January 10, 2005 |
2005-R-0017 | |
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By: Robin K. Cohen, Principal Analyst |
You asked for (1) the number of HUSKY A and B enrollees, with the adults broken down by gender; (2) employer information for HUSKY parents and caretaker relatives for the last few years; and (3) employer information for Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) and Food Stamp recipients.
We are still awaiting employer information for TFA and Food Stamp recipients. We will report this to you under separate cover.
As of December 1, 2004, 305,689 people were enrolled in HUSKY A. Of these, 91,112 were adults aged 19 and older. Seventy-nine percent (79%) of the adults were women. The HUSKY B program had 15,254 enrollees (children under age 19) as of this date.
The same employers account for the highest number of employed parents of HUSKY A and B children. For example, Wal Mart employed the highest number of HUSKY A parents (824 in September 2004) and the second highest number of HUSKY B parents (79 in December 2004). The Department of Social Services (DSS) reports that the “top 25” employers in HUSKY A employed 6,653 parents in September 2004, which represented 13% of the approximately 52,000 working recipients. And an ad hoc DSS report from December 2004 shows that a relatively small number of employers (33) employed 14 or more parents (776 total) of HUSKY B children. Of these HUSKY B parents, most (475) worked more than 30 hours per week, while only 10% (77) worked fewer than 20 hours per week.
Table 1 lists the top 25 employers in HUSKY A and shows how many of them also employ parents of children enrolled in HUSKY B. Table 2 compares HUSKY B employer data in January 2004 and December 2004, along with hours worked per week by parents of these enrollees. The data shows that these employers employ a relatively small number of the total number of working HUSKY parents and caretaker relatives. It also shows that more than half of the adults working for these employers work at least 30 hours a week, with 90% working at least 20 hours. The data show that four employers' HUSKY B enrollments dropped to zero between January 2004 and December 2004. We asked DSS for an explanation and it had none. (We have also asked DSS for hours worked data for HUSKY A adults.)
Attachment 1 provides data for all employers with at least 10 HUSKY B enrollees. (Confidentiality concerns preclude DSS from releasing the names of employers who employ fewer than 10 enrollees.)
DSS was unable to provide employer data for previous years.
Table 1: Top Employers of HUSKY A and Their HUSKY B Enrollment
Employer |
HUSKY A Enrollees |
HUSKY B Enrollees |
Wal-Mart |
824 |
79 |
Stop n Shop |
741 |
99 |
Dunkin Donuts |
530 |
39 |
Laidlaw |
460 |
65 |
McDonalds |
460 |
16 |
Shaw's |
288 |
22 |
Mohegan Sun |
276 |
10 |
Burger King |
243 |
0 |
221 |
0 |
First Student Inc. |
212 |
21 |
Home Depot |
197 |
45 |
181 |
25 |
Friendly's |
178 |
16 |
Companions & Homemakers |
177 |
0 |
Filene's |
177 |
17 |
Care 4 Kids |
176 |
0 |
Foxwoods |
176 |
0 |
Fleet Bank |
173 |
29 |
Family Care VNA |
159 |
39 |
Wendy's |
145 |
0 |
Subway |
144 |
16 |
Hartford Hospital |
141 |
22 |
Walgreens |
129 |
0 |
Sears |
124 |
0 |
Target |
121 |
0 |
Total |
6,653 |
560 |
Source: DSS
Table 2: Top HUSKY B Employers and Hours Worked
Employer |
Jan 2004 Enrollees |
Dec 2004 Enrollees |
Hours worked per week | ||
<20 |
20-30 |
>30 | |||
Laidlaw |
90 |
65 |
2 |
34 |
29 |
Stop & Shop |
88 |
99 |
20 |
54 |
25 |
Wal-Mart |
83 |
79 |
3 |
19 |
57 |
46 |
39 |
3 |
7 |
29 |
McDonanlds |
40 |
16 |
2 |
4 |
10 |
Dunkin Donuts |
37 |
39 |
3 |
18 |
18 |
J. C. Penney |
36 |
22 |
3 |
3 |
16 |
Home Depot |
35 |
45 |
6 |
11 |
28 |
Foxwoods |
34 |
0 |
Hartford Hospital |
27 |
22 |
0 |
3 |
19 |
First Student Transportation |
23 |
21 |
1 |
13 |
7 |
Shaw's |
22 |
22 |
2 |
8 |
12 |
Bank of America |
21 |
29 |
1 |
5 |
23 |
Filene's |
20 |
17 |
6 |
1 |
10 |
The Hartford |
18 |
19 |
0 |
0 |
19 |
Peoples Bank |
17 |
0 1 |
Webster Bank |
17 |
17 |
1 |
2 |
14 |
Adecco |
16 |
25 |
2 |
0 |
23 |
K-Mart |
16 |
12 |
0 |
3 |
9 |
New England Home Care |
16 |
15 |
1 |
5 |
9 |
Pinkerton |
16 |
0 |
Mohegan Sun |
16 |
10 |
2 |
1 |
7 |
16 |
0 |
Yale Univ. |
14 |
13 |
1 |
2 |
10 |
0 |
18 |
2 |
6 |
10 |
Friendly's |
0 |
16 |
3 |
3 |
10 |
Kohl's |
0 |
16 |
6 |
8 |
2 |
Subway |
0 |
16 |
1 |
4 |
11 |
0 |
14 |
0 |
0 |
14 |
Dattco |
0 |
14 |
0 |
2 |
12 |
Federal Express |
0 |
14 |
3 |
0 |
11 |
Genesis Eldercare |
0 |
14 |
1 |
5 |
8 |
Marrakech, Inc. |
0 |
14 |
2 |
1 |
11 |
Middlesex Hospital |
0 |
14 |
0 |
2 |
12 |
Totals |
764 |
776 |
77 |
224 |
475 |
1 Entries of “0” in the second and third columns mean the employer was not one of the “top 25,” as reported in the “Jan. 2004” Enrollees column. It does not necessarily mean that the employer had no employees with children enrolled in HUSKY B.