includable in the gross income of the holder or holders thereof under any such internal revenue code, and to issue bonds, notes or other obligations under this section that may be eligible for tax credits or exemptions or payments from the federal government, or any other desired federal income tax treatment of such bonds, notes or other obligations. Any such bonds, notes or other obligations may be issued only upon a finding by the authority that such issuance is necessary, is in the public interest, and is in furtherance of the purposes and powers of the authority. The state hereby consents to such inclusion only for the bonds, notes or other obligations of the authority so authorized.

Sec. 14. (NEW) (Effective August 31, 2011) The Department of Higher Education shall require each public institution of higher education and each independent institution of higher education that receives state funding to track the unique identifiers or state assigned student identifiers, which are assigned by the Department of Education to public school students, of all in-state students of such institution until such students graduate from or terminate enrollment at such institution.

Sec. 15. (NEW) (Effective August 31, 2011) The Department of Education shall require all school districts to include on each student's transcript such student's unique identifier or state assigned student identifier.

Approved July 8, 2011